Rejecting The Alpha Of Rouges

By PhoenixWordz

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I kicked a chair at my 'mate'. It flew at his face fast but he stopped it with one hand. "I guess you never... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Six

352 13 0
By PhoenixWordz

Beth and Dean were out of bed.  Who's arm was wrapped around me?  I looked back to see Blayke.  I guess he knew that I was having terrible nightmares and decided to join the three of us in bed.  I felt bad about it though.  How did Mina feel waking up and Blayke wasn't there?  My brother seemed so peaceful in his sleep.  I sneakily got out of his hold, grabbing clothes and sneaking into the bathroom.

When I walked downstairs Mina smiled at me.  "Blayke missed you."

"You knew that he crawled into bed with me?"  I asked.

Mina nodded.  "He was whimpering your name, he was worried about you.  I woke his ass up because I couldn't get any sleep when he was doing that and told Blayke to go hop into bed with you."

"It was a shock to me too,"  Dean commented.  "I was ready to kill him because all I saw was his arm.  Then I realized it was Blayke and you both looked peaceful so I decided to let you two sleep in."

"Plus he needed a good night sleep and a night not having to deal with me,"  Mina smiled.  "So I thought it would be a good idea anyway.  Don't worry Aliya I'm not mad.  I was the one who kicked him out of bed."

I nodded but still felt unsure of how Mina really felt.  If Blayke was whimpering my name in his sleep something wasn't right.  Knocked out of my thoughts I was pulled into a strong hug from Blayke.  Alec and Ciana came into the kitchen and both gave Blayke questioning.  There was something wrong with Blayke.  What was it?  Dean cleared his throat put Blayke still kept me in a strong hug.  He was completely ignoring Dean.  Blayke wasn't drugged too, was he?  I doubted because there wasn't a change in him like there was in Dean last night.  When Alec tried to touch Blayke, he let out a loud threatening growl.  I shushed Blayke and rubbed his back, looking at everyone wondering if they knew anything about why he was like this.  Beth stayed hidden behind Dean's leg, she was scared of the way Blayke was acting.  

"Blayke, are you feeling okay?"  I asked. 

When he didn't answer me I opened up the link between us and all I felt was sorrow.  What was upsetting Blayke so much?  Why was he not letting go of me?  None of it made any sense.  When he held me for another five minutes I slowly pushed Blayke away from me.  He looked so lost, so broken.  There was nothing in him that reminded me of his cheerful, energetic self.  When Mina tried to get close to Blayke he pushed past her and left the house.  Mina looked torn apart at what just happened.

"Why is uncle Blayke so upset?"  Beth asked.  "Is he drugged too?"

"No,"  Alec said.  "He wouldn't have recognized anyone in the room and he wouldn't be quiet."

I left the house and could smell Blayke's wolf in the air.  I shifted as well and went after him.  I needed to know what was going on.  I stayed far enough behind that Blayke couldn't hear me, sense me, or see me.  This wasn't a drug problem this was a problem that had something to do with me and something to do with Blayke.  That means only a couple of people.  I crossed off the leader of the guardians because he went to me with his concern for his mate, Blayke was nowhere around us.  I hid behind the bushes when Blayke started looking around.  When he thought the coast was clear he ran down to the trail.  I stayed at the top of the hill, looking down at the trail.  Blayke was dressed when he came out in my eyesight.  If I could see him I could hear what was going on.  Another man came from the other side.  His hair was light blonde and his skin was tanned.  His scent was familiar, it was Austin Miller.  The guy who was meant to be my Beta.  Why were Blayke and Austin talking?

"Have you come up with your decision Blayke?"  Austin asked.

"You're not getting Aliya,"  Blayke growled.  "I've said it a million times, my answer will never change.  Dean is happy with Aliya and she's happy with him." 

Austin growled.  "I will wage war Blayke.  You need to rethink this decision.  Dean's whole pack's fate is resting on your shoulder.  Aliya will be my mate even if I have to take her by force."

Blayke crossed his arms over his chest, looking completely deadly.  "Bring it on and try to take her.  Just a fair warning, Dean nor Aliya will be the one killing you.  Your death will be by my hands and my hands only.  Now go prepare for a war you're going to lose."

"You're the worst twin brother Aliya could ever have,"  Austin stated.  "She won't make it another year with you and Dean watching and 'protecting' her.  You know for a fact she'll be safer with me!"

"Just like Cole was?!"  Blayke roared.  "You failed to protect him!  He died!  Is that what I'm meant to expect?!  No!  You'll never get Aliya!  You'll have to pry her from two very protective guardians!  Good luck with that you fucking retard."

