Save ME // New comers {Bucky...

By lunarbxrnes

6.2K 182 164

[SEQUEL OF SAVE ME] So, you think it's all over? You killed Nickolai, and everyone of the Avengers are thrivi... More

*1* Timeline
*3* Crack
*4* Dome
*5* Sample
*6* Nightmares
*7* Training
*8* Spring
*9* Never Forget
*10* Assassin
*11* Secret Room
*12* Goodnight
*13* Attack
*14* Blade
*15* Liar
*16* Lost
*17* Change of heart
*18* Lifted
*19* Snack
*20* Try again
*21* Explain
*22* Fatigue
*23* Blood
*24* Diamond
*25* Formation
*26* Duel
*27* Choice
*28* Black hole
*29* I do
*30* Epilogue

*2* Box

349 7 12
By lunarbxrnes

The rest of the day went smoothly, you and Bucky took a walk around the pond that was slowly turning to ice as the temperature continued to drop. You've never told him about your father before so you decided it was a good time to tell him.

You were now sitting in your room thinking of what you will wear to dinner with Bucky. He said to dress nicely and you were now looking through all of your dresses, you didn't have many but your eyes caught one you haven't worn before. It was a slim fitting maroon dress with a halter neck and a small slit at the bottom as the fabric was pulled towards the waist, it was simple yet elegant.

You put all the other dresses away and hang up the dress on your wardrobes handles, you walk to your bathroom and turn on the shower to warm it up, you peel off your clothes and step into the warm water as it rains down on you. Finishing up you dry yourself and wrap your towel around your body, walking back into your room you take a glance at the time, 6:38 pm. You snap your fingers and the dress appears on your body, you walk to your dresser and slip a small simple ring with tiny diamonds onto your right index finger. You place the heart locket around your neck and smile into the mirror, you flick your hand and a light amount of makeup shows on your face, your eyelids were covered in a subtle gold and your lips were plumped with a matte maroon to match your dress.

You slip your shoes on and look into your full body mirror, your hair was still tied back from your shower with pieces hanging out. You take the hairband out and let your hair fall, you snap your fingers and soft elegant curls form in your hair. A knock rings through your room and you walk towards your door, opening it you find Bucky dressed in a suit. His eyes scan your body with wide eyes and his lips were slightly parted making you blush a deep red, he looks up at you and smiles.

"You look beautiful... as always." He side smiles at you and you giggle.

"And you look handsome... as always." You give him a smirk and he chuckles, he holds out his arm for you and you flick your left hand making a small black purse appear as it hung over your shoulder. Wrapping your right arm around his left you could feel the hard metal underneath the fabric, you both walked out into the driveway and he politely opened the car door for you. "Thank you." You smile at him and he bows his head before walking towards the other side of the car and getting into the drivers seat. "So, where are you taking me this time?" You smile at him with a smirk slightly forming on your lips.

"It's a surprise." He glances at you for a second before shooting his eyes back to the road in front of him, you can see his lips turning into a smirk and you scoff.

"Of course." You roll your eyes and laugh, you look out the windows to see the trees passing and the stars twinkling above creating galaxies. You sigh and close your eyes.

You look up into the night sky to see mini explosions amongst the stars. Fear took over you as you saw your parents and your brother leave you, you watch them running towards the danger and your eyes glisten with tears.

You shoot your eyes open and a small gasp escapes your lips, Bucky looks at you confused for a second before placing his hand on top of yours.

"Are you alright, doll?" He asks and you look at him and swallow the lump in your throat.

"Yeh, I-I think." You place your fingers to your temples and rub them. 'What's going on.' You think to yourself.

"We can go back if you want?" He starts to worry and you shoot your head towards him.

"No, no. It's ok. It's our three year anniversary I don't want to ruin your plans." You look at him with empathy glistening in your eyes.

"Was it another memory?" You nod your head and he clenches his jaw. He looks at you with reassurance before turning his head back to the road. "We're here." He says as he drives into the drive way that was being lit by stringed lights, you awe at the golden colour being emit onto the ground. There were perfectly cut bushes and trees all around that were slowly turning white, a pathway lead to a small dock near a lake that was almost frozen over. Everything was golden from the lights and there was a table at the end from what you could see, the car stops and Bucky gets out, you take your seat belt off and grab your bag next to you, you fling it over your shoulder as the door opens to show Bucky holding his hand out to you. You take it with a grin plastered on your face, he shuts the the door behind you and locks the car; he walks you towards the table and you look at everything in awe.

"This is so beautiful, Bucky." You look at him to see his lips curling at the edges, you place a soft kiss to his cheek and you stop at the table. There was a small glass vase with a single red rose inside, candles gave off a subtle orange glow on the white plates and silver cutlery. You look to your left to see three men and a woman dressed modestly, the men began to play on their instruments as the woman sung angelically. Bucky slides one of the seats out and gestures for you to sit.

