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His standing up draws the attention of almost all the council members. Lord Darin being the only one consumed with something else. That changes when the door bangs open and Lucius's men come in with their gifts.

"What is the meaning of this!" Nastergal is the first to recover.

"Why are there mutts allowed in here?" Darin demands as he sees the people bringing in the boxes.

"Why they are here because they are bringing you all gifts." The guards set the boxes in front of each of the council members.

Hesitantly first one then all of them open the box. They all remember the last time Lucius had come willingly to a council meeting.

"I will only return when You  have taken off the corrupt members from this council. I will return when I have proof and then I will bring you gifts. The same kind of gifts I had when I came home to find my family slaughtered and my home burned."

Lucius's vow rings in their ears right then.

As the box's are opened the smell of blood wafts out among those in the room. Suddenly flames engulf the contents of the boxes, causing many to jump back in fear. Fire is deadly to vampires, even more than others.

"Lord Lucius, what is the meaning of this?" The head councilman demands.

"I warned you and you didn't listen. I was given leave to have my mate and not be molested. This is just a small portion of the army that was sent against us a few days ago. The rest of them are out in the courtyard waiting for their turn to be burned.

"By your words, the one that sent them has broken a council edict and must therefor be punished."

The council head looks thoughtfully at Lucius, "You know who that person is and have proof?"

Lucius smiles, eyes glittering with malice and his smile as evil as any have seen it. "Oh, I do indeed."

Sharee stands up and opening her box goes forward. "The papers Lady Sharee is handing out details proof of not just the action taken against me, but many misdeeds the perpetrator has done. Among those are the working with rogue wolves to destroy and enslave other wolves, including my mates pack and my mate. It also details the events orchestrated by him to destroy my family. And of course the events that happened just a few days ago."

Faline is by now at his side setting her hand on his face to help him calm down.

"You will find the pertinent information about the attack against us on page ten." Faline tells the council as Lucius is still fighting for control over his killer instincts.

Darin scoffs, "What a bunch of lies and whoopla."

"I have a witch willing to show you the happenings," Lucius manages to say through clenched teeth.

That is Tina's signal to begin.

The most damning piece of all is where the witch tells Faline who and why she was sent there. As well as the traitor guards.

There is no doubt as to the guilt of Lord Darin.

Darin loses his control and goes to attack. Lucius smiles, that's exactly what he'd hoped would happen. Faline steps away and allows Lucius room to deal with the vampire.

It turns out that he's not the only one. Nastergal also attacks. He can't reach his daughter but Faline is available.

Now Faline smiles. She had hoped but didn't expect someone to be stupid enough to attack her. Before Nastergal reaches her she is her wolf self. Star easily manages to evade the enraged vampire. He is nowhere near the level of Lucius.

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