Just Had To Be You

By ThatChickUKnow

338K 7.7K 412

All that Collin Ace ever wanted was... well, nothing. He already had it all. The money, the power, the girls... More

Just Had To Be You
Rejection Hurts
Love Always Wins...❤
First Date... ❤
The Alpha Female....
Moving In
❤ Marked By You❤
Uh Oh....
House Hunting...
Finishing Touches...
Home Sweet Home....
This Means WAR....
New Arrivals....
Introducing Hadleigh Carson....
Are You Cheating on Me??
Dress Shopping...
The Night Before My Wedding and You Take Me To A Slumber Party??
This Is It.... :'}


9.6K 231 2
By ThatChickUKnow


"Yes! Of course I will," I said and he slipped the ring on my finger. He stood up and I threw myself into his arms. "I love you," I whispered and kissed his neck.

He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my forehead, "I love you, too, obviously," he said and I couldn't help but to crack up. He started laughing with me and we ended up falling back onto the sand. He pulled me close to his body and I laid my head on his chest.

"One question. Who was all in on this?"

"Chris, Harley, Jack, Josh, and my dad."

"None of the girls in the family, huh?"

"Nope. They can't keep a secret to save their skins," he said and I nodded and we laughed together. When we sobered up he looked down at me with a serious face, "Thank you," he said.

I looked at him confused, "For what?"

"For everything," he said and kissed me lightly on the lips. "Come on, it's getting late," he said and he helped me up off of the sand and back up to the car. We drove back to the house and walked in hand in hand.

When we walked into the living room, Macie and Lacie turned around and smiled at us. "So guys how did your night go," they said as they walked over to us. Collin and I smiled and he put his hands on my hips and I lifted up my left hand and they squealed. "OHMYGOSH! Collinyoufinallyproposed!!" They pulled us into huggs. "You too go get some sleep. We start planning tomorrow," they said and rushed out of the house. We laughed and walked up the stairs to check on Hadleigh and went to bed ourselves.


I was woken up the next morning by my phone ringing obnoxiously loud. I looked at the caller I.D. and rolled my eyes. I answered the phone, "Macie, what the HELL do you want at eight o'clock in the morning?"

"You and Collin need to get up and answer the door. We have a wedding to plan!" I rolled my eyes and woke Collin up. I walked down stairs and opened the door for Macie and Lacie, behind them was Harley, Chris, Josh, Jack, and....Lane?!

"Oh my GOD! Lane!" I said and hugged him. I hadn't seen Lane since the night of my moonlight ritual. He had left to Europe to see his dying grandma and help take care of her. "What are you doing here?"

He gave me a sad smile and looked down, "My grandma died and I couldn't stand to stay there anymore, plus I missed you. I never found out if you had found your mate, and I never gave up hope that it would be me," he said smiling and looking over me.

I blushed and looked down. Just as I was about to say something about it, Collin walked over to me with a scowl on his face and wrapped his arms around my waist and growled playfully at Lane. "Good to see you hitting on my mate, Lane," Collin said to Lane and his eyes bulged.

"You two?! Really? I would have never thought it. How you been man?" Just then, Hadleigh started crying and Lane's eyes got wide yet again and he started laughing. "Pretty good, I'd say," he said and Collin grinned.

I blushed and looked down while everyone laughed. "I'm going to go and get her," I said and I walked up stairs and into Hadleigh's room. "Hey there, baby girl," I said as I walked in and over to her bed and picked her up.

She smiled up at me and then got a strange look on her face, like she was concentrating really hard on something. Suddenly her lips started to quiver, "ma..ma" she said and then smiled at me, "Mama."

I looked at her and smiled and kissed her on the forehead. I ran down the stairs screaming for Collin. "COLLIN," I yelled as I got to the bottom of the stairs and he rushed over to me.

"What?! What is it," he asked worriedly looking over both me and Hadleigh.

"Who am I, Hadleigh?"

"Mama," she said and smiled and looked at Collin, "Dada," she said and reached for him. I handed her over and looked at him and saw the tears in his eyes. I smiled and walked over to him and wiped them away.

I looked back and smiled at everyone, "Lane, this is mine and Collin's daughter, Hadleigh."

"She is beautiful," he said and smiled, "She looks just like-"

"Yeah, yeah, she looks just like Avie with Collins hair and hazel eyes. Now, lets get to the real stuff. Boys, go get the boxes and excuse yourselves. We girls have a wedding to plan," Lacie yelled and Chris and Josh went and got two boxes and Lane, Harley and Collin took Hadleigh with them to the game room.

For the rest of the day, we looked at wedding dresses, venues and different things that pertained to the wedding - which we planned to be September 20th. Exactly 2 and a half months. Looking at all of the things that was spread out around my living room, I thought to myself, Damn, I have a lot of shit to do.

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