Chapter 4

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Saturday passed by quickly, and gratefully my dad didn't come home that night, so I didn't get a beating. He was probably fucking a woman he didn't even know. He always did that now and I had no problem with it because it meant I didn't have to get whipped that night. Sunday was fine until my dad came home from work drunk. The morning started out great. Harry and I texted each other all morning long, and each time I got a text from him I couldn't help but smile. The day was great until my dad came home that night wasted as fuck. He stumbled into the house with bloodshot eyes and a beer bottle in his hand.

"Louis where the fuck is my dinner!" he slurred. Shit I forgot to make dinner for him.

"I f-forgot to m-make it."

"How in the hell did you forget to make it?!"

"I don't know."

"I don't know is not a fucking answer boy!"

"I'm sorry dad I-"

"No! I'm fucking tired of your shit! You are so fucking useless! I just need you to make me dinner! That's a simple fucking thing, but you still can't manage to do that!"

"I said I'm sorry," I started to cry.

"Sorry won't cut it you fuck up!" he threw the beer bottle at me, but I ducked and it hit the wall behind me. Glass shattered and beer splattered everywhere.

"You see what you made me do you idiot!" he screamed. His face was getting red and veins were popping out of his neck. I knew what was gonna happen next, so I tried sprinting up the stairs. My dad tried running after me, but he was too drunk to catch me. I ran to my room and locked myself in and started sobbing until I fell asleep.

The next day when I left for school, I saw my dad passed out on the stairs. I was glad because that meant he wasn't going to yell at me, and even if he was he probably didn't even remember what happened last night. He never does when he's that drunk. 

It was second period and I was walking to Math class when I felt somebody tap me on the shoulder. I looked to my right and saw nobody.

"Gotcha!" a voice said. I looked to my left and saw Harry laughing.

"You're such a dork." I teased.

"Ouch that hurt my feeling so much." he put his hands over his heart pretending to be hurt.

"Awww is little Harry hurt. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings."

"Heyyy i'm not little!" he pouted.

"Ha okay if you say so."

"Pfft whatever. So... I was thinking after school maybe we could go get some pizza."

"Yeah I'd like that a lot."

"Great! Meet me in the parking lot after school then?"

"Yeah!" I smiled.

"Cool! Gotta go to class see you later."

"Okay see you."

The rest of the school day was agonizingly slow. I wanted school to be over so I could just be with Harry. After what felt like 5 years, school was finally over, and I met Harry in the parking lot.

"Hey! Ready to go?" I walked up to him.

"Yup! Let's go."

We drove to a pizza parlor and it was surprisingly not that busy. We got a booth in the back of the pizza shop and ordered a pepperoni pizza.

"So how was your weekend?" Harry asked.

"Oh it was great," I lied. "How was yours?"

"Mine was good too! I went to go visit my sister."

"Oh how is she?"

"She's doing okay. Not worse than last time, but sadly not better than last time. Just the same which is okay I guess."

"Oh. Well look on the bright side at least she's okay. She'll get better soon just be positive."

"Thanks. You really know how to cheer a person up don't you?"

"Well it is one of my special talents."

"Really? Well then Mr. Special Talents what other talents do you have?"

"You'll just have to find out later."

The pizza was finally brought to our table with a couple of glasses of soda.

"No! I wanna know now! Come on. Don't be a dick." he said.

"I'm not being a dick."

"Yes you are."

"No i'm not, but I do know how to suck one." 

He ended up choking on his pizza while I laughed at him.

"Well then, that escalated quickly," he said when he was done choking.

"I was kidding! But jesus that was funny."

"So you find me choking on my food funny?"

"Yes very much actually."

"Wow thanks you are so nice to me."

"You're welcome."

"Wow you really are a dick aren't you."

"Yes, yes I am," I grinned.

We continued eating our pizza talking about pointless stuff that we just laughed about, but then our little date was over. 

"Well that was fun," Harry said.

"Yeah I enjoyed it," I agreed.

"Do you need a ride back home?"

"Yeah if it's no trouble?"

"Of course not let's go."

During the car ride we sang along to the radio like idiots and just laughed at each other. I just only met him and I actually think I'm falling for him. Before I knew it, we were at my house. I opened the door and was about to get out when Harry pulled me back in.

"Wait you forgot something," he said.

"What? No I didn't."

"Yes you did."

"What did I forget?"

"This," he pressed his lips against mine before I could respond, and just as quickly as the kiss started, it was over. This time I kissed him, and I could tell he didn't expect it because he was shocked at first, but then started kissing me back. I pulled away, and pecked him on the cheek.

"Thanks for the date. I had fun. Especially the end of it," I winked and closed the door. I walked into my house, but Harry still didn't drive away. I looked out my window, and he waved and smiled at me. Then he drove away. I still didn't process what had just happened. Harry kissed me. He fucking kissed me and I kissed him back. Wow I was such a fucking girl. I turned on my tv, but didn't even pay attention to the show. I was still trying to sink in what had happened. My dad came home drunk again that night, but luckily he didn't bother me he just passed out on the couch. That night I stayed up for hours processing what had happened before I finally was too tired to keep my eyes open and just went to sleep, and I may or may not have dreamed about me kissing Harry and Harry kissing me.

Hello! So thanks for reading this chapter sorry if it's really shitty though. Please vote and comment and follow me on twitter my username is @cagedtommo. Thank you :)

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