Breath of the Wild: Yoxel's S...


277 52 0

This story follows Yoxel, the rightful king of the Twilight. In the midst of a peaceful era in the world's of... More

The King and the seer.
Enter: Gibidan
The King and The Champion
Family Ties: Ressurection of the Dark shaman
Mask of the True King
Audience with the Chief
A Duel with the Fallen
Weapons and Vendors
Trials of Twilight: Din's Trial
The Mountains where the Trial lies.
A bloody night in the desert!
Trials of Twilight: Midna's Trial
Preparing for the Calamity Pt 1
Preparing for the Calamity PT 2
The Great Hyrule War PT 1
The Great Hyrule War PT2
Tales of the new champions Chapter 1
Tales of the new champions chapter 2

Trials of Twilight: Naryu's trial

5 3 0

*The snow falls softly inside the maze as Yoxel hits dead ends one after the next. Yoxel deeply exhales seeing his breath*

Yoxel: Damn, another wall.

*He looks around and sees a flame*

Yoxel: Hmm?

*He walks toward it finding a shield and sword as well as stairs leading upward leading to a pedestal with a flame on top*

Yoxel: Yet another dead end? Oh, Hylia, why!?

*A creaking noise can be heard as two White Lizalfos creep up behind him*

Yoxel: ....


Yoxel: I have to find a way to the trial...

*The Lizalfos are shown to have their upper body sliding off and falling to the ground. Yoxel continues on becoming more and more lost within the Labyrinth. Unphased by the constant snowfall, he turns corner after corner finding a few chests and slaying a few enemies until...*

Yoxel: For the love...hey watch where your going next time?

*The girl stands up revealing herself to be a Zora with Forest green skin, sharp teeth, and of tall stature*

Lunaria: How about you watch where YOU'RE going!?

Title Card: Zora Huntress: Lunaria

Lunaria: Maybe if you weren't so short, I would've seen you.

Yoxel: Whatever!

Lunaria: What is someone like you even doing here? I bet you're hopelessly lost.

Yoxel: I could say the same thing about you. Aren't you a Zora? Why are you all the way out in Hebra mountains?

Lunaria: That's none of your business.

Yoxel: Ok.

*He walks off*

Lunaria: HEY!

Yoxel: What?

Lunaria: You're just going to leave a helpless maiden out in the snow like this?

Yoxel: You seem like you've got a good head on your shoulders so take care of yourself.

Lunaria: Fine, who needs ya!?

*A Lizalfos licks her face*

Yoxel: Now where was I?

*Lunaria screams as she runs past Yoxel*

Yoxel: ....

*He notices a dark mushy wall covering one of the paths*

Yoxel: Hm?

*An eye opens wide and stares at Yoxel*

Yoxel: Eew, what the hell is that?

*The Eye looks around occasionally blinking*

Lunaria: Are they gone?

Yoxel: What? Forget it. What's with the freak eye thing?

Lunaria: I don't know what it is so I just avoided it. The sludge around it is pretty nasty, so I'd stay away if I were you.

Yoxel: Hmm..Maybe we can remove it.

Lunaria: How?

Yoxel: I don't know. Let's just try stuff until it works. It's eye looks like an easy target, maybe try hitting that while it's open?

Lunaria: Sorry, no weapons. I'm a traveler at the moment. The only time I carry weapons is when I'm on a hunt.

Yoxel: What do you think this situation qualifies as?

*He pulls out his Shadow bow and shoots an arrow at the eye. The eye shrivels up and burst causing the black substance surrounding it to disappear.*

Lunaria: Hey, look, it's gone!

Yoxel: And a path has revealed itself. Come on, I don't want you getting lost.

Lunaria: Excuse me, but I don't need your help finding my way.

Yoxel: Fine, stay here with those Lizalfos.

*A Lizalfos is seen rushing through a path near them*

Lunaria: ....lead the way.

*At the gate*

Gibidan: Where is he?

Zakara: Nimbi, you mind searching for him?

Gibidan: He said he didn't want our help, remember?

Zakara: Who said anything about helping him? I simply want to know the location he's currently at.

Rodanian: I'll go into the maze and see if I can find some treasures.

