Not What It Seems (Chase Dave...

De Writing_Babe

331K 5.5K 2.5K

Living with the Davenport's mean craziness and adventures. Continue to follow Alex through the wild adventure... Mais

I'm Not Leaving
Speed Trapped
Spy Fly
Missin' The Mission
The Cousin From Hell
Robot Fight Club
Bro Down
Save Me
The Rats Strike Back
Parallel Universe
Spike's Got Talent
Leo vs. Evil
Hole In One
Trucked Out
The Bionic 500
Bionic Showdown
Memory Wipe
Adam Up
Llama Drama
The Haunting of Mission Creek High
Perry 2.0
My Little Brother
Twas the Mission Before Christmas
Trent Gets Schooled
No Going Back
Third Book!

Prank You Very Much

5.6K 134 20
De Writing_Babe

I have over 10,000 reads! OH, MY GOD!!!! THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY!!!!

"Are you as tired as I am?" I asked Bree as we continued to ride the elevator down to the lab.

"What do you think?" She laughed. "That's why I'm going to sleep like, now."

I chuckled and shook my head as the elevator doors opened. The reason we were so tired was because Bree and I were out all day. We went to the mall and shopped till we dropped. And we literally almost dropped.

Walking out of the elevator, we spotted Adam and Leo. They were just standing around. "Let me guess-pranking Chase again?" Bree asked.

"No." Adam laughed. "Yeah."

"Adam, you are so immature." Bree told her brother.

"Eh. I been called worse." Adam said.

"Alright, well, I'm going to bed." Bree walked past Adam and Leo before turning to them. "Wake me up when I'm old enough to move out." She walked towards her capsule and entered it. As soon as she closed the door, she was drenched in this white liquid.

"What the hell?" She yelled. My jaw was on the floor.

"Oh, Chase's capsule is the one in the middle!" Adam realized.

"I'll go get some towels." Leo offered before running out of the lab.

"Adam, what the hell?" Bree demanded, walking out of her capsule. "I am so sick of the pranks!"

"Hey, I wasn't even pranking you." Adam defended.

"That's not the point!" She snapped.

Leo ran back in the lab moments later with a few towels and quickly handed them over to Bree. I noticed that he also brought in a bottle of air freshener. Bree quickly wrapped one of the towels around herself and the other one was used to get the crap out of her hair. Adam got out a squeegee and started cleaning her capsule.

Chase walked in and immediately knew what was going on. "Rig the wrong capsule again, Adam?"

"Maybe." He responded slowly.

Chase walked over to me and pecked my cheek. "I missed you today." He murmured, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"I missed you, too." I whispered.

"What happened in here?" Davenport demanded as he and Tasha walked in. "And why does my lab smell like a locker room at a gym that only cows go to?" He pinched his nostrils so he wouldn't have to smell the terrible odor. Even I was holding my breath.

"Honey, who did this to you?" Tasha asked, a hand on her hip.

"Who do you think?" Bree asked, pointing at Adam.

"Wow." Adam said. "Ruining pranks and blaming others. Not makin' any friends today, are you, Bree?" Bree clenched her jaw in anger and frustration.

"Grandma Rose is visiting tomorrow and I want this behavior to stop." Tasha told the boys. "You three go get cleaning supplies. Now!" Adam, Leo, and Chase walked out of the lab.

"I'm so sick of getting caught in their crossfire." Bree complained. "Last week, Chase was pranking Adam, and I ended up in a pet store window!"

Davenport laughed and Bree glared at him. "That's funny! Look, I will talk to them, I will lay down the law."

"Thank you." Tasha said before walking out of the lab.

"Look, don't tell Tasha I told you this, but the only way you're gonna get them to stop is to fight fire with fire." Davenport said. "You have to prank them, and you have to prank them hard."

"Do you really think that'll work?" Bree asked, a smile on her face.

"Definitely. Although I would act fast, because I know for a fact Adam has a barrel full of expired meat he's just dyin' to use."

"Okay, that's just gross." I said, them nodding in agreement. "Oh, and I want in."

"Really?" Bree asked. "You don't mind pranking your boyfriend?"

I shook my head. "Nah. Besides, both boys need to be taught a lesson."

She grinned. "I would hug you, but I stink."

"You really do." I agreed.


"Do you think this is going to work?" I asked Bree as we continued to grease the lab floor.

