Game Of Thrones Preference

נכתב על ידי alertIamafangirl

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Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, Theon Greyjoy, Margaery Tyr... עוד

How you meet pt.1 your point of view (Male Character (Game of Thrones)
How you meet pt. 1 your point of view (female characters) (Game of throne)
How you meet pt. 2 his point of view (male)
How you meet pt.2 her point of view (female)
how he asks you on a date
how she asked you on a date
Your first date (male)
your first date (female)
what he calls you
what she calls you
What you call him
what you call her
your first kiss (male)
your first kiss (female)
who says I love you first plus how it happened (male)
who says I love you first and how it happened (female)
How he asked you to be his girlfriend
How she asks you to be her girlfriend
why you keep your relationship a secret (male)
why you keep your relationship secret (female)
your first fight (male)
your first fight (female)
you guys break up pt. 1 (male)
you guys break up pt. 1 (female)
Ramsay Bolton
how you react to the break up pt. 2 (male)
how you react to the break up pt. 2 (female)
you guys get back together (male)
you guys get back together (female)
Person he gets jealous of
person she gets jealous of
person your jealous of (male)
person you are jealous of (female)
Jamie Lannister
Cersei Lannister
Tyrion Lannister
Myrcella Bratheon
Gendry Waters
Oberyn Martell
Yara Greyjoy
brienne of tarth
Viserys Targaryn
Obara Sand
What there family thinks of you (male)
How your family reacts to finding out about your relationship with her
Their favorite dress on you (Male)
There favorite dress on you (Female)
His favorite physical and personality feature (male)
Her favorite physical and personality feature (female)
They ask someone close to you for your hand in marriage
The moment you realized you loved her
He proposes
Your ring
His ring
Your matching Necklace
Your wedding ceremony
Your wedding Feast
2 Words to describe your wedding night
2 words to describe Your first time (female)
Ellaria Sand
How he protects you
How she protects you
Sandor "The Hound" Clegane
Tywin Lannister
Lyanna Stark
Ashara Dayne
You find out your with child
You tell them your pregnant
You agree to adopt the child/children
How they act during your pregnancy
You tell the children you are adopting them
Tormund Giantsbane
I'm back

You find a child/children you want to adopt

4.7K 44 25
נכתב על ידי alertIamafangirl

Sansa Stark-
You were passing out the bowls of food to the orphanage kids when the owner came out carrying a babe wrapped in furs. You handed the food to one of the helpers and walked over. "May I," You ask reaching towards the infant child. "Of course," Answered the older woman. "He is beautiful," You whisper in awe as you looked down upon the bundle of joy in your arms. "Does he have a name," You asked? "Ivar," She answers. 'He is so young why is he here," You asks scrunching your brow in confusion. "It was a stormy night a few moons ago a young girl maybe a little older than you brought him she said he was a bastard his father was dead and she had to run because her father was going to kill her and her baby she was sobbing begging me to take the child I hated doing it but I had no room for a babe not with many of my help gone visiting family and I already had so many children I didn't know if I could feed them all with it being winter and all so I told her I couldn't take him she left later that night when I was helping a sick girl back to bed after she vomited all over herself I heard the wales of a babe I looked outside she had the left the little thing in the box as the snow piled high almost covering the box the northern wind blew a chill right through anyone's bones that night when I found him he was blue close to death I didn't know if he would make it through the night but a note was in the box saying thank you I am sorry I love him I will not let him die ps. his name is Ivar," She told you sadness written on her face. "wow," You breathed in shock tears rolling from your cheeks. you spent the rest of your time feeding changing, playing and cradling the infant boy. You fell in love with his haunting grey eyes and shaggy raven-haired, The giggle, and cute little smile. He made you long to be a mother. A dream that could never happen with your love for Sansa.  The guards arrived at sundown to pick you up and on your walk home, an idea popped into your head. You were going to adopt this babe you just had to get Sansa to agree.

