It all came crashing down (Se...

By HufflePuffPingu

3.5K 113 5

Again please if you haven't yet read Clipped Wings or Learning to Fly then please do because this will make n... More

Chapter 1 ~ Are you crazy?!
Chapter 2 ~ We should be planning a wedding
Chapter 3 ~ The Wedding
Chapter 4 ~ Save me, Please!
Chapter 5 ~ I can't believe I did that
Chapter 6 ~ George, I need you
Chapter 7 ~ Urm...Okay?
Chapter 8 ~ Godparents?
Chapter 9 ~ I completely forgot!
Chapter 10 ~ Promise me this
Chapter 12 ~ Is it over yet?
Chapter 13 ~ Mum?!
Chapter 14 ~ Yes!

Chapter 11 ~ It all makes sense

212 8 1
By HufflePuffPingu

The Police ~ Every Breath You Take

*George's POV*

Me and Fred got split up in the astronamy tower. There are death eaters everywhere, everywhere you turn, theres a Witch or Wizard fighting off a death eater.

I don't know where to look or what to feel. I just hope everyone's alright, I notice the last remaining fragments of the sheild around the castle have been broken.

This is going to be a long night.


Dad shouts towards me, I don't hessitate to hit the floor as dad shoots a spell towrds a death eater as they fly through the window behind me.

I've got to stop getting lost in my thaughts and consetrate on whats going on.

I don't wan't anything to happen to anyone, especially Fred and Alizandra.


*Phoenix's POV*


I shout pulling Jinx behind me, a death eater lands in front of me, I can't see their face but when they see mine, they lower their wand, causing me to tense and grip my wand in my hand as if it would dissapear at any point.


The death eater says, I don't particullarly want to turn my back on the death eater but I'm too scared to stick around and find out what happends.

''...Dispose of your dead with dignity...''

Voldemorts voice eachos through the Castle like ghostly presence.

He's giving us an hour to get everything back on track. Now's my chance to meet everyone at the rendezvous point in the Great Hall.

I hope everyone's alright.


Me and Jinx slowly make our way through the remains of a once great school. I can't see anyone stood at the rendezvous point and start to panic. I try and keep my cool so I don't freak Clarissa out, If I panic then she will.

''no...NO!. RHYS, IRIS!''

Jinx screams running towards Rhys and Iris' body's, laying lifeless on the floor of the Great Hall, along with some other farmiliar faces.

Remus and Tonks, I can't believe it. It's becoming harder and harder to hold back the tears as I scan the Great Hall for Fred and George.

I notice in the distance, the Weasley's, Oh my god George is alright, thank god.

I start running towards them with a warm heart, until I see their faces, tear stained, crowding round someone on the floor.



This, Isnt, funny Fred.

''Fred? FRED?! NO!''

That's it, that's all it takes for me to completely break down, I have never cried so much in my life, I can't even stand up anymore.

I fall to my knees and cry my heart out. My mind starts to wander and loads of happy memories start flooding back through my mind of the first time I ever met the twins.


The time is aproaching, but will pass. It will take the one who laughs. Be quick to save this Micheif Maker, for he will meet life taker

It all makes sence, the potion the dreams! I HAVE to save FRED!

I quickly wipe away my tears from my face and get up off my knees.

I take one of the 3 viles of the Vita Excepto potion I have and uncork the small vile, pushing my way through the Weasley's, past George and put all my attention and thaughts onto Fred.

It's taking all my courage to keep my shit together, I need to consentrate.

I slowly pour the potion into Fred's mouth, I know everyone's staring at me weirdly but all I wan't id for this to work.

I sit and stare at Fred, laying lifeless on the floor, looking for any sign of movement, any at all.

Fred's colour comes flooding back into his face and he starts coughing and gasping for air.

It worked!

I start crying again and get up off the floor, taking a few steps back so the Weasley's can talk to Fred first.

I lock eye's with Fred and he slowly lifts himself up off the floor with the help of his Dad and George. He walks over to me with such sympathy in his eyes.

I meet him half way with a bear hug, holding him close to me.

''Phoe, you just saved my life''

Fred says, crying his heart out to me.

''I already lost one brother, I'm not going to lose another''

I reply, causing Molly to start crying loudley behind us. I pull away, alowing everyone else to hug Fred, Clarissa soon joins us and greets Fred.

George moves over to me, he pulls me close to him as if I were about to dissapear.

''I kept my promise''

I laugh at George's comment.

''yes, yes you did. And so did I''

Clarissa joins us again, giving me the chance to move away and go see Iris and Rhys.

I kneel down in between there body's, I take both their hands in mine, they feel cold.

I close my eyes and open them slowly, hoping to see them looking me in the eye but nothing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you guys, I'm really sorry"

I cry softly holding their hands tight in mine. I just want to hear their voices one more time.

I can't believe their gone.

I sense the presents of someone else stood behind me. They place their arm around my shoulders and encourage me to move away.

I can't move, I don't want to move. I'm afraid if I move it will be the last time I'll see them ever again.

I turn to look at George, tear stained face trying to smile through all the pain as if there's nothing wrong.

But they're gone and they're never coming back.

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