
By Richa_resa

373K 14.5K 4.2K

She never came first. She was always the second. She never got that love. She didn't taste the happiness. Sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Amelia: Where it all started
The Path Ahead
The Glimpses
Removal from Wattpad.

Chapter 24

6.5K 380 325
By Richa_resa


"Drink the water, I'm gonna get you the hard stuff. You don't seem to taking things well," she was the one to talk about. Saying that she walked up to the bar. I just didn't care in the moment where the fuck she was going. I was in my own head. There was proof of what Serena had done. Someone who knew it all and they have kept silent about it all along. There were fucked up people in this world than me and Serena I knew it well now.

Everything I have thought about, all the sacrifices I thought I had been giving had come down to nothing. Chyna made me doubt her work ethics and everything about her. She was god damn crazy if she really thought that I would go with the deal she had proposed. Fuck it all up. I wasn't going to beg Nathaniel, or even plead him. I wasn't going to stay with him in the first place. I was just going to spew the truth in front of everyone and walk out of here like a fucking queen. She could fucking destroy me later on for what she wants. I would like to see what she would do because I knew it well she wouldn't be able. Once I was with Aaron she won't be able to do anything. I could fucking breathe in a sigh of relief at that thought there was no way that I was going to leave Aaron now or even think of giving him up. Chyna could fuck herself for all I cared after this was over.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Chyna asks like a concerned friend. I deny with a fucking fake smile plastered over my face. She thinks she played me but I was going to play her. I was going to fucking use her at all cost. Take her help and make my fucking parents realize that they had been feeding love and happiness to a witch with a dark heart. Last night she had played me because she had caught me at vulnerable but today I wasn't that Serilda. I was a hundred time dangerous than yesterday. I was going to play for the rest of the time to achieve what I wanted. Chyna came back settling down a glass of whiskey in front of me with her glass of wine filled up to the brim.

"I thought doctors advised that drinking was injurious to health," I pointed out looking towards her glass of wine just to make sure that she wasn't a fucking alcoholic because they can be fucking dangerous. My experience with Erik was enough for once. I had to tune myself to her to be able to use her up.

"It's the only thing keeping me insane between my work and your sister or else I would have snapped long ago with the way your sister is," for the first time in last twelve hours I agreed with her on a point.

"So, you have known it all along and cared not to say something about it, even to your brother," I decided to play the desperate and in shock card after downing my glass of whiskey.

"Yes, silence sometimes is the best thing. I could have ended it all within seconds but I didn't. I just couldn't," she looked past me. "Nathaniel is my baby brother and I have always cared for him like a mother ever since my mother had placed his little body in my arms when he was born. My aim had always been to have him happy but seeing him growing distant, thin and losing himself for the first time in my life made me lose my shit. I wish I could know what the reason had been so I could sort it out, a least then I could have kicked out Serena out of my brother's life easily. I had tried to talk to him, snooped around his room, hired too many private investigators to find out what has been troubling him but everything had come to being a dead end with nothing," she said with a far away and saddened face. I just didn't want to believe in her that the fact the devil could sad also. I could understand where she was coming from but she literally slept over it. I literally hadn't left in me to pity her.

"So I let things be how they were and yes it was wrong on many levels. I can't be sorry for what I have done but I'm sorry that you had to face the burn of what your sister had done." I gave her a small nod with a small smile. All fake. Did she really think that her sorry would mean anything to me?

"How are we going to pull Serena down? There's not much time left tomorrow is the wedding itself," Chyna pointed out downing her glass of wine. Everything I had planned would be waste now. Using Nathaniel could not be done as Chyna has pulled him out of the equation of my plan. I had to be sure that nothing would bring shame to her family name. If I did anything else Chyna might ruin it all in the end when she would realize I wasn't going to stay. Hence, there was only one safe bet now and that was Serena herself confessing to her doings.

"We have to show true colors of Serena to the world and make sure she is the one showing them," I speak and get down to looking at a photo of Erik and Serena, a recent one. There wasn't much wrong in it. Serena was laughing and to my surprise, Erik was too. It was a dinner date.

"For how long haven't they slept with each other?" I ask just out of curiosity.