Arya Stark-
You and Arya were sparing in the courtyard of Winterfell when you heard a loud commotion from the gates. Both you and your lover stopped sparing and panned your eyes to the large gates where two guards sat yelling and trying to get rid of a crying little girl. The little girl couldn't be older than five and was covered in mud. Her fiery red hair was a tangled mess and her clothes were tattered and worn. "Arya stop them she is a little girl she is probably homeless, cold, and hungry and there scaring her please make them stop," You begged the daughter of Eddard Stark. "HEY STOP LEAVE HER BE," Screamed the Stark. "Yes lady Stark," Answered the guard. "Come here sweetling won't harm you," You coaxed the child with a voice of honey and motioned for her to come closer. The little girl approached cautiously. "My name is Y/N Baratheon and this is my lover Arya Stark what is your name," You asked? "My name is Gyda," The newly identified girl answered looking up at you with large emerald eyes. "That is a beautiful name," You complement causing her to smile. "Where are your parents," Arya speaks up from behind you. "I do not know," The girl answers emerald eyes becoming watery. "What do you mean," Arya interrogates? "My mama papa and I own a farm we were attacked they threw me on a horse and it galloped away and it took me here," The girl answers shakily as tears rolled down her cheek. You snapped your finger and motioned for a guard to come to you before turning back to the red-head child. "Gyda I am sorry to hear of such events especially since you are a child I will have whoever attacked your home found immediately and I will send a search for your parents pronto but right now this man his name is Ed is going to take you to get your horse and then we will get you fed, get you something to drink, a bath, a change of clothes, and a warm bed to sleep in okay," You instruct. She took Ed's hand and left. "She can't stay here," Arya states. "She has to it is winter she is a child she will not survive," You growl back furiously. "Then take her to an orphanage you already volunteered men when we have no control over them and promised justice to her family when we have bigger things to worry about," Arya defended herself. " no matter what you have to take care of your people no matter what challenges you or your land faces and Sansa is in charge of the men and if I tell her about this she won't agree with me also how dare you to throw her out to fend for herself or demand me to take her to an orphanage we understand how cruel that world is to people not born to a king or a warden or a lord  but to a normal common man we also know how it feels to take care of ourselves and how much we wish someone would have helped us," You rant. "She can stay one night first thing tomorrow she needs to go to the orphanage," The Stark bends. "Please at least let her stay until we find her parents or their bodies," You plead. "Fine until we find her parents," She agreed. "Thank you," You thank pressing your lips to her's.

Daenerys Targaryen-

You were sent by your lover to check up on her kingdom in Mereen. "greeting Queen Y/N," Daario Naharis greets you as you step off the ship. "Greetings Daario how is our queen's kingdom doing in her absence," You asked straight to the point. "Great my lady though many miss Daenerys," He answers. "Swell then I should be gone soon," You answer watching a few of the second sons grabbing your belongs. "Take it to the queen's old chambers," You order. Before motioning your hand for the leader to walk. "Dany told me to thank you for watching over her lands here while she takes her land there," You thank walking next to him. You walked towards the castle in silence. "Would you like to handle court today," Daario spoke up? "Yes," You answered. "Okay then we should head there first thing," He suggests. "Okay," You agreed. Court had gone by slowly it was the usual. "Are we almost done," You asked Daario? "Yes this is your last one," He answered. The large doors opened and they threw a boy not older than thirteen to the floor. His skin was kissed by the son he was bone thin his hair was a shaggy brown and his eyes a chocolate brown. "Help him up," You demanded sternly. The two second sons lifted him to his feet. "What is your name," You asked the boy. "Rollo," He answered. "What are the crimes Rollo is accused of," You asked looking straight at Daario? "He is accused of stealing a loaf of bread from the baker and a pitcher of ale from the tavern," Your question was answered by Daario. "You are an accused of stealing a loaf of bread from the baker and a pitcher of ale from the tavern how do you respond to these charges Rollo," You asked softly. "Guilty your grace," He responded looking down shamefully. "Why did you do it," You asked with a voice as sweet as honey. "My sister Aslaug and I were hungry and thirsty it would have been the first time we drank anything other than boiled ocean water in two days and the first time we ate anything in a week," The prisoner explains obediently. "What of your parents," You asked? "My father was a merchant and he and my mother had one passionate night and he left my mom found out she was with child and he never came back like he promised her and my mother she fell ill and took her last breath a year ago today," Rollo answers. "Have you stole before," You asked? "Yes plenty of times," He answered honestly. "My sentence for you is a few guards will accompany you to pick up Aslaug and your belongs you will be moved into the castle with me you will act like a prince and princess and you will be treated as such when I go back to Westeros you both will be on that both with me as me and my lovers adopted children I will discuss it more with Dany later after we get there but your not getting away with stealing so starting tomorrow you and your sister will each be assigned two guards each day until we leave you will go work off the items you stole," You sentence. "Thank you my queen," Rollo thanks. "Call me Y/N and go on go get Aslaug Daario I can trust you with my children go get my daughter and her belongs as well as my son's belongs," You order before everyone left and you finally went and took a bath.

