Mine | Jaeyong


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πŒπˆππ„ /mʌΙͺn/ 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘢𝘯 β€’ used to refer to a thing or things belonging to or associated with the sp... More

His heart
Author's Note
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Thank you!

Chapter 06

6.7K 360 271

When he, Jaehyun stood in Taeyong's doorway after a small nap he was memorized just by how Taeyong looked so majestic standing there in the balcony he managed to take the padlock off of.

He took out his phone, he took a picture and smiled, the light in the picture was perfect, you could see Taeyong's body glowing.

He quickly put his phone away as Taeyong turned around. 'Jae?'

Jaehyun nodded.
'I'll meet you downstairs!' He quickly blurted out and rushed back into his own room, the door in which already being open.

Taeyong blinked in confusion, he looked back at the book in his hands and walked back inside, placing it onto the bookshelf. He then closed the doors to the balcony and walked out of his room, pulling his glasses up his nose as they fell down a little, he bit his lip and hugged his arms around his chest as he walked, down the staircase and into the dining room. The dining room was way too big, only him and Jaehyun ate there.

Sometimes Taeyong just thought... what if they could just gather homeless people, struggling people, ill people in here and feed them fine-course meals like they get and all fit around the table just fine. He often thought he was being selfish, he didn't deserve all of this. Other people did.

He sat down as always anyway, Carlos came in with the breakfast tray and other goods and placed them on the table, the personal favourite of Taeyong's: toast buttered with jam on top, with cranberry juice for a drink. He didn't eat as much as Jaehyun, even though Jaehyun nagged him to all the time because Taeyong was so skinny. 'I just don't want to' He would say. Taeyong picked up the toast and started nibbling away at it, peering at the newspaper that was placed in-front of him. 'LGBTQ+ rights taking over?' Was the header, he gulped and looked st the small description. 'Same-sex marriage, finally passed by the government for the country! Many of the LGBTQ+ community are celebrating, although this is seen as good news, there are protests against this outside-' He stopped reading and felt it was just, irrelevant. He didn't need someone to tell him what was right and wrong, he can't change who he is. He was just happy for them people, well, them and him.

It wasn't like he was going to fall in love anytime soon and marry them.
What kind of person would enjoy being married to him? He had thought. A nerdy, quiet boy who is owned by someone else because that person is just lonely. He didn't believe most people would just, like him. You know? Especially because he's homosexual.

So as he put the toast down and sipped on the drink, Jaehyun had entered the room. 'What's that?' He said peering at the newspaper in-front of Taeyong and sitting down beside him. 'Oh nothing. A load of rubbish as per usual...' He said, pulling it away from Jaehyun's grip.

Jaehyun frowned. 'No, let me look! If it's bothering you then-' He managed to take it from Taeyong, who went bright pink.

'It's not worth reading it.' Taeyong sipped on the juice again.

'Sure thing- why do you always drink that disgusting stuff?' Jaehyun muttered, he started to read the newspaper with wide eyes.

Taeyong sighed and knelt his head on his hand, attempting to nibble at the toast again except his stomach was slowly turning. 'It's good for you, it helps your immune syste-'

'WHAT A LOAD OF ABSOLUTE BALLCRAP! CARLOS I AM NOT GOING TO SCHOOL TODAY!' Jaehyun shouted across the house again. Taeyong winced and rubbed his ear. 'I'm going to go deaf around you...' He looked at Jaehyun. 'Don't leave me at school alone, if they're going to be like that- I-I'll...' He felt his eyes stinging.

Jaehyun stood there and just stared at Taeyong until he quickly got his phone out and texted Carlos. 'I apologise, no more shouting from me! Turns out Tae doesn't want to come too.' He smiled at his text and pressed send. Taeyong blinked.

'Get that thing off.' Jaehyun demanded.

'What off?' Taeyong was confused. 'My uniform?' He had wide-eyes.

Jaehyun nodded and stood to his feet. 'We're going to fight for your and their rights!' He said proudly.

Taeyong sulked.
'But Jaehyun...'

But, it was too late Jaehyun had already dragged poor Taeyong up the stairs and made him get changed into normal clothes. As so did Jaehyun. When they finished they had looked how differently both of them had dressed. Taeyong looked a little edgy. Black shoes, black ripped jeans, black shirt with some Chinese words on it, the only thing colourful was the long blue flannel he wore as a jacket. Meanwhile Jaehyun was wearing just casual things, a simple peach shirt with a red blazor jacket and matching trousers along with white shoes. They both looked completely different.

Taeyong fitted a fandom-wristband onto his hand. Jaehyun looked at it. 'You like that sort of junk?'

'N-no-yes... but Japanese music is so cool... plus he lives in this country... y'know... Nakamoto Yuta... the gay singer.' He mumbled.

'The mumbling Taeyong! Oh, but you never told me. Fine. I just didn't think you were the fanboy type.' Jaehyun was feeling a bit sour for some reason.

Taeyong frowned. 'If I had told you...' He gulped. 'you would've never accepted it and you would know I was...' He fiddled with his fingers.

'But, you still listened to it and have merchandise without me knowing? Where's the shrine.' Jaehyun jumped to conclusions.

Taeyong blushed. 'N-no-no! Don't! T-there's no shrine!' But there clearly was some sort of area desingnated to this singer in the building. He pulled Jaehyun away from his room.

Jaehyun gave up. 'Whatever... but, we have to make signs.'

'Why?- Jae!' Taeyong finally found out what Jaehyun was actually up to. 'Wha-what if-'

'People see? I don't give a shit, they can go and fuck themselves~' Jaehyun smiled  but Taeyong went pale and whacked Jaehyun on the shoulder. 'That's rude language again...'

Jaehyun laughed.
But then suddenly went serious 'Let's go.'

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