"Around one and half years. You would be shocked to hear that Serena was the one to end it. Basically, she had ended it from her side when she started dating Nathaniel but Erik was a generous lover I take because he was a habit to her that took time to get rid of. They stopped talking for six months, Serena did actually but Erik wanted her so he settled down to friendship. Ever since then they have gone out as friends but not much. Serena doesn't want to see much of him but she really does want to see you hurting,"

"Then let's make sure that everyone knows about that side of her first," my eyes were on her smiling face. She could smile all she wants because her demise was coming.

"I'm sorry," she looked at me confusingly.

"Let her tell the world about how she made sure that I was always hurting. It would be better to go for silver before I go for gold. It would help her in becoming vulnerable," I smiled at the thought. She would be looked down upon for once.

"What do you say?" I smirked and watch Chyna's face break out in a dirty grin.

"I like the idea. It would be just like cracks in her armor before we shatter it down," she spoke deviously with a smile.

"What do you need for it?" she queried getting up to refill both of our wine glasses.

"Actually I don't need anything but my husband, but you need to make sure that Serena is in the right place where she is wanted and everyone else is too when the time comes,"

"Then let's cheer to the beginning of Serena's demise," I take the glass from her and we toast.

"May her demise bring happiness in our lives," I quote downing the glass.

"I should go, I have a husband to find and his bullish behavior to control," I told her gathering my clutch. "We have to do this at the breakfast itself," I look at my watch to find that we haven't much left.

"We only have an around an hour left before the breakfast is served. I will text you where you have to bring Serena,"

"Here take this," she says holding out a pen drive for me.

"What's this?" I curiously ask.

"It's exactly what is in there," she points at her laptop.

"Aren't you scared I would run away with it?" Literally, she was handing me over everything for nothing but my words.

"No, and that's because I'm having faith in you and your words. It's me showing that I won't do something stupid and I believe you aren't going too also," I kept my face expressionless as I hear her out.

"I'm not going to do something stupid and something that's not expected by you from me. You have my words," I spoke in a low tone making sure that I meant every word I spoke of. Picking up the pen drive from her palm I push it down in my purse. Giving her a quick nod, I walk out of her room with my only purpose to find Erik as soon as I can.


Looking everywhere in the resort for the last fifteen minutes had ended up with nothing. Erik wasn't anywhere. He hadn't returned to our room and neither had the room service. I had looked around and then ended up with waiting for him in the room itself. The clock was ticking and I needed to find him soon and have him ready to play the loving husband again. I had no option left to call him and track him down. I just prayed that he would fucking pick his phone up or I was doomed. For the first four times, the call went unattended and with every fucking second passing my heartbeat was growing to thump faster and faster. It was in the fifth time that he answered the phone.

"Where the fuck you are?" I barked into the phone.

"Doesn't fucking matter to you," came the lovely reply.

"It fucking matters to me a lot. Are you forgetting the promise, Erik?"

"That promise that you were making fun last night off," he lashed out.

"It happened by mistake. It wasn't intentional and if it makes you happy I'm sorry for it,"

"Sorry and you? You said that you won't do anything to destroy her wedding and there was you doing the same. You just made everyone make fun out of her, do you know that?" Really did that happen. God, I wish Chyna hadn't pulled me out. I could have enjoyed seeing in her pain.

"I'm sorry about it," I scream out to make it seem believable. "Listen I promise it won't happen again, okay. But I need you to come back to the room right fucking now or god knows I would really do something to destroy her wedding this time,"

"Fuck you," he shouts out.

"Erik, are you listening to me? If you aren't here in five then I'm-," I get interrupted by him.

"Goddamn it I'm coming," he says before hanging up on me. I breathe in a sigh of relief to hear that and drop down on the bed. True to his word Erik comes into the room exactly six minutes later, looking deshellved. I message Chyna to meet me with Serena in the restaurant in around thirty minutes.

"You are late," I grit out.

"Nice to know. The room looks very beautiful," he says looking around and then going straight to the bathroom.

"Where the fuck was you?" I ask standing outside the bathroom only taking the risk to enter when I hear the flush go off.

"I asked you something," I rage out as he goes to wash his fucking face. Was he real?

"You were out fucking, weren't you?" my words get his attention and he gives me a big smirk.

"Yes, I was," he lashes out.

