Movie-star love

By drearymistakes

23.8K 790 185

When a girl named Kally bumps into a movie star named Dylan O'Brien in a screening she embarrasses herself bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 9

656 21 3
By drearymistakes

Kally's P.O.V

Since I've been fired from my job I really had no motivation to do anything. Basically stayed home all day until I had to go my classes. Then I went straight back home in Dylan's car since it's the only I have of him.

It was eleven fifty-six in the morning. Today I was going to stay home but Luther wanted to take me out for coffee to talk about what happened. I declined and just told him over the phone, I really wasn't in the mood to go out.

Today was a nice day, well it wasn't sunny or anything but it was breezy and cloudy. When I'm sad it's a good day for me. So no one could say; "Hey! Rise and shine be happy the sun is bright!"

Nothing else mattered right now. I was waiting for the check that my prick of a boss was going to send me but I haven't received it yet. I need to pay for more classes or they will kick me out. Maybe I should go to my old office and ask for my check-in person. Yeah right, I've been probably banned after what I did to his office and sticking the finger at him.

I guess since I've been home all day I'll go to school and do some classes today since I have a lot to do tomorrow. This better be one school I get transferred to-to teach. I would like to teach juniors in high school. Now I hated high school but maybe this will be a better high school then I went to. It will be different because I'm a teacher so I can tell the kids what to do and hand out detentions. And the ones that actually want to learn can stay.

I get dressed and brush my hair down. I slip on some shoes then grab my purse and head downstairs to my car. After I locked my front door I head in my car and drive off. I decide not to take Dylan's car since I've been driving it all day yesterday.


I walk inside the school and head to the library. I look over the textbook that soon to be teachers use to practice teaching students about each section.

I think it will be a little challenging remembering all this but teachers teach for years and years so this information basically can never leave their brain.

Finishing my work I look up at the clock and it's already one. Sheesh, time passes fast when you're focused. I gather my things and give the textbook back to the woman at the front desk. As I'm heading out I stop as my stomach growls. I hold my stomach as a wave of nausea hits as I forgot to eat breakfast. How do I always forget to eat breakfast?

"Hey, you don't look so good?" A familiar voice says walking up to me.

I look up slowly and stop holding my stomach.

"What's it to you?" I say and walk past him.

"Kally, stop." He says turning around my way, "I'm assuming you're hungry and didn't eat breakfast because when we were together you never remembered to eat breakfast so, let me take you out to eat." Tommy says speaking with his hands.

I turn around toward folding my arms. "Why would I do that when I can go home and make breakfast and not have to pay for it?" I snarl at him. He still doesn't realize I don't like him at all, he broke my heart and now he's better? Why couldn't he get better for me? For us. I mean I know it's hard but I was helping him but he wouldn't listen to me.

"Please, just, I want to talk. And I wouldn't make you pay, come on let's go."


I order eggs, bacon, pancakes, and orange juice. Tommy just orders a coffee.

"Seriously you're not going to eat?" I asked with my mouth full of pancakes.

He chuckled, "No, no I ate this morning." He said smiling.

This seems weird I shouldn't be doing this but I needed a good breakfast that didn't require me to wash dishes.

"As I said earlier that I want to talk to you... I wanted to apologize for the way I acted when we were together, I'm sorry for not letting you help me. But you breaking up with me put up perspectives that I should change. And I needed to do that alone. I'm two years sober and I feel great. Stopped drinking stopped smoking cigarettes." He says then adds, "and I regret not stopping sooner than... Maybe we would still be together." He finishes.

I look up at him holding my fork. I don't know if I should tell him I've moved on, I mean I'm proud of him but that doesn't mean I'm going to come crawling back to him.

"Wow, Tommy I'm happy for you and I know it was hard when we were together to stop those habits but I'm glad you conquered them but... I'm kind of with someone else, not right now but we soon will be and I- I really like him." I let out.

Tommy scoffs with a smirk and looks down, "yeah... Yeah, I didn't expect you to you know to come back with me I just, wanted to finally let go of the past and see if you're still not mad at me."

