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Tina watches from the roof top waiting for the most opportune time to act. She catches her breath at the amount of vampires before her. She assumes since she doesn't see any wolves that they are coming in from the woods. 

There won't be any need to worry about them, then. Tina has complete faith in the defenses of the forest and with Faline and Lucius there, no wolves will make it out alive.

She turns her entire attention to the hundred or more vampires before her. She doesn't think she's ever seen so many vampires at once. But one thing she is very happy about, they are all lower level vampires. They will be far less of a problem then those of the ruling class, like Lucius.

She shudders to think of an army of this size all made up of Lucius's class of vampires.

'There are no vampire's in his class. He surpasses them all Tina. How many vampires do you estimate?' Faline's voice asks her. Tina still gets shivers when that happens. She had no idea that non wolves could be inducted to a pact. It's still unsettling.

'At least a hundred, perhaps as many as two. It's hard to get a definitive count they keep moving.' She sends back.

'Do your best, the wolves will be dealt with shortly then we'll be out to help.' This is from Lucius.

'I have a few tricks up my sleeve to help even the odds a bit.' Tina replies back and can't help the smile that slides into place.

'That's a girl.' Lucius can hear her smugness and leaves off, presumably to deal with the wolves. 

Tina doesn't worry about him anymore since the vampires are making their move.

A good twenty or so are killed by the magic holding the gate, before they manage to break through. Tina shudders at the smoking, burning bodies before she prepares to send off her own spell.

She sends out, 'Down!' All the defenders immediately drop to the ground and do their best to not touch the invaders. Tina sends out her lightning spell and thirty or so invaders are now crispy critters.

Immediately the defenders rise up and tackle the now more hesitant invaders.

The guards are able to keep the invaders back before they once more hear, "Down!"

This time when the defenders go down, some of the invaders are smart enough to do so as well, fortunately they weren't fast enough.

More than half the invaders are now dead or dying. 

The remaining are more hesitant than ever before but they make their way in.

The defenders fall back to secondary positions and take a breather.

Some of the vampires stop and look around. They start sniffing and leave off the main group.

Tina smiles. She has no idea where Lucius put the poisoned meat, but there is no doubt that it has caught the attention of some of the invaders.

She remembers back on the conversation:

"Why is there bloody meat out on the counter?" Lucius asks Tina.

"A special treat prepared for the invaders. The meat is laced with wolfbane and silver nitrate. It is also spelled so that both wolves and vampire invaders will be irresistibly drawn to it. I have already set some out in the forest and this will be for the gate." 

"Tina, dear, you do realize that the defenders are also wolves and vampires?" Lucius asks with a smirk.

Tina looks at Lucius, "Are you feeling an incredible urge to eat this?" Tina rolls her eyes at Lucius.

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