"It better." She replied, her focus set on the floor.

Suddenly, the elevator dinged and we quickly sprung up, trying our best to act casual. Adam and Chase walked out of the elevator.

"Oh, uh, hey, guys. What are you up to?" Bree asked.

"Six feet, two inches." Adam replied, obviously not understanding the question. "Oh, you don't have to answer. I know growing's been a lifelong struggle for you." He told Chase who was looking up at the ceiling.

"Wait a second." Chase said. "Whoopee cushion," He pointed to the desk chair. "Bucket of ice water," He pointed up. "Greased floor." He pointed to the floor.


"Nope. Nothing suspicious here." Chase said, a smirk on his face.

Bree and I shared a look of defeat.

"Seriously, do you think I was born tomorrow?" Adam asked. Both boys completely entered the lab.

"Ugh!" Bree exclaimed. "I hate you guys. But we are so gonna get you back."

"Please, by all means, keep trying." Chase laughed. "Your failure is adorable." Bree chuckled sarcastically. "Especially on you." He told me, causing me to roll my eyes. All he did was smirk.

Suddenly, Chase's phone went off and he pulled it out. "Uh-oh! Urgent mission alert! There's a lethal virus outbreak in Denver! Bree, you have to super speed there ahead of us or we'll be too late!"

"On it!" She nodded and sped off, only to slip on the greased floor. She fell right on her back, hard.

"Ouch." I muttered.

"Ha!" Chase laughed. "I set up a fake mission alert! I knew you'd fall for it!"

Bree looked at them from the floor. I walked over to her and helped her up. She nodded in thanks.

"Good one." Adam complimented Chase. "Now stop messing around. We gotta get to Denver." He ran out of the room.

"Face it, Bree. You'll never outwit the master." Chase grinned before walking out.

"You alright?" I asked. "That was a hard fall."

She nodded. "I'm just gonna need some Advil." I chuckled.

The lab doors slid opened, and walked in Davenport. "So you tried to prank the boys, and it blew up in your face."

"Is it that obvious?" Bree questioned.

"No, I was watching from upstairs." He pointed up. "Man, you really ate it!"

"Well, it's just not in our nature to be stupid and immature." Bree told him.

I nodded in agreement. "I can normally prank other people, just not Adam or Chase."

"Well, you girls are lucky." Davenport told us. "Because it's in my nature to be stupid and immature."

"Is that necessarily a good thing?" I questioned.

"It is now." He said. "I'm gonna help you two out because when it comes to pranks, I am the undisputed champ."

"Help us out. Is that your nice way of saying you're gonna do the whole thing by yourself while we sit there and watch?" Bree asked.

"No, I wasn't trying to be nice. You guys are really terrible at this."


"Great! This is gonna be great!" Davenport exclaimed as he made sure the prank was ready. "I had a high-powered airbag inside the cushion. As soon as Adam and Chase sit down for their after-school video games, boom! They're gonna be airborne!"

"Wait, isn't this dangerous?" Bree asked. "Please say yes."

They both giggled, which kind of scared me. "This is going to be the best prank ever!" Davenport shouted.

Just them, Adam and Chase walked into the kitchen. "Whoa, prank! What prank?"

Bree and I shared a look. "No, not prank." Davenport lied. "I didn't say prank." The three of us walked towards them. "I was talking about my friend Frank, actually. You've never met him. Big guy. German. Enormous toes."

"Oh, please, give us a break." Chase scoffed. "We know you're trying to help Bree and Alex get back at us, and it's not gonna work."

"Wait, if his toes are that big, I really need to meet him." Adam said.

"Abort prank! Abort prank!" Davenport stage whispered. Bree and I backed up.

"Just 'cause you say it out of the side of your mouth does not mean we cannot hear you." Chase told him.

I pulled Bree to the side. "What are we going to do now? We can't seem to prank them."

"I don't know." She said.

Just then, the front door opened and Leo walked in with Grandma Rose. They were talking about something, but I was half listening. I was too busy thinking of a new prank. I thought of nothing.

"I need to sit down." Grandma Rose's voice snapped me out of my trance.

"Wait, no!" Davenport yelled, but he was too late. Grandma Rose was shot up into the air, screaming her head off. A moment later, she crashed landed on the floor.


We all ran over to her. "Rose, are you okay?" Davenport asked.

