Battle To Be Free (z.m) ✔️

By xLooseVanillax

268K 7.4K 2.4K

Escaping from one gang just to be caught by another is unlucky especially when the leader of the gang happens... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 16

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By xLooseVanillax

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I think you’ll all like this one as everyone seems to prefer Zayn’s POV. Enjoy!

Zayn’s POV

I knew my sister wasn’t an angel in many ways. I knew she wasn’t a virgin. I knew she’d broke the law more times than I’d like to admit. I knew she’d lied, deceived and helped me with many of my plans to try and bring Dean’s organization down. But what I never knew was that she could be such a cold hearted bitch.

“I bet your sister was a whore too.”

Those words kept swirling round and round in my mind and I clenched my fists. If anyone else, but my sister, would’ve said that to Alanna I would’ve swung at them. You can be as angry as you like but you never insult someone’s dead family members.

I could tell what she had said had hurt Alanna, but I was shocked to see that a single tear had fallen. I wiped the tear away with the pad of my thumb, not liking the way it stained her beautiful face.  All of a sudden she looked exhausted and I knew it was because of the many different emotions that must be in her head right now.

When she slumped against my shoulder and began to sleep, that’s when I knew I was in trouble. Why you ask? Because I didn’t mind the feeling. Again. I actually quite enjoyed it and that wasn’t something I could blame on my lack of sleep, like I did last time, as I wasn’t tired at all. I was fully sober and fully aware that I enjoyed this girl’s touch way more than I should.

I sighed a bit too loudly and Louis noticed. He looked me over and I wasn’t surprised to see that he had an almost identical look on his face as to what Harry did when he caught me staring at her the other night.

He seemed to shake the expression off his face. That was one of the things I liked best about Louis; he knew when not to pry.

“Doniya seems to have got worse.” Louis commented. The movie was still playing, but it was long forgotten.

“Yeah.” I shifted a little making myself more comfortable. She snuggle further into my shoulder and something inside of me felt content.

I’m so fucked.

“I think she’ll come around eventually. Everyone else seems to have.” He paused for a second and then burst out into laughter.

“What?” I asked annoyed.

“Sorry,” He chuckled. “I was just thinking about how little Zayn probably likes her too.”

He laughed some more while I scowled at him. Everyone just loved making jokes about me and Alanna but I doubt she had heard any of them. They were getting worse, especially from Harry. It’s like he knew something I didn’t.

“Anyway, I’m going upstairs. You alright down here all alone?” He then looked at the girl in my arms then snorted. “Oh wait, of course you are.”

Then he went upstairs. I felt an overwhelming sense of Deja-vu as I combed my fingers through Alanna’s hair, but I just hoped that this time Harry wouldn’t wake up to find me doing it.

I would’ve carried her upstairs, but I couldn’t be bothered. Or at least that’s what I told myself; when in reality I was positive that it was because I wanted more time with her in my arms.

She was perfect, although she wouldn't believe it, I couldn't find a single flaw on this girl. I don't say that about all girls because let's face it some of them are ugly, but Alanna certainly wasn't one of them.

I knew I wouldn't be comfortable staying like this all night, but I didn't want to move. I studied her; trying to think of a way to make a more comfortable position without waking her up.

I shifted her head off me gently and froze when I heard her groan.

"Taylor don't leave me," She grumbled in her sleep. I stifled a laugh, I knew she was having a dream about Taylor Lautner, as my sister had them too. They were more alike than either of them realised.

I shoved a pillow at her and she clutched it in her sleep, while I smiled at the sight before me. It really was rather adorable.  She was laid down fully on the couch and I moved her leg, which was in a cast, onto the sofa.

Slowly, I unwrapped her fingers from the pillow and she moaned softly. I got very caught up in the sound and I knew I had to stop thinking about it before I got a hard on. I pictured my grandmother and before I knew it my hard on had gone away.

I sighed in relief, because if Alanna would have woken up, that isn't the first thing you want to see when you wake up.

I slipped onto the couch beside her while she wriggled closer and closer to me in her sleep until our chests were touching. Jesus, what did it take to wake this girl up? Her fingers were searching for something and when she got a hold of my shirt, she pulled herself closer and buried her head in my chest.

A deep sigh came from her mouth, and if I was correct, it sounded like a sigh of content. I checked no-one was watching, then I wrapped an arm around her waist. A lock of hair had fallen stray onto her face and I used my thumb to sweep it back and put it behind her ear. Biting my lip, I stroked her cheek and I thought I saw her stir, but she didn't wake up.

God what am I doing? I'm starting to act like a prissy.

Ignoring the thought, I fell into a dreamful sleep, completely forgetting that there would be no way I would be able to explain the position we were in to anyone in the morning. But I didn't care.

At that moment having her in my arms was all that mattered.

Halfway through the night I could've sworn I felt fingers stroking my face, but by the time I'd managed to open my eyes, all I saw was a sleeping Alanna.