"You asshole, you bastard!" I cuss out. He just smiles at me before walking out of the bathroom making me follow.

"You were with her, isn't it? That is why you are smiling that much, aren't you?" His smile dies down a little making me assured in an instant that he was so not with her.

"That's it, you were out with her. Fuck the promise, this goddamn wedding is no longer happening," I burst out after a freaking minute. Hearing my words Erik gets into action and get in front of me.

"I'm not like you," he snapped out. "I wasn't with her because I love her enough not ruin her happiness but I maybe you were with Nathaniel. After that lovely dance, I bet you would have even warmed yourself up-," I slap him before he could say more.

"Last night I made a mistake by being that close to Nathaniel and that was the only mistake I made. After having an earful from Chyna, I came back straight to my room,"

"Yeah, and why should I believe you? You could be lying to my face trying to save your lover,"

"He isn't my lover!" I scream out. "I don't fucking love him," I shout aloud not for him but myself.

"Really you want me to believe that? Okay, lets for a second believe that then tell me who do you love. Huh, if you don't love him then who do you love. I mean you have got to love someone," he hisses out. I stand still when he asks me that.

"Who do you love, Serilda?" he spats out. I can't tell him who do I love really. I couldn't until this all was over. "Who do you in the hell love?"

"I love you," I lie loud and clear. "You are the only fucking I love. You are the only reason I ended up in this mess," my lying skills were just off limits. Add a little tear and everything is believable. I loved myself. My chest rises and falls rapidly with the immense shouting I did. Erik looks at me as I have splash water all over him. He looks away from me.

"Do you promise that what happened last night will not happen again?" he demands from me.

"I do." I lie without even thinking.

"Then I will keep mine. Do you want to go for breakfast?" I'm taken by surprise by his offer. I just nod to him.

"Let me freshen up and take a bath then we will go," he tells before walking to the bathroom.

"Where were you last night, Erik?" I ask with my voice heavy and tears welled up in my eyes. His steps halt and he looks at me.

"I'm sorry," his eyes couldn't meet mine. "I was angry and I ended up with some brunette in her bed in the resort just a few minutes away," I didn't know why in the hell, but I actually cried in real. Silent tears stream down my face without my consent.

"I'm sorry," saying that he walks away from there. I settle down on the bed and tears still streaming down my face. Erik was never faithful to me and I have understood that but I don't know why the reason it still hurt. It felt like a knife piercing my heart. I couldn't understand the reason behind my tears. I never had him and he was never going to be mine but it still pained, had me burning in agony. I didn't love Erik. I didn't love him but it still hurt and that too badly enough to break me down. I didn't realize that he had even come back until I saw him moving around me. Quickly wiping away my tears, I stood up and walked to the bathroom closing the door shut slowly. Turning open the tap I cried out with the noise of water flowing water hiding my cry. I couldn't understand why. I didn't love Erik. I once did but ever since I burned down. I never loved him. Maybe I was just hurt because I have expected that he wouldn't do anything like that here but I was wrong. That was it, I just expected too much from him and when I was proved wrong by him it hurt deeply. Yeah, that was it.

"Serilda," I heard Erik calling from the other side of the door. He knocked on the door.

"Serilda," he called again. "We have to leave,"

"I'm coming. Give me a minute," I yell out. I look into the mirror and tell myself to fucking top crying. This isn't me. I'm strong and what Erik does didn't affect me. Washing up my face, applying some makeup I walk out of the bathroom to find Erik sitting on the bed where I previously was. His face turns to look at me as soon as the door opens.

"Let's go," I say looking past him. He nods and stands up. I near him and his eyes fall down.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes again.

"It's alright," I say picking up my purse.

"Let's go," I walk out of the room and wait for him to come. As he comes out he holds my hand without my saying anything. It felt too intimate. Looking at the clock I realize that much time has passed. The breakfast was going to start in a few minutes. Erik leads me to the restaurant while holding my hand all the way.

