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*Quick author's note! So before you read the epilogue go read the last chapter if you haven't bc I've gotten comments that it won't load so try reading it on your computer or in the link in my bio on twitter :) @jukeboxiou thanks :)*

*Harry's Pov*

*10 years later*

"Serenity!" I called to my 5 year old daughter.

"Yes daddy?" She yelled from the living room.

"What are you doing?" I smiled as I walked into the living room where she sat next to the stroller.

"Playing with Daniel!" She grinned.

"Aw cute," I chuckled and kissed her and Daniel on the head.

"Do you guys wanna go to Stargaze Park?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Yes!" Serenity screeched.

"Okay. Okay," I laughed. "Put your shoes on and then we can go my little sweet pea."

"Okay daddy!" She nodded her head quickly then went to put on her shoes.

I loved that little girl so much. I loved her name. I remembered how Louis wanted to name our daughter Serenity, so I did. If only he were here to see how cute she was. If only he were here to see her blue eyes just like his and how she's such a good older sister to little Daniel. Louis also wanted to name our baby boy Daniel. I miss him every day. After he died, I wasn't the same. For years I was broken. Nobody could fix me. I was hearbroken and depressed. I knew he wanted to marry me, and it was a great yet tragic feeling because I couldn't.

Hearing the news was worse then somebody ripping my heart out, shooting an arrow at it, jumping on it, then setting it on fire, and running me over with a school bus. I stayed in my room and cried day after day. Week after week. Month after month. Year after year. It broke the boys, and Lillian and her family as well. But it impacted me the most. I lost a part of me that day, but I still love him. Shitty things happen in life, but I knew he loved me. I know he's watching over the kids and I. I hope he's smiling at us. I just wish he was here to be happy with us.

After he left this world, I wasn't a happy person. I lost my everything. I felt like my whole world had fallen and I was falling, but I couldn't stop. I was falling in an endless hole of my own grief. I tried dating again, but nobody was ever as good as him. Nobody ever will be. I still keep his ring that I got him. In fact, I turned it into a necklace. It's hanging from a chain around my neck placed right over my heart where it should be.

My 5 year old toddler came back into the living room, and broke me from my thoughts.

"I'm ready daddy!" She jumped up and down.

"Okay honey. Wanna push Daniel's stroller?"

"Yes yes yes!" She smiled widely.

I loved how she loved her little green eyed brother so much. I adopted Serenity 5 years ago, and Daniel about a year ago. They're the best things that ever happened to me since Louis. They took away most of the sadness. Sure, sometimes I'll wake up wishing Louis was sleeping on the bed next to me. Then when I realize he's not there, I may or may not cry my eyes out. Then I remember I have a little girl and boy to be strong for, and it puts a smile on my face.

We took a walk to the park. I walked beside Serenity as she tried pushing Daniel's stroller, and when she couldn't I just smiled fondly and pushed the stroller myself. We stopped at the pond. I took Daniel out of his stroller and plopped down onto the grass with him in my lap. I kissed his little head and sighed in content. Sure, being a single father with 2 children was hard, but it kept me busy. While I worked as a therapist, I paid a babysitter to watch over them.

Being a therapist was great. I wanted to help people with their problems and help solve them, because that's what I was good at. Louis would be proud of me, I know he would.

Serenity sat next to me with her head on my arm.

"Daddy?" She looked up at me.

"Yes sweetie?"

"Why do we come to this park so much? Why don't we go to any other parks?" She asked.

"Because this was you other daddy and I's favorite park," I explained.

"How much did you and dadda love this park?"

"Very much," I smiled fondly at her.

"Did you love dadda a lot?"

"Yes, more than you could know."

"Did he love you as much as you love him?"

"I hope so."

"Am I like dadda?"

"Yes, you have the same color eyes as him, and you're silly and cute," I kissed the top of her head.

"Is Daniel like dadda?"

"Yes, he's adorable and tiny just like your dadda was."

"Will dadda ever come back?"

"I'm afraid not sweetie."

"Why not? Where did dadda go?"

"Someplace better for him."

"Oh. Well does dadda love me and Daniel?"

"Yes he does."

"Okie dokie well then me and Daniel love him too."

"I know sweetie."


"Yes Serenity?"

"I love you and Daniel and dadda."

"I love you, Daniel, and your dadda more," I beamed.

"That's impossible," she pouted. I kissed her little cheek and Daniel's cheek.

"But it's not," I smiled happily, and I hope Louis was too wherever he was.


So this is the epilogue! I really hope you guys enjoyed this. I felt like you all needed closure, so I decided to make an epilogue from all the comments I was getting. Now if you feel like this is it, and you want the book to end like this I would be happy to end it like this. If you still want me to make an alternate ending leave it into the comments below. Now I know some of you are unhappy about how this story ending with Louis passing away, but the point of that was that sometimes love will last, but shitty things will happen in life that love can't fix. Please understand that. Now, I'm starting a new fanfic soon called Music To My Ears and it's already up on my page so go add it to your library! Thank you! I love you all very much :)

twitter: jukeboxiou

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