Deceived Heart (Larry Stylins...

By larryheaven

163K 4K 990

Louis Tomlinson is getting abused by his father at home and is never happy anymore. But can one boy named Har... More

Deceived Heart
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68

Chapter 55

1.3K 45 15
By larryheaven

"Yes Louis, we would love to have you over," Lillian told me.

"Okay be there soon then I guess," I said and hung up the phone.

I decided to give Lillian another chance and meet her family, which I guess is kind of my family now. I mean both of mine were dead anyways. I changed into some of my nicest casual clothing and checked myself in the mirror.

"Woah there where you going all fancy? Have a date eh?" Zayn came into the room.

"Yeah with my biological mom and her new family," I sighed.

"Oh. So how you feeling about it then?"

"Nervous, scared. I don't know."

"I'm sure you'll be fine tonight."

"What if they end up hating me?"

"Please you are the Louis Tomlinson. You are very lovable."

"Thanks bro. Well I gotta go, oh and I'm borrowing your car bye!" I closed the door and rushed out the front door before he could object.

20 nerve wracking minutes later, I was parked outside Lillian's house. It was a white 2 story house that looked freshly painted. It had big windows, a garage, and a front lawn with a nice well kept garden. Which was basically the opposite of my old and ugly house that I used to live in. Maybe it was time to move out of Zayn's place and live on my own in my old house. Probably use the money I have to get a car, maybe get a job before college starts.

I walked up to the front door and knocked 3 times. A moment later, a girl opened the door. She was almost as tall as me, but looked a bit younger. Probably 14 years old. Her light brown hair was done in a braid and she was wearing a floral dress.

"Hey I'm Lana, you must be Louis," she smiled.

"Yeah, actually I am. Hi Lana."

"Sup. The dining room is right this way," she closed the door and led me to the back of the house. The dinner was already on the table and another girl was setting up the table with Lillian. I'm guessing the other girl was Ally. She looked younger than Lana. Possibly 11 or 12. She had dark hair and dressed more casually than Lana.

"Louis is here mom," Lana said and took a seat at the table.

"Oh hi Louis! Come and sit! We saved a seat just for you darling," Lillian said cheerfully.

"Thanks," I gave her a small smile and sat down.

"Cody should be out of the bathroom soon. That's my husband," she explained.

"I already am out honey. So where's this Louis," a man came out of the bathroom and walked into the dining room.

He was middle aged, kind of chubby, but a kind smile was on his face. Was it weird that I was fond of him already? Now if I could only be a little bit fond of Lillian then maybe all my problems would be solved. We all sat down and ate dinner quietly and awkardly. Probably mostly because of me duh. I knew this was a bad idea, but what's done is done.

"So... Louis, how old are you?" Ally, who was sitting next to me, asked me.

"I'm 18. I'm actually going off into college in about a month and a half," I smiled at the girl. 

"I'm 11. I'm going into 6th grade soon," she beamed.

"Really? Are you excited?" I asked.

"Kind of," she shrugged.

"What do you mean kind of? You should be excited, you're going into a new grade you can make new friends. I promise you will make lots of new friends."

"Well, I do make a lot of friends," she smiled.

"Do you?" I chuckled. She was adorable, but that's when it hit me. This cute little girl was actually my half sister huh.

"So what about you Lana? What grade are you going into?" 

"I'm going to be a freshman actually. Got any tips for staying alive in high school?" She smiled.

"Let's see... don't get on the teacher's bad side, and avoid all human contact as much as possible. Don't talk to anyone, don't look at anyone, don't touch anyone," I joked.

"Thanks, I'll remember that," she laughed.

"So Louis, how's everything with Harry?" Lillian asked which made me drop my fork. I calmly picked my fork back up and began chewing.

"Who's Harry?" Cody asked.

"That is Louis' boyfriend," Lillian answered.

"Well, actually ex-boyfriend. We broke up a while ago," I cleared my throat. Damn it hurt to admit he was my ex-boyfriend, especially out loud.

"Oh. I'm sorry, son. I did't know," Lillian said. The use of the word son made me look up at her.

"S-sorry, I just need some air. I'll be back," I got out of my chair and headed towards the front door. I sat on the steps of their porch and sniffled. 

"Was he special?" Lana asked and sat down next to me. She handed me a beer.

"Just to make sure, you don't have another beer for yourself do you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No. No. Anyways, stop avoiding the question. Was he special?" She asked. I sighed before answering the question.

"Yeah, yeah he was."

"Then why'd you break up?"

"I did something incredibly stupid."

"I'm sure it wasn't that stupid."

"Well it was stupid enough to make him walk away from me."

"You didn't cheat on him did you?"

"Oh god no, I love him too much to do that to him."

"You love him huh?"

"Yeah, more than he could ever know," I couldn't believe I was admitting this to a girl I didn't even really know, but it was good to get this off of my chest.

"Then why don't you go get him back?"

"Because I don't want him to leave me again," I took a sip of my beer.

"Well then it's his loss, because you are great. Even though I don't know you very well, I know you are. And, you're my brother so I have to say that," she chuckled. She got up and went back into the house.

Damn she was smart for a 14 year old. I got up and went back into the house as well.

"Sorry about that," I said and sat back down at the table.

"It's okay dear," Lillian reassured me.

"Anyway, so about this Harry... boy? You two dated for how long?" Cody asked.

"A while," I answered.

"Mmm. He's probably no good anyways. I mean if you two broke up, then there's no point in getting back together. He's most likely a no good useless fool then. Let me guess, he's a druggie, smoker, cheated? I say to hell with him," Cody said. And again, I dropped my fork.

"Cody," Lillian said in chock.

I stood up from the table and pushed my chair back.

"Listen! Harry was not a druggie, a smoker, and would never cheat on somebody. Don't you ever call him no good and useless. He was perfect in every fucking way possible! And most importantly, I loved him. I don't care if we broke up, I will defend him," my voice cracked. It really really hurt knowing that Harry wasn't mine anymore. He was Nick's and I couldn't do anything about it.

I walked towards the door and slammed it shut. I hated that Harry didn't love me anymore. I hated that I could possibly never get over that perfect little shit. I felt like ripping out my heart and dropping it into a volcano. I drove back to Zayn's house trying to pull myself together and trying to tell myself maybe it was for the best, but I was only lying to myself. 

Once I got back, I rushed into the room and closed the door. I walked towards the bed when something caught my eye, the stuffed lion Harry got me the day we went to the zoo. All the hurt and anger welled up inside me. I threw the lion against the wall. It just bounced off and hit the floor, I picked it up and clutched it to my chest. I loved this lion. I loved Harry


Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter :). I just want you guys to know that I read all of your comments even if I don't reply. They always make me smile and laugh. You guys make me so happy and I love seeing all the support that you guys give me for this fanfic. I love you all very much :D

twitter: jukeboxiou

instagram: angela_k13


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