Chapter 68

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"Louis Tomlinson," I heard my name being called.

I smiled and walked over to the principal in my cap and gown shaking her hand and taking my diploma. This was it. I'm finally graduating college. I couldn't be more proud of myself. After this, I'm going to become an English teacher. That was my dream now. I wanted to inspire students.

It's been 4 years. It flew by way too fast, yet too slow. Painfully slow. I looked into the audience and saw LIllian along with the girls and Cody smiling and clapping. I looked further back in the audience to see Liam, Zayn, and NIall there as well. Next to NIall sat Harry. Beautiful, beautiful Harry. This was the first time I've seen him in about a few months.

Of course we never got back together. We're just friends as of now. It was painfully agonizing. I wanted to be more. I terribly wanted to go back to being his boyfriend. Having him touch, kiss, and smile at me like I was his whole world because he was mine. It's been 4 years, and I haven't moved on. I know pathetic right? But I guess Harry didn't either because he never dated anybody since that day he proposed to me 4 years ago. 4 years ago today. The memory brought a sad smile to my face.

I waved to all of them and went to go sit back in my seat. The principal continued calling out the names of my fellow graduates, but I didn't really pay attention. After that, it was just a blur. Graduation was finally over, and I rushed off the stage and went to go hug my family. My new one. Of course they wouldn't replace my mom, but at least I had one now. Lillian hugged me in tears.

"I'm so proud of you! Oh my baby!" She cried.

"Mom," I groaned.

Yeah I called her mom now. She deserves it, and I deserve to believe it.

Lana and Ally came up and hugged me tightly. Over the years, I've really grown to love these girls. Cody came up to me and gave me a hug and clapped my back.

"I'm proud of you Louis," he grinned.

"Thanks. I'm proud of myself too," I smiled.

We took pictures for a few minutes, then I excused myself to go find my friends. I was walking when I felt somebody tackle me, and I tripped and landed on the ground.

"Louis!!!!! We're so proud of you mate!" Niall smiled in my face.

"Thanks now get off of me you little shit," I laughed.

Zayn and Liam helped me up. They both gave me a big hug and told me congrats. I saw Harry standing to the side watching us with a huge smile on his face. I motioned for him to join us and he nodded and came over. I hugged him tightly inhaling his scent that I've missed so much. It made my heart hurt.

"I'm so fucking proud of you Lou. Congrats," he whispered into my ear.

"Thanks Harold," I beamed.

"Group hug!" Liam screamed.

The three of them ran up and hugged Harry and I until we were suffocating.

"I got a picture!" Lana exclaimed.

I smiled at my half sister fondly.

"Here get together all of you so I can take another one!" Lillian said.

I put my arm around Zayn's neck and my other arm around Harry's waist. We all took a serious picture, then a silly one. I sighed happily.

"I can't believe I actually graduated wow," I chuckled.

"Congrats bud you did good," Liam patted me on the back.

"He really did," Harry smiled.

"Hey we're all just gonna go talk to your family far away from here so yeah... bye," Liam winked at me and pushed Zayn and Niall away leaving me alone with Harry.

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