Trying Our Best - Carl Grimes...

Від timeofjuly

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COVER BY- XFINITYBIEBER |||| WARNINGS: STRONG LANGUAGE [DISCONTINUED?] tell me if you want to have it conti... Більше

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Fan Account
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26

Chapter 25

61 2 6
Від timeofjuly

Chapter Twenty-Five:

Just as I reached the house that I resided in, shouting from Negan began to echo throughout the quiet secluded town. No one daring to speak as if it would spoil their plans to evacuate the town. I took one last look before running into my house. People were heading in two directions, one to the wall, that was the decoy. The other going to the sewer grate that sat off of the field. They loaded supplies that could fit down that small hole that lead to sewage tunnels.

I looked all around the main level of the house, only to find Molli and Kely hustling through the kitchen. They were grabbing whatever was in our cupboards and stuffing them into backpacks. I shot my head up the staircase soon after a loud thump hit the ground above. I ran up the stairs to see Jason hustling as well. He was going into everyones room and grabbing whatever meant something to someone or just supplies like clothes. He had this large bright electric blue bad with a slogan of I'm bright as hell.

Where the fuck did that come from. I want it.

I rushed into my room grabbing my already packed bag and stuffing whatever else I could fit into it. My pens and my journal. I grabbed Thalia's brush and her small blanket that she alway kept.

If she wasn't here to grab them, I will.

"Y/N get your ass downstairs right now. They're sending people saying it's time to go. Carl can't hold his attention for forever!" Jason howled through the house.

I quickly swept through the other rooms and the bathroom grabbing whatever was small and useful. I skipped a few stairs at a time as I hurried to the doorway where the three other teenagers stood. One had a face full of worry, Jason, the others just had faces of terror.

Had Molli and Kely ever been threatened by others? Like life and death threatening?

As the shouting increased, the four of us darted to the small grate that all civilians were supposed to escape out of. I looked behind me to see Kely tailing Molli as I was just behind Jason. All three of them had bags, misshapen with the pressure of rushing stuff into the bags. Jason's bag was nearly opening itself, ripping at the seams it seemed, with how much he had stuffed into the small Nike backpack. He also had a slightly larger duffel bag that he borrowed from Carl a few runs ago full. Molli and Kely had two bags each; one made of fabric and the other made of plastic.

The grate was piling with people with ages varying. Young went first, the the elderly that felt like leaving the town that's been their home for the past two and a half years. Then it was our turn.

"FUCK! I forgot my machete! I need to get it! It's important!" Kely almost screeched out for everyone to hear outside the gates.

"Forget it we have to go-" Jason started but couldn't finish as Kely wouldn't have this.

"No. I'm going to go get it. Don't wait!" Kely started to run and didn't make it far as I stopped her.

"You get down there, I'll get it. It has pink tape right? I need to get my own weapons as well. Jason take her down with you, I'll see you in a bit." I walked up to Jason giving him the longest hug that I could.

You can never tell when it's the last you'll see someone or they'll see you. I guess that's what this world has brought the human race to finally realize; nothing is permanent, nothing ever lasts. Not even what you consider family lasts. Not even the bonds you make. They'll just wither and break.

Poetic I know.

I gave Molli a small side hug and Kely a smile as I ran to the pantry. I passed empty houses that I never got see inside of and felt a tinge of pain for those having to just leave. I made it to the small building and hurried inside. There wasn't much food left, if any at all, and the weapon intake has definitely been diminished in its size.

I rushed over to the blade pile and rummaged threw it. As I picked up and either grabbed and placed into my bag or threw the other blades to the side, I more than surely cut my hand on multiple occasions.

I can't fucking find that goddamn pink taped machete.


I nearly screamed at the loud sound that seemed to resonate in the small armory. I flinched as another boom was made.

"MOTHERFU-" I stopped myself before I could say anymore. Negans men could already be infiltrating Alexandria.


Frustration took over; I tipped over the large rectangular baskets and all of the blades hit the floor with what seemed a million loud clinks. Out of all of the remaining blades, the bright pink tape stood up against the worn grey handles. I thankfully grabbed the machete that belonged to new mysterious girl.

Well not that mysterious. Rather just too lazy to do much talking about her past. Or maybe it's painful?

I turned to my left and started rummaging through what was left of the guns. Only a few handguns with someone else's initials on them. A frown crept onto my face, my guns weren't there.

I guess that someone took them. I better get them back or else I-

BOOM. Explosion.

