De MaryEden08

1.2M 42.8K 2.2K

Prowess (ˈpraʊɪs) 1. Outstanding or superior skill or ability. 2. Bravery or fearlessness, esp in battle. Th... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
PLEASE READ - Author's Note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Author's Note
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Author's Note - What Happens Next

Chapter 23

23.1K 691 14
De MaryEden08

Kellen POV;

Slumped in my hammock, I rock back and forth aimlessly, staring up through the branches of the oaks; I shut my eyes to try another attempt at sleeping since my recent restlessness had led to insomnia. With a sigh, my tired eyes open again and resume their staring. My hands frantically retracing every detail of Ana’s bracelet again; after Bell had told me what little she knew about the traditions of the bracelet I’d done my own research.

The tradition remained that every father would give to his daughter a bracelet personalized with three gemstones, each gemstone conveying a message and meaning for the daughter/s to take and help them for the future. Having had the royal jeweler take a look at Ana’s bracelet, he’d name her three gemstones as; Sapphire, Tanzanite and Iolite.

Upon this information, I researched the gemstones and their meanings;

Sapphire, the stone of ‘holy blessing’ and/or ‘stone of destiny’, draws protection, and prophetic wisdom to the user. It contributes to mental clarity and perception while overseeing one’s divine destiny or ‘mission’ in life, instilling hope, faith and joy during the journey.

Tanzanite, used to link the mind with the heart, as it is an important communication stone, giving one the ability to speak the truth. It is also a stone which promotes compassion, raises consciousness in meditation, calms an overactive mind and brings on a peaceful understanding of one’s own heart.

Iolite; opens a path to you deep inner self. Used to help discover the lost parts of self and inner treasures, a stone of vision and creative expression.

This research had not only given me a distraction but also calmed my recently scattered thoughts and, in a way, made me feel closer to Ana by way of knowing something more about her. All of the traits presented in the meanings of the stones, I had caught glimpses of in my Ana in the short time I’d spent with her. My mind turned to the south where the tradition began and was still carried on; was Ana from the south? Or were her parents? More questions appeared in my mind as I turned over the topic. I’d ask Ana the next time we spoke; surely such general questions wouldn’t be a problem, right?

“Good job that bracelets made from pure white gold.” Sounded a voice from the far right hand corner of the garden. Looking up, Maxim stood leant casually- hands stuffed in pockets- against one of the sculptures around the pond. “It’d be copper by now if it wasn’t with the amount of times you turn it over and over again,” he chuckled, pushing off from the sculpture and walking around the pond towards me. “Move over.”

Sliding lazily to the side, I said nothing as he sat down and the hammock lowered marginally under the added weight. “What does it tell you about her?” Asked Maxim curiously.

“Nothing I don’t already know or guessed I suppose. It suggests that she’s compassionate, knows her heart and mind well, is truthful and good at communication, and has clarity when it comes to her future. Or at least these were the traits her father wanted to give her, and from what little I saw, I think Ana has them all.” I reason thoughtfully.

“Pretty neat tradition if you ask me. Anyway, I came down here to tell you you’re coming to the club Sophia and I are opening tonight in the heart of the city.” He said matter of factly getting up again.

“Don’t wanna go.” I answer tiredly, closing my eyes again to ignore him. The last thing I wanted right now was to go to a club where there would be loads of unmated females fawning over me.

“Did that sound like a question? Cause it sure as hell wasn’t.” He shoots back, flipping over the hammock so I fall on the floor. “Do you think your Ana would want you to be acting like this? Separating yourself from the rest of the world and swallowing yourself up in guilt? Cause I’d like to bet she wouldn’t. If I behaved like this, Sophia would kick my butt into next week.” He almost yelled, annoyed.

While standing up and dusting myself off I thought about his proposal; Maxim was right, though I didn’t want to admit it. Ana had said recently it would be better for me to go out, be around people and my family, since how I was currently behaving was only making everything worse. It will make the separation easier on us both. She’d reasoned. The club would be a distraction…

Seeming to pick up on my thought train, Maxim continued in a calmer tone, “Look bro, none of the public know you’re going so if you put on a mask, no-one will even know you’re there. Besides we’re dragging Bell along as well so you’ll have company. We’re all worried about you, and the separation is clearly starting to show so please just, come along! Even if it’s just to support Soph and me.” He sighed rubbing his temples.