"You have until the next blood moon to hand Aliya over to me peacefully,"  Austin started walking away.  "IF NOT THERE WILL BE WAR SIMMONS!"

Blayke flipped Austin off and started storming up the hill.  I crossed my arms, tapping my foot, waiting for Blayke to get his ass up here and explain himself.  When he came up here and saw me he stopped.  His shock changed into anger mixed in with protectiveness.  Blayke gently grabbed my arm and began pulling me away from his and Austin's meeting spot.

"Are you going to explain to me what the fuck is going on?"  I whispered.  

Blayke sighed.  "I'll have to explain it all to everyone anyways.  Why not get it out of the way with you first.  Ask away."

"What does Austin want with me?"  I questioned.  "Why did he go to you?  What war?"

"Austin wants you as his mate,"  Blayke answered.  "He wants to be Alpha.  He feels like he deserves the title more than Dean.  When Ciana called him saying that you were sick and you were with Dean and I he started making meetings with me.  Every time he asked me if I would give you to him, I always refused.  The war is to prove who's worthy of keeping you."

"Woah,"  I said.  "I'm not a fucking pawn Austin can claim whenever he wants.  I fully mated with Dean and that's final."

"That's why he wants a war,"  Blayke looked at me.  "He wants Dean dead and forces you into a full mating with him.  Austin isn't the sweet boy you remember.  He's power hungry and that's why I left.  He killed the two girls I protected because I wouldn't listen to him."

I stared at Blayke in shock.  Rayla growled.  So did I.  "Then this war is on.  Not for me and Dean but to avenge the two girls you and your wolf cared for."

Blayke smiled.  "You don't even know my wolf's name?  Did you never ask Rayla?"

"No,"  I said.  "I figured you'd tell me when you were ready to let me know."

"His name is Gunner,"  Blayke said.  "I don't know why Mom and Dad chose that name.  Rayla sounds a lot fucking better."

"You ignored my statement of the war thing being about avenging,"  I stated.

"They've already been avenged,"  Blayke said.  "I ripped Austin's best friends apart limb by limb in front of his eyes.  An eye for an eye."

I nodded in agreement.  Killing two of Austin's best friends after he killed the two girls Blayke used to protect made sense.  Even though it didn't affect Austin as much as it did to my brother.  No wonder why he didn't want to protect anyone else.  I wouldn't want to protect anyone else if Ciana and Mina ever died and there was nothing I could do to stop it.  It'd rip me and Rayla apart piece by piece every day.  Then again I learned to care about Beth, Dean, Alec, Faith, and everyone else.  It'd kill me to see anyone that I loved die.  I wouldn't be able to handle it.  The healing magic I possessed would stop it but then it would put it out in the open.  I was glad that Alpha Evernight made Cole's life a secret between me, Dean, Alpha Evernight, and Cole.  Even Aurora and Faith kept it to themselves.  People would want me if they figured it out.  Maybe that was the true reason why Austin wanted me to mate with him.  So I would feel guilty and heal his two dead friends and anyone else that got injured.  

When we got back to the house everyone was sitting in the living room watching kid movies because of Beth.  She had her head and torso resting on Dean while Alec got her legs and feet.  She looked really comfortable as she was zoned into the television.  When Blayke walked in behind me everyone but Beth gave him full attention.  

"We need to prepare for war,"  Blayke said.  "It will be happening the next blood moon."

"That's in three weeks!"  Ciana squeaked.

"Are we going up against the Guardian Rogues finally?"  Dean asked.

"No,"  I answered.  "We're going up against Austin Miller."

"Why Austin?"  Mina asked.

"Ever since Ciana called and asked Austin about Aliya when she was hallucinating he's been pestering me about handing Aliya over to him so he can mate with her,"  Blayke said.  "Every time he brought it up it was always the same answer, no.  He's finally had enough and is now trying to take Aliya by force."

Dean cursed.  "Of course.  Why wouldn't the dumbass want Aliya?  It could've been anyone else but no, it had to be Aliya."

"I'm still in the room,"  Beth said.  "No curses."

"Austin says that he wants to mate with Aliya so he can become Alpha,"  Blayke added.  "He doesn't believe you deserve your name or your title.  Austin believes that if he took your mate your title would be dropped and he'd take on everything that you have."

"How many wolves do they have?"  Alpha Evernight asked, logical question.  I mentally cursed at myself for not asking that question.

"Four thousand wolves,"  Blayke answered.  "Two packs want Dean dead as well as Austin's pack."

Dean massaged his temples.  "I don't know if we even have enough rogues to go up against that many."

