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They walk into the diner and Lucius is happy to see that there aren't too many people there. He doesn't like people in general, but nosy ones in specific. There might be questions asked about why a man is with a child her age.

"Evening, what can I get for you tonight?" The waitress says coming over to their table.

"I need the children's menu and a cup of coffee." Lucius answers immediately. The waitress nods and heads off. Good, she wouldn't be one of the chatty kind. Lucius doesn't like a lot of chatter. So far Faline has proven to be a rather quiet companion and he's thankful for that.

He rather suspects a lot of that comes from being a slave and wanting to avoid attention at all costs.

"Here ya go hun," the waitress says setting down a paper and crayons. The paper had activities on it as well as the menu for children. Faline gets a look of joy on her face as she takes out the crayons and starts working on the activities.

The waitress also sets down a coffee cup and fills it with coffee. "Creamer and sugars are to your left. Just holler for Tina when you're ready to order."

"Faline, you need to decide what you want to eat before you work on the activities there." Lucius says softly, not wanting to cause her distress.

Faline looks at him wide eyed, "You're going to let me choose?" She smiles brilliantly but after looking at the menu she frowns. "I can't read this."

Lucius takes it from her, "hamburger, cheeseburger, chicken nuggets, spaghetti and meatballs, tomato soup, grilled cheese. The sandwiches all come with either french fries or tator tots, the spaghetti comes with garlic bread. Oh, yeah the chicken nuggets also comes with fries or tots."

Faline looks at him and bites her lip, so many yummy sounding choices and she doesn't know what to get. "Why don't you choose for me, they all sound so good."

Lucius smiles at her and nods. "Would you like a shake as well?"

Now Faline's eyes get wide and a smile plasters across her face, "Really?"

Lucius holds back his amusement, "Really." Faline nods her head so fast that Lucius worries that she's give herself a headache.

He calls Tina over and gives her the order, "Chocolate or vanilla?"

Lucius catches something out of the corner of his eye and frowns, "Chocolate."

Tina nods and takes the order in. "Listen, Faline, I need to make a phone call. You stay here and eat your food, I'll be back shortly." 

Just to make sure that the waitress doesn't cause problems Lucius leaves money on the table. More than enough to cover the food. As he goes to leave he pulls Tina to the side, "I need to make a phone call. I'll be back shortly, could you keep an eye on Faline for me?"

Tina had been surreptitiously eyeing the man and found him very sexy. So her answer is quick in coming, "Not a problem, hun, take all the time you need."

She could kick herself after saying those words. He might just do so and not come back.

Lucius smirks at her, "Thank you. Shouldn't take me very long and Faline shouldn't cause you any problems."

"Faline, lovely name your daughter has." Tina says trying to make nice.

"Thank you, I chose it." Lucius smiles, well he'd come up with it anyway. He decides to not enlighten the human about Faline not being his daughter. That works better than anything else he can come up with.

That's something else he'll have to deal with tomorrow. He'll need to be made her legal guardian and he'll need papers for that to happen. He makes the phone call and directs the man to have the papers ready by midnight. The man is less than happy about that.

"You work for me, if any one has a problem with you putting me as a priority tell them I'll deal with them personally." Lucius doesn't have time to deal with this right now.

"Fine. They'll be ready."

"I'll pick them up," Lucius doesn't want the man to wake Faline up.

"Even better." The man says but there is little change in his voice. Lucius hangs up on him.

He goes out of the cafe and is immediately lost in the shadows. He goes up to the three he believes to be werewolves and makes sure before he attacks.

After smelling their scent he snarls silently. They're wolves and from the smell they are of the same pack as the one he killed earlier.

"You aren't welcome here." Lucius says but doesn't show himself. The three wolves stiffen and fear comes off them. They'd hoped to avoid Lucius.

"Who are you?" The bravest of the three demands even as they all look into the shadows trying desperately to find him.

"You're worst nightmare. You know the rules about coming into my territory." There is definitely a threat in his voice, but also an underlying sound of joy. Lucius does love toying with those that break his rules. He hadn't been able to earlier because he didn't want to distress Faline. This time he'll take the three out of view and have some fun.

He'll just have to hurry with it though, he doesn't want to leave Faline alone for too long.

He soon throws each of the three wolves over the nearby fence and into the dark. He'll be able to do whatever he wants with no witnesses even though there are a bunch of humans in the cafe. There are few outside lights and none on the other side of the fence.

After about ten minutes he finishes. He makes a face. Wolf blood isn't his favorite, but it will do for now. Now for the first time in ages he feels like eating some solid human food.

He'd been careful to not get blood on him so he won't scare Tina or the customers. 

Lucius returns to the cafe and after making sure that Faline has her food and is eating it, he heads to the restrooms to make sure that there is no blood showing.

Coming out he finds Tina, "I think I'm hungry now. How about the biggest steak you have, uncooked as much as the law allows with a baked potato and salad?"

"Okay, what salad dressing would you like with the salad?"

"Whatever the house dressing is."

"Okay, it'll be  few minutes. Can I get you anything else?"

"A refill on my coffee. How was Faline?"

"She's a quiet little thing, no problems at all."

"Happy to hear it." Lucius says and returns to the booth where Faline is happily eating away.

Before Lucius manages to finish eating his food they can hear sirens and flashing blue and red lights light up the cafe as they pull into the empty lot where Lucius left the three dead wolves.

"I wonder what's going on?"

"Probably found something nasty."

Faline looks at Lucius consideringly. Understanding dawns, "You?"

Lucius nods, "wolves really aught not come into the city. It's not a healthy place for them to be."

Faline tenses up then relaxes.

"You're safe from the big bad wolves, Faline. I won't let any harm come to my little doe." Lucius says then smirks at the angry glare that Faline throws him. She's not a female deer. She rather likes eating venison and doesn't like being compared to her food.

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