From the Jungle

By jiminevermind

258 22 0

"what does 'fucking' means hyung? I kept on hearing that from the girls." the younger male asked. "i don't kn... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen

chapter ten

9 1 0
By jiminevermind




are we all ready? let's go now. " yoongs said and started walking to another direction of the forest.

we all followed him and the others started talking to their sides. i sighed and slowed my pace making me the last person to walk behind them.

i adjusted my bag and looked around the huge trees that looks so healthy as ever. this place must've been a rain forest and not just a simple forest.

"are there trees in your place too?" i turned my head and saw kook matching his steps with mine.

"there are but not these plenty." i answered and he nodded. 

since we weren't talking at each other, we just walked and watch the others talking and laughing at their phones.

" let's all take a picture!" jimin exclaimed as he take hold of nayun's phone. i tried tiptoeing but i can't still be seen in the camera.

"joon hyung you should hold the camera. jimin hyung's arm is too short." kook said and joon looked back.

"me?" he asked and kook nodded. jimin gave him the camera and he aligned his arm like jimin.

"where do i click?" my face was seen but my smile went musty. i can feel my cheekbones shaking due to joon taking so long to click on the camera.

chaeyoung went up to him and clicked the capture button, capturing us. joon turned his head and immediately meet chaeyoung's face so close to him.

areum whistled and i cheered.

" chaeyoung ft. approaching love life. " doyeon said and chaeyoung went red. she glared at us and moved away from joon.

joon blinked his eyes. " what just happened? "

chaeyoung's shoulder slouched and she sighed in disappointed.

"nothing. " 


i was chugging down the water in my tumbler when i caught kook watching me. i lowered my bottle and showed him a small smile.

he replied with a cute grin before we all made our way in the middle of two roads.

"which one?" nayun asked, looking back at us.

"the left looks fine." doyeon said.

"left may looks fine but i don't think its not the right road." kook blurted and i looked at him.

"right is for me. " nayun said.

"right!" aerum shouted and pointed the right.

"right is always right so I'll go with right." i muttered.

"every right has a exception. the right road must be wrong. "
yoongs said.

"yeah, not all right is right. " jin said.

"how about we'll split? and in that way we'll be able to know what's the right path. " doyeon suggested and some disagreed and agreed.

"that would be great! " miyeon exclaimed.

chaeyoung looked at her and frowned. " we've talked last night, that we won't split up so that we'll stay together. either we'll find it or stay lost here at least we're together. "

"she's right. no matter what situation we are, wherever we are as long as were together we will survive. " mina said.

"so which road?" jimin asked, taking a glance to the right and left road.

"right?" kook said, raising his hand.

i slowly pulled down his arm and spoke. " i'll go with left because i believe not all right is right."

" left it is! " namjoon said and we all walked behind him to the road on the left.

i looked at the road ahead of us and saw that it wasn't fully clear and is full of tall weeds.

i touch the small bites of insects
on my legs and sighed. more weeds, more bites, more scars. i don't know how my legs will look when i wear shorts in the city.

kook set the tall weeds aside with a long twig and pulled out some of them that's on my way. he ducked down and i stopped on my tracks.

he suddenly pulled my shorts down my mid thigh and i flinched.

" why is your covering so short? look at mine it ends on my knee so only calves are exposed. " he grumbled while i was still was in shock on why he just pulled and touched my skin like that.

if this was on the city, i'd probably file him a case of sexual harassment. but what can i do? he's innocent and so are the others.

innocent, he's dangerously innocent and i hate it why he's like that.

i hate it why they're all like this when they are so sexy and masculine as fuck!

" eunmi? why are you not moving? are you paralyzed?" i heard him asking with voice full of worry.

i shook my head and scurried to the others, leaving him frowning there.

" what did i do?" damn that innocent question again.


" turn left, tug onto a tree."

" turn right and walk slowly. "

" careful with the moss cause they're slippery. "

those were the words chanted by my mouth as we continue our walk through the curvy, bushy and slippery road that leads to something we do not know. i don't even think this is a road anymore because the weeds were so high already.

earlier we passed by small weeds but it came to us that we went passed through this place that has a lot of unnecessary plants, itching our skins.

i was in the middle when aerum who's walking ahead abruptly stopped. everyone went dead on their tracks and looked ahead.

" fuck its dead end guys!" aerum shouted and made us step back.

" w-what it's a cliff. " joon shutters and pushed us all backwards.

" what do we do?" chaeyoung asked.

" we should've went the other way earlier. aishh its okay. " nayun said and we all turned our heels, walking back to the opposite direction.

" that was a moment of life and death. told you its better to walk behind them than walking with them. aish try looking out for your safety sometimes. " kook told me in a strong and scolding tone.

i looked at him weirdly. " why are you sudden like that?"

" nothing. " he waved it off and walked away.


" is he on his period or what?" i murmured looking at his figure.

" nugu? " i almost screamed to chaeyoung's voice.

" kook. he just went a little mature for a moment then turned back to his normal self. weird. " i said, frowning my eyebrows.

chaeyoung giggled and touched my ass. " you're thinking of him. aye!"

i nudged her and she stumbled. " i was just wondering. what are you talking about?"

" okay, okay! you're just wondering. ah eunmi you're interested to him, aren't you?"  she laughed as she ask me. i smack on of her breast and she laughed even more.

why is she even laughing despite that i slap her chest?

" stop it. "  i glared at her.

" i think he's concern of you if that's what you wanted to hear. " i turn my head and see aerum. i rolled my eyes at the both them and they just giggled.

" do you like him eunmi?" aerum asked.

" yeah, she likes him." chaeyoung replied instead of me.

" is that so?" aerum questioned, her eyes already smiling.

" isn't it obvious bitch? what do you think is the best name for them?" chaeyoung came to aerum's side and link arms with her.

" eunok? okmi?"

" that sounds weird. i think eunkook is better. "

" yeah, eunkook! eunkook!" they cheered and teased me so loud i just moved away from them.

what i didn't noticed is a long twig ahead of me causing me trip on the ground. i winced and they all came running to me.

" ouch." i groaned and tried sitting up but i failed and fell on my ass.

" eunmi?"

" are you okay?"

" you have a small wound on the both of your knees."

" its small but it looks painful. can you stand eunmi?" nayun asked and i tried standing up again.

" offff..." i fell again but this time someone caught me.

i don't want to guess.

" i love twigs." aerum said.

" me too. i felt like tripping in a twig and someone will catch me." chaeyoung added and it was the time i turn my head.

kook came in view and i quickly tried getting off his grip. i was to fall again but he caught me, again.

" you know what? let's go." mina said and pulled jin and yoongs with her.

nayun and miyeon followed and brought hope them.

" I'll bring your bag." jimin said and took my bag from my back. i no longer decline and just let him.

" eunmi~" aerum wiggled her eyebrows and went away.

" hahaha. " chaeyoung gave me a creepy smile before she followed the others with tae and joon.

blinking my eyes, i loosened my grip on kook's shoulder and looked at him awkwardly.

" can you umm help me?" i cleared my throat and he nodded.

" you just don't know how to—nevermind can you get on my back?" he asked.

" like you'll piggyback me?"

" yes, until we reached back to our house."

i hopped on his back and his hands instantly supported my legs. he walked in silence while i stood there, leaning in his back while i watch the trees.

i removed my head on his back and tightened my hands around him. i rested my head on his shoulder and looked at his side profile.

" handsome. " i immediately covered my mouth and did my best to ignore what i just said.

" who?" kook asked making me gulp.

" nothing. umm thank you for helping me by the way."

" no problem, pretty. "

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