The Demon's Whispers

By newbiegac2015

46.6K 1.8K 489

What do you do for some down time? Read a book? Take a bath? Go for a walk? Have generous naps? All logical a... More

1- Hey baby
2- Follow me ma'am
3- Could I?
4- A friendship
5- Leah's solo
6- The Ghost of you
7- itty bitty
8- Home visit
9- Busted.
10- Piece of me
11- One month
12- A Brother's Woes
13- Twist
14 - Break the mourn
15- Cocoon of safety
16- Sleepover. M*😈
17- Rebound
18- Promises can't always be kept
19 - Spirit Animals
20- On the spot.
21- Way down, we go.
22- Leave the Light on.
23- Three of hearts
24- The inevitable
25- Canyon of Wonder
26- Closure
27- Parallels
28- One word
29- Impact
30- Returning
31- Showdown.
32- Needing In
33- The art of war
34- His request.
35- We are Fire. (M)
36- What you do to me.
37- Sensual.
38: Dear Future
39- Indepth thinking.
40- Daisy Chains.
41- One weight
42- Together?
43- Ice Cold Water
44- Torn
45- Backward Motions
46- Strawberry & Lemon.
47 - The Dad's Club
The best show in Vegas
49 - Dear Leah..
50 - It's time.. Right?

51- Heaven

1.2K 42 10
By newbiegac2015

11 months later..


"No, it's Da Da.." Zak's voice replies, as I make my way through the house and towards the kitchen where the endless baby babbling and Zak's voice echoes off the walls.


"Listen, if it's going to be anything, it's going to be Da Da okay? We had an agreement, we spoke about this..."

I grin as he gets a squeal back, followed by Zak's light laugh. "Okay, I got this... Say.. Da. Da. Go on... Da-"

Just as I step into the kitchen a squeal reaches ear blistering level making me wince and Zak raise his shoulders in an attempt to shield his ears. The small face turns a shade of red from the effort before small chubby hands bang on Zak's arms.

"What are you two up to?" I enquire, alerting Zak to my presence. He turns his body towards me and grins. My heart does a flip at his face as well as the smaller figure in his arms.

"Guess who is back?!" He gushes lifting the baby up onto the pair of chubby little legs.

"Hey baby." I coo crossing the room to greet the pair.

"Baaabaaharr!" The baby yells up at me as I scoop the bundle off Zak's lap and nuzzle in kisses before plastering one on Zak's lips.

"Hey." I whisper pecking him again before settling on the couch beside him.

"Hey yourself, have a nice time?" He enquires picking up the ends of my hair to access my haircut.

"I did, although I was eager to get back, so I skipped the whole setting stage. I just wanted a wash and cut."

He nods "It's a nice length.." His hand runs over the back of my skull before his fist closes slightly making my lips curl. "Still a good length to grab."

"You know it." I smirk before glancing down at the small weight on my lap. "And how is my favourite boy?"

"I'm doing great." Zak replies making me giggle. "Me and Tyler have just been discussing his language barrier, you know, the whole barrier on saying Da Da."

I laugh softly and nuzzle my face into the scent of baby powder and baby friendly washing detergent. Instead of a soft coo back from my little boy, I'm given a grunt and a tug at my top.

11 months ago, after a 15 hour labour and a lot of screaming, Tyler Bagans graced the earth with jet black hair and a pair of sapphire blue eyes. He had my nose and ears, but he was his daddy, though and though. The pair were inseparable and I was often left out the midnight parties that sprang between them. Zak was all for the nights, which I presumed was because of his job, but even when he didn't need to be up, he would slide out of bed at the second and maybe the third cry to go and get our little munchkin.

I won't lie and tell you we were the perfect parents, god no. We argued over some of the most stupidest of things, like who was bathing Tyler that night or which side of the bed he was being placed. To end discussions, Zak brought two of the baby beds which attach to our bed and made the agreement that whoever woke first, got to snuggle with Tyler. It seemed I wasn't the only one who loved to be woke by the soft coos and snuffling.

I was absorbed in the two most important men in my life and I wouldn't have it any other way... Although Tyler and Zak took up 98% of my day, I still found myself wondering about Cody and sometimes even Amelia. Wondering how old she would be, what her favourite colour would be and how long her hair would have grown. It was a small thought process that never seemed to age. But I guess that's the magic with imagination, sometimes, you'll just never know when it stops.

"I love you." Zak declares pulling me out of my mind to smile.

"I love you too. Even if you are trying to convince our son to say Da Da."

He grins wickedly.

"You're a bad influence on our boy, you know that?"

He shrugs. "I will not deny or agree."

We share a kiss but are soon interrupted by the forceful tug at my top and the grunting. I move away from Zak's lips to pull up my top and to remove my bra. Tyler is instant and latches on to my breast, snuggling up to my body for warmth and comfort.

"No bottle then?" I guess turning my attention to Zak who's eyes are blazing at my chest. "Zak.."

"Huh? Oh. Uh.. No. I got the bottle thrown back at me." He admits gesturing to the milk on his black shirt.

"That bad.."