Gibidan: I don't know about that. This maze is huge and we can't risk losing anyone. If we move, we move as a group.

Zakara: I elect that we stay here. Yoxel and Nimbi are exceptions to this seeing as how she can fly and Yoxel is guided by the triforce.

Nimbi: I'll be back in a while, stay frosty.

Zakara: ...

*Nimbi flies over the maze to spot Yoxel. She searches until she sees Yoxel traveling with Lunaria.*


*Yoxel looks up to see Nimbi coming in for a landing*

Yoxel: Nimbi? Something wrong?

Nimbi: No, just scoping your location since Zakara is getting a bit antsy.

Yoxel: Of course.

Nimbi: Who's your friend?

Lunaria: My name is Lunaria and you are?

Nimbi: My name is Nimbi. As you can tell, I'm a Rito Archer.

Lunaria: Yes, I've noticed.

Nimbi: ....ok, so Yoxel, you almost done here?

Yoxel: The tablet is beeping wildly so I'd assume so. I never knew that I could change what it was locating, but it has quite a few features like a camera and a encyclopedia that seemingly fills itself as we progress through the journey.

Nimbi: Everyone is getting restless, I think its-

Yoxel: Yeah, yeah, the cold weather. This next corner should be the way that leads to the shrine.

*They begin to walk up some stairs*

Nimbi: I'll be heading back now.

Yoxel: Be safe.

Lunaria: So you're here with friends?

Yoxel: Yes, there's something here that I need and I've acquired a merry little band along the way.

Lunaria: Interesting.

*They turn the corner to see a shrine in the center of a room.*

Yoxel: It's here.

*The shrine sits silently in the middle of the room glowing a bright orange color. They approach it as Yoxel outstretches his hand with his tablet in hand. The shrine reacts by turning a deep red color as the emblem of the Sheikah tribe is replaced with the Triforce emblem. The door opens revealing a platform which they both step on to and descend into a giant room that is comprised of mostly water.*

Yoxel: So...this is the shrine?

Lunaria: I've never been so in my element outside of the domain.

*She takes off her coat and jumps into the water*

Lunaria: WOOHOO!!

*The water splashes up on Yoxel*

Yoxel: Come on!

Lunaria: A little water never hurt anyone.

*She sticks her tongue out before diving back into the water. She leaps back out and sits on the ledge.*

Yoxel: Lunaria...

Lunaria: The voice? Yeah, I heard it too. I'm gonna go find out the source, if you're coming, come on.

Yoxel: I can't swim the way you Zora's can.

Lunaria: Oh yeah...such a shame.

Yoxel: Shut up. Look, we have to find a way for me to get across this water.

*Lunaria looks around to see platforms with switches*

Lunaria: Hey, look! Those platforms look like they lower down. Maybe if you hit the switches, you can walk across them.

Yoxel: They look like...they look as if they can only be accessed by Zora or Rito.

Lunaria: Oh come on, you tellin me you can't aim high?

Yoxel: That's more than just aiming high. If I give you a bow, do you think you can leap out of the water and strike each of the switches?

Lunaria: You're so lazy.

*She rolls her eyes*

Yoxel: Just do it.

*He hands her a "Savage Lynel Bow"*

Lunaria: I'm warning you now, im a master spearmen so bows aren't my strong suit.

Yoxel: You'll be fine. Just remember: pull, aim, release.

*She nods and dives deep into the water. She resurfaces leaping high into the air and aims at the switches. She hits each one which causes the switches to turn blue and lower the platforms onto the water.*

Yoxel: You did it!

Lunaria: Was there a doubt?

*Yoxel picks up her coat and proceeds to jump across each platform.*

Lunaria: More platforms? Leave it to me.

*She lives down into the water once more before leaping into the air and striking each of the platform switches. Upon their descent, a Moblin is shown standing on one of the platforms aiming a bow at Yoxel.*

Lunaria: Yoxel!! Look out!

*The Moblin fires his bow and lodges an arrow in Yoxel's Arm causing him stumble back and fall back into the water.*

Lunaria: Damnit!

