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Lucius escorts Faline inside to change back into her clothes that she was wearing when they came.

"We'll be in the alpha's study when you're ready to join us," Lia says gently leaving Faline alone for the first time since she came to the pack today.

"I shouldn't be long," Faline says smiling gently. 

Lia smiles and closes the door.

Faline dresses quickly not wanting to miss anything. She thinks she has an idea. The only reason they would want to talk to Lucius is to get his permission. They want to enter the city, Lucius's territory.

The only reason would be because they are leaving their mates, either temporarily or permanently. She hopes that it helps them. Male wolves are notorious in their hardheadedness though and so she doesn't have much hope for them.

Lia is speaking as she enters the study. "We would like your permission, Lucius to enter the city and stay for an indeterminate amount of time."

Lia's request both shocks and doesn't at the same time. "Why would you do that? The city is about as far from nature as you can get. Wouldn't that hurt you?"

Lia looks down as do the other females, "We are tired Lucius. We are taken advantage of as Faline has stated and we're tired of it. Our mates treat us little better than slaves and we deserve better. We want this time away from them so that they realize all that we do for them and hopefully they will appreciate us more, even if they never learn to love us." Lia's words are so filled with pain that Faline aches for her.

"I do love you, Lia." Steven says startling Faline. It is rare for anyone to sneak up on her since Lucius has taught her.

Lia gives Steven a small sad smile, "Do you? When have you ever put me first? When has my needs ever been important to you? When was the last time you did something just for me?" Lia shakes her head, "I don't require words of love, although they would be nice, but I do require actions. I can't remember the last time you did something to make me smile. Just because I haven't given you pups-"

"That has nothing to do with it!" Alpha Steven interrupts. "I just forget that I need to do those things. I'm sorry, Lia. I'd be lost without you."

Lucius looks thoughtfully at the alpha, "I think that the females have a valid request. It shall be granted. You shall stay as guests at my hotel. I'll have the ten best rooms reserved for you, or at least the ten best not currently in use. When did you wish to come?"

"Tomorrow? Would that be too soon?" Lia asks not realizing that she's holding her breath.

"Not at all. I'll have the rooms reserved and you'll just need to check in any time after two. Meals and all amenities at the hotel will be available. Faline enjoys the spa. There will be no need to pay for anything."

"Now just a minute, they are our mates, we will pay for their needs." Alpha Steven doesn't even try to talk them out of going.

"They have helped Faline immensely. This is my way of repaying them. You and the other mates can pay for their shopping and whatever else they decide to do."

Lucius smiles, he rather likes the way the women are teaching their men a lesson. "You said indefinitely? So how about we have your stay down for two weeks and if after that you wish to stay you just let me know?"

Lia and the other women, which includes Mrs. Metcalf look at him with tears in their eyes. "Thank you, Lucius, you are being far more generous than we had hoped."

Lucius nods at them then turns to Alpha Steven. "If I were you, I'd talk to your wolves and explain that the females have had enough. That if things haven't changed or in the process of change that they will suddenly find themselves without mates."

Alpha Steven nods his head, "Yes, but what about the children?" That last part was directed to his wife.

"The males will have to deal with them full time. The unmated females have agreed to watch the children while the men are either at work or on patrol/training, but all other times the men will have to actually raise their children." Lia smirks at this. Most of the males thought looking after the children and cooking beneath them, not to mention cleaning. "Oh, that reminds me, they better have the houses as clean as they are when we leave tomorrow or we won't be coming back until they are. You make the mess, you clean it." Lia says that with a great deal of satisfaction. All the females nod happily at her words.

Alpha Stevens turns white. This isn't going to go well with the males.

"Also, Alpha, would you let that ass that's my mate know, that if he doesn't try to make changes that I'll not only divorce his ass when I come back, but I'll reject him as well. Let some other poor female deal with him."

"I'll let him know, Anjolie," Steven smiles, "Honestly, although I'll miss you all and your food, I can't blame you in the least and I hope you take this time to relax and think everything through. When you get back, help us learn what we need to keep you with us."

Lucius smiles a bit of a wicked smile. "Alpha, Luna, can I speak to you both before you leave?" Lucius had been bothered by something and he just figured it out. He thinks that the two people most affected by the news should know.

The other females leave the room. Faline stays and looks at Lucius puzzled. She can't understand why he isn't ready to leave yet.

"Luna Lia, before you leave for your vacation there is something you should know. You are going to have pups. Two I think. They are very young and this vacation, I think, will do you a world of good. Stay relaxed and enjoy yourself and that will help you keep the pups. 

"I'll make sure that you and the other females have a list of all the activities in the city. I'll have them divided up into ongoing events and short term events to make it easier for you all to decide what to do or see.

"If there is anything that I can do to make your stay even better just let me know."

Lucius likes the stunned look on their faces. 

Lucius motions for Faline to follow him out of the room.

"Wait, Lucius, Faline, the females have a surprise for Faline since we now know her birthday." Lia rushes out of the room and to the kitchen. When Lucius and Faline look at Steven he shrugs his shoulders.

"I have no idea what they have for you." 

Lia and the other females come in carrying a cake lit with candles. They sing happy birthday and urge Faline to blow out the candles.

Faline blushing in pleasure does so. "This will be shared with the rest of the pack as well as other cakes we baked to celebrate this special day for you. These however are for you to take with you." Lia hands Faline a box that holds several cupcakes. "Happy birthday, Faline."

Faline goes to her and hugs her and then goes to Steven and does the same. 

"Faline, you never did say what the consequences for Quinlin would be."

"He's to do the dirtiest cleaning jobs that can be found for the pack for the next month."

Alpha Steven smirks, "Done. I think you're letting him off too easily though."

Faline shakes her head, "The humiliation of this day will be the main punishment. He won't be able to think of this day without remembering just how humiliated he was by a female he considered beneath him. How I rejected him and the pain that brought him and yet didn't bring me any."

"That only happens if a wolf has found a different mate. It's very rare, almost unheard of." Alpha Steven says.

Faline shrugs, "If she has she hasn't told me who. Thank you alpha, thank you luna." With that they leave the pack territory and run back to the city.

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