
By ShelbyWinds

59.8K 3.4K 831

Lucius doesn't like other supernaturals in his territory. All supernaturals either work for him or ask for h... More



1.8K 113 14
By ShelbyWinds

"Lucius, before you leave, would you speak with us?" Lia comes to them. Lucius nods now curious. The females have never sought him out before. Even Faline looks at Lia puzzled. But slowly a smile forms on her face.

"Finally," Faline whispers. 

Lucius looks at her sharply. "They're getting ready to deal with the males." Faline looks satisfied.

Finally Quinlin comes out to face her. 

Lucius hiding his smirk offers his blood, "It wouldn't be fair for her to be fully healed and not offer you the same. Would you like my blood?"

Lucius is shocked at how long it's taking Quinlin to answer. He fully expected him to answer immediately with a no.

"Yes," Quinlin answers. Now it's almost impossible to hide the shock from Lucius's face. He hadn't actually expected the ass to take him up.

Lucius walks over to him and bites his wrist. It's obvious that Quinlin is reluctant but he takes the wrist and drinks Lucius's blood. They all watch as Quinlin stands straighter without pain.

Lucius walks back to Faline's side.

Alpha Steven comes out, "Quinlin tell the pack the reason why you attacked Faline unprovoked today."

"She is my mate and I don't want her." With his words there is a general murmuring. Some shocked other disgusted, at both the fact that she is his mate and that he attacked her for that. Some are disgusted that he doesn't want her.

"Oh, good, that will make things easier won't it?" Faline says smirking. There is no way she'll accept that ass as her mate.

With her words she has Quinlin's full attention. "I, Faline Wolfgang, reject you, Quinlin Metcalf, as my mate." Faline expected to feel pain at the rejection, but she doesn't feel anything.

Quinlin on the other hand falls to his knees in pain.

Faline looks at him expectantly. "Well? Aren't you going to accept my rejection?"

Quinlin whimpers as his wolf fights him. "I, Quinlin Metcalf accept your rejection of me." Faline smiles as she feels a bit freer with his words.

"Okay, since that is taken care of," Alpha Steven says moving things on. He is rather happy that Faline shows no distress over the rejection of her mate. "You attacked unprovoked another member of our pack. There are consequences. Nine years ago your father took the consequences in your place. This time you're old enough to take them yourself. Faline, what form and what consequence shall it be?"

"I don't want Quinlin calling foul on anything and say that I cheated. I'll let him choose the form and the game. The consequence will be decided by the winner."

Alpha Steven looks at Faline and shakes his head. There isn't anything that she can't do better than Quinlin and they are all aware of it.

"I chose wolf form and hide and seek." Quinlin thinks that in wolf form he'll have a better chance, he's been wolf for more than two years. 

"I don't trust you so, although I accept the form and the game we'll have two people to monitor to make sure that neither of us changes form. To monitor Quinlin I choose Lucius. He'll follow and not be noticed. But be assured Quinlin, that he'll be within arm range at all times. If you cheat he'll know."

Quinlin gives her a dirty look, "I choose my father, Joseph Metcalf."

"No, your father would give away my location, he's not quiet."

Quinlin goes to argue but Joseph speaks, "She's right. I say that alpha Steven should take my place."

"Acceptable. He'll be within eye range of me at all times, but not necessarily at my side. We'll each take turns as the hunter and each as the prey. Each turn will have up to an hour to find. If at the end of that time the hunter fails to find the prey they lose. If the hunter finds the prey with in that time the prey loses. No buildings, just the forest on pack lands. Leaving the forest or pack lands you forfeit. Agreed?" They are basic rules so Faline doesn't expect him to have a problem.


"Very well, Quinlin, which do wish to be first?" Faline is letting Quinlin have all the advantages. She has no doubt that she'll be able to find him in short order and he'll have a hell of a time finding her. Perhaps she didn't have her wolf, but Lucius has been training her to use all her senses equally. She rarely uses her sight in hunting and has an excellent sense of hearing and Star is sure that smelling won't be hard at all.

"Prey," Quinlin says then strips down to change.

Faline turns to Lucius, "As long as he doesn't change forms and cheat this shouldn't be a problem."

"I have every faith in you, Faline. This kid is nothing more than an arrogant pup. You could wipe the floor with him if you choose to fight him."

"I know," Faline smirks. "I don't want him to say that anything was unfair when I whip his ass at something he thinks he can do better."

Lucius looks at the wolf, "He's ready."

Faline nods and turns back to the wolf.

"I'll give you ten minutes to hide. Remember as long as you don't change forms or leave the pack territory forest anything goes." With those words Quinlin nods once then leaves with Lucius at his side.

"The sports bra will work with you when you change shape so you can leave it on. The sweats we'll help take off once you change," Lia tells her.

"Thanks Lia," Faline tells the woman with a warm smile. "I'm sorry Mrs. Metcalf, but there was no way I could accept that arrogant bastard as my mate."

Mrs. Metcalf smiles at her, "I don't blame you. I'm getting ready to leave his father even as we speak for the way he treats me. You'd end up killing Quinlin with his attitude towards you. He isn't nearly good enough for you, but he couldn't possibly do better than you." Mrs. Metcalf tells her giving her a hug.

Faline hides the tears she feels at her words and makes the transformation. There is stunned silence once the sweats are pulled off. Then words to the affect of, "She's stunning. Both her and her wolf are gorgeous. Quinlin is a double fool for rejecting her." Faline and Star both chuckle at their words.

When the alpha joins her in his wolf form she takes off. She follows Quinlin's scent for as long as she can. She's actually impressed when she loses it. She didn't think he had it in him. But it doesn't take her long to find it again. She starts using her other senses as well and in less than twenty minutes of starting the game she's found him.

The four of them return to the arena.

The pack hadn't expected her to find him so quickly and so they are a bit astounded that they are back so soon.

This time the beta, Metcalf, tells Faline that she needs to hide now.

She takes off and once she finds a suitable tree she jumps up to the limb and starts using the tree limbs to move about. Alpha Steven is in awe of her as he follows on the ground doing his best to leave no trace of his passing for Quinlin to follow. 

He'd never seen a wolf use trees like a highway before, at least not in wolf form and only a couple of times in human form.

Quinlin is even noisier than his father and Faline just sits and waits for him to come within her sight.

She has to hold in the mirth that wants to break forth as he is unable to find her. 

Alpha Stevens yips telling them all that the time is up.

The look on Quinlin's face when she jumps down from the tree is priceless.

Lucius goes up to her and walks beside her as they return to the arena.

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