"My lady." He smiles and you laugh. You sit down and he moves the chair closer to the table, he sits opposite of you and you smile at him. You don't know what you did to deserve him, he was so kind hearted towards you. He loved you so much and he wasn't afraid to show it, privately or in public. You'd do anything for this man, though, like any other relationship, you've had your ups and downs but it was rare for you to be mad at each other. He never lied to you, he'd tell you everything and you'd tell him everything. You were ready to spend the rest of your life with him, you'd lay everything down just for him. "What's on your mind, doll?" He smiles up at you and you raise your brows when you realise you were staring.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's nothing, don't worry." You laugh it off and he scoffs. A waiter comes over to you with a pencil and paper in hand.

"What can I get for you?" She beams, her brown eyes reflect the golden light and her black short hair was slicked back into a pony tail. You look at the menu in front of you and scan over the options, you hum to yourself as you decide. So many good options, you could have them all if you felt like it.

"I'll have the steak, please." Bucky smiles and she writes on her paper.

"I'll have the uh... chicken schnitzel, please." You beam up at her and she nods her head with a permanent smile plastered on her face.

"Thank you. Is that it?" She asks and you look at Bucky, he nods his head.

"Yeh that's it thank you." He smiles and she looks at you.

"What type of drink would you like?" She says cheerfully and you smile up at her.

"Just a water please." She turns to Bucky and he looks at the menu then back up again.

"I'll have the same thing." She nods her head and writes down on her paper,

"Your meals should be ready soon, have a lovely night." She smiles and you smile back before she takes your plates and walks off.

"When did you get that dress? I've never seen it before." You look down at the fabric on your body and laugh.

"I think I got it last year for one of Tony's parties, but I never got to wear it." You look up at him and the corners of his lips curl.

"It looks good on you." He smirks and your eyes twinkle as they face him.

"Thank you." You blush and look out to the lake. "How did you even find this place?" You ask him.

"Tony suggested it to me." He shrugs.

"Tony? I thought he'd be more into home parties with a bunch of women in bikinis, not this." You scoff and he laughs.

"Oh, he is. I think it was Pepper who told him." You laugh and he smiles at you, you continue to talk before the waitress comes over with your food.

"Here you go." She beams as she places the food down, you can smell the chicken and the steak fill the air around you.

"Thank you." She leaves and you dig into your food. As you eat you and Bucky have small talk. "Did you see the way Nat was looking at Steve this morning?" You take the last bite of your food and Bucky does the same.

"Yeh, I think there's something going on between them. It's been going on for months." His eyes go wide and he breathes out.

"I'm gonna be honest..." You let a smile form on your face. "They're kinda cute together." You giggle a bit and he smiles and nods.

"I agree." His smile fades and he starts to get restless in his seat, you raise brow at him and he swallows the lump forming in his throat.

"Are you ok?" You ask and he looks up at you and nods his head, you give him a confused look. You hum and take a sip of water.

"Y/N." He says and you look up at him.

"Yeh?" You give him a small smile and he grins at you, he takes your hand in his and stands up. You follow him and he takes you to the pond, you can see the ice slowly forming and the cool air hit your shoulders and nose.

"These three years have been the best three years of my life." You furrow your brows slightly at him as he pauses. "You've made me feel special when I thought I wasn't. I love you Y/N and I'd do anything for you, I'd turn the world inside out to protect you." He puts his hand in his pocket and pulls a small black velvet box out, he gets on one knee and you cover your mouth with your right hand as he holds your left. "Y/N M/N L/N. Will you make me the happiest man alive and do me the honours of marrying me?" He opens the box to show a ring with small diamonds surrounding an opal the same colours as the light stone, your eyes glistened with soft tears as you were speechless.

"Yes. Yes! Yes!" You say excitedly as tears fall down your cheeks and he smiles happily, he takes the ring from the box and gently slides it onto your finger. He gets up and you wrap your arms around his neck, you cry happy tears and pull your face away from his neck to look up at him. You cup his face and kiss him passionately, you were so overjoyed you forgot about all your problems in life, music played silently in the background which made you feel as though you were in a movie. "I love you." You say into his lips before pulling away to see him grinning wide like the Cheshire Cat.

"I love you too." You smile at him as you feel something cold fall on your shoulders, you look up to see white flakes falling.

"How romantic." You say dramatically and he laughs.

"We better get back before it gets worse." He leads you back as everyone started packing up. You see the girl taking plates back to the main building where the restaurant was and you look up at Bucky smiling.

"Thank you." You kiss him again.

"Anything for you, doll." He plants a kiss on your forehead and you smile as you pass the musicians.

"You were amazing guys, thank you." They smile at you and nod their head and gratitude. Your arm was wrapped around Bucky's as he walked you towards the car, he opened the door for you and you hopped in happily. Your phone buzzes inside your purse and you take it out. 'Where are you guys?' You read under Nat's name.

'We're leaving now don't worry.' You text back and check the time, your eyes go wide when you read 12pm, why is this place still open in the middle of the night? You think to yourself. Bucky gets in the car and starts to drive.

"Tonight was amazing Buck." You lean your head back on the seat and smile at him, your eyes slowly shut and before you fall asleep you feel his warm hand on yours.

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