Chapter 63

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It's been a 2 days since I woke up. Of course my "new family" I guess you could say came in to visit me. Lillian cried when she saw I was up and awake. Lana and Ally understood what I did, and they teared up and looked at me with sad eyes. I didn't even think of Lana and Ally when I did what I wanted to do to be honest. They completely slipped from my mind. They just found out they had an older brother, and then they almost lost me. I felt a little guilty about it, but only a little. Cody, Lillian's husband, just looked at me with pity which I hated. I knew he meant well, but I just didn't like him all that much.

And of course the boys came to visit me, I mean why wouldn't they? They're my best friends. They're part of the reason why I was alive for so long, or how long I tried to live. Harry tagged along with them, but we never talked to each other. He usually sat on the other side of my bed apart from the boys just looking at me. When he didn't notice, I would always glance at him. He was still blindingly beautiful. A part of me wanted to talk and touch him, but the other part was still angry and hurt. I just couldn't deal with it at the moment.

Whenever the boys came to visit, they always tried to cheer me up, and it usually worked. Yes they were still sad about everything, but they tried their best.

The doctor also mentioned to me that I would have to go to therapy which I reluctantly agreed to after a while. I'd try to get better, and who knows maybe it might work. On the other hand, if it doesn't, I might just try to end it all again. My doctor also mentioned I'll be out of the hospital by tonight, they just had to run some tests and get me prescription for my depression I would have to take everyday. Wow. How fun.

The boys left for the day, and Harry was the last one out the door. He always was. He took a long look at me, but when he realized I wouldn't lay an eye on him, he sighed and closed the door. Once he was gone, I looked at the door sadly then turned on the tv. All that was on was a cheesy movie about love.

"Love doesn't always fucking work out you know!" I yelled at the screen.

"You're right. It doesn't," a voice said.

I turned to the door. There stood probably the last person I wanted to see in the state that I was currently in. It was Nick.

"What are you doing here Nick," I spat.

"To come visit what else," he acted innocently.

"You know I never got your last name," I said fake smiling.

"Arias. Nick Arias."

"Well Arias, what the fuck do you want?"

"Oh come on Louis, don't be like that I'm just trying to be friendly. I'm quite hurt that you think I have a motive for visiting you," he faked his hurt.

"Cut the shit you prick!" I exclaimed.

"Okay then fine," he strode over to the side of my bed. He turned the chair around so he was sitting with his chest to the back of the chair.

"Hurry I don't have all day," I rolled my eyes.

"Then I'll cut right to the chase. Stay away from Harry," he said angrily.

"Kind of easy to do when I'm in a hospital bed. In the hospital. Without permission to leave yet. So..."

"You know what I mean Tomlinson. Stay away from him. He broke up with me yesterday because he's still in love with your sorry ass. I honestly don't get why. What do you have that I don't? I mean you're a piece of shit if I'm being honest. I'm better looking, more intelligent, taller, more athletic, oh and have I mentioned better looking?" He smirked.

"Wow you're cocky aren't you?" I said dryly.

"I wouldn't say cocky. I'd say confident. And confidence my friend is something you'll never have."

"I'm not your friend. And I can be confident when I want to," I said coolly.

"Yeah right. I love Harry, but he seems to love you, and I don't like that. So stay away from him, and make sure he stays away from you got it?"

"Look, he doesn't love me. I don't love him anymore, so just go away," I lied.

"Please," he chuckled. "Don't think I'm that stupid. I know you still love him, so stop. Get over him. Hurt him in any way you can so he'll come running back to me. Break his heart if you have to. If you don't, I'll find you. I'll get him back one day. No matter what. He will love me."

"You're a psychopath," I stated.

"I'm not. I'm just in love."

"If you were really in love with him, you wouldn't want his heart to be broken. You'd want him to be happy no matter what. Even if it means he can't be with you, and you can''t be with him. You have to let him be happy not miserable out of his mind," I said angrily.

"What? So he can be with you? No chance."

"You know what you prick? How about you go fuck yourself?" I barked.

"Oh don't worry. I won't have to go fuck myself once I win Harry back. Then I can fuck him. And I'll fuck him better than you ever did," he smirked. With that, he walked out of the room and slammed my door shut.

I groaned and pulled at my hair. He made me so fucking furious steam could be coming out of my ears and nose. I grabbed the remote on my bed and threw it against the wall. It broke and the batteries flew everywhere. I sighed and slammed my head into my pillow and let out a muffled scream for a long time.


So about how much do you hate Nick right about now?

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