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Quinlin calls his mate and tells her exactly what Lucius told him. "Can you make it to the meeting with me?"

Sharee bites her lips, "Did he say anything when he heard my name?"

"No, but I don't think he was alone in the room either. There might be a reason he didn't say anything. Besides, why would he recognize your name?" Quinlin and Sharee had snuck out to meet many times since the party a few months earlier. The winter snows had made it a bit more difficult for Quinlin to do so without others noticing. Wolves might tolerate the cold, but they don't go actively seeking time in it. But one thing they've never talked about is her rank in the vampire world.

"My family isn't a low born family, my father has power. There is no way Lord Lucius wouldn't recognize the family name."

This causes Quinlin to pause, "Will it hurt our chances to gain his support?"

"Lord Lucius loves to thumb his nose at the vampire world whenever he can. The idea of me coming to him for sanctuary won't be immediately rejected because of that. Will he take the full risk of accepting me though? That I don't know." Sharee makes a decision and straightens up.

"I'll come. Meet me at our regular spot at eight. There is no way in hell we can be late, not if we really want to be together. It will be far better to be early and cool our heels outside the estate for an hour or so." Sharee tells him. She can't help the smile that comes onto her face. There is no way in hell she's going to accept the marriage her father wants to force on her. She loves Quinlin and she's seen what that kind of love can do. She wants that and won't settle for less in her marriage.

Quinlin lets out the breath he'd been holding. Somehow he doesn't think that Lucius would give it serious thought if she isn't there. The fact that he'll be going to the house of the person that has no reason to like him and a great deal of reason to not and begging said person for sanctuary is making him ill. 

He has to somehow convince Lord Lucius to accept them and give them sanctuary. He's pretty sure that if Faline tells him no that will be it. But how to get to Faline and have her side with them?

His shoulders slump. There isn't, the females of the pack and alpha Steven are the only ones she'll talk to. He can't talk to any of the females, his own mother still won't let him visit her at the house. He'll just have to hope that Faline will listen and get Lucius to accept.

The one person that he's been jealous of and done his best to take down now has the power to either help him, or get the best revenge on him ever.

He wishes he knew Faline better. He's let his jealousies and hate blind him and now he doesn't know if the one that can help him will.

Quinlin doesn't expect to sleep well that night.

He's right.

Quinlin carefully sets the pack with his clothes down then changes to his human form. He gets dressed and waits patiently for Sharee.

Suddenly arms go around him. Quinlin immediately tenses preparing to fight when he recognizes the scent. "Sharee," He sighs out.

"Yep. So you are you ready to face the Monster?"

"Monster?" Quinlin asks nervous.

"It's what my people call Lord Lucius. No one else holds his territory so tightly. Perhaps his territory is small, just the one city, but it's one of the most affluent. It also has the least amount of supernaturals. Only the ones that work for him live there and only those he permits are allowed inside."

Sharee looks at Quinlin, "I thought you knew that?"

"I knew that the city is his territory and that he holds it with an iron fist, but that he was called Monster, that I didn't know." That just makes his nerves ratchet up even more.

"Relax, the worse he'll do is deny us our petition. Once he agrees to seeing us we are granted entry unmolested and exit the same."

Sharee looks at Quinlin searchingly, "How did you arrange this meeting?"

"My alpha, he called Lucius and requested that Lucius listen before hanging up on me. Lucius and Steven have an uneasy friendship. Lucius admires Steven enough to listen to him, even when he'd rather not. I think when he heard that my wolf chose you as my mate, I think that is what garnered us the interview."

"I see, okay, better change. We'll only get one shot at this." Sharee says. She turns and stares unseeing at the scenery around them as Quinlin undresses and changes to his wolf once more.

Once Quinlin is ready they race off together to the the city and hopefully their fate is not what their respective fathers have chosen for them.

Lucius sets down the phone and smirks at Faline. "Well, it seems that your ex and mine are truly earnest in whatever they wish from me. They are here and willing to wait outside until the proper time, that was the gate guard. They want to know if they should let them enter this early or if they should stay out and cool their heels."

"Lucius, don't you dare make them wait out there for an hour. Weren't you just complaining about having to hold off on a meeting because of the appointment you set for them? Well you're not busy now, at least nothing that can't be set aside until later."

"Yes, love. Knowing what they are likely wishing, what do you want me to do?"

"You are master of this territory, Lucius."

Lucius loses all his amusement as he looks at Faline. "You are my mate and have just as much right in this decision as I do."

His words please Faline and she lets it show by her smile. "Hear them out. Their pleading can't be put above the safety of the people that look to you for safety. But if they offer enough," Faline shrugs, "why not?"

Lucius smiles wickedly at his mate. "Why not indeed?" Lucius had explained all possible ramifications of taking them in. The idea that he'd be tweaking the nose of one of the most powerful and influential vampire houses just makes the wicked light dance in his eyes.

Her father was the first one to sign his parents death warrant. This would infuriate her father and help to get some of the longed for revenge against him. But he's not blind to the dangers either.

He has the guards send them up to the house.

A short time later there is a knock at his office door and they are shown into his lair.

They see the wicked smile on his face and it only grows at their obvious nervousness.

"Lucius." Faline reprimands him and the wicked smile is wiped off his face and an expressionless look takes it over.

Faline gives him a dirty look and offers them seats and refreshments before taking her seat at Lucius's side.

She can see Quinlin subtly relax at this and hides her own smile. He'd been afraid of facing Lucius without her.

Lucius takes his time and looks over the odd couple.

He lets the silence drag on as he makes his assessment of them. He's pleased that although they are nervous, they are steadfast and even manage to look him in the eye for short periods of time.

"Quinlin, you requested this meeting. I am more than a little surprised by the request." He turns his eyes to the girl and directs his words to her. Unconsciously he softens his voice. "Councilman Nastergal's daughter. To hear that you were my mate did throw me. I do apologize to you for any pain you've felt because of my rejection."

"I went to the party that night planning on begging you to give me a chance, but when I saw how much you love your mate, I couldn't. I accepted the rejection and had resigned myself to the plans my father has in regards to my future."

Lucius looks only mildly interested in her words. "What are his plans?" Perhaps it will be worth granting them asylum just to spike Nastergal's plans.

"He wants to marry me to Lord Darin."

The wicked light in Lucius's eyes just turned to an inferno and a smile so evil finds it's way onto his lips that the two before him don't know if they should dare to continue.

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