Chapter 50

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"I'm here," I announced as I sat across from my birth mother.

"I see you came with your boyfriend. You two are absolutely cute together," she smiled.

"Cut the shit. Explain whatever you need to say."

"Louis! Be nice," Harry warned.

"No, no. It's alright. I understand he's upset," the woman said.

"What's your name anyways? You never told me," I asked.

"Lillian. My name is Lillian," she answered.

"Okay Lillian. What do you need to say?" 

"Well as you know, your father was cheating on your mother with me. He loved both of us. 3 years into Johanna and his marriage, you were born. You were not theirs but mine and your father's instead. I couldn't handle raising a child. Your father decided to take you in and come clean to your mother. Your mother was furious and heartbroken, but she stayed. They took care of you until the car accident. After that, your father cut off all contact with me because he couldn't handle it. I didn't know what happened much after that, so I decided if your father didn't tell me anything about you I followed you around."

"Yes a bit stalkerish don't you think?" I asked.

"I know, and I never meant to creep you out. I followed you around for years, but you never saw me until a few months ago. Anyways, once you saw me that first time in the park, I tried to be more careful and be more distant, but I couldn't. I'm sorry you had to find out about all this at your father's funeral. I'm just glad I finally get to get it off of my chest. I hope you will be able to understand," she finished.

"Kay," I said simply.

"Do you forgive me?"

"No, but I understand a bit more."

"Oh," her face fell.

"I just want you to know something else."

"Ask away."

"Did you not know my father abused me?" I asked.

"No, not until you were in the cemetary and telling Johannah about it," she admitted.

"Then why didn't you come and help?" I demanded.

"I was scared."

"Scared of what?"

"Scared of your father."

"Well if you were really my mother you would've helped. You would've done something to make him stop. I guess that doesn't make you a real mother now does it?" 

"Louis, calm down baby," Harry whispered.

"Fyi, I actually am happily married and have 2 children. Ally and Lana."

"Well good for you. If you do have 2 other children, don't you think you should be focusing on them more than me?" 

"You're my son. I'm not just going to pretend like you never happened."

"Well you should've. I would've gone better off not knowing my dad cheated on my mom. My mother was a good woman."

"She's not your real mom!" Lillian screamed. Everybody in the cafe turned to stare.

"I'm your real mom. I gave birth to you," her eyes started to water.

"Well she took care of me. She raised me. She did everything you didn't. She was there for me all those years and you weren't. So I think we all know who my real mom is here don't we?" I fired back.

"How dare you say that? I am doing this to get to know you better. To beg for your forgiveness and all you do is tell me that I'm not your mom?" 

"If you really wanted to know me better, you would've done so years ago," I slammed my hand onto the table.

"Well, I'm doing it now. I really do want to get to know you better. You're still my son no matter what. I'm not going to pretend that you don't exist because you do."

"Well that's just great for you. Try all you want then," I cocked an eyebrow.

"Okay. Would you like to come over to my house tomorrow night for dinner? You can meet your two sisters. Maybe even your step-dad," she said hopefully.

"Are you serious?" I laughed.


"You think you can just come into my life then ask me to meet your two daughters and your new husband when I barely know you? You've got to be crazy," I just keep on pushing her away.

Why? Because I was scared that I might come to believe that she was a good mom. And I didn't want that.

"Lou give her a chance," Harry said.

"No. I think we're done here," I stood up.

"Wait! Before you go, I want you to have something," Lillian handed me a piece of paper.

"What is it?" I asked.

"My address. Just in case you need anything or take up my offer to meet my family. Your family."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes then walked out that cafe door.

The car ride back home with Harry was silent and tense. I could tell he was pissed that I didn't give Lillian a chance, but he wouldn't understand. He's not me. A very tense 15 minutes later, we were back at his house. I went up to our bedroom and he followed.

"Are you really not going to say anything?" Harry asked.

"Say anything about what?" I played dumb and put the piece of paper inside a drawer.

"You just met your birth mom and you couldn't even give her a chance," Harry crossed his arms over his chest.

"Hey! I gave her a chance by going to that cafe and talking to her. At least I did that."

"Still, you should be glad that she's trying to get to know you better."

"Well I don't want her to," I said stubbornly.

"Stop being a little bastard and give her a fucking chance Louis!" Harry yelled.

"Look, I don't want to right now. There's too much stuff going on and this is fucking with my mind. I just need to forget about it for a while okay?" I asked hoping he would understand.

"Not okay." Harry began tapping his foot.

"This is my life. I can do whatever I fucking want," I stepped towards him.

"Well, I'm a part of your life, so I'm giving you advice on what to do," he said angrily and shoved his face near mine.

"You're not giving me advice! You're forcing me to do something I don't want to do!" I yelled right back and our faces moved closer.

Instead of saying anything back, he pushed me against the desk and began kissing me. Each second that passed, the kiss got more heated. Soon we were on the bed wearing nothing but our boxers. I needed a distraction from this whole Lillian shit, and that's just what Harry gave me.


Hi guys! Hope you liked this chapter :) Today is my birthday btw and it has been a really good one! Thank you for all the support on this book it means a lot to me. It has so many reads and I never thought it would get this many! I also updated Sam's Poems so go check that out. Thank you guys I love you all very much :)

twitter: jukeboxiou

instagram: angela_k13


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