Considering this new reasoning, it seemed like a good enough idea. I needed a night out; it had been a long time since I’d hit a club or party, kept away by past events, but I knew that this would be a good thing for me. I’d go for Ana’s sake. Keeping the thoughtful expression on my face, I walked around the hammock to stand next to Maxim, before throwing my arm over his shoulder and nuggying him as I said, “You know what Maxi, I think I will go after all.”

“Oi you cheeky git!” He grumbled, fighting his way free and tackling me. I manage to roll over and sit on him before grinning and challenging him to a race back to the house; without waiting for his reply, I sprinted off in its direction. “Watch you step there Kel!” he spoke running up behind me and throwing his foot out causing me to trip.

“Cheat!” I growll stumbling to my feet to catch up with him.

“You never said there were rules bro,” He laughed, calling behind him. Just as he reached the house after running up the stairs, I jump on his back flooring both of us before I quickly rolled and touched the glass back door.

“I win!” I grin cheekily in evil victory.

“Now whose the cheat?” Asked Max, grinning and out of breathe.

“Hey, I never said there were rules, remember?” I breathe heavily,smirking as we stand get. We continued our petty fighting as we entered the house, just as we used to do as kids. “What’s with the ‘dragging’ Bell anyway? I’d have thought she’d want to go, invitation or not.” I question as we head up to the second floor.

“Dad put the order out that we weren’t to leave the house unless for official Royal business because of the attack; without being able to go shopping or see any of her friends, Bell resorted to researching the things she’s interested in…” He explained frowning unhappily.

“What’s so bad about that?” 

“She focused on finding out more about... the Prowess and her pack.” He answers uneasily. “Course Dad’s not happy about that, since every pack has their right to privacy and by digging into finding out more about the Prowess, Bell has been disrespecting that, so he asked me to take Bell with us.”

“Surely Dad would’ve limited the information Bell could get her hands on about the Prowess?” I ask, my royal duty mind kicking in.

“He’s been trying but Bell can be quite unrelenting when she wants something. It’s lucky for Dad that there actually isn’t much on record about the Prowess, apart from the records taken of her pack; medical checks, financials and stuff like that. I think that’s what’s driving Bell’s curiosity to be honest, she can’t even find a picture of the Prowess,” he chuckled, “I must admit though, even I’m now curious; Bell found out that the Prowess hasn’t been noted as attending any of the balls we’ve held, and I don’t remember meeting her.”

“Surely we’ve met her but just don’t remember her?” I asked although I thought it unlikely. I tried to think back to ever meeting the Prowess but my memories failed me; like Maxim I don’t think I’d ever met her, which was strange considering as a pack leader, she would’ve had to meet with us upon her being instated as her father stepped down. “Has Dad met her?”

“He said he could only remember meeting her the once, after she was instated, but from that meeting on it was her Beta he met with and who attended the official meetings on her behalf.”

“Hmm… I don’t remember meeting her either. I can see the driving behind Bell’s curiosity, even so I agree with Dad; she should be respecting pack privacy. Thankfully, it seems the Prowess’s privacy is in our favor.”

“Yeah no kidding. Dad thinks this club opening will distract her.” He said as we reached the top of the stairs- I’d already decided I’d go work out in my room for a bit. “By the way, I also came to tell you that Dad wants to see you in the study. We’re leaving for the club at 6 o’clock to be there at 8 o’clock and we’re opening it at 9, so be ready at quarter to 6.”

I checked a clock hung on the wall at the end of the corridor; it read 2pm, I had loads of time. “Nice one, laters bro.” I spoke clapping him on the shoulder before heading in the opposite direction on my way to the study.


Dedicated to my twin sister Helen, MysteryGirl03, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS! Lots of love always! <3

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