When I woke up in the morning I just closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I really didn't want to go to this party tonight. I didn't like the fact that we were making Christy talk to our drug supplier, or rather flirt the answers out of him. We had been receiving reports that our drug supplier was also selling to Dean, and if that was the case he was in for some serious shit.

Everybody had suggested, especially Robert, that we used Alanna instead to flirt with him. I had said no, saying that he might recognize her and sell her out to Dean, but deep down I knew the real reason I was against it. It was the same reason Robert was so against Christy flirting with him, but I wasn't ready to admit that to myself just yet. 

I heard voices around us and without showing that I was awake I started to listen to their conversation.

“Aww their so cute!” I heard Christy exclaim. Oh god.

“Yeah they are.” Robert quietly agreed.

“What you guys looking at?” I heard Harry ask.  He gasped and then squealed. “Ah that’s just adorable!”

I groaned, finally opening my eyes. “Will you shut up?”

They were all leaning over us staring intently. Christy had a gleam in her eyes as she was looking at us; she looked like a proud mother.

“How’d you end up like that?” Harry asked a full blown smirk on his face. I fought the urge to smack it off.

I feigned innocence as I glanced at Alanna and pretended to be surprised to see her there.  “I don’t know.”

Harry just laughed. “Course you don’t.”

“C’mon.” Christy told me. “We need to wake her up to get her prepared for the party.”

I rubbed my face tiredly. “You can do it.”


“Because she never wakes up.” I explained.

“To be honest,” Harry intervened. “I think if she falls asleep in your arms then you should have to wake her up.”

I growled at him and began shaking her shoulders softly. “Alanna ho-,” I mentally slapped myself when I realised I was about to call her honey. “Wake up.”

I tried to shift her off me but she grabbed me by my arms and pulled me back down. I had to give it to her that she had strength.

“No pillow don’t move.” She moaned and then moved closer. Everyone around us chuckled.

“Alanna,” I started softly. “Wake up. We need to get ready.”

“No I don’t wanna. You’re too comfy.”

I chuckled. “Thanks.”

“I wouldn’t say thank you, I was calling you fat.”

“Oh no she didn’t.” Harry said, snapping his fingers wildly.

Her lips turned upwards. “Oh yes I did.”

Suddenly I got up from the sofa and chucked her over my shoulder. She squealed in protest and tried kicking and struggling, and I knew that even if she didn’t have her cast on she wouldn’t be able to escape. I’m just that strong.

I threw her back on the sofa and started tickling her and she squirmed whilst trying to get out of my grasp.

“What did you say?” I asked pretending not to have heard her.

“That you’re fat,” She managed to gasp out.

She squealed when I tickled her harder. “What?”

“I said that you’re a sexy beast,” She almost shouted and I felt a smile creep its way onto my face.

“Don’t you know it.” I said winking at her and then throwing her back over my shoulder.

She huffed in annoyance, but I just laughed; something that I was growing more accustomed to lately.

Finn came down the stairs in a pair of my jogging bottoms, but he had no shirt on, and the bruises that had once scattered his face were now beginning to fade. He looked at us with a kind of half smile and began shaking his head.

“Do you carry Alanna to breakfast every day?” He asked smiling a little.

“Only on special occasions.” I answered with a laugh. Everyone looked taken aback apart from Christy who was smiling at me like I was the most adorable thing in the world. Reluctantly, I put Alanna down on her feet and asked Christy to lend her a dress for the party.

She whined when she heard this. “Why do I have to wear a dress?”

“Just do as you’re told.” I glared at her playfully.

“Whatever Daddy,” She retorted and then went upstairs with Christy. I tried to not focus on what she had just called me as I would have to have a very cold shower if I did, and that was something that I didn’t have time for right now.

Putting my leader face back on, I ordered my men to sit down while we talked through the plan for tonight.

“Right,” I started. “Tonight all of us are going in the same vehicle, while Alanna and Christy will be going in a separate one, so it doesn’t look like they’re associated with us. As Christy isn’t a known member of our gang she won’t be recognised as being one of us. As for Alanna, I know it’s a risk taking her to such a public outing, but we need to know if he’s selling us out to Dean and if Christy doesn’t work we will have to use Alanna. If he recognises her or Christy we get them out immediately. Understood?”

They all nodded and I felt a sense of unease run over me, but I tried to ignore it.

“Okay. Make sure you follow the plan.” I reminded them. I took longer talking and making sure everyone understood, while the girls were getting ready, and it made me feel better as I had less time to dwell on all the things that could go wrong.

I knew there was a million things that could go wrong tonight and I wasn’t usually a religious person, but I found myself praying to whoever was up there that tonight would go without a hitch. I really didn’t need extra problems.

 I never told Alanna this, but Dean’s gang members have been stopping at nothing to try and find her, and the amount of them I have seen around East London was beginning to worry me. At the moment it was nothing that we couldn’t handle, but the numbers were increasing.

I sighed as I pushed that image to the back of my mind. Just get through tonight I told myself.

I just needed to get through it. It wasn’t going to be that hard, was it? 

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