Darkness in the Neon Lights (...

By HyperRedFox

70.3K 3.7K 1.5K

At a young age, Evan learned that the world was very cruel. Darkness destroyed his home, and swallowed his pa... More

Please Read This
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 37

612 36 11
By HyperRedFox

*Six Months Earlier*

*Tyler's POV*

"I'm gonna sue you assholes," an asshole yells as he picks himself off of the ground in front of me. "I swear to god, I'm gonna own this fucking club, and I'm gonna fire all of you! My dad's a lawyer! I'll sue you!"

His words are slurred and he can barely stand up without almost falling over. So, I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, you keep saying that ya piece of shit. Let's see how far you get when we say this happened because you tried to follow a dancer backstage while rubbing your dick."

"Fuck you and every whore in there! Give me my money back!"

He then tries to take a step towards the club but is quickly stopped when Marcel quickly throws a punch directly into the asshole's nose, making him fall back to the ground, knocking him out. He then shakes his hand a bit and glares down at the retard. "I fucking hate rich kids that think they're better, just because mommy and daddy have money," he growls before he turns to David. "Take him around to the trash. I'm going to tell Panda to text one of our regulars to come pick him up." He then looks over to me. "Tyler, just keep an eye out and make sure no one else tries anything with the boys."

I roll my eyes and walk back inside, leading against the wall as soon as I'm back on the floor. I've been working for the club for about a year now, and this is honestly getting old. I'm honestly tired of watching these guys dancing on these fucking ugly-ass retards, tired of feeling drained, tired of being tired, and tired of lying. However, I need the money.

I failed a couple classes my first year, lost the scholarship the church gave me and my friends, and while they managed to get new ones, I wasn't. I ended up having to cut back some classes, and I tried working two jobs over the summer. It wasn't enough, I was going to struggle to retake those classes, I already knew it. I wasn't going to make it the year...

My old co-worker brought me here about two weeks into the new school year. After the retard got himself kicked out, I started talking to Marcel. He was really cool and liked that I didn't treat the dancers like whores, so he was willing to let me stay. After a while, he introduced me to Panda, and he helped get me this job. The pay was way better than my two jobs could offer, so I took it. Then I learned why it paid so good. The secrets I had to keep about what the dancers did, protecting them even at the apartments, and Evan.

The kid was only sixteen and was working for the club... I didn't want to keep that silent, thinking that this was wrong, and then Ohm and Bryce told me about where he came from. Where they found him.

I still don't like it, but, it was just enough to make me agree to stay quiet... The guilty would eat me alive if anything bad were to happen to the kid because I spoke up.

I let out a sigh as I watch Bryce playfully spin around on the pole before Ohm walks on stage, swaying his hips as he walks up to him. Bryce starts to slow his spins down before he swings his body around so that he would be facing Ohm. Ohm walked right up to him, eyes locked on each other. Placing one of his hands on the pole and the other under Bryce's chin, starting to lean in. Bryce then let go of the pole, placing his hands on Ohm's chest, only for Ohm to playfully push Bryce behind him, so he could start spinning on the pole, slowly inching his way up it. As he starts to slow down in speed, Ohm starts leaning back, arching his back and only holding on with his thighs.

Bryce smirks and walks up to him, grabbing the sides of Ohm's face and kiss him lightly on the lips. He then lets Ohm go and Ohm sits back up, climbing up a bit and using his weight to start spinning again. This gave Bryce just enough room on the pole to start spinning as well.

Then I hear the door open behind me, so I look over my shoulder to see if it was David. It wasn't.

Instead, I see a guy with dyed blond hair walk in, and I have to fight to keep my jaw up. The guy is buff as hell, and tall. He is definitely what these guys would be into, so I silently prepare myself to break up a fight between the dancers as I turn back to the floor. However, instead of just walking past me, he taps on my shoulder.

When I turn around, he says, "Hey man, can you help me out? I'm here for an interview with Anthony. Do you know where he is?"

I raise an eyebrow, "Yeah, I know where he is. But what are you interviewing for?"


My jaw actually drops at this point. "Wait really? You look more like a security guard than a dancer."

He laughs and I think he blushes, however, it's too dark in near the doors, so I really can't tell. "I appropriate you saying that, and I would have applied for a security guard position, but you guys aren't looking for any more of those."

"Then, why go for a dancer?"

"Honestly," he starts before taking a step closer to me. He then whispers into my ear, "I just started college, and I already spent all the money I had from my scholarship. I still have things to pay for, and I heard that this job pays well and that the strippers here make bank."

I laugh and smile at him. "Well, don't worry. I won't tell Panda that's the reason you want to work here." He takes a step back and laughs as well, stopping when we hear the door open again. When I look over this time, I see David walk in.

"Perfect timing," I say, crossing my arms. "David, stay here and watch the floor while I take this guy to see Panda."

"Why the fuck do I have to stay here?"

"Because I said so, now fucking stay here," I yell at him before I turn to the guy. "Come on, I'll take you to Panda's office."

He and I start walking around the floor, and I quickly catch him staring up to Ohm and Bryce, as they come to the end of their routine. In which, Bryce falls into a perfect split next to the pole, and Ohm slides down on top of him. Bryce then grabs Ohm's legs and holds him up as Ohm falls into a perfect split in Bryce's hands.

The guy's jaw drops open when he sees that. "Jesus; am I going to be expected to do that?!"

"Yeah," I tell him. "But don't worry. If they aren't your teachers, you'll definitely have someone that's just as good, if not better teaching you how to do that."

We then continue walking around the floor until we get to the door that leads backstage. After making sure that none of the perverts are looking, I open the door and let the guy walk in first. My eyes wander down as he walks by, and I have to fight to keep my eyes in my head and my jaw from hitting the floor. There is no fucking way that's his ass! That has to be fake or something! Before he turns around to face me, I follow him in and quickly shut the door. Once we are in the hallway, I walk in front of him and walk down to the door the leads to the stairwell.

"So, how did you hear about this place," I ask him.

"Well, I heard that there were a couple of students from my school that already work here. No one really knows who, and the ones that do know who are working here aren't saying anything, but I did manage to at least find out how I could apply to here from a few people."

I chuckle as we make it up to the door at the top of the stairwell, and before I open the door, I look back to the guy and say, "Well, just by judging your look, all I need to say is, welcome to fucking hell."

I then push open the door, making Marcel and Panda look back to me. I walk in with the guy behind me and just say, "Sorry, but, this guy says he has an interview with you."

"Oh fuck, I forgot," I hear Panda loudly whisper. "Come in, come in, have a seat," he then says to the guy. As the guy walks over to the desk, Panda starts digging through his desk drawer for a bit.

Marcel just walks over to me and whispers, "Who's this guy?"

"I don't know," I whisper back. "All I know I that he's a college student and he's interviewing for a dancer position."

"Wait, dancer?" I nod my head. "I thought you or David were about to get fired."

"Fucking thanks, asshole."

As Marcel and I start to leave, I can't help but look back for one more sight of the dyed blond haired man. As the door starts to shut behind us though, the last thing I hear is, "So, you're Craig Thompson, right?"

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