Margaery Tyrell-

You and Margaery were visiting the orphanage playing with all the kids. Your eyes panned to the door to a boy around sixteen with long blond hair and ocean blue eyes walk in carrying a sword. "STOP RIGHT THERE YOUNG MAN," The orphanage owner screams. The boy stops in his tracks and turns on his heels a look of defeat. "Ragnar what have I told you no weapons in this establishment," She chastise. "Sorry but I have always wanted one and I earned up a whole six worth of payments and helped the sword guy make it so I can get it please let me keep it I will put it away so the kids can't get it," He pleads. "No no weapons and instead of spending money on weapons you should be saving it or using it to help care for you now give it here I'll put it up and you can have it when you move," She sternly replies sticking out her hand. He hands over the brand new sword before stomping off and she took off in the other direction. 

Cersei Lannister-

The doors to the throne room door opened wide and in walked Lord Alfred Skull of skull island followed by a timid woman in worn clothes carrying a babe. The Lord's army marched in behind him. "Your grace," Greeted the Eastern Lord. "Lord Alfred welcome and this must be your wife, Judith," Cersei greets before asking while motioning to the woman. "No my wife died during the birth of our first child our daughter Gisela this is my daughter's wet nurse Astrid," The young lord explains. "I am sorry to hear that," Cersei replies. "Now Cersei my queen tell me why I have been called upon," The Lord of Skull Island answers. "Let's discuss this privately with my council," Cersei suggests. "Then let's go," Alfred demands. "Little Dove you are in charge," Cersei says before walking off. "Guards please show lord Alfred's men to there encampment please as for Astrid and Gisela follow me a war camp is no place for the two of you," You demand before explaining. You first showed the raven-haired green eyed wet nurse her quarters before taking her across the hall. "This is where Gisela will sleep," You explain motioning to the baby room. Astrid entered going to set the baby down in the wooden crib. "May I hold her," You asked? "I don't know if Lord Skull would allow that," She stuttered. "Please, I am the queen's lover he cannot harm either of us for me holding his child," You reassure. "Okay," The younger woman agrees handing you the babe.  She had hair as dark as the night sky and eyes that were blood red. "She is gorgeous," You mumble in awe. You spent the rest of the day in the nursery playing with Gisela and befriending Astrid.

Mrycella Baratheon-

(This may be triggering graphic description of a dead body and brief implying of rape)

Your best friend Raina had wound up pregnant but that was thirty-seven moons ago. She now has two beautiful children. Lagertha and Ubbe. Her daughter Lagertha had haunting grey eyes and long curly hair that was the color of fire and she had named her after her mother. Ubbe had the same curly long fiery red hair but his Raina always kept braided and his eyes were a chilling black. Raina was in the market one day while you were at home babysitting the twins when you heard lots of commotion. You hid the children under the mattress of the huge single bed the four of you shared before grabbing a dagger and running outside. You were met face to face with your neighbor carrying your best friend's lifeless body. There were multiple stab wounds in her stomach. Her hands and knees had the indention of rocks and were covered in sand and were bruised showing what they had done prior to murdering her. She was stripped of all of her items that were worth anything. Your knees hit the ground as you sobbed. Your neighbors helped you bury her in her favorite part of town and everyone said goodbye. You sobbed yourself to sleep in the living room but when you were woken to two three-year-olds cuddling into you. You knew no matter how much you were hurting right now your best friends son and daughter were now yours.

