Stars Can't Shine Without Dar...

Autorstwa MrsSociopath

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Kris is the new girl in a new town in a new school. She has gone there for one reason only and that is fresh... Więcej

{Prologue} Kitty and James sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G
1. If first you don't succeed, bash the shit out'a it
2. I don't know, I don't care and it don't make any difference
3. Don't let an idiot ruin your day
4. If at first you don't succeed, keep sucking till you suck no more
5. You'd screw your own sister for a slice of cake!
6. An apple a day keeps the doctor away
7. Never confuse your Knight in shining armor for an idiot in tinfoil
8. I am on a seafood diet; I see food and eat it
9. Obviously you have mistaken me for someone that gives a shit
10. Best way to not get your heart broken? Pretend you don't have one
12. Your opinion is irrelevant, cause I don't like you
13. Family love is annoying and repetitive, like bad wallpaper
14. Before. Not B4. We speak English. Not Bingo
15. Your village called. They want there idiot back
16. You don't like me? Fuck you. Problem solved
17. I've never liked hide and seek.
18. Lift up your head Princess, if not the crown falls
19. I'll have a whiskey, with a side order of you
20. Some people are just beautifully wrapped boxes of shit
21. We're playing 20 questions, how big are your boobs?
22. I fell for you in between the hurting you
23. Remember when I asked for your opinion? Neither do I
24. I punched a girl in the face, now y'all want my autograph

11. You're the reason people have middle fingers

48 4 8
Autorstwa MrsSociopath

 [ Copyrighted to MrsSociopath© ]

It was finally Lunchtime and Kris had found her self missing another lesson. She did not even want to think about what Frank would say when he finally got her report at the end of the month. Apparently, it happened to all new students. A file was made of your grades, progress, attendance and behaviour marks. Kris had already missed at least a fourth of her lessons in the two days she had been at Kasper High. 

Kris strolled over to her locker and pulled out her skateboard. She practically ran out of the school and walked around the back where she had heard earlier in the day that it was where all the skaters and potheads hung around. Kris could cope with people like that. Most of the lads she hung with back home were potheads and skater boys. 

The back of the school was just a stretch of gravel with a misshapen piece of tarmac in the middle. There were picnic tables scattered around. Groups of people sat on them passing around joints and laughing. She was not surprised to see Deke McCarthy amongst them, clad in his grubby green army jacket. Other groups sat solemnly together in circles looking as if they hated life. Then there were a group of lads skating around on the gravel. 

The skater boys had built misshapen ramps out of bits of wood and pieces of metal. Kris watched in fascination. She was impressed by the amount of tricks and flips the boys could do. Most of the boys back home were all talk and actually very bad when it came to boarding. She knew instantly that if she had not of met Adam that first day of school that she would have found her self hanging around with these kinds of people. 

Grinning to her self Kris made her way towards the boys with her skateboard tucked under her arm and had her bag thrown carelessly over her shoulder. The boys skated normally until Kris got a metre away from the tarmac and one by one, they all came to a stop and looked at her. Kris’s step faltered. She reached the edge of the tarmac and stopped, careful not to step onto it. 

A boy wearing ripped jeans that were hanging low on his hips showing about an inch of his pink boxers and grey beanie perched on his head stepped forward. His dark hair was a mess, sticking out at all angles from beneath his hat. Kris was also distracted by the fact that he did not have a shirt on. It was instead tucked into the back pocket of his jeans and hanging half out.

“You lost baby?” the boy purred out like a feral cat. His eyes raked over Kris’s body admiring her exposed legs. 

“No,” Kris mumbled out, she was starting to feel self-conscious even though, if she were to be honest, the boy was showing more skin than she was. “I was wondering if I could skate here.” 

“And what makes you think we’d be happy to have you here?” he rose an eyebrow up at her which lead her to notice the silver bar he had running through it. 

“Well if you’re not happy to have me here then why is your little general standing to attention?” Kris smirked. There was a chorus of quiet laughs behind the boy, which were covered up with pathetic attempts at coughing fits and the clearing of throats. Red began to creep up his neck. 

“You’re smooth,” he smirked. “But can you skate?” he asked. It was a genuine question. “Cause we guys don’t want you here if you’re a beginner on that thing. We don’t want you falling in front of us when a homie is trying to do a Nollie Laser Flip.” 

“Step aside,” Kris smirked throwing her board down and finally stepping onto the tarmac were it was the only place smooth enough to skate on. Kris stepped onto the board and gave her self a few pushes to get started before she kicked her boards up into a 360 shuv. Her board slid up the ramp and she kicked it up and landed down on the tarmac with out missing a beat. She swivelled her board around the shirtless boy and did a Pop shuv in front of him. Then calmly she stepped off her board and kicked it up into her hand. “I bet that general of yours is standing to attention again.” 

The boy laughed, throwing his head back and crinkling his eyes. “I swear if I didn’t have a girl I would bend you over that ramp and take you now.” 

