Just an Ordinary Girl

By dev_curr

20.3K 235 165

Devan and Steph have been best friends forever, and raised as normal girls, but one night at a One Direction... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Sara - please read so you get her character!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
What Happens Next

Chapter 13

555 6 4
By dev_curr

"Jacob! What's going on!" Devan shouted.

"It's Will" He said slowly "He's in the hospital"

"What happened!" She yelled her voice cracking.

"He was in a car accident Dev." He said walking towards her, knowing how upset she would be.

He pulled her into a hug, and told her they needed to leave.

She turned around to face Stephanie, Adam, Louis, Liam, Harry, and Niall. They had heard the whole thing. They knew she had to leave, she apologized and began to walk away.

"Wait!" Steph yelled "I'm coming with you!" 

The three of them jumped in the car and headed to the hospital. 

*Devan's POV*

Why is this happening? I don't even know what's going on!  The silence isn't helping.

"I'm sure he'll be fine" Stephanie said from the back seat.

Thank god she came with us.

"Thanks Steph" I replied, Jacob stayed silent.

This was all so weird, Will said he was just going to the store, I've never seen Jacob like this.

Finally we pulled up infront of the hospital, I was practically shaking from nerves.

We walked up to the reception desk and they told us where to go.

The three of us made our way down the long whit hallway, it seemed to be never ending. We could hear the beeps of the machines, and people coughing none of it pleasent. We finally reached room 98.

We walked inside to the bed where Will was laying, i grabbed onto Jacob's and Stephanie's hands. I hated seeing him like this, he just layed there his eyes shut, a cut across the side of his face covered in a bandage and he was hooked up to all these machines. 

Jacob just stared at him, and I did the same I felt Jacob's squeeze my hand tighter.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to find a doctor" Jacob said letting go of my hand.

"okay" I said 

My voice was cracking, there was a lump in my throat and my eyes began to fill with tears. I turned to Stephanie who didn't say anything, she just hugged me. That was what is so great about our friendship, we always knew what the other one needed.

"Thanks" I said pulling away from her wiping my tears away.

We sat in the chairs next to the bed. 

About 5 minutes later Jacob returned with a doctor.

I jumped up.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked holding onto Will's hand.

"Well we need to run some more tests and then we will let you know, we are unsure at the moment." the doctor said to us.

I squeezed Will's hand, why was this happening.


*Niall's POV*

"Hello?" I heard Stephanie say through the phone.

"Steph! Where are you? How's Will? How's Devan?" The other boys were shouting stuff in the background.

I heard her giggle as she could hear all four of us. 

"We're at the hospital, I'm in the waiting area right now Devan and Jacob are speaking to the doctor. They aren't sure about Will yet, they said the need to run more tests. And Devan isn't to to good, her and Will are really close, it's hard for her." Stephanie finished you could tell by her tone she was really worried for her friend. 

"Well I'm coming now" I told her

"Me too!" Liam yelled.

"umm...okay" was all she could get out before I said goodbye. I didn't want her there alone.

"Well let's go Liam" I said to him grabbing my keys.

"We're all coming" Louis replied and Harry was sliding his shoes on.

"Okay fine, but hurry up" 

"I just have to grab my jacket!" Louis yelled walking to the closet.

Just as they were about to leave Zayn angrily walked into the hotel room, him and Louis were sharing one this time. 

He mummbled stuff under his breath and noticed all of us getting ready to leave.

*Zayn's POV*

This night fucking sucks, it can't get any worse

"Where are you going?" I snapped at my four bandmates.

"To the hospital" Liam replied.

"Why?" I asked unsure of what was happening

"Devan's brother Will was in a car accident, Devan, Stephanie, and her brother Jacob are there now."

I know me and Will didn't get off to a great start, but Devan was a good friend to me when I needed someone. Now it's time to return the favor.

"I'm coming. Let's go" I said walking towards the door again.


Will had finally woke up and Devan hugged him the second he did.

"Will! Thank god you're awake!"

Will was still kind of groggy from his concusion.

"I just went for a drive" He said quietly, he wasnt fully awake. "That boy at the house" he paused again "This is his fault"

Jacob told the doctor he was awake and the doctor gave him medicine for the pain that made him sleep again.

Devan went out to waiting room where she saw not only Stephanie but all five of the boys. She had texted Adam already he was going to come by the first chance he gets.

"What are you guys doing her?" She aksed 

"We came to make sure you were okay" Liam said standing up walking over to her.

"Are you?" he asked

"Yeah, i think i'll be fine." She replied back.

"Good" he said and hugged her.

She said hello to the rest of the boys and happily informed them that Will was awake.

"That's great babe" Louis said giving a reasurring smile.

"So what happened with you Zayn" Stephanie asked, nobody knew why he had come. He was sitting next to Devan.

"That's not important right now, I wanted to make sure Devan was okay."  did Will say what happened?" He asked

"Yeah....well kind of he was kind of groggy but he basically said that he went for  a drive because the boy at the door pissed him off."

"I'm guessing it was whoever was at the door when he answered, I plan on finding out who it is and  murdering them." She said looking over to Zayn she saw his face drop.

"Oh my god" He mummbled under his breath.

"Zayn..what's wrong" Harry asked noticing how strange he was acting

"Devan...I...I'm so sorry"


Well that's it for chapter 13! :) Fan/ Vote/ Comment and let me know what you think! :) Posting chapter 14 tomorrow! :) - Devan

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