Adopted by 5SOS?

By prettyinblackthings

1.9M 54.6K 25.3K

I'm Cara. A complete mess that no one wants. I ruin things and wreck peoples lives... That was until they cam... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
starting youtube?
important youtube video!!

Chapter 47

19.9K 650 724
By prettyinblackthings

Cara's POV

*1 week later*

I woke up the in the morning with a banging headache and a sick feeling inside me. I rolled out of bed and pulled a oversized top over my head then a pair of shorts. I looked over at Luke and he was fast asleep, i smiled then walked into the kitchen to get some breakfast.

I sat down with a toasted sandwhich struggling to eat it. I felt sick rise in my throat so i ran to the toilet and basically threw up half my insides.

A knock at the door went off.

"Cara?" Lukes voice said from behind the door.

"D-don't come in" i said then threw up again "I don't want you to see me like this" I said then flushed the toilet.

He walked in only in his boxer shorts with a worried look on his face.

"How do you feel?" He asked kneeling down beside me.

"Just pains in my tummy and i feel dizzy" I complained.

"Lets get you to the sofa, you could chill there all day if you like" He smiled picking me up and laid me on the sofa.

"I have to go out for a bit but when i'll be back for some cuddles" He said cutely.

I smiled and turned the telly on. I watch some episodes of geordie shore then watched some fresh prince of belair.

I know this may sound crazy but.

I feel the exact same way i did when i was pregnant with Jayde.

I can't be pregnant.

We've only done it a few times.

Luke did use protection right?

Panicking i decided to call my mum to see if she can help me. I looked through my contacts and called my mum.

"Cara? Are you okay?" She spoke through the phone.

"Yea- No...No i'm not" I cried

"What's happened sweetie? Has Luke hurt you?" She panicked.

"M-mum i woke up this morning and was sick. I feel how i felt when i was pregnant with Jayde but I can't get pregnant because we've only slept together a few time and-" I said but stopped because i began crying again.

"Did you use protection?" She spoke in a plain tone.

"I didn't check. Most of the time boys just naturally put it on so i didn't check" I sobbed wipping my tears with the sleeve of Lukes flannel shirt.

"You need to do a test sweeite. When do you come back to London?" She asked and i took a breathe.

"Friday" I said. Today is wednesday. We are leaving late thursday night so we can get home early/

"Do a test then sweeite" She said to me.

"I-i'm scared" I cried again "Will you stay with me when i do it?" I asked. 

Lately me and my mum have got closed. She's right she has changed. I trust her alot and hopefully she will stay with me if i am pregnant and hopefully so will Luke. If i am pregnant i hope people know. I'm am not getting rid of this baby. I am against abortion. I only went to have a abortion when i was pregnant with Jayde because i was only 15, nearly 16. And no way will i put her up for adoption because i've been through that system and i am not letting another child go through what i did. Especially mine.

"if that's what you want hun" She said and i can tell her is smiling because of her tone.

"It is" I breathed out and a knock went at the door "I gotta go...Someone here" I added.

"Okay sweeite. Don't panic, everything will be fine" She said and i hung up. 

I pulled the cover off me and walked to the door. It was a delivery man.

I didn't order anything?

I opened the door and he was holding tubs of Ben and Jerry cookie dough ice cream and some films.

"Delivery for Cara Richards for Luke Hemmings" He smiled. The man was old. He had a long brown beard and grey hair that had way to much gel in.

"Thanks" I smiled an took the tubs of ice cream then closed the door. I put everything down on the coffee table and took a photo for instagram.

'At home ill and this turns up at the door. Best boyfriend ever i swear @Luke_is_a_penguin #Boyfriend #ill #Lovehim'

Cringey couple thing but i honestly don't care what people think. I used to but since i've been with these boy my confidence and self esteem has grown. Yeah i have the day were i feel down but who doesn't?

I laid down on the sofa with the blanket over me, the film on and the tub of ice cream and a spoon in my hand.

I really love Twilight don't get me wrong but Bella, why would you try and piss aload of vampires of that want to kill you? It's a bit of a stupid thing to do. I swear she's only doing that so she will be a vampire. But just imagine being her age and living for ever, they repeat high school over and over i couldnt even last a year.

I stuck on the second film which was Grown ups a film that never fails to make me laugh.

Watching all these films did take my mind of the thought of me being pregnant until it came to a part in a different film where the women fell pregnant and the man left because of it. It made me cry because i didn't want that to be me.

The bursted open and Luke came in smiling.

"How you feeling?" He said puling me into a cuddle like he promised.

"A tiny bit better" I mumbled into his chest.

He insisted we watch mean girls which i don't mind because i love the film it never gets old. I didn't know a boy would laugh so much at a girl film.

"Luke" I started.

"Mhmm" He hummed.

"What age would you have children at?" I asked to see if i can recieve a answer i hope for.

"Maybe when i'm like 35. Not yet" He said casually and my heart shattered "Why?" He added.

Shit, think of a excuse.

"Just wondering" I tried to act cool.

I stayed silent for the rest of the evening trying to process everything through my mind.

Me being ill, possibility that i may be pregnant with a baby Luke doesn't seem to want. Maybe because it will be his own he may want it? We're 18. Maybe he just wants a girlfriend and his rock star life. With me that could all fail. How could i look after a child by myself? He will be away on tour and i know i can't always go with them they do need some privacy. 

Maybe if i am pregnant i should have a abortion.

But would i really give up a child that i can keep for a relationship that may not be forever?




I'm bored.

What's your fave youtuber? lol heeeheee. 

I love Thatcherjoe(Joe sugg), Pointless blog (Alfie Dayes), Troye sivan, Tyler Ooakly (I can't sell) and Caspar lee.

The sequal is en route 

But will you all read it??????

Do you all think Cara is pregnant?????

Its a Luke Hemmings one bc you all ship Lara hard.


Ig- t0xiclukefeels

vine- t0xicfeels


(I had something else to ask but now i cant remember fml)



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