Ace For Hire // BTS Reader In...

By tokki-maknae

915K 43.7K 22.2K

Who is Ace? Besides being the deadliest hitman on the market in the underground, whose really under the hood... More

Queen for Capture Intro


9.5K 511 52
By tokki-maknae

"So," You bent down a bit to pull out the two drink cans that fell into the bottom of the vending machine, "Really dying to hear why the group's ultimate hacker was street dance battling." You pulled the tab into the top, cracking it open you took a few sips before handing the other one to Hobi.

"They're not called dance battles, they're called dance fights." Hobi softly mumble knowing it was a pointless correction, well at least not pointless to himself. He glanced up at you as he took the drink you held out for him. "Thanks by the way."

"For the drink or saving your ass before shit hit the fan back there?" You sat down next to him on the  as you spared him a few glances from the corner of your eyes.

"For saving my ass. You have horrible taste in drinks." He lighten the mood up as he opened his drink. He hanged his cap over his knee as he ran his hand through his hair a few times. Causing his bangs to be slicked back from the sweat that he probably worked up during his 'dance fight'. You watched as he took a sip and within seconds made a scrunched up sour look. "It's overly sweet."

You propped your elbows onto your knees as you cupped your drink between your hands. Tapping your nails rhymically against the cool metal you hummed before saying, "You are what you drink." You heard Hobi choke on his drink mid sip as he probably wasn't expecting you to say that. "But seriously Hobi, what were you doing there?"

"I was dance fighting." Hobi said after clearing his throat out a few times. He probably had the drink do down a few wrong pipes, based on the way he tilted his head back while rubbing his neck. You stared at him until he noticed your staring and faced you. You raised an eyebrow, which in return he did the same thing. "Just dance fighting?" You question him as you leaned onto your side closest to him.

He followed your suit doing the same movements before answering with, "Cross my heart and hope to die, I'm telling the truth [Y/n]."

"Don't say die." You quickly cut your words in as you avert your focus back onto the drink in your hands. "Let me guess, Rm doesn't know about this?"

"Is it that obvious?" Hobi asked a bit embarrassed that he was caught so easily. He laughed it off as he rubbed the back of his neck. You fought the urge to bring up how Jin's the same way. But you thought better of it. You didn't want to think about the card or the picture, because you were really hoping that it wasn't Hobi who was in that picture.

"Why dancing?" You asked him genuinely curious, since he never really struck you as a dancer from the time you've known him. Even so you had to admit he was clearly gifted for dancing. That idea almost made you feel sad since you imagined what he could've been given that talent if he wasn't involved with the underground.

As you brought yourself out of your thoughts, you looked over to see Hobi still lost in his own. He leaned his whole body up as he stared up at the sky while thinking of his answer. Taking the chance you quickly took in every detail of his face, trying to find any resemblance or difference from the picture. Which easily got derailed when you got distracted by his side profile and sharp jawline.

He started to turn back. But before he could notice you staring, you snapped your eye contact back to your drink. "I just love to dance. It's also a good way I blow of stress and steam too." He answered simply which made you wonder why it took him so long to say it. You were slightly surprised when he said it was a stress reliver, but you guess that even the group's energizer bunny needed a recharge too.

"Did Namjoon send you? Something tells me you didn't find me coincidentally." He asked you with a lazy smile, probably another way of asking you without you taking it in a negative tone.

"Trust me when I say you'd be surprised that the other members have their own messy agendas they keep RM out of the loop on." Leaving it at just that, a silence fell over the two of you, as you both awkwardly fiddled with the empty cans. You only meant that towards Jin, but at this point you were starting to believe everyone had some massive secret second life outside of BTS. Just like Hobi earlier.

"But my guess is dancing isn't just some free time activity you like to do. Judging from the way you dance, you've been doing it for years so it's something important in your childhood. It's also something that Namjoon disapproved of because it was a danger to you if something were to happen to you. Which you probably understand now since you saw how out of control and dangerous the crowd got back there." You casually told him, knowing all your guesses were spot on when his posture became stiff.

"What's your point?" Hobi questioned you again in the same blank tone. You held your breath as you were taken back from the question. Sighing, you slid two fingers into the secure fabric pocket of your tights. Pulling the card along with the photo out, you held it out to him in between you index and middle finger.

You felt his cold fingers brush again your own as he gently pulled the two items out of your fingers. You watched him closely as he unfolded the photo in confusion. Making a face similar to yours when you saw the picture, he's eyes widen in disbelief.

"That's me.." He whispered to himself. Looking over to you, "Why- where did you get this picture of me." He corrects himself, his voice clearly giving away to the unraveling of nerves in him.

"So it was you." Moving your right hand over to his hands. You took the ace of spades card and turned it around to the writing side, before tucking it back into his hands to let him read it. As he did so you tried to explain what you understand, or at least think you understand.

"Someone's looking for you, someone with a lot of money and power. But they also wanted finding you to be discreetly done. I think it also goes without saying that they want," You cut yourself off to change your word choice, you needed him to understand how much danger he was in, "They need you dead. You being alive is somehow a threat to them."

Hoseok sharply inhaled as he stared at the card while listening to you. Gently folding your hand over the writing, he turned his attention back to you. "I can help you. But only if you help me understand what's going on first." You could see his adam's apple bob as he swallowed thickly. Refusing to tear your eyes away from him, he finally exhaled deeply.

He folded the photo back in half and handed the card back to you. Holding it in between his thumb and index finger, you reached for it. But he quickly flick his wrist so his pinky was sticking out with the card pointing down, "I'll tell you. But first, what I need from you is you to promise me that this stays between us."

Without hesitation you wrapped your pinky around his, "I promise Hoseok."

"Just call me Hobi, [Y/n]." He corrected you with a smile before you both pulled your hands away from the pinky promise. You took the card as he hand it back to you, pressing it flat against your upper thigh you slid it back into the hidden pocket on your tights. Although his smile threw you off. You were happy that he was getting back to himself bit by bit.

"As far back as I can remember, I was always dancing. At first it was just a way my mom would get me to burn out all the energy I had when I was little. But she couldn't hold back her smile. I couldn't either, I'm the happiest when I can make others smile, that's why I love it so much. As I got older, my dad became, more paranoid. You can't really blame him, he's a mafia head, he's always looking over his shoulder. Even looking back towards me, take made my birth became a threat by default to him."

Hobi took a deep breath, steadying himself as flashbacks and memories started coming back as he explained. Wavering a bit, you slowly put your hand over his for some sort of comfort. He looked down at your relatively small hand hesitantly gripping his.

Flashing you a side smile, he angles his head down so he was looking at you through his messily tousled locks. Whispering a small thank you towards you, you nod softly in response to say your welcome.

Resting back against the wall, he continued his tragedy. You started to pull your hand away. But to your surprise, he pulled his hand out from under you. Resting his hand on top of yours, he held your hand tightly as he started to speak again.

"It's one hell of a story [Y/n], so just bare with me."

"I'm one hell of a listener Hobi, don't worry about me. But if it's too much-"

Hobi cut you off, he was grateful for your concern towards him. But after finding his courage again, he reopened his dark past, "I can't keep running away from it. With you here, I think I'll make it through to the end." Shooting you one more smile before his lips turned flat into faint hesitation.

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