“Okay? That’s not creepy at all…,” Kris mumbled. The boy grabbed her by the waist and pulled her flush against him causing Kris to squeal. 

“The names Logan, baby,” he bumped Kris’s fist. “Welcome to the pack.” Logan stepped onto his board and went back to skating along with a bunch of the other people. However, a few of them came over to introduce themselves to Kris and compliment her on her boarding. A group of three guys waltzed over to Kris shooting her Cheshire cat grins. 

The first boy introduced him self, “Hey Chick, I’m Seth,” he held his fist out and Kris bump his fist with hers. “And these are my boys Cody and Dylan,” he said motioning to the boys. One had bleach blonde hair and the other had a buzz cut and a stud in his lip. Kris knocked fist with them both. Both boys were roughly her height where as Seth was a giant with black hair that had shocks of blonde running through it. 

“OK before you ask… yes I’m new. Yes, I am single and I am not looking for anything or anyone. Yes I plan on whipping every one of your arses on my board here,” she shot them a wink and they all set off on their skateboards. She could not believe she was making more friends. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Meanwhile in the middle of the cafeteria Deacon was strolling around getting nervous glances from everyone who saw him. An unfortunate ginger kid accidentally stumbled into him and ended up soiling himself which caused a bunch of laughter from a near by table. 

Deacon had run after Kris after he had seen her earlier but had easily lost her in the many hallways that made up Kasper High School. He had not expected to see her like that. He had heard screaming and yelling then he turned the corner to see a crying and overly emotional Kris. 

He now spent the entire of lunchtime looking for her. He never went into the cafeteria, as he preferred to sit on the hood of Craig’s truck and eat food with him there. Thoughts of Craig suddenly made Deacon mad. He had not found him that morning where he usually was. After threatening a few of the kids that also did drugs he finally got told that Craig had not come into school yet. 

His dangerous gray hawk like eyes scanned the large area packed with kids repeatedly and he realized finally that Kris was not in here but he did spot someone who could potentially help him. It was the weird kid with the glasses and the big hair that he had seen showing Kris around on her first day here. What was his name? Aaron? Aspen? No that is a girls name… Deacon scrunched up his face in concentration. Adam? Adam! 

Finally knowing the name of the boy, he started striding towards the kid. Power radiated off him as well as a fuck load of agitation. People close to him shied away. It was obvious to anyone with eyes and a pulse that Deacon Daniels was in a bad mood. However, what had caused it they have no idea. It seemed as if the Daniels lad had been acting extremely bipolar since yesterday. 

Deacon stopped directly at the head of the table Adam was sitting on and everyone around him fell into a deafening silence. It even seemed as if they had stopped breathing. Five pairs of eyes were locked onto Deacon as he stood there like a dark God looking down on a load of pathetic humans who he might smite at any given chance. 

“Adam, right?” he asked looking directly into the eyes of the boy that he had seen with Kris. Adam’s mouth fell open as he heard his name come out of the bad boy’s mouth. He didn’t even realise Deacon knew who he was and he didn’t think in a billion years that he would know his name and be talking to him of his own free will. 

“Um, yes?” Adam stuttered out unsure. 

“Kris,” Deacon stated bluntly. “Where is she?” 

“I don’t know,” Adam asked with a frown. He had been thinking about Kris all day. She had missed her French lesson which he had with her. Since coming to Lunch he had not seen her. It turned out Clarice was the last one to see her and had relayed the entire argument that Kris had had with the English teacher Miss Asher and how she had been sent to the school councilor straight away. 

“Where is she?” Deacon growled out again. He had an idea that Adam knew something. Adam was her friend. He was bound to know where she was or maybe another out of the people on the table did. 

“Why do you want to know?” asked a boy with bright blonde hair with dark green eyes. He was wearing a tight bright blue vest top and denim shorts that reached his knees. 

“Just tell me where she fucking is!” Deacon growled out causing them and a couple of tables around them to jump. There was an eerie silence in the usually loud cafeteria as everyone’s eyes were locked on the people who looked like they were about to become Deacons next victims. 

“Ok, calm down Thor,” a dark girl with dreads glared at him. “You don’t have to be so rude.” 

“Who the fuck do you think you-” 

“I know where she is,” laughed a voice from behind Deacon. Deacon spun around on his heal to look at a girl wearing bright pink skinny jeans and had a silk orange scarf hanging around her neck. The once quiet students burst into a whispers as they all laid eyes on the girl that was sitting on one of the only empty school tables with her feet planted lazily on the closest seat. She had a green lolly in her mouth and she sucked greedily at it. 

“Cassandra,” Deacon whispered out her name in a monotonous voice. 

“Oh look at that, you remembered my name,” Cas smiled sadly. “C’mon, your girls this way,” she gestured with her head before jumping off the table. 

“She isn’t his girl,” Adam said before he could control himself. Deacon had to resist himself from turning around and breaking the scrawny kid’s neck. Because he was right, Kris was not his girl. Not yet. Cas spun on her heal and daggered Adam with her eyes. 