Yara Greyjoy-

Yara's fleet had raided a city. In the chaos, you saw a young boy around eight hiding and one of Yara's men running at him with an ax. "STOP RIGHT NOW HARALD HE IS JUST A BOY GO ELSEWHERE," You scream. The iron islander stops before looking at you and smirking. "I don't take my orders from you I take them from my queen Yara Greyjoy," The man growls. "But yet I am with your queen I tell her of your disrespect and unloyalty to her lover she will have you thrown overboard to feed the krakens," You spat with a smirk. He growled before spitting in your direction and taking off. You motioned for the boy to come closer but he only coward further. "It is okay sweetling my name is Y/N What is yours," You asked softly walking closer to him. "Hvitserk," The boy answered. He had hair as bright as the sun with golden eyes. "Hello Hvitserk I was once in your position the iron islands army attacking my home facing death or worse but I was saved by there queen Yara Greyjoy that is my lover if you come with me I can save you it is up to you come with me for food, water, warm bed, a change of clothes, and protection or stay here and hide praying to the gods they save you," You whisper turning on your heel and walking away when you felt a soft hand intertwined with yours. You smiled as you led him on to the boat and towards your chambers. "Come in here you should rest in here while they are raiding after they reboard the boat I will feed you and give you drink and you can bath and change but right now I want you to stay here in case they try to hurt you while Yara is away,"  You explain he curled up on you and Yara's bed covering himself in the furs. "Am I staying with you forever," He asked? "If you want now rest," You answer as he drifted off to sleep and you sat in a chair reading.

Brienne of Tarth-

A girl around the age of fifteen with copper hair and brown eyes. She was tall and a little chubby was watching the guards train in awe. "Do you want to do what they do," You asked softly? "I couldn't even if I wanted to," The girl mumbled looking down at her feet. "I am Y/N and you are," You asked? "My name is Torvi, my lady," She answers. "I am no lady," You state bellowing in laughter. "But I have seen you with Brienne of Tarth, Lady Sansa Stark, the king of the north and all of the other lords and ladies," The girl questions in confusion? "I am apart of the free folk," You answer. "Oh sorry," She answers. "So do you want to do what they do Torvi," You asked? "Well yes but I am unable to," The copper-haired teen explains? "Why," You interrogate. "Well I live at the orphanage and we are unable to do anything other than work and another reason I don't have the body for it," Torvi answers sadly. "You are a beautiful girl Torvi and no matter the way you look you can be and do as you please and as for living in the orphanages well we will see about that one," You reassure walking off without saying goodbye leaving the brown-eyed orphan in confusion.

Obara Sand-

Obara and her sisters and Ellaria barely survived but they did. Ellaria hadn't completely moved on from Oberyn yet but she slowly was getting out there again. One day when she came home from one of her hookups. She came back with a little boy and little girl around six. "Who are these," You asked Ellaria brow scrunching in confusion. "Bjorn and Freydis," She answers.  Bjorn had a big head of brunette curls and eyes that were a mixture of yellow red and orange like a flame. Freydis had long straight brunette hair that reached the end of her back and eyes to match her brothers. "Why are they here," You asked? "There mother worked at the whore house she is one of the women I frequently visit she confessed she is unable to care for them and she would rather lose her kids then not provide for them as she should so I took them like she asked," Ellaria answered. "Oh okay well welcome Bjorn Freydis I am Y/N," You introduce yourself as they waved shyly. "Can you show them to two empty rooms close to you and Obara's," The woman that helped raise you requested? "Yes, of Course, Ellaria right away," You agree. "Remember your rooms everything in them is temporary we will go into the market tomorrow so you can buy outfits, jewels, and decorations," Ellaria told the children. You showed them to there rooms and helped them settle in bonding with young girl and boy.


You were sitting in a tavern eating stew and drink wine with Melisandre when you saw a little boy around nine in tattered clothing dirt covered come in and beg for food. The owner was going to kick him out for not having money when you called over to them, "GIVE THE BOY A GLASS A WATER AND A STEMMING BOWL OF THIS STEW I WILL PAY." The boy came over and sat by you. "Thank you so much I could never thank you enough," The boy rambled quickly. "No problem," You reply giving him a sweet smile. "I am Floki what is your name," He asked? "I'm Y/N this is my lover Melisandre," You introduce the both of you motioning between the two of you. "It is a pleasure to meet you," He beamed. "I can say the same," You answer. "Well here is the money to pay for your meal here is some more to rent a room so you can bath and here is some more to buy new clothes come back tomorrow same time and I'll buy you another meal but we must be going for the night goodbye Floki," You explain wrapping yourself into Melisandre and leaving.