"You have me and my pack as well Dean,"  Alpha Evernight spoke up.  "They all accept me as their leader but I have to determine my Beta and Gamma.  I guess the training for the war will help me pick two individuals."

"Well, we have one thousand pack members,"  Dean said.  "You have one thousand as well.  We're going to need more firepower than that."

"No other packs will join us though,"  Mina whimpered.  "We're going to fail."

"No,"  I said.  "We're not going to fail.  You all are going to have to put a lot of trust into me though.  If you don't this is never going to work."

"What's your plan Aliya?"  Alec asked.

"We make our enemy our friend,"  I answered.  "Alpha Evernight, how fast can you get Faith over here?"

"Well, Aurora and Faith are now attached to the hip,"  Alpha Evernight answered.  "They can both be over in forty minutes.  They're unpacking at their new house.  Why?"

"We're going to give the leader of the Guardian Rogues what he wants,"  I answered.  "His Mate.  Faith.  But I'm throwing in a little deal myself.  In exchange for saving Dean's life and helping us win the war.  He gets Faith and we help him build up her trust towards him."


"I have to agree with Dean on that one,"  Alec said.

"I don't,"  Mina and Ciana spoke up.  "We can't do this alone.  Ten Guardians will be added to our three.  Which makes thirteen.  Plus Faith deserves to find her mate."

"I'm with Ciana, Mina, and Aliya on this one as well,"  Blayke said.  "By saving Dean's life I guess you mean he's the reason why you got an antidote.  He didn't have to do that.  Clearly, he'll do anything to get Faith into his hands.  Even if it is teaming up with us."

Dean and Alec were the only ones not okay with the plan.  After a long time of negotiating, they finally caved in.  Alpha Evernight went to go get Faith and Aurora.  I got ready to go on the search for the leader of the Guardian Rogues.  Dean and I got into an argument about me going to see him on my own.  He had to back down again when everyone was against him.  Even Alec was against him.  It made sense for me to go alone.  The leader wouldn't trust me if anyone else went with me.  

When Faith got here I took her along with me and walked far enough out of the border of the territory.  Alpha Evernight caught Faith up on everything and made her terrified.  She kept her hands clutched onto my arm.  The leader came out of the bushes right in front of us and Faith hid behind me.

"We need to change up the deal,"  I spoke with determination.  

The leader crossed his arms.  "How so?"

"Your mate, Faith, is Guardian bonded with me,"  I answered.  "She's also close friends with the girl you wanted to kill.  She's close with all of us.  Faith has also been a submissive for her whole life.  She will not trust you if you don't help us.  But if you do you have a ninety percent chance that Faith will open up and mate with you.  If you don't and you leave us to die, Faith will die as well."

"I'd love to hear Faith say she'd die alongside you guys,"  the leader said.  "I'm sorry Aliya, I'm calling you out on your bluff."

"She's not bluffing,"  Faith whimpered.  "If Aurora, Dean, and Aliya die I will die alongside them.  I will reject you if you don't help us because that will prove you're heartless."

The leader was shocked but it was only for a second.  "Fine.  What do you guys need help with?"

"There's a war coming,"  I spoke.  "I believe that the person leading this wants me for my power.  I know for a fact that you know what I mean about power.  We're going up against four thousand werewolves with two thousand on our side.  Since no other pack would side with Dean, you're our only option.  We'd have two thousand werewolves and thirteen Guardians."

"Actually if I accept you'd have four thousand,"  the leader scratched his jaw.  "You have to make this deal better for me though."

I stopped and tried to think.  Faith stood in front of me.  "You can stay with me at Aliya and Dean's pack house.  You'd get more time to make me open up to you."

"Woah,"  I said, grabbing Faith's arm.  "None of us even know his name.  Dean already isn't happy that he's the only one we can turn to."

"This is about me,"  Faith said.  "Me sleeping in the same bed with a total stranger.  I think Dean would rather we stay at the pack than I go to his."

"My name is Elijah Wilson,"  the leader spoke up.  "My wolf's name is Zeus.  Does that make you feel more comfortable Aliya."

I sighed.  "This is Faith, she doesn't have a last name.  Her wolf's name is hope."

"Well Aliya,"  Elijah said.  "If what Faith throws on the table is accepted by you, then you match up four thousand against four thousand plus thirteen guardians."

I sighed and walked up to Elijah and held out my hand.  He smiled and shook it, making the deal official.  Dean was going to murder me for allowing Elijah into the house.  But I rather Elijah and Faith be there than wherever his pack of two thousand wolves was. I mind-linked Dean to tell him the deal and I waited for a response.  Anxiety hit me when he just growled.  I was praying to the moon goddess that Dean nor anyone else would do something stupid and screw up the deal.   



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