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Later that night, the two are alone at the estate, stargazing and holding hands. Faline admires the look of the ring. "How did you know what size to get?"

Lucius smirks, "I stole one of your rings and took it with me when I went ring shopping. If you don't like the ring we can exchange it."

Faline glares at him, "Don't you dare! I love it." She settles in next to him and he pulls her close keeping his arm around her.

"Lucius, what are you going to do about the wives and children of the traitors?" Faline asks hesitantly. She is good friends with all of them and doesn't want them hurt.

Lucius sighs, "What do you want done with them? Their mates betrayed you as much as they did me. I know Kale's betrayal hurt you terribly."

"Yes, but I don't think their mates and children should suffer for it. Please give them the same package you gave the families of the other guards that didn't betray you."

"Faline, I can't do that. That would be dishonoring the memory of those that remained true." Lucius tries to get her to understand.

"They didn't chose to have their mates and father's betray you," Faline says now in tears.

Lucius sighs, he knew this would come up.

"I can't give them the same package, but how about you give me an alternative that would satisfy you?"

"Very well," Faline has thought about this a great deal and already has something for Lucius. She knew that he couldn't give them the full benefits. "Take the children on as wards, not full time like you did me, more like you would be a benefactor for school and things that they will need. Give the females jobs or help them find jobs and pay for the daycare. At least until they find someone else to be with or the children leave home."

The mates and children of the traitors, those old enough, understand that their mate/father turned traitor. They understand what they did means that they will be executed and they accept this. They don't have much hope of escaping Lucius's wrath as well.

"Benefactor, huh?" Lucius likes the idea. It won't be hard to find jobs for the females, either his companies or others will easily find space for them. Taking care of the needs of the children shouldn't prove too burdensome. He likes the idea. Especially since those guards had until this time given him many years of loyal service. He just doesn't understand why they suddenly changed.

"I like it, Faline. I'll let the families know tomorrow." Lucius tells her looking down at her smiling face.

"Thank you, Lucius," Faline kisses him.

"Now about the wedding," Lucius says after they kiss for awhile.

"Hmm, what about it?"

"When would you like it?"

"Whenever you do. I only care that the human females know that you are off limits. You will wear a wedding ring." Faline tells him and there is no room for him to argue against it.

Lucius smiles, "I like this jealous side, love. Of course I'll wear it. I can't expect you to wear one and not do the same.

"Would you like a big wedding or a small one?"

"It will have to be big won't it? Between all your business contacts, our pack and the other supers that will need to be invited, it will end up a circus."

"We could elope," Lucius suggests whispering in her ear.

Faline snorts. "The head of the vampire council wants to marry me and then make it an elopement instead of a wedding? Not going to happen. I'll meet with a wedding planner tomorrow. You are free for the morning so you can tag along."

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