Ellaria Sand-

Your ex-husband that had a daughter that was thirteen from a previous marriage. His wife  Kwenthrith died giving birth to there daughter Margrethe. You married her father when she was very young and left when she was ten. She had hair that was shoulder length. Her skin was as pale as the color white. Her eyes were black like a starless night and her hair was raven black. When you left you did miss Margrethe because you had loved her like your own. One day you were sitting in the water gardens cuddled with Ellaria watching her children play. When the girl's familiar voice called out, "Mother." "Margrethe," You gasp in shock standing up and turning around. She ran to you. "I have missed you mother," She cries. "I miss you too," You mumble. When you two broke your hug. "How are you here the last time I saw you I was being told I couldn't take you from your grandparents," You ask? "I left I ran away I knew you were from Dorne so it was worth a shot there terrible people I am not allowed to have any fun it is all about finding me a husband I want to live with you forever," She cries. "I want you to live with me forever to come meet the rest of my family," You agree before instructed. You spent the day introducing her to the girls and Ellaria telling her of your brothers and sisters. Your uncle and your father before showing her to her room.


Cersei killed your family because they had been siding with the Targaryen's secretly since Robert overthrew the mad king. Thankfully your youngest siblings Sigurd and Helga were only a few days old and hadn't been announced yet. Your mother had them hidden away with two wet nurses named Porunn and Siggy. The two women had orders to bring the babes to you in Dragonstone. Porunn and Siggy arrived late in the night frantically. You and Missandei were asleep in your chambers when Daenerys summoned you. You readied yourselves and enter the throne room. "Do you understand how late it is my queen," You complain with a yawn. "Yes but you needed to hear this now," She answers motioning to Porunn and Siggy. "Who are you," You asked? "I am Porunn," a woman with nappy blond hair and crystal blue eyes answers. "I am Siggy," Answers the other one that had brunette hair and green eyes. "Why are you here," You ask? "They both remove the children from there furs. "This is is Sigurd and Helga Y/L/N (Your Last name)," Porunn starts. "They are your youngest brother and sister your mother ordered us to bring them here," Siggy finishes. "What of my parents my other siblings," You ask? "Cersei attacked she learned of there alliance with house Targaryen," Porunn begins. "Her army killed everyone we barely escaped with the twins we are sorry my lady," Siggy finishes. "Thank you, please hand me my siblings I will take them to my room and warm them up thank you for your service I can continue to pay for you to be there wet nurses or you can leave there is a room next to mine with two beds please sleep there tonight and we will discuss this more tomorrow," You explain taking your siblings and marching off your lover following behind.

Lyanna Stark- 

Halfdan was your uncle. You weren't very close and you had only met your cousin Magnus once or twice. You were at home baking when a loud echoing knock rang out from the door. It was late and Lyanna would have just come in. You picked up a dagger and crept towards the door. You opened the door and were met with a boy around eleven with short straight firey hair and eyes of cold mixed with black. "Who are you," You asked? "I'm Magnus are you Y/N," he asked? "Magnus my cousin Magnus my uncle Halfdan's son," You clarify. "Yes," He answers. "Come in," You invite. "Sit Magnus why are you here," You instructed. "My father was arrested I was hoping I could live with you and your father," Magnus explained. "My father is dead," You state before adding, "But you are welcome to live here as long as you need." You accept before going back to baking as your cousin talked your ear off.

Ashara Dayne-

A little girl around fourteen washed up on the beach of Starfall. She had hair that was like strands of gold and eyes that were like fire in a black void. She was unconscious at first but she awoke a few days after she washed up on shore. "What is your name," You ask? "Angrboda," She answers. "I am Princess Y/N Martell you are here in Starfall home to house Dayne my lover Lady Ashara Dayne to be exact can you tell me what you remember," You introduce before asking with a voice like honey? "Yes the last thing I remember is being on a boat with my family to meet my sister's betrothed and then we were ambushed and our boat was sunk," She answers. "You are welcome to stay here as long as you like food and water are on the tray extra furs and clothes in the wardrobe rest," You finish before leaving.

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