“What? Do you think she’s going to be yours?” she asked sarcastically. 

“You don’t even know her Cassandra, so don’t go making comments that have nothing to do with you,” Adam spat out at the girl. 

“That’s where you’re wrong, Kris is my friend,” Cas said simply trying her best to not spit venom at the boy in the big glasses. She hated him and always would hate him. 

“Funny, since no one else wants to be, but then again that isn’t really surprising is it?” he jabbed at her with is words. Jack’s foot flew out as he kicked Adam’s shin under the table telling him he had taken it too far. Cas clenched her fists, he had hit a soft spot and he knew it. No one brought up Cas’s history. No one even dared. Except for Adam.  

“Both of you, bloody shut up will you!” Deacon glared at the two as he was looking at a pair of squabbling schoolchildren. “Cas will you just fucking take me to Kris and stop making comments at that bitch there!” 

“Joh-a!” Cas sang out in Korean before turning and skipping through the mass of people humming a tune no one recognized and out of the cafeteria as if nothing had happened. People stared after the strange girl as she went. Deacon ran a hand down his face and sighed. This was going to be a long lunch. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kris was walking back into school with Seth, Dylan and Cody by her sides. There as at least ten minutes or so of Lunch left and Kris had been having a great time with the guys. She had been introduced to a lot more of them and Logan had said she was welcome back anytime. If it was just to skate or she wanted something more hard to hit. She knew he was talking about drugs. 

Kris had quickly declined and headed back to the building with Seth and his boys hot on her trail. She laughed and let them escort her. Today was an okay day. It started off awkward and pleasurable, then cruel and annoying, now it was completely relaxing. 

“Where the hell have you been!?” shouted a concerned but angry voice. Kris looked up to see Deacon steaming towards her and by his side was a rather trippy looking Cas who was still skipping but this time she was singing to herself instead of humming. 

“Uh-” was al that managed to fall from Kris’s lips. “Uh, I, I, I-” Kris was stuttering out syllables but was unable to form a sentence then she shut her mouth. Why was she trying to think of a way to explain herself to Deacon? He wasn’t her boyfriend. He did not own her. “None of your god damn business,” Kris barked out at him. 

Deacon stopped directly in front of Kris and glared down at her. The boys around her visibly shrunk away and took a step back from Kris. She smirked, maybe Deacons reputation was as bad as she was lead to believe. “What’s wrong?” his voice came out a lot softer than Kris had expected. 

“Nothing,” Kris whispered out. 

“Bestie!” Cas screamed drawing a lot of attention to the small group as she threw her arms around Kris’s neck.

“Uh, Cas what are you doing?” Kris asked while slowly returning the hug. 

“I really need one,” Cas chanted out in a weird voice, “But First, Let Me Take A Selfie! Durh Durh Durh-durh-durh!” Cas slipped them tablet out of her back and pulled a funny face next to Kris and snapped a Selfie. “Gamsahabnida!” she squealed. Kris smirked realizing the tune from Selfie by the Chain smokers. 

“What in the name of James Hook does that mean?” Kris sighed exasperated. 

“Thank you in Korean,” Cas replied in a duh voice. “Who the hell is James Hook?” Kris face palmed her self. 

“Rugby player, welsh rugby player,” Kris ground out from in between her teeth. 

“Doesn’t happen to be half welsh, half Korean, does he?” Cas asked hopefully. 

“Actually he is.” 

“Really!?!” Cas squealed like a fan girl. 

“No,” Kris dead panned causing Cas to glare at her coldly. 

“I need to talk to you,” Deacon interrupted and pulled Kris to his chest and far away from Cas and the three skater boys whom were shooting him dirty looks as they looked at his possessive hands on Kris. 

“I was talking to Cas,” Kris growled out. 

“Shut up and walk with me,” Deacon sighed and picked Kris up slightly off the floor and continued to walk down the hallway with her in his arms with Kris struggling every step of the way. “Do you want me to throw you over my shoulder again?!” he ground out. Kris continued to struggle and before she knew it she had be flipped onto Deacons broad muscled shoulders. “Good girl,” Deacon patted Kris’s butt. 

“You know,“ Kris thumped a fist against his hard back. “You’re the reason people have middle fingers.” 

“Well I’m about to be the reason you start screaming my name in a minute so shut the hell up,” Deacon slapped Kris’s arse again. This time harder than the last causing her to squeak.  

“Hey wait for me!” Cas called while skipping after Kris and Deacon like a Leprechaun on Rainbow crack. She heard Deacon sigh heavily, well more like felt it with the rise and fall of his shoulders. She felt Deacon speed up and turn a corner trying to rid him self of the Korean loving Unicorn hugging wild cat that had grown attached to his Kris. 

He then came to a sudden stop, jarring Kris’s leg causing her to hiss lowly. “Well looky looky what we have here,” Kris froze at the sound of Craig’s voice. Shit. 

Alright Kaz I am terribly sorry if any of the Korean is wrong. But you know you love me. 

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