Chapter 65

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It's been 2 months.

2 months of emptiness.

2 months of quiet.

Too quiet.

2 months of despair.

2 months of therapy.

2 months of knowing how my heart was deceived.

2 months of still loving him.

2 months of missing him.

2 months without my best friends to talk to.

I'm in university now. I'm just a ghost trying to make it through the next 4 years. These 2 months have gone by painfully slowly, but therapy is at least helping a little bit I guess. Sure, I've made some friends, but they don't compare to the boys. I miss them, but my best friends betrayed me. The love of my life helped them deceive me. The only one who I even talk to anymore is Zayn. In fact, I'm talking to him on the phone right now.

"Bro there's this really hot girl in my English class," Zayn said. He sounded like he was smiling.

"Then ask her out dumbass," I rolled my eyes.

"But what if she says no?"

"You're Zayn Malik, who the hell would say no to you? Even if you asked out a guy they'd say yes."

"Oi are you hitting on me Tomlinson?"

"Nah, you're not my type sorry."

"How dare you?"

"Whatever mate. Just ask her tomorrow."


"Can I ask you something?"


"How's he doing?"

Zayn sighed over the phone.

"He misses you. A lot," Zayn answered.

"Oh," I weakly replied.

"Niall and Liam do too you know? You were their best friend."

"Well they stabbed me in the back," I stated angrily.

"It's been 2 months Louis. You should at least try forgiving them."

"No," I argued.

"Don't you miss him and them?"




"The truth."

"Maybe a little."


"Okay yes."


"Okay a lot!" I admitted.

"Then forgive them."

"It's not that easy. You know what I've gone through."

"I know Louis, but you can't use that excuse for everything," he sighed.


"Don't be pissed, I'm just telling you to try to forgive them."

"I won't forgive him, but I'll try my best to forgive them."

"Good," he said proud of himself.

"Don't act so cocky now Malik."

"Too late Tomlinson."

Deceived Heart (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now