k i w i

By KenDolls

425K 10.5K 1.8K

In where Arabella Astor has a one night stand with Zayn Malik and ends up pregnant. More

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4.9K 122 2
By KenDolls

- arabella -

"Julian," I practically begged my teenaged nephew, "just a hint."

He shook his head, continuing to cut some cantaloupe. "No can do."

Since my last ultrasound, Samuel has told Hailey, Doniya, and apparently Julian about the sex of Kiwi. I didn't really knew the reason as to why he told Julian, maybe because he was good at hiding secrets.

"Why not!? My present is the best out of all of them!" I groaned at him, frowning and leaning on the counter. "Come on, Julian, it's the sex of my baby!"

"I know. I also appreciate your present, but it won't bribe me." He said back, putting the small pieces on a bowl carefully. "Why don't you go help grandma? She looks like she's gonna have a meltdown."

I frowned at his words, shaking my head and following him to the backyard. "No, thanks."

He ignored me and walked further out, joining the small party mom threw for his birthday. A few of his friends were here along with our siblings-except for Olly.

"When is Tab getting here?" Sammy asked, gnawing at his lip as he looked around for our sister. "Has Regina texted you?"

"No." I say, crossing my arms. "Does she know? About Kiwi?"

"Nah. I don't think Gina told her." Sammy said, running a hand through his hair. He gave my shoulder a pat, "Tell me when she's here, okay?"

Humming to him, I watched him walk off. I knew this was nerve wracking, seeing his big sister again after three or four months of being away. Even though Sammy and I were close, he was the closest to Tabitha. Them being only two years apart.

"Bella!" Someone exclaimed from besides me, I look over and saw Penny almost running to me. Smiling, I engulfed her into a hug. "Oh, Bella, sweetheart, Regina told me."

Before I could ask, she had placed a hand on my belly, rubbing it and cooing. She then looked up at me, with sad eyes. "Who's the dad?"

"Um, Zayn." I told her, seeing the sadness leave her eyes once the name rolled out of my tongue. "Why does everybody keep thinking that its Younes?"

"Pues porque..." (well, because) She stammered out, playing with her hands as she took a step back. "you were so in love with him, I thought you were going to propose if he didn't."

Looking away from her, I didn't say anything back. It wasn't going to be something good anyway and I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

Hearing loud cheers and claps, I look over Penny to the doors of the house, seeing Regina smiling and Julian hugging Tabitha.

While she was taken to where mom and dad where, I beelined my way inside the house. Regina stopping me, "Aren't you going to greet, Tabby?"

"I gotta get Sammy." I say, not knowing why I felt mad. Her grip on my arm tighten, "Ow, Regina."

"If you're going to fight with Tabby, might as well stay up there." She said, looking to the backyard and then to me. "I don't want any drama, today's Julian's day."

Groaning, I agreed for her to let go, once she did I practically ran. Standing outside Sammy's door, I raised a hand and knocked on it, standing back.

"She's here." I say once he opened the door, standing back a little to see his reaction. I reached forward, taking his hand in mine and making him look at me. "Could you please bring me a cheeseburger and some fruit?"

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Aren't you going down to greet her?"

Shaking my head, I watched his expression turn into a mad one. Stepping up, he pushed me and began to yell.

"Why are you being so selfish, Bella!?" He said, his hands shaking on his sides. "She has been going through a hard time and you want to be selfish!? Fuck you-"

"No, fuck you!" I yell back, pushing him back and then moving over to my door. "It was her damn choice to be a fucking cocaine addict!"

After that sentence left my mouth, it was a screaming match between us two. I didn't even know what I was saying, I was just screaming none sense and curse words.

"Hey! Hey!" Finally making an appearance, Regina and Tabitha interrupted us. Regina, of course, coming in between us. "What's going on?"

"She being selfish and doesn't want to spend time with Tabby!" Sammy yelled out first, his face still a tad red from the screaming. When he realized his beloved sister was present, he went over and engulfed her into a hug. "I'm so glad to see you."

When they were done with their little encounter, Tabitha turned to me. "Hi, little sis."

I said nothing, just stood my ground and stared at her to maybe lower her self esteem- which she seemed to never run out of it.

"Bella." Regina mouthed to me, her eyes narrowing. "Be nice."

"Nice to see you sober, Tabby." I smile, reaching over and petting her hair. My statement seemed fo triggered her off, her body launched forward, but Regina's body stopped her. "Woah, hey now, be careful!"

"Let me get her." Tabitha said through gritted teeth, her hands clawing. "You're such a bitch, Bella!"

"So are you." I said back, "So shut the fuck up!"

"Let me fight her!" She yelled, obviously being held back by Samuel too. "Sammy!"

"No, you can't!" He said back, making quick eye contact with me. "Come on, Tab. Lets go down to the party."

Tabitha struggled to get out of his grip, Regina now standing protectively in front of me. Both of them were struggling, "Tabby, please, just go."

"She's mocking me, Gina." Tabitha said in almost a pleading voice, the manipulative side coming out to play. "You guys don't know how I feel! It makes me want to relapse."

"Tabby, I know, but you can't hurt her." In a pleading voice, Sammy tried to hold her back again. "Come on, lets just go, Tabby. Please."

"Why can't I?" She asked, turning around to push Sammy off. "Because she's so perfect!? Because she's that perfect that my dad decided on giving her the business that was for me!?"

"No, you idiot!" Sammy finally snapped, he grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking her a little bit. "Because she's pregnant!"


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