Chapter 47

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I stared at myself in the mirror. A black suit with a messed up tie covered my body. I undid the tie for the tenth time and groaned. Harry came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He was wearing a black suit similar to mine, but his tie was actually neatly done.

"Having trouble," He asked.

"Kinda," I sighed.

"Here," he turned me around and did my tie for me and it finally looked nice.

"Thanks," I gave him a weak smile.

"Today's the day. You ready?" Harry asked.

"I guess," I shrugged.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine," he whispered and gave me a kiss.

"Hey lovebirds let's hit the road! It's almost time," Niall yelled as he burst into the room with Zayn and Liam in tow behind him.

"Alright. Let's get to this funeral and get it over with," I whispered.


We arrived at the cemetery where my father was going to be buried. The thing was, his grave was going to be 2 down from my mom's. I didn't want his body to be near my mother's. She's too good for him. If it was up to me, I would've thrown his body into hell and let Satan do whatever he pleased with it.

There were only a few people at the funeral. Some family members on my mom and father's side who I haven't talked to in years were here, the cleric, me, Harry, Liam, Niall, and Zayn. Every family member came up to me during the funeral with a sympathetic look in their eyes. They all said the same damn thing. Sorry for your loss. I don't want their fucking pity. I don't want their "sorry for your loss" shit. Because honestly I'm just not sad about it. I don't care. 

I hate that nobody from the family knows that he's actually a sick sick bastard. I want to just slap everybody in the face and tell them that they shouldn't be sorry. I want to tell them the truth about how fucked up he was, but I can't. And it angers me. But I have to keep calm and just get through this. 

Once the cleric was finished with his speech, I went up to give my eulogy.

I stood in front of my naive family members, and the boys and sighed.

"Um... where do I start?" I said.

"My father was a very strict man. He was over bearing, irritating, and annoying, but he gave me a roof to live under. He put food on the table. He taught me lessons. He was an interesting man. I know that he will be missed by all of you. And wherever he is, he'll do whatever he needs to. Thank you," I quickly walked away from the podium.

I mean not all of that was a lie. I hope I made it sound like I actually like him or else I would be screwed. As I walked off, there were some family members who were crying like babies. I wanted to punch them all and yell at them to stop because my father didn't deserve their tears. He was horrible and my family members should save their tears for something else.

We all walked over to the casket which held my father's dead body in it. It was lowered down slowly into the ground. Every inch lower the casket got, the sobs got louder and the more angry and annoyed I got. Niall nudged me a little bit and put his hand on my shoulder when he saw how irritated I was. I calmed down a little bit and watched as the casket was finally in the ground all the way. Everybody, including me, picked up a handful of dirt and threw it on top of the coffin. The rest was taken care of other people. 

My family members gave me one last "sorry for your loss" crap and then left wiping their tears. I watched angrily as they walked away. I walked over to my mother's grave and kissed it. 

"You deserved way better mom. I hope you know that. I wish he wasn't in the same place as you. I love you," I said painfully.

Harry pulled me away from my mom's grave and gave me a hug. He kissed me on the forehead. As I was hugging him, I saw a lady with sunglasses in a black dress wipe a tear. She saw me staring at her, then tried to run away. She was wearing heels, so she didn't get very far very fast. I took off after her. 

"Louis! Where are you going?" Zayn shouted.

I didn't answer him. I just kept running after this lady. Why is she stalking me and what the hell does she want from me. Once I caught up to her, I stopped her and turned her around.

"Why are you here?" I asked with my jaw clenched.

She didn't answer me.

"Fucking talk! You've been following me for the longest fucking time and I don't even know who the hell you are! I deserve some fucking answers here!" I screamed.

She flinched.

"I said answer me!" I yelled.

The boys came running towards us and backed me away a little bit.

"I'm here for your father's funeral," the woman finally answered.

"Why? Why are you here if you don't even know him?" I asked.

"I do know him. And he knows me. You just don't know me."

"Then tell me who the fuck you are goddammit!" 

"I can't. I'm sorry," she said and tried walking away, but Liam stopped her.

"Just tell Louis who you are. He's been through a lot of shit okay? Just give him this," Liam begged.

"I can't," the woman argued.

"Why? Why can't you tell me who you are? You can't or you don't want to?" I asked.

"Both," she answered.

"Well I don't give a shit! Just fucking tell me!" I was this close to punching a wall.

"If I do, you're going to freak out or get angry or something and I don't want that." 

"I said I don't care. I want to know who you are. Now," I demanded.

And she told me.

But they were words I didn't expect.

And she was right.

I was freaking out and I was angry.

I ended up punching a tree.


Hi guys! I'm back from my cruise and I had a great time! I made so many friends and met a cute guy and it was fantastic! I went to Canada and Alaska and both places are absolutely beautiful and I really hope I can go there again. I'm sorry for the long wait! I hope you all understand. And you'll find out who Louis' stalker is in the next chapter I promise! But for now let's create a hashtag. Tweet #guesslouisstalker and I'll rt it and follow you if I already don't. Thanks I love you all :)

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