Smoke started to fill my nostrils as my other senses heightened at the showing of one thing. Fire and fire is bad. Well on most terms it's bad.

I found an old Wegmans fabric grocery bag under the guns and grabbed whatever else was on the counter across of the knives. Some were holsters, others were other dulling switchblades.

Only three cans were left. Can of creamed corn, can of refried beans and expired pineapple. Whatever. I grabbed the crappy food and scattered.

Or tried to. I ran out of the tall white building and a middle aged guy with the greasiest hair I've ever seen stood before me. He was clad in shambles of clothing that smelled of nasty garbage.

He's a scavenger. Dirty people. Quite literally as well.

He screamed out, "I got some Alexandrian bitch near the infirmary."

Dumb fuck doesn't even know the infirmary is on the other side of town.

He had his hands on my forearms trapping them to my side, my body still facing his. I felt the adrenaline rushing through my thin veins as my mind paced.

Would I die here? To this fuck after I've survived for so long. No. What's not being blocked? It took me a few seconds. My knees are free. Such a stupid man.

As fast as the though came into my brain, I kneed the man as hard as I could whenever I could get. Hopefully it was the sore spot of a man. By the way he releases me and grabs his aching crotch, I could tell I had succeeded.

I ran as fast as I could muster away from the garbage man and tried to not make it obvious where I was going. If I just straight up went to the grate, I'd give away my place to whomever was looking at the right time and potentially kill all the people below. Which included my family and Carl's.

I would have to find another way to to get there without drawing attention. I'd need a plan. Out of pure fucking luck, two of Negans men were standing right next to and on the rusted grate.

Well shit. I'm outta luck here.

The explosions hit the ground all over this once beautiful and peaceful town. Ringing resonated in my ears and I could hear some screams of angered men and women. I ran across the street and hid behind the house that once held the Andersons and saw only more of Negans men and the scavengers.

A feeling of bitter sweetness rang through my heart. My family and friends were out. As consequence of me trying to get a machete, I was stuck out in the open of anyone's view. Just waiting for them to kill me.

My reason to go get that girls weapon was stupid. I wanted to see the town one more time. To see what the town that gave me peace for a short amount of time looked like before it went down the drain.

Now I was stuck deciding whether I should give up or try. I want to try but-
Wait what is that?

A brown hat laid in the middle of the open grass. It took a moment before I'd realized that it was Carl's.

Did he get out? Safely?

I know how much that hat meant to him but was it worth my life? What else can I do. My stupidity for that blue eye boy had me run out in the open and grab the sheriff hat. A loud shot rang out and made me tuck and roll down the small hill that I stood on. How stupid.

I hit the metal wall with a thump and I laid on the prickly, itchy grass as I waited. For what I'm not sure. Death? Help? Captivity?

The answer was nothing. No one came. I crouched up and saw no one. I got up slowly and sprinted to where the houses side could provide some coverage. After a minute I crept over to the edge of the house which faced the bloodied street. I looked to my left and saw only a few people in the smoke. I looked to my right and saw a gaping hole in the metal wall, dead ones creeping their way in. How had I not heard that? Was my hearing more messed up than I thought?

I decided that that hole would be my way out as the grate is still covered. I made my way closer to the hole from behind the houses.

I was almost at the last house as another person tried to grab me but this time I was prepared. I gripped the handgun in my (dominant hand) and turned around fast.

The person was middle aged as well but instead a women. "I'll give you one chance. Leave me, don't say shit, don't yell and I won't shoot. If you do any of those, I'll make it a shot that counts." I whispered harshly at her.

Rather her then taking my advice, she started to whistle her tune which what I'm guessing signaled something. I kept my word and made the shot count.

The bullet hit right above her right eyebrow and no doubt killed her on the spot. Her skinny body hit the ground like a sack of potatoes.

My grasp on the brown hat tightened and I attempted to secure my bag on my shoulder as I prepared to make that final run out of Alexandria.

With one more gun shot ringing through the air, I was off. As soon as my body became visible the shouting of men followed.

"Get that girl over there!"


"Near the fucking gaping hole in the fence!"

I ran faster than my legs were prepared to do so. My lungs already ached as I passed through the hole and avoiding the dead ones.

Don't stop. Don't stop, keep on going. Just keep running. Just keep running.

That mantra played and played, it became my only thought process. The thumps of the shoes of burly men thundering behind me with the occasional "Why won't this Alexandrian bitch stop running!". Then some pants until all I could hear was my own heavy breathing.

Just keep running. Run away from them and to your family.

