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Lucius brings the now exhausted girl back to his home. As they enter the home Faline looks around her with interest. It's easily the largest house she's ever seen. She looks at the decorations that line the hall and shrinks into Lucius's arms.

Lucius doesn't understand the sudden fear she's having until he looks around him with her point of view. As understanding hits he reassures her, "It's alright. I know you won't break anything on purpose and I also know accidents happen. You won't be punished if that happens."

Although much of her tension seems to leave her, not all of it does. "You'll learn to trust me, little one, in time."

He takes her up the stairs. "I never have visitors that spend the night, so although I do have guest bedrooms I never bothered to furnish them. You'll stay with me tonight and we'll go furniture shopping for your room tomorrow after we get you some decent clothes. But first, I think a hot bath will do us both some good."

Lucius takes her to a huge bedroom, "This is my room. For tonight it will be our room." Lucius goes to a door in the room and opens it. "I think you are old enough to bathe by yourself, are you not?"

"Yes," Faline says but her eyes are huge as she takes in the bathroom. "The tub is too big though." The tub will be taller than her if she sits down. She's afraid of drowning in it.

Lucius frowns. "How about a shower then?"

"Okay," Faline says but she's more than a little frightened.

"You want help?" Lucius says giving in.

"Yes, please," Faline says.

"So, which would you prefer, the shower or the bath?"

"If you are going to be there, bath."

"Very well," Lucius hides his thoughts and swallows the sigh he wants to let loose. He starts the water for the tub and leaves to get her a shirt of his to change into after the bath.

Faline laughs at him when he falls into the tub when he is trying to wash her hair. Lucius come up spitting out the water that got into his mouth. He loses his ire as he hears her laughter.

"Oh, little one that isn't funny." Lucius gives her a warning look.

"Yes, it is. It'd say it's hilarious actually." Faline says as she fights to stay awake.  Seeing this Lucius takes her out and dries her off. He puts his shirt on her and as he expected it swamps her. 

"Sorry little one, I'll get you some clothes that fit you tomorrow."  Lucius says, he wants to laugh at how ridiculous she looks but doesn't dare.

"I know." Faline says and walks towards the bedroom. She curls up on the floor next to the bed.

"What are you doing, Little One?" Lucius asks confused, he'd already pulled down the covers of the bed for her.

"Going to sleep." Faline tells him, already half way asleep.

"You're not sleeping on the floor. You're not a dog, Faline." Lucius says adamantly.

"You called the guy that was coming after me a dog."

"That's because he was one. You are so much more." Lucius tells her as he picks her up and sets her on the bed. "Now go to sleep. I have some business to attend to, but I shouldn't be too long. Will you be alright by yourself?"

"Yes, Lucius," Faline tells him even as she falls fast asleep. 

Faline is asleep before she even registers the kiss the Lucius places on her forehead. She doesn't hear him leave. For the first time since the nightmare began, Faline feels safe and warm. Her dreams are for once happy ones. She doesn't notice the passage of time or that Lucius isn't back yet.

Near dawn she is startled awake and can't find Lucius. Now scared she slips off the bed and takes her pillow. With her pillow in tow she slips under the bed. She's shaking now, and scared. Lucius isn't back and she's hearing noises, just like the night her parents died.

Holding back the sobs she can't hold back the tears she curls up on her pillow and cries wishing Lucius was there.

Each little sound makes Faline flinch sure that the bad wolves were there to take her back. She no longer feels safe.

She sees the room lighten up and knows that sunrise has come, but still there's no sign of Lucius. Did something happen to him? Will she be forced to return back to the pack?

Just the thought makes her panic. She doesn't want to go back. She'd rather die here then return to the pack. 

After hours of this kind of thinking she's wound herself pretty tight and when the door to the room finally opens she runs towards it, trying to escape. She doesn't even see who comes in.

She cries in frustration when she is easily caught. "Don't hurt me!" She says even as her body stiffens expecting to feel pain any second for having left the pack house.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Little Wolf. I'm sorry it took me so long to finish the business. I promise I won't ever stay away that long again." Lucius does his best to calm the terrified girl. He can smell her terror and it has been building up for some time. 

He curses himself for taking so long dealing with that pack.

"Lucius?" Faline says hesitantly starting to calm down.

"Yes, Faline. How long have you been awake?" Lucius pulls her into him giving her a hug. He holds her like that until he can feel her body relax.

"Before the sunrise, I heard noises downstairs and thought they'd found me. I was so scared, I didn't know what to do."

"They will never hurt you again. I already took care of them." Lucius tells her. He thinks the truth is far better then a lie at this point.

"You killed them all?" The awe in Faline's voice makes him chuckle.

"Yes, Faline, I killed them all. I also made sure that the other slaves found a safe place to live."

Faline throws her arms around him, "I love you Lucius."

Lucius stiffens, he's never had anyone tell him that before. Especially a child, they usually run and hide from him. Even the humans that don't know what he is are terrified of him.

Hesitantly he replies, "I love you too, Faline."

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