"I'm not mad Tommy, I'm glad you're okay now. Everything's good. Thank you for clearing that up."

Tommy grins then nods his head, "yeah." He whispered.

I can't finish my food since I'm full.

"Um, thank you for breakfast I can pay you back."

"No, don't worry about it. Thank you for coming here with me." He says standing up.

"Oh, thank you, and yeah sure." I smile back. Tommy leaves money on the table then waves goodbye and leaves.

Man, he really is good man now.


I walk inside my house and close my front door then lean against it. I replay everything that happened in my head. They're still definitely were feelings left inside me for Tommy. But I would not admit it to myself. I like Dylan and he's good for me, right?

I shake it off then head upstairs to my room. I sit at the edge of my bed and hold my pillow. What the hell was happening in my life? When did it turn to a shit show? It was now three o'clock and I didn't want to do anything else. I think that was enough for today. I should take a quick nap. I lay down and knock out in a second.


I hear ringing, I think it's in my dream but when I open one eye it's real life. I look at my phone and see five missed calls from Dylan. Oh shit, I whisper. I sit up and grab my phone and answer him.

"Hello?" I asked holding my cheek with my eyes closed.

"Kally? Are you okay?" He asked with a worried voice.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine." I yawned, "I was just taking a nap."

"Oh okay, well. You should put on a dress."

"What? Why would I put on a dress?"

"I don't, I'm bored we can play dress-up through the phone."

"Dylan stop you woke me up and now you're being weird."

"Just please okay,"


"Oh, and I have a feeling I left my light on in my house can you go check it for me, please? And take my car to go check."

"Okay, Mr. Orders." I joke.

"Haha," he fake laughs, "okay thanks you're the best!" Then he hangs up.

I don't know what he's on in Canada but he needs to stop being so exciting, especially since I just woke up.

I walk over to my closet and put on the first dress I see. It's a purple dress that stops at my knees. I tie my hair in a bun then look in the mirror. I look fine I don't feel like putting makeup on.

I drive in his car then head to his house, crazy I remember where he lives. As I park in his garage I take out his keys and head to the front door. I check every key to see which one opens the door and the third one opens it.

I walk in and close the door behind me. All of the lights are off, I don't know what Dylan is talking about. Maybe I should turn the light on to see if there's anything wrong with the electricity. I walk over to the light switch, my finger is on the switch and I flip up. The lights go on and I look around as my eyes stop on a human figure.

"D-Dylan?" I say with shock in my voice.

He holds out his arms, "I'm back!" He shouts.

My jaw drops with a smile and I drop my purse on the floor and rush over to him.

"Oh my God!" I scream hugging him so tight. "Oh my God, I've missed you." I breathe.

"I missed you too," he whispered buried in my hair.


"Did you make all of this?" I asked shocked.

"Yup! All by myself," he smiled.

"It's delicious Dylan." I said then pat my lips with a napkin.

"Thank you, and I hope you don't think this is lame but, the producer said we can go home and we'll pick up where we left off in a couple of days so I was thinking of a perfect date so what's better than just the two of us in my big house. So my friend dropped me off at my house I got everything ready and then I called you and you fell for my trick and now we're here on our very first date." He says then holds up his glass of wine.

I shake my head with a smile, I hold up my wine and we clink it together.

"To us," Dylan says.

"To us," I repeat. We drink the wine then set it down, "oh wow, that's strong." I cough.

Dylan laughs, "I've been waiting to come home to ask you something."

Oh no here it comes. I'm not ready!

"Kal," he starts taking my hand. "Will you do me the extraordinary honor of being my girlfriend?" He asked looking into my eyes while right now I don't mind.

I smile, he was such a good person, so good to me, how could I say no?

"Yes, Dylan. Of course, I'll be your girlfriend." I smile brightly.

Dylan smiles and we lean to each other and kiss.

This just turned out to be the best night ever, but it was just about to get worst....

A/N: Remember to vote and comment! I hope you liked this!

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