Harry and Ginny love story

By ozzy_osborne_x

147K 1.7K 1.8K

This a story on my views of what should have happened in the 19 years. Don't read if you are sensitive. More

Chapter One: Falling Back In Love
Chapter Two: Forbidden Love
Chapter Three: The Light From Nowhere
Chapter Four: All Hope Lost
Chapter Five: The Miracle
Chapter Six: The Search
Chapter Seven: To Die Or Not To Die
Chapter Eight: Only One Will Go On
Chapter Nine: What Goes On Behind The Smile
Chapter Ten: Death And Diamonds
Chapter Eleven: Coming Out
Chapter Twelve: The Unexpected Arrival
Chapter Thirteen: Catching Up
Chapter Fourteen: Receiving The News
Chapter Fifteen: My Deepest Condolences
Chapter Sixteen: Forgive And Forget
1K!!!!!!!!!!! Thankyou All So Much
Chapter Seventeen: Getting Better
Chapter Eighteen: Please, Not Yet.
Chapter Nineteen: Welcome, Bienvenido
Chapter Twenty: Going Mad?
Chapter Twenty-One: Change In Heart
The Wattys 2018
Chapter Twenty-Two: Forgiveness
Chapter Twenty-Four: What to do? What to do?
Good storys
Chapter Twenty-five: My Love, My Life, Our World
Chapter Twenty-Six: Why Is It Always Us?
Chapter Twenty-Seven: One Day Maybe, But Not Today.
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Hope Is Born
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Big Day Is On The Way
Chapter Thirty: Just As Everything Was Good, Who Knew It Could Be Better?
Chapter Thirty-One: The Big Day Is Almost Here
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Wedding Part One
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Wedding Part 2
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Wedding Part Three
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Weasel
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Secret
Chapter Thirty-Seven: What Have I Done?
Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Rescue Mission
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Rehabilitation
Chapter Fourty: Its All George-Georges P.O.V
Chapter Fourty-One: second chances
Hi Guys
Chapter Fourty-Two: Acting normal
Sorry guys
Chapter Fourty-Three: The Plan
Hi guys 👋🏻

Chapter Twenty-Three: Secrets And Sins

1.8K 20 22
By ozzy_osborne_x

She is everything to me. And I can never let her find out the truth. Ever.

Dracos P.O.V
I wake up late that night. 3 am. I know what I have to do. I gently pull Hermiones arm of me and slither out from under the covers. I really hope she doesn't find out what's happening. It would crush her. She would hate us.

I go to the living room and they are already here. Here we go. Stay strong Draco. For her. For them...

Ginnys P.O.V
I am stood in that house again. I can see everything from here. I can see the mangled mess of Hermiones dead body on the floor, Harry crouching over her. I hear footsteps behind me and swivel on my feet to see who it is.

Its Dean. He looks at me and smiles menacingly. I hate it. The thought of always being in danger.
"Ginny, I am back, and I will do anything and everything in my power to kill both you and Harry. I am coming for you. Watch your back..."

I wake up, gasping and panting. I can't find my breath. I am hyperventilating. I think it's a panic attack. Harry sits up next to me and takes my face in his hands. He kisses me, catching my breath and calming me down.

I look at him, tears still flowing from my cheeks. I love him so much. "Harry, when did you learn that?"

"I found out that if you hold your breath when having a panic attack then it stops it." He kisses me again. I kiss back and grant him entry to my mouth.

He pulls away and I pout. "You need to go and see a counsellor Ginny. I know it's a muggle thing to do, but it does help sometimes. I promise. Go for me"

Dracos P.O.V
I look at the people stood in the room, not believing I got dragged into this.

"Have we got a plan?" I ask doubtingly "or are we just going to sit here and act as though we know what we are doing? Because that won't be very smart. I don't want anything to do with this but I will if it means safety for those I love!"

My dad looks at me and smiles very alarmingly. I can't believe I thought he was dead for so long. Why? And, why, when he came back did I let him back in my life?

Especially with this crap plan of his that will kill everyone. Oh yeah, because he found me and promised me protection, for me and those I love, which he doesn't know is Hermione yet.

"Our plan is to bring him back. I will say you helped son, but you don't have to. I can still guarantee your safety and your loved ones, but I can't promise he won't look for you! Are you willing to take that that risk or not?" He asked, before apperating away, not giving me a chance to answer.

I go back to get in bed and see Hermione there, tears streaming down her face. "When were you going to tell me? When it was too late? Ever?" She asks before trundling back to bed. I curl up on the sofa, deciding to give her some space. I magic a blanket and fall asleep, the memories flooding back to me one by one. The ones I tried so hard to put to the back of my mind.

*later that day*
Ginnys P.O.V
I finish my breakfast and then write a note telling everyone where I have gone. I put on my coat and wrap my scarf around me, putting my wand in my pocket. I walk into town and to the guidance office, pressing the buzzer of the woman I am scheduled to see.

She opens the door to let me up. She knows about witches and wizards so it is easier for me to talk to her. I sit down on the chair and tell her what has been going on. I don't expect her to be much help.

"Think of it like drowning," she says slowly. "If your drowning and your trying to keep your mouth closed until that very last moment, what if you choose to not open your mouth? To not let the water in?"

"You will anyway, it's reflex. Besides, I'm a witch, I won't drown." She ignores that last part and carries on.
"But if you hold on until that reflex kicks in, you have more time!"

"Not much time," I mutter, not helping her help me.

She tuts and continues "but more time to fight your way to the surface."

"I guess," I say, finally giving in.

"You have more time to be rescued"

"More time to be in agonising pain, you forgot the part where your head is exploding. What if it just gets worse?" I ask, starting to understand what she means.

"If it's about survival, isn't a little agony worth it?" She asks

"Yeah but what if it's agony now and then it's just hell later on?"

"Then think about something Winston Churchill once said: if your going through hell, keep going. If you stop, you do yourself no favours."

" Its like that with a panic attack. Your in your minds version of hell but you have to power through and get over it, but you need to hold your breath, because if you let impulse take over, it gets worse. And it may feel like it can't get worse. It can."

I feel better after my session with Sara so I go to walk back home when a hand grabs my arm.
"Ginny, I need to speak to you. Now." Says a voice I instantly recognise. What does he want. Did he do something to upset her?

What did he do? Why is he here, in town, on his own with remnants of tears on his cheeks? Draco Malfoy, what mess are you in now?

An// thank you so much for reading, it's so surreal that I have 4K reads still. I love you all and thank you for your support. I am sorry it's late again, I am getting back into it. Bear with me. Thank you

C xxx

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