"Breast is best.." He replies before sighing and rubbing his face "There has to be some wrong in finding you breastfeeding my son the ultimate turn on. Seriously... Steel pole." He grumbles pulling at his cargo pants.

I giggle softly and pat his knee "It's okay, daddy's time is after."

"Damn right."

I sooth my hand over the mass of black hair on Tyler's head as he guzzles away. "You know, bottles will help, but you're not interested, are you?"

"I think it's the skin to skin contact you know?" Zak mentions. "At night, I'm shirtless and he accepts that bottle instantly, but through the day? Nada. Doesn't want to entertain the idea, let alone feed."


"He has to have his hand on my chest, like he is with you now." He nods.

I glance down at the blue eyes that bat up at me. "So beautiful.."

Looking up, I find Gracie in the garden, sunning herself up by the pool looking like she is the Queen and we are her minions. Gracie was stolen by Tyler, constantly beside him at night and slept in his room, under his crib. I could picture a terrible twosome when Tyler found his feet. Although her attachment to Tyler is amazing and I am grateful for her help, especially when Tyler cries. It seems that she takes interest then and nose drives his face, sniffing at him as if he is her pup.

"She went to the groomers today." Zak speaks seeing me watching Gracie. "They used the blow dryer, she is now sulking at me about it."

I smile at the little madam as she looks at Zak before turning away.

"See what I mean..." He mutters.

"I bet one chew toy would solve it all."

He nods his head. "I have one ready, I think she knows it too, she is just playing hard to get at the moment."

It takes a while, but eventually, she trots in and accepts the toy before wagging her tail and taking it to her bed. Shortly after Tyler is milk drunk and sits up in a daze looking at me with a heavy eyes as I put myself away and pull my top down.

Before I can speak, he belches and reaches for Zak who takes him off my lap. "Oh I see.." I speak as the pair snuggle in up together "I guess I'm the milking cow and you get the pay off."

Zak winks and slides down the couch so that Tyler is in the nook of his arm. "Love you."

"Hmm." I answer kissing the pair before leaving the couch. "Need anything?"

He shakes his head "I have the world already."

The sentence alone makes me brim with happiness and after grabbing Tyler's snuggle blanket, I head off leaving the pair to nap it out.

I'm stood in the kitchen making dinner when my phone pings, grabbing it out of my bag, I unlock it and glance at the screen. It's a picture of Cody stood in snow gear.

- Camp IV - 26,000 Ft.

A beam of pride hits my soul as I look at the photo of him and his 'comorades' from the hospital as they scale Mount Everest.

Zak has now become Cody's sponsor and we keep in contact regulary through text and Skype calls. It was Zak who introduced Tyler after Cody heard him babbling one day. I expected to see some upset or longing in his eyes, but he showed nothing but happiness and even commented on how well I was looking. That being said and his good nature towards it all, Zak took the olive branch one step further and offered him the Godfather role. But whilst I was on eggshells over the thought, Cody snapped up the opportunity and vowed to be the best ever, telling us it would be an honour and the only way he would ever be able to thank us for giving him his life back.

I almost let out a cry of fright when hands grab my hips, but the cologne and warm soothes my bones instantly as I'm pulled back to Zak's chest. "Look." I whisper showing him Cody and his friends.

"Holy shit, he is nearly at the summit." Zak comments taking the phone off me to get a closer look.

"Another 3,000 feet to go."

"Damn. It looks magical." He replies, making me nod in agreement.

He sends a message back as I turn on the oven, but soon have a pair of hands turning it off again. "Nu-uh.. Not food time now."

"Really?" I ask wondering why he isn't hungry.

"I was told that after Tyler time, it was Daddy time." He replies making me bite my lip.

That's why he isn't hungry. Because he is hungry for something else...

"Yes, it is Daddy's time. So why are you still wearing clothes?" He questions.

I glance towards the lounge door but before I can ask Zak speak again "He is sleeping off the milk. Now drop those panties and let's give him a brother."

Before I can reject the idea at another child , his mouth consumes mine and we are stumbling around the kitchen pulling at our clothes. His need is endless and I'm happy to assist him in anyway possible.. Which is how I end up on the end of the kitchen counter with Zak between my knees.

"Never thought I'd be here you know.." He murmurs in my ear.

"And where is here?" I ask raking my nails down his back.

"In my own Heaven. God your body is amazing."

I flush at the compliment, especially since I've avoided being naked since Tyler. There were wobbly bits and tiger stripes that now adorned my skin, which I spent hours agonizing over, but Zak's words and constant flow of compliments has me comfortable in my skin. I now realise that being perfect is an impossible goal. What is a goal is making a man so insanely hot that he has to ravish you on the kitchen counter whilst our baby sleeps in the other room.

"I love you." I tell him as he pulls me closer to the edge of the counter.

"I love you too. Now let's make another baby."

I grin at the comment because once upon a time, the idea would have terrified me, but right now? I couldn't think of anything better than creating another life with this man.

Whilst Cody climbs Everest living the best life he can, looking for his next piece of heaven, Zak is basking in his Heaven and me? Well I'm living my Heaven, each and every day. I wouldn't say my life was perfect... But now that I think about it? I think I'm pretty close.

The End.

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