The restaurant was buzzing with people.Two large screens around the restaurant showed live feed of the hustle bustle around. It was a part of the wedding of the snobby rich, to note down every moment of the wedding. Famous wedding planners and their love for giving everyone extra footage. However, it was the fault of rich people who wanted to be recorded always.  I mean that must be the reason behind why they all were always dressed and at their best.  Everyone's eyes moved to us as we enter.  Chyna had already arrived with Serena. Getting a table at the patio just a few tables away from Serena and Chyna, we both settled down. Giving away our orders, we waited for it to arrive silently. A message chime in on my phone. It was from Chyna.

CHYNA: What now?

I turn sideways to have a look at her and just wink. Taking a deep breath in, I remember why I'm here. Standing up I move towards the railings to look over the rising sun. I wait exactly two minutes before turning towards Erik whose eyes were already on me.

"Please, come here Erik," I plead and for the first time he listens. Either he was still drunk fr yesterday or good was just having mercy on me. From the corner of my eyes, I find Serena's eyes focused on him, watching his every love like a hawk. As he stand beside me I turn myself towards him, pushing into his personal space and wrapping my hands around his neck.

"Kiss me, Erik," I whisper to him. His eyes widen for a second and my heartbeat spikes with the anticipation of downfall of the plan. I needed to work harder.

"Prove to me that you will keep our promise." I didn't have to say anything else. His lips were on mine as my hands got lost in his hair. Gently his arms wrapped around my waist tightly. This was my first and last kiss with Erik after the brief peck at our wedding. He had not even kissed me on that horrific night. I had never kissed him. Never experienced it with him. Didn't knew how it was it like with my own husband. He bit on my lower lip and I opened my lips for him. His tongue danced with mine and for the very first time, I experienced what a kiss with Erik was like. It was hard, demanding and controlling. It demanded all of me. It didn't make me lose control it made me reach nirvana. I could feel the rise of my heartbeat and it was something I was ashamed to tell. There was this pleasure that I hadn't ever experienced. I didn't see stars but I felt the warmth of them. Every inch of my skin was sensitive and warm like it wasn't just my lips he was kissing. It was too much. I was the first one to break our kiss. My eyes stared into his trying to find what was happening. What was this? Did I only feel like this or did he too? His eyes weren't filled with fury for the first time. They were lost somewhere in deep. We were drawn out by the coughing of the waiter who had brought our breakfast. Thanking him we settled back in our seats.

Through the corner of my eyes, I saw a fuming Serena. It wasn't enough for me.

"Would you feed me?" I ask out with pain in my voice. Erik looks at me for a few minutes. I bet he thinks I have gone crazy. Even I think I have taken it too far. He wasn't going to do this.

"Sure," he takes me by surprise. Cutting a piece of an omelet he feeds me a few bites before I stop him. Even I couldn't digest that much goodness of Erik.

"I just once in my life wanted to show them I was loved," I say to him while looking towards the sun. Tears dabble in my eyes. Erik doesn't say anything but just holds my hand for a second before getting back to eating. We wrap up the breakfast and I tell Erik that I was going to go and greet Chyna. Before he could say anything, I was up and out of the seat walking towards their table.

"Good Morning Chyna. You too Serena," I greet with a smile and sit beside Serena. Chyna smiles back but Serena doesn't. I signal Chyna to go away and thanks to the lord she understands.

"Excuse me, I'm gonna go to the washroom," she stands and walks away.

"I'm sorry for last night," I apologize to her with all my lying ability.

"It's alright," comes her sharp reply. "Anything else?" she asks.

"Yeah, stay the hell away from Erik," I whisper in her ear. "He is my husband and he loves me. So, don't create problems between us anymore. He is no more your puppet and no longer will be," I hiss out for her ears only.

"That's all," I say with a smile before getting up and walk away. My work was done. I messaged Chyna to meet by the washroom. As I got there I found her waiting for me. I lead her to a little hallway from where we could get a clear view of the patio. A fuming Serena was settled down there and if I knew her well she was going to do what I wanted.

"What now?" Chyna asks from beside me.

"Just wait for Serena to get up," I tell her and voila she does. "You can see her walking to Erik and saying something to him. She looks angry, doesn't she?" Chyna hums in approval. Serena walks away and after a few seconds, Erik follows her.

"Now go and follow them," I tell Chyna. I see her asking me a question but then she stops.