"Do I look like I'm okay?" She asked sarcastically.


As soon as Tasha came home and saw Grandma Rose on the couch, her ankle all swollen, she was pissed. But she didn't have the chance to yell or scream because she immediately took her to the hospital.

That was two hours ago. We were all waiting in the living room, hoping that Grandma Rose was going to be okay. I felt terrible. Grandma Rose was basically my grandmother since I had known her basically my entire life. If she was badly hurt, I would hate myself.

When the door to the house opened and Tasha and Grandma Rose walked in, I was relieved. Grandma Rose was using a pair of crutches, but she looked okay.

"Grandma!" Leo exclaimed, relief in his voice as he went to hug her.

"I'm okay, Sugar." She assured him.

Davenport tried to hug her, but she hit him with one of her crutches. "Get away from me! Can't you see I'm in pain?"

Leo led her over to the couch. "We're just lucky it was a sprained ankle." Tasha said. "You two are in big trouble." She looked at Adam and Chase. "An airbag in my sofa?"

"It wasn't us!" Chase denied. I noticed Davenport walking away, muttering something.

"It was Mr. Davenport!" Adam exclaimed, him and Chase pointing at the inventor.

"Gaaaahhh!" He yelled.

" that true?" Tasha asked her husband as she approached him.

"Look, what happened was...there comes a moment...It was all Bree and Alex!" Davenport yelled, pointing at us.

"Excuse me?!" Bree and I demanded.

Tasha looked at Davenport. "What happened? You said you were going to lay down the law. You lied to me."

"Oh, he lies to you about a lot." Adam said.

"I was just trying to teach them a lesson." Davenport defended.

"What lesson?" Tasha demanded.

"Um...The principles of flight."

Tasha looked at him before rolling her eyes and walking towards her mother. "Well, since Grandma won't be able to get around for two weeks, you're gonna be waiting on her, hand and foot." She looked directly at Davenport.


"Yep. That hand, this foot." Grandma Rose said, pointing to his hand then her foot. "Now prop me up with that pillow." Davenport groaned. "Today! Come on!" He quickly put the pillow behind her back. "Gimme that blanket!" She demanded, pointing to the blanket. Davenport quickly grabbed it and handed it to her. "Where's my soup?!" Davenport gave her a look.

"Yeah, where's her soup?" Leo repeated. "I'm sorry, I just got carried away. I'm having way too much fun with this."


"So, how's Grandma's little helper?" Bree asked as we walked into the kitchen. Davenport was losing his mind with helping Grandma Rose.

"I cannot take this. I have to get her out of this house, to get her mobile." He spoke through gritted teeth.

"Have you considered a catapult?" Bree suggested.

"Don't be ridiculous." Davenport said. "There is no way the arc would get her out the front door. Wait." He got that idea face. "I have a better idea. I just need time to build it."

"Nap time!" Grandma Rose yelled.

"Perfect!" Davenport exclaimed.

"Well, don't just stand there." Grandma Rose snapped. "Get over here and watch me sleep."


Bree and I walked through the front door after a long day at school, and all I wanted to do was to sleep. Adam and Chase were on the couch playing video games.

"Oh, hey, Bree, could you grab me a water?" Adam asked, his eyes fixated on the screen. "I'm trying to beat Chase's high score, and if I stop, his cyborg will melt me, and if that happened, a Nuclonium bomb will go off, and if that happens-"

"I will get you water!" Bree exclaimed, cutting him off. "Just stop talking!" She started walking towards the fridge.

Tasha walked in and entered the kitchen. "Hey guys. What do you want for dinner?" She asked, about to open the fridge.

"No! Don't open the-"

As soon as she opened the fridge, Tasha was splattered with ketchup and mustard. "Fridge." Chase finished.

Tasha turned around and glared at the boys. "Would it help if we said that was supposed to be Bree's face?" Chase asked. She continued to glare.

"But it looks just as good on you." Adam added.

"I don't care who the prank was for." Tasha said angrily. "Go get something to clean this mess up. Now!" Both boys left the living room. "Those boys never learn their lesson, and someone else always ends up paying for it."

Bree handed her some paper towels. "Welcome to my world."

"No. I think it is time to welcome them to my world." Tasha said.

"Right." Bree paused. "What does that mean?"

"It means...Nobody makes me a human hotdog." Tasha said.

"Right." Bree paused again. "What does that mean?"