I turned a sharp left and continued on running. I felt my legs slowly turn into gelatin as I attempted to get away from the men. I didn't dare look back in fear of tripping nor did I try to stop and look if they were still following.

All I know is that there could be a possibility of them still there and that drove me to run wherever I could. I felt the stumble as I tripped on a jagged rock and tumbled into an overgrown tree root.


My left cortex rammed into the hard wood, no doubt opening my skin to a new wound. Groaning, I picked myself up. I winced and groaned even more when I felt the dirt and wood touch the cuts on my hands.

Despite the damaged hands, I groggily pulled myself into my knees. Snap.

Aware that I was being followed I turned my head so fast, more whiplash followed in suit. I took a long look into the forest; no one was there except a small rodent. I had no clue how long ago Negan's men stopped following me or if they're waiting for me to show them the way to the rest of Ricks group.

They aren't that smart. They wouldn't wait to get me.

Slowly standing up, straining my already aching legs, I wobbled away from that tree. I looked up into the sky and saw nothing other than the grey clouds. I looked around the forest and saw nothing but the green scenery.

No land marks familiar to me. Not one single thing looks familiar, I had no damn clue where I was nor where I was to go. Panic started to course through my body; I just got lost in a who knows how big forest.

"Just fuckin' great." I mumbled as I tried to keep a calm persona. I remembered little of how to actually track and instead started from the opposite direction on the root my head had hit.

My left hand made it ways up to bleeding cortex. I felt the oozing blood soak into my hair and the surrounding areas.


Fuck me up the ass. First I got lost. My legs ache and feel like some nasty jello and my head is throbbing with pain. The fucking blood is gonna attract something.

Bitch those are vampires. Shut up.

My calm facade slowly fell apart over my trek through the forest. I picked up a stone and threw it randomly.

"I have no clue where the hell I'm going and now I'm talking to myself. Great. Why don't I find some shelter and shut the fuck up?"

The sun was still high in the sky but who knows for how long it'll still be like that. I turned left at what I hoped was where I previously turned. Yet again, who the fuck would know?

Maybe Daryl would. Maybe I should ask him to teach some stuff because right now I'm pretty damn useless. Just useless.

As I got tired of the sunlight in my face, I relieved my hands hold of Carl's hat and placed it upon my head.

What! I know right?

I hope there is still someone to still give this back to.

All I have to do is hope that Carl didn't get bit somewhere while I was gone. Was he sick or something, Carl was holding his side and wincing. Or am I just imagining this now?

The rotting smell filled my nostrils long before I could see it. Laying on the green ground was a disemboweled deer, the rotting corpses of dead ones and bloody shoes prints. Embedded into one of the dead ones head was a long hunting knife that seemed familiar.

Finally a sign of something. Wait is that Carl's knife? It looks like that one he got from another group, what were they called again?

I hurriedly walked over to the hunting knife; placing my left foot on the dead ones neck and grabbing onto the handle, I pulled. The crunch and squish sounded from underneath my shoe as the knife came out of the skull.

I almost gagged at the splash of crimson blood that came from the release of the knife or the flesh now stuck into my sneakers sole.

Bitch disgusting.

I continued on my way to what I hoped was the way to my family. The only sound in the entire forest was my breathing and the clanking of the miscellaneous weaponry that was concealed in my shoulder bag.

Kely Point of View Kellycake12

The sewer smelt like, well a sewer. Squish. My combat boot crushed something that I do not dare to look at. At the end of the sewer tunnel was a crossing to another set of tunnel ways Also there sat Jason and a sick looking boy with one eye.

"Hey any chance you know where that Y/N chick is? She still has my machete." My voice being the loudest thing, it echoed.


"Wait Y/N isn't here? Where is she?" The one eyed boy spoke out and he made a sad attempt to get up.

"Stay down. No she isn't here, she went to go grab your weapon if I remember correctly and never came back." The look in his eyes and tone in his voice said enough; Jason blames me for his sister not being here.

Rather then starting an argument during this time of tragedy, I asked the other boy a question. "What's wrong with you?"

"A stomach issue." The boy answered. That's all he cared to say as he looked down the tunnel. With that said and done, I returned to my previous sitting place next to some doctor guy named Siddiq.

Word Count: 3002

A/N: sorry I take forever to update. I'm lame as fuck and forget to write and update. Plus I'm just stressed or sleeping a lot lol. So yeah have a good day/ night and I hope you still enjoy this book as much as I like to write it :)

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