Adopted by 5SOS?

By prettyinblackthings

1.9M 54.6K 25.3K

I'm Cara. A complete mess that no one wants. I ruin things and wreck peoples lives... That was until they cam... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
starting youtube?
important youtube video!!

Chapter 49

23K 655 693
By prettyinblackthings


Cara's POV

*2 months later*

Its been 2 months and i still haven't told him about me being pregnant. They have a day off today to maybe if i ask him to go somewhere with me i can tell him then? I'm just so frightened of his reaction.

I've got a tiny bump which is normal. I just told everyone that i'm gaining weight and they seem to believe me.

I got out of the shower and put on a baggy white t-shirt with black skinny jeans and white trainers. I ran into my room and Luke was sitting on the bed with his laptop in his hand.

"How about we go out today?" I said trying to be calm.

"Yeah sure where do you want to go?" He asked.

"How about just a walk about? We don't really do much" I laugh slightly and done my make up.

"Yeah sure we will leave about 2ish" He said. Its not 12:30pm so that gives me time to calm my nerves.

I done my make up then my hair then walked into the living room with Luke and him and the lads started playing fifa. I sat down and went on my phone while they played their games.

How am i even meant to tell him. It was quite easy for James because i already thought of having a abortion but know i now that i am keeping this baby its going to be hard. I want him to stay with me and want the baby too. I've always wanted to have a baby and give it the childhood i didn't have. I wanted a caring dad for the child and to be a mum that will give it everything that i can possibly can. I know i haven't got thousands of pounds to spend on the baby but what i do have will be for the baby. My dream life would be to have a loving husband, a nice house and children to have with us in the house. I know i'm expecting a lot but who wouldn't want something like that. I guess it probably wont happen but that's just the dream i have. To have a family with someone i love. I just want to be able to treat my children how i wish i was treated. I want my children to have both their parents with them not just the one, even though i have my mum now it still doesn't make up for her leaving me when she did so i basically didn't have parents. That why i want to have this child so i can treat it the way i wasn't, give it the things i always wanted. The life i wanted, the freedom and the love.

"Ready to go?" Luke asked and i nodded.

I sprayed some then walked out of the flat holding Lukes hand. 

When we reached outside some fans were requesting pictures that i had to take for them. I can tell today won't be as calm as i hoped for. But the fans make Luke happy and as long as he is happy i am to.

"Okay lets go" He smiled and took my hand again.

We walked into the park and children were running round laughing with there mums sitting down with another mum talking.

This is going to be me soon.

Hopefully us.

My nerves were getting higher the more children i saw. Panic was rushing through me.

"Why do you want to be a dad so old?" I asked him

"Well i have actually changed my mind" He said and i let out a happy sigh.

"Probably late twenties or thirty" He said. Well atleast he doesn't want to be a old dad. I just hope he changes his mind. I know we're 18 and he has a busy job but some people have children at 18 right?

We walked over to a bench and got a drink each.

"We really need to talk Luke" I finally said and he looked worried.

"Have i done something?" He panicked.

Well you got me fucking pregnant with a child you don't seem to want.

"Er.." I stuttered

"Nothing don't worry about it" I slouched back.

If he didn't want a baby he should of put something on the end of it.

Maybe its my fault as well.

I should of checked.

I know i can't keep this to myself. He needs to know.

Fuck it i should just tell him.

Would he be mad that i'm two months pregnant and that i've been lying.

"Er...Luke you know when we..You know..." I said hopefully he will know what i'm hinting at.

"Yeah..." He dragged out.

"You did use protection right?" I asked clenching onto my top.

"No because i though you had them pills?" He said.

Fuck sake.

"Why what's happened?" He asked.

"I-i..Well...I didn't know and i'm" I stuttered.

He looked like he knew what i was going to say

"Luke i'm pregnant with your child" I said calmly and he went pale.

Lukes POV.

She's pregnant.

I got a girl pregnant.

Most girls take a pill right?

I didn't think it was needed.

God i'm such a idiot.