"Hey, look who's trying to cook again!" Davenport exclaimed, walking into the kitchen. Tasha turned to him and threw the paper towels at him.

"Is anyone else craving hotdogs right now?"


"Let's do this." I whispered to Bree and Tasha as we watched Adam and Chase walk into the living room. They nodded and we walked up to them, a tray of cookies in Tasha's hands.

"Oh, hello, boys." Tasha greeted. "Bree, Alex, and I decided to make you some homemade cookies."

"They're fresh out of the oven." Bree added.

"Mmm. Fresh, stale, hot, cold, just put it in my mouth." Adam said as he went to grab a cookie, only to be stopped by Chase.

"Since when has Bree and Alex ever made us cookies?" He asked.

"Things can change, babe." I told him innocently.

Chase, obviously not buying it, decided to use his bionics to scan our cookies. Son of a bitch! "Just as I suspected. Not only were those cookies made with salt instead of sugar, but those chocolate chips aren't chocolate."

"So...caramel?" Adam guessed.

"No." Chase shook his head. "You're gonna have to try a lot harder than that, guys."

Bree groaned. "Busted again. I give up." The three of us walked back into the kitchen, but kept an eye on the boys.

"Plans working like a charm." I whispered so only Bree and Tasha could hear.

They nodded in agreement. "We got them this time." Bree said.

We watched has Adam and Chase grabbed their controllers, only to have them get stuck on their hands. They tried shaking them off, but failed. "Hey, what's the deal?" Chase demanded.

"Yeah, I'm stuck." Adam added. "Really, guys? This is your prank? Glue on the hands?"

"Oh, no, I guess we'll have to play more video games." Chase mocked.

"It's gonna be kinda hard to do that from up there." Bree said as we approached them.

"Up where?" Chase asked. Bree took the small remote out and pressed the button. Adam and Chase went flying up, only to get stuck due to their controllers being partly metal.

"Up there." Bree pointed to where they were stuck. "Your controllers are made of metallic components, so all we had to do was find a powerful magnet."

"Good thing I married a guy with five floors of expensive techno-Junk." Tasha told them. We were smiling like idiots.

"Okay. Alright." Chase said. "You finally got us. Good job, guys."

"Oh, no, that was not Bree's and Alex's prank." Tasha told them. "It was mine."

"Well, that makes sense, since it actually worked." Adam said.

"Look, whoever's prank it was, can you just put us down?" Chase asked.

"Okay, we'll let you down." Bree said, quickly looking at me with a smirk on her face. I smirked back. She super speeded to Leo's room where we kept an inflatable pool full of crap in. Leo didn't know about that.

She positioned the pool under Adam and Chase. "Right down into a pool of your expired milk." Bree continued. She pressed the button on the remote, and both boys fell right into the pool. We had to back up so we wouldn't get splashed.

Adam and Chase resurfaced and groaned. "Oh, it's disgusting!" Chase yelled.

"Ahh. And much chunkier than I remember." Adam said, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah." I said. "That's because we found your barrel of expired meat."

"Ohh! I was saving that!" Adam whined.

The three of us hi-fived before walking away. "Take a shower, babe!" I called over my shoulder, causing Bree and Tasha to laugh.

"That was great! We finally got them!" Bree exclaimed happily.

"Now, let's hope they stop with the damn pranks." Tasha grumbled.


"I still can't believe you guys did that to us." Chase complained.

It was officially night time, and since we hadn't had any alone time the past few days, we decided to have some now. So we were in my room.

"We just wanted you guys to stop with the pranks, and this was the only way to get the point across." I told him.

"I hope you realize that I'm probably going to stink for days."

I nodded and scrunched up my face. "Believe me, I know. I wish I didn't have a sense of smell at the moment."

"Hey!" He chuckled, swatting my arm. "I took five showers. I stink because of you."

I shrugged. "Deal with it, babe. But have fun at school."

He groaned and buried his face in my neck. "I hate you."

I chuckled, his breath tickling my neck. "No, you love me."

He lifted his head. "You're lucky I do." He pressed his lips to mine in a soft, gentle kiss.

Three episodes left! I'm going as fast as I can! And as for Alex getting sick, I know exactly what I'm doing. I decided to have her start showing symptoms for a certain illness in the first episode of season three, but you won't know what she has until the second or third episode.

Vote and comment!

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