The Greenlight Bar- A BakuDek...

By Squip_Man

78.1K 2.9K 2.7K

Five years alone, both separated by hatred. Five years of brutal victories and bitter losses. Five years to l... More

Before The Drama
Gaslighting Sack Of Shit
Return To Mediocrity
Entropy Would Be Better Then This
Eve Of a Disaster
Nobody's Fool
Leave The Ramen Store Alone, Y'all Just Asked For Too Much Salt
I Take Midoriya Away To *Dramatic Pause* Funkytown
God Dammit, I Just Wanted To Have A Normal Day
Heeeeeelllll No (To The No, To The No No No)
Today, I Plan To Get Myself (And Others) Laid
Break The Stoic
Really, I Figured I Would Have Seen That Coming
You Know I Had To Do It To Him
End Of An Era (Or So We'd Like To Think)
The Indecision Kills
My My, How The Tables Have Turned
Every Love Has Its Lows
Instant Cassaroles Are Lazy, You Could've Done So Much Better
Now Would Be A Good Time To Not Be Wasted, Right Denki?
Two Timing Traitor
Only Now, Did I Realize How Much Hitting The Ground Hurts
Final Note

Everyone's Entitled To Their Opinion On Sex

2K 97 61
By Squip_Man

Bakugou was really uncomfortable when he walked over to Arisawa. He instantly spotted Kirishima's red hair in the midst of everyone else, and nervously walked over to the table.

"Hi." Kirishima's head darted up from his phone, his eyes instantly widening when he saw him. Bakugou braced himself for a lecture, or a telling off, for his shitty behavior that night.

"Hey man! How's it going!" Kirishima, friendly as always, pulled up a chair. Bakugou was...really surprised. He knew Kirishima was a nice guy, but come on, didn't he deserve some sort of lecture? Maybe it was just the guilt talking.

"Hey" Bakugou mumbled as he sat down in the other chair. The waitress came over and asked for their orders. Kirishima got a black coffee, and Bakugou ordered some peppermint tea.

"I'm fairly sure that waitress winked at you." Kirishima laughed once the waitress was out of earshot.

"Well, she can fuck off." Bakugou muttered, too tired to really process the fact that she probably recognized him.

"Something the matter?" Kirishima asked, jarring Bakugou out of his thoughts.

"Oh-no. I'm just kind of tired."

"Why's that?" The waitress returned with their drinks, and Kirishima took a long sip, eyes never leaving Bakugou's face, waiting for an answer.

"Oh-I just had a long night last night." Yeah, you bet your ass. The recessed part of Bakugou's brain whispered to him, and he tried to push the images of last night out of his mind.

"Work?" Kirishima sipped his coffee again, and something about his tone

"What-yeah. Work, yeah, it was work." Kirishima raised an eyebrow, obviously not convinced.

"C'mon bro, you can tell me anything. Remember when I told you about my giant crush on David Hasselhoff?"

"You were drunk. You never would have told me otherwise."

"No, I would have, because we're bros!" Kirishima slung an arm around Bakugou's shoulder, and gave him the puppy dog eyes. "Pleeeeease?"

"Fine, whatever." Bakugou let his face slide down to the table. "...Kirishima?"


"Do..." Bakugou forced out the words, "Youhaveanydatingadvice?"


"Do you...have any dating advice." Bakugou mumbled. He looked up, to see Kirishima with a big dopey grin on his face.


"Bakugoooouuu!!!" Kirishima squealed (good lord, he sounded like Mina,) "You got a boyfriend?!"

"No! Yes-uh-" Bakugou stared at his feet. "It's hard to explain."

"I never thought you'd actually find a person-this is great~!" Kirishima seemed to be talking to himself now. "The entire agency's gonna owe me money, yeet-"

"Shitty Hair-look-can this stay between us?" Kirishima looked up from his phone. "I know it's weird, but I...I dunno if I want everyone to know. Especially after...the intervention."

Kirishima's face instantly darkened. "Is that why you rejected Todoroki's feelings?"

"Pretty much." Bakugou rested his face on the table. "How is Sho-Todoroki?"

"He's..." Kirishima rubbed the back of his head. "Doing okay. He's more stoic to everyone than usual, except for Uraraka. I think she's been his surrogate breakup counselor."

"We were never a thing-"

"Except everyone thought you were-even Todoroki. The fact that you rejected him out of the blue...that's kind of shocking for everyone."

"Well," Bakugou mumbled. "You know me, I'm a man of surprises."

Kirishima laughed a little, then smiled. "Chin up Bakubro. It's fine if you're not ready to talk about it-I get that. But...I'm here. If you need to talk to me about your fraught love life."

"Oh shut up." Bakugou growled, causing Kirishima to burst into loud snorts of laughter.

"MIDORIYA!" Midoriya looked up from the floor, his attempts to sneak back into the base unnoticed foiled.

"Hi Yui-"

"Where the FUCK have you been?! Did you forget that tonight is the night we have our diplomatic meeting with KT12? We were supposed to plan for that! We-" Yui cut herself off, suddenly staring at Midoriya's neck.


"What's that."

"What's..." Midoriya felt his neck, and felt the rough bump at his pulse point, that felt unmistakably like a-

"Mosquito bite." Midoriya choked out, face red. "That's a mosquito bite."

Yui raised a perfectly peniced eyebrow, sighed, and grabbed his arm. "Okay. Let's plan our meeting." She dragged him all the way down to his office, leaving a bunch of bewildered thugs behind.


"Uhhhhhh..." Well shit. What was he supposed to say?

"I...dropped the card off."

"The fake one? The one that leads to the sand-pit?"

"Yeah. I don't think he'll turn me in though, he hasn't done anything with the fake card yet-"

"Did you guys fuck." The blunt phrasing of the sentence caught Midoriya off-guard.

"NO!-Well, kinda-it's-sorta...yes." Midoriya knew when to accept defeat, and tried his best to ignore Yui's cackles. 

"Oh my god! You actually did it, the absolute madman!" She hunched over wheezing, while Midoriya scowled.

"Yui-it's not funny!"

"What was it like?!" Yui asked, he tone suddenly changing, a look of intense curiosity on her face. "Who topped? Who bottomed? What's Ground Zero like in bed?!"

"Yui shut uppp..." Midoriya groaned, trying to prevent the flashback from setting in. "Why should I tell you?"

'Pleaseeeee..." Yui flashed him the puppy dog eyes, her big red eyes quivering (seriously, she had the puppy dog eyes down to a science!), and Midoriya caved.

"Um-it was..." How does one describe sex? "Good."

"Good. Really, that's the only word you're going to use."

"In...tense?" Midoriya offered.

"Hmm." Yui looked thoughtful. "In what sense?"

"It got intense-why am I telling you this? You know what sex is like, you talk about it all the time-leave me in my misery." Midoriya moaned, letting his head rest on the worn wooden desk.

"Sheesh, fine, whatever." Yui laughed, turning to the door. "But I expect full details when I get back, y'hear?"

"Fine." Midoriya mumbled to a cackling Yui, watching her until she shut the door.

"I don't get paid enough for this."

"I said it once, and I'll say it again-you don't get paid at all!"


It was going to be one of those days. 

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