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"Lucius, I'm sorry," Faline tells him once the pain was gone.

"Why? I don't regret it. The only thing I regret is you being forced to accept me like this." Lucius tells her holding her to him and playing with her hair.

"How long will your heat last?" Lucius asks in the silence that follows.

"Three days more or less. It'll come in waves, so we'll at least have time to eat in  between. Lucius you really don't have a problem being my mate? Vampires don't much care for wolves."

Lucius smiles and raises himself up on one arm, "I think I've proven that with you that doesn't apply. I would never have fought the council to keep you at my side if it had. I've told you before, from the first time I saw you, you were mine." Lucius leans down and kisses her. "That scared eight year old has turned into a lovely eighteen year old. You, my love, are all the things I'm not. You are kind," he punctuates the differences by giving her a kiss. "You are loving, you are forgiving. You are compassionate." With that he gives her a longer and deeper kiss.

"You deserve someone so much better than me, though. As a vampire I can't give you pups."

Faline looks down. Then she looks back up. "I know, but, having someone I know will always love me, always protect me, and will always tell me the truth and not treat me like a toy or a pet is worth more than the ability to have children. I wouldn't know what to do with them even if I could have them.

"Speaking of mates, what about the females from Pine Lodge Pack?" The local pack they go to when they have to.

Lucius smirks. "They are still at the hotel. Apparently the men aren't learning their lessons very well. Lia says that Steven is about going crazy with out her there but the other males don't seem to give a shit. They'll be staying another week at the hotel."

"You call me the generous one, yet you are losing a great deal of money having them there and not charging them anything."

"They've done a lot to help you, Faline. There isn't anything I could do that would equal their love and generosity towards you. Besides, what they are teaching their mates is a lesson long past due." Lucius tells her before pulling her on top of him.

"Let's go get you fed before the next wave hits." Lucius says after kissing her hard.

"If I can't have children that means that you won't have any either." Faline says as she pulls on his shirt.

"Love, until you, I couldn't tolerate fucking a female more than once. I long ago decided that children wouldn't be happening to me."

"Yeah, right. What about the bitch you brought home as your girlfriend?"

Lucius smirks, "She was going to be my girlfriend, not my lover. Now you are my only lover." Lucius says pulling her up and hooking her legs around his waist. "Only you, love. Only you."

"You honestly don't regret making me your mate?" Faline worries over this as Lucius carries her down to the kitchen.

"I was going crazy trying to figure out how to keep you by my side. Vampires are even more possessive than wolves. I wouldn't force you to stay, that would destroy everything I've worked on to build up with you, but at the same time I didn't want you to leave either."

Faline smirks, "The real reason you gave me the cafe and other buildings."

Lucius shakes his head, "No, I don't want you dependent on me. You have need to be independent due to your being an alpha. I would never take that away from you. You have declined going to college, I didn't have a problem with that. But it means that you wouldn't be able to find a decent job that will support you right. I want you to have a decent lifestyle no matter what. But now, you are tied to me indefinitely and I couldn't be happier." Lucius stops and sets her on the stool.

"But what about you? You are tied to an ornery old vampire until one or both of us die."

Faline scoffs, "I told you as a child I loved you. That love has changed and grown. I was jealous as hell when you brought that bitch home. I don't want to ever share you again."

"You were ten when I brought her home," Lucius says staring at her in amazement.

Faline shrugs, "I knew I loved you and didn't want to share you even then. But I was also realistic enough to know that you were fucking other females that you never brought home."

"How did you even know about fucking?" Lucius says then could hit himself.

"They didn't exactly hide what they were doing when I was kept as a slave. They would rape the other females whenever they decided they wanted to fuck. I know it's not the same thing but it's the same concept. I learned a great deal from them, I guess you could say." Faline looks down in shame. She learned a lot alright. She never wants to be in that kind of situation again.

Lucius raises her face up, "I'll never do to you what those bastards did to those girls. Do you trust me on that?"

"Of course I do, or I'd never let you touch me." Faline tells him matter of factly.

"Faline, do you know when they were going to do more to you?" Lucius asks her, he'd believed her when she told him they never touched her sexually. They hadn't penetrated at least. But he's still not sure that they didn't touch her.

Faline feels her eyes fill with tears. "The reason I was willing to face death, they were going to gang rape me that night. I heard them talking, they didn't know I was listening. I figured after seeing what happens to the girls after they are finished with them that you would be infinitely better. They didn't pay much attention to me, seeing as how small I was. I slipped out of the door before they locked it after they left to change the guards. I took the small window of opportunity and slipped out of their grasp and found you."

Lucius is sick. They were going to gang rape an eight year old that had the body of a six year old. There was no way she would've survived that. "I wish they were alive again so that I could kill them all over."

Faline gives Lucius a smile, "You are my knight, perhaps not in shining armor. I'd say my knight in blood drenched armor. I think blood drenched armor is more appropriate. It shows you not only fought for me, but that you will continue to do so."

"Always, Faline, always," Lucius leaves off his cooking and goes to hold her to him. 

For someone that doesn't eat human food very often, he's a very skilled cook. Faline loves it when he cooks for her. She can't wait for the omelet he's fixing her to be done. Her stomach growls agreeing with her.

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