Sasuke Best friend/ or lovers...

بواسطة Gianna355

2.2M 48.9K 27.6K

This story about y/n Uchiha. Yes, you heard another Uchiha. She lives with her mom and dad. Are best friend w... المزيد

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Untitled Part 68
Untitled Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
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Part 144
Part 145
Part 146
Part 147
Part 148
Part 149
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Part 151
Part 152
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Part 155
Part 156
Part 157
Author note
Part 158
Part 159
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Part 161
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Part 193
Part 194
Part 195
Part 196
Part 197
Part 198
Part 199

Part 11

26.4K 632 563
بواسطة Gianna355

Kakashi Pov

I have noticed that y/n mood changed as she upset about something I don't know what it is. It might be that she doesn't feel like she is apart of the team. When she left I turned back to the team.

"I changed my mind to tell all 4 of you dropping out of the program"

Everyone was happy again they didn't even care y/n is not there with them celebrating that's what's getting me mad.

" You 3 should are being dropped from the program permanently," Kakashi said.

"Drop us from the program!?!? That means we will never become ninjas. You said if we couldn't take the bells you will send us to the academy. we have the bells in are hands. You can't change your mind why would you do that" Naruto shouted angrily

"You don't know what it means to be a ninja. You think it's just a game. Never thought about why we put you on squads? Except for y/n."

"What do you mean?" Sakura asked

"Use your heads. In your case four people on a squad. Why would we do that?" Kakashi was really annoyed.

"I don't get it," Naruto faced it

"It's teamwork. If all four of you could come at me you might have a chance. Ya didn't even care that y/n left looking sad. She gave each one of you a bell you guys didn't even thank her.

"But why there were only 3 bells we are 4. If we managed to get the bells it would have ended in group conflict since one person wouldn't get the bell" Sakura wanted to know the answer

"Exactly, I purposely pinned you against each other. I wanted to see if you could overcome that and put a team ahead of yourselves. Genin should have a natural feel for teamwork but you it never crossed your mind. Well except for y/n. Sakura you're obsessed with Sasuke who was gone while Naruto was right in front of you and you couldn't lift a finger to help him. Y/n had to cut him down herself she was very far away. Naruto you do everything alone, everything. Sasuke you though others were useless even your own best friend. You might have hurt her really badly with that.

After a few minutes of talking

"Okay I will give one more chance but this time will be much harder. Eat your lunch to build your strength but Naruto doesn't get any. It's your own fault for trying to eat now I'm going to find y/n" With that Kakashi gone off.

" Now where can she have gone" wait I can feel her chakra nearby. I ran to wear I sense her. I can see her punching trees it look like she has chakra control I wonder what else this girl knows.

"Y/n," I said

she turned around and stared at me. I looked around and noticed it was like 10 trees knocked down. Note to self-don't get her mad.

"O hey sensei what you doing here," y/n ask

" I came to get you to come on let's see what your squad is up to," I said

We both teleported behind a tree to hide so they don't see us.

Third Pov

Well Naruto was still tied up they started to eat but Sasuke stops eating.

"Here," Sasuke said handing him the box with lunches.

"Sasuke we can't if Kakashi sees's.." Sakura started

"Kakashi is not here right now' Sasuke said

"If Naruto won't eat he will be weak and ineffective," Sasuke stated.

Now Sakura handed her lunch too saying "here".

"Can you feed me my hands are tied up?" Naruto said

'What!? Oh okay but this will be first and last time." Sakura started feeding Naruto. Same moment Naruto swallowed the bite Kakashi appeared in the big smoke. Everybody braced themselves except for Naruto since he was tied up. And y/n who is walking towards them.


"You said it yourself you put us on a team to work together y/n is part of this team to if she passes you got to take us with her," Naruto said.

Y/N was shocked at what she was hearing.

"We are a team!" Sakura said

while Sasuke was shaking his head in agreement

"Team, that's your excuse. Well then you pass " said Sensei

"What do you mean we pass," Sakura was still curious like the rest of us.

"You're the first squad that ever succeeded. The other's did exactly what I said fell into every trap. A ninja must see through deceptions. In a Ninja world those who brake the rules are scum, but those leaves their friends are worse than scums," Kakashi sensei said.

"You know guys, he's kinda cool," Naruto said with tears in his eyes. Everyone smirked

"The exercise is over you all pass. Team 7  will start their first mission tomorrow!" Kakashi-sensei announced.

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