That's why she's been asking. What age i want a child at and questions along them lines. Why she is gaining weight and why she was ill the whole time we was in LA. Why she won't let us do anything. I thought she didn't want to do it with me. I had no idea she was pregnant. None at all.

"Luke? Say something" she said in a worried tone.

"I-i...I can't i'm sorry" I said and got up to walk back to the flat. Once i turned a corner i looked back and she was crying and on the phone. Mascara was rolling down her pale cheeks and she looked like she was struggling for breathe.

I feel bad but i don't know if i could cope with a child.

I got back to the flat and she wasn't there. The boys where sitting on the sofa eating and watching tv. I walked straight to my room and laid down.

I feel bad but come on. My career means i'm going to be traveling all the time so i will never see the thing.

I heard the door slam. That's probably her.

Cara's POV.

I walked into the flat trying to remove the back smudged mascara from my cheeks.

"Cara, you okay?" Calum asked soon as i got in.

"Y-yeah i'm fine" I sighed.

"Have you two been in a arguement?" Michael asked from the sofa.

"Something like that" I said to him and walked into my room to see Luke was laying on the bed.

"You know there is other options" He said and i was confused.

"I guess its to late for a abortion.." I dragged on.

"What?" I snapped and he ignored me.

"Theres always adoption and that thing where you have a child for someone" He shrugged like it was no big deal.

"You think i'm gonna put my fucking child through the adoption system!" I yelled "I was in a care home for 4 years! I'm not letting my child go through it!" I yelled louder and he stood up.

"So your gonna keep the thing?" He asked.

"Thing?!" I yelled "This isn't a thing its a fucking baby! Our baby! Wether you like it or not Luke you're the dad!" I cried.

"How the hell am i meant to be there for it if i'm off touring!" He yelled at me.

"Why does everything have to be about you! Its your fucking fault! If you didn't want a fucking child you should of put something on the end of it!" I yelled in his face

"I thought with the amount of people you've slept with you would know how to deal with not getting pregnant!!" He yelled and i started full on crying.

How dare he say that!

"Look..I didn't mean that--" He started but i stopped him by punching him.

"You knew exactly what you meant!" I tried to yell but my tears were cutting in.

I looked under the bed and pulled my suitcase out and started to throw things in. As i was doing so Luke was pulling them out.

Ashton's POV.

Me,Michael and Calum remained quiet trying to hear what was going on. All could hear was shouting,swear, crying and something banging against the walls which sounding like a fist. Cara came running out with bags and suitcases in her hand with tears streaming down her face.

"I can't fucking believe you!" She yelled to Luke who was standing infront of her.

"It might not even be mine! It could be fucking James'!" He yellled to her.

Is Cara pregnant?

Cara's POV.

James' child. 

Why the fuck would it be his.

"Of course it isn't because he puts something on the fucking end of it!" I yelled.

I can't believe the things he is saying then saying 'I didn't mean that' well if you didn't mean it then why the fuck did you say it? God this boy is making me angry.

"You said no matter whatever happens you was going to keep me safe and love me forever? Where they just words to you?" I said calmly.

"I meant them i--" I cut him off.

"So not only are you making me unsafe your making this baby unsafe to!" I yelled.

I can't believe this.

I wanted this boy to be mine for as long as possible.

"I guess this is goodbye the" He sighed.

"This is goodbye" I sighed also.

"Can i get a hug?" He asked and i nodded.

I wrapped my arms around him then just has he losened up, i kneed him in the croach. While he was kneeling over in pain i spoke up.

"Never play with my feelings again!" I said through my teeth. 

I walked out the door crying at the fact i have nowhere to go. My mum is pregnant so she doesn't need another pregnant girl with her. Shay is moving away. 

And James.

Well i haven't heard from him in months so i can't ask him for help.

This is it then. 

I'm pregnant and alone.

I picked up bag up to put it in the taxi i had just called.

"Need some help?" A boy said from beside me i turned around and smile.

"Joe?" I smiled widely.




Sequal description will be up at 3pm UK time.


Do you think Luke will change his mind on having a child?





tysm for reading this fanfic.


ig- t0xiclukefeels

vine- t0xicfeels 


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