Moving around the restaurant I greet everyone until I reach the make shift station where the equipment is set up. Smiling away at everyone I stealthily pick up the small recorder projecting the hustle bustle and move it towards the picturesque scene of the ocean before pausing it. Yeah, I needed people to see something good before seeing the ugliness of the bride.

Hiding it inside my purse, I message Chyna asking where she was. Her texts come quick and she tells me to come asap. Without wasting a second, I rush just around the corner of the restaurant where there is a small secluded hallway. Chyna stands in hiding just right there. She signals me to peek inside and there are my lovely sister and husband. Without waiting a further second, I push play on the recorder letting my sister and husband stream live. I don't stand there longer just put it on the table beside before rushing away from there with Chyna to the main restaurant. We reach there just in time with everyone's eyes glued to the screen none seeing us coming.

"What I do, should no longer matter to you, Serena?" Erik says calmly

"Are you for real, Erik? Everything you do with her matters to me. Do you hear me?" She berated.

"You're getting married tomorrow Serena," Erik points out. "I think you should care about that," Silence falls over before we see tears in Serena's eyes. Ah my poor sister crying

"Hoe could you do this to me, Erik? How could you?"

"You promised me, Erik," Serena cries out. "You promised me that you would make her life a living hell, that you would never fall for her then how can you." The ugliness of Serena starts to fall out.

"I remember my promise, Serena. I remember all my promises to you." He lashes out wiping away her tears and all that I felt for him minutes away was lost. Serena would always come first for her. She would be all for him. She would be always his first. They fucking deserved each other.

"If you did then why do you kiss her Erik? You pledged when we parted way that you would never touch my sister, sleep with her or kiss her. You hate her Erik." She snaps

"Don't you think I know that?" He spits out

"Then why the hell you were kissing her, Erik. When I had begged you to make sure that her life with you would be living hell you vowed that you would do everything humanly possible to hurt her without being physical. Where did that vow go? You are right there in front of my eyes kissing my sister and feeding her. Have you forgotten what she did to you and me? How she had come between us? How I had to leave you just because of her!"

"I have not forgotten anything," Erik says taking her face in his hands. "I could never forget how she stole everything away from us." He grits out. "All you could see was me feeding her kissing her but you don't know how I'm to her. I abuse her to my best, Serena. I have at times crossed my limits by being physically abusive with her. There no time for her in my life and never will be. I'm just doing this to save you," I stand there looking at various faces of everyone. Shock and disgust marking faces of many. I wanted to yell out to see the real faces of Erik and Serena.

"I want you to hurt her more, Erik. I don't like seeing her happy. You have to hurt her more. Hit her more if she dares even touches you. Burn her if she tries to be close with you and if requires have her assaulted to teach her a lesson," A burst of tears stream down my face just from the thought of that. All these years she had held this much animosity towards me.

"You're not hers." Serena's heartless word make me look towards my mother. This was the daughter she had been loving, the witch she had been feeding.

"I have done everything you have asked, Serena. I have been unfaithful to her all this time, even made sure to rub it in her face. I have hurt her every fucking time I fuck someone else and I have seen it. I call her names, treat her even worse than a fucking gum on my shoe," he confesses holding her in arms.

"You wanted me to hire someone to always treat her badly right, I did that too. I made her life in that house a personal living hell. There is not a chime of happiness in her life by being my wife," I had never realized the extreme level my sister would go to make my life a living hell. All these months I have taught it was Erik who was hurting me but in reality, it was my own blood who was reaping me dry of happiness.

"How could you feed that disgusting filth? She doesn't even deserve to be close to you or me or anyone of us. If I could I would fucking kill her!" She bellows out. "I just want to destroy even the smallest happiness in her life." I stand there with tears in my eyes as I hear my own blood thinking of killing. In all this time I have never wished that for her. Is this how sisters are?

"Serena, calm down," He kisses her forehead.

"I can't. I fucking can't. All I can see is you kissing her and feeding her. She doesn't get to have this. She needs to be ripped off all the skin where you have touched her. I pray to God that she dies on this fucking resort. I wish-,"

"Serena," the calm voice of Nathaniel steps in and the screen goes black with everyone's eyes turning towards me.

Here it is I haven't expected this to be this big. This tells about how Serena isn't she really shows she is. More come in next chapter.

I will edit it more later on but as I promise you, so I have to update.

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