*She leaps out of the water and riddles the Moblin's body with arrows before falling back into the water. She dives down to retrieve Yoxel who is injured. Upon land, she slams on Yoxel's chest causing him to cough up water*

Lunaria: Are you ok?

Yoxel: *cough* Yeah, I'm fine.

Lunaria: *sighs* You wanna keep going or..?

Yoxel: Of course I do.

*Yoxel rips the arrow out of his arm and tosses it in the water. He tears off a piece of his garment and ties it around his arm preventing him from bleeding out.*

Yoxel: Ready when you are.

Lunaria: Look at you, a survival expert.

Yoxel: What good is a king without basic first aide training. I've survived worse than an arrow to the arm.

Lunaria: You, a King?

*she begins to laugh*

Lunaria: Yeah, right and I'm Hylia herself.

Yoxel: ....

Lunaria: Look, that was a pretty funny joke, but you shouldn't go around saying that to people, they might end up believing you....wait a second. Those people outside don't really think you're a king do they?

Yoxel: At least two of them do, but soon, they all will. If you're coming then let's go.

*He jumps across the platform to see a door with a blue glow around it.*

Lunaria: You lied to those people to get them to travel with you? That's sick!!

Yoxel: I didn't lie and they came of their own volition.

*He reaches for the door and the Triforce on his hand starts to glow.*

*Lunaria jumps out of the water and pins Yoxel to the wall*

Lunaria: I oughta end you right here and now. These mountains are dangerous and you've lead those people right into a death trap. People like you who use lies and deception to take advantage of people make don't deserve to live.

Yoxel: Unhand me, now.

Lunaria: Or what? You gonna summon an army, your majesty? Save that royal crap for someone who isn't gullible.

*A voice shouts out at them*


*Lunaria looks around before dropping Yoxel.*

Lunaria: Who said that?

???: So is the mother, so is the daughter. A thirst for ever lasting knowledge with a heart that has the desire to purge evil. You truly are my daughter.

Lunaria: ....

*The water glows and takes the form of a woman holding a spear*

???: My, my, how you've grown. Ah, Yoxel, you've grown as well.

*The Triforce on his hand glows intensely*

Yoxel: You know who I am?

???: Of course I know. You think I wouldn't know my sister's own child?

Yoxel: Sister? Wait, so you're-

???: Shhh. I'd like to reveal myself to my daughter in person if you don't mind.

Lunaria: What's going on here?

???: Lunaria Rishala Zora, everything shall be revealed to you in due time. For now, I have a task for you that will pique your interest as a lover of knowledge. Should you agree, I will send my emissary to you to begin.

Lunaria: ...go on..

???: Hmm. Ah, of course. Here, take this. Upon acceptance, your name will be etched into this book and from their keep a detailed recording of all of your memories including the ones you seem to have forgotten.

*Lunaria takes the book with a skeptical look*

???: Yoxel, the flame that your mother sent you here for is right through that door. Tread carefully, the pathway to the alter is narrow and if you fall in, you will awaken the guardians inside the room.

Yoxel: Got it.

*He opens the room to see 4 guardians standing around a giant alter with a small dying flame at the top and waking water surrounding them. Smaller pedestals with blue flames line the way to the alter*

Yoxel: Nice and easy.

*He begins to walk forward toward the pedestal.*

Yoxel: Nice....and....easy....

*He reaches the other side and stands in front of the alter*

Yoxel: It really is dying.

*He knocks on Majora's mask and summons him*

Majora: What is it?

Yoxel: The flame is dying and I don't have any idea how to revive it.

Majora: I've seen this kind of flame before. Have you noticed those blue flames in the lanterns all throughout the land?

Yoxel: I guess I haven't.

Majora: It's the same flames as those in trial areas.

Yoxel: Ah, I know what you're speaking of. They're similar to those flames in the room.

Majora: Perhaps you can take those flames and add on to this one here.

Yoxel: I could...

*Majora retreats back into the mask*

*Yoxel uses his magic to collect the flames and add them to the dying flame on the alter. The dying flame grows larger and larger eventually engulfing Yoxel's body*

Lunaria: I see...the spring of wisdom, was it? I will go there and see you.

*The woman made of water drops to the deforms back into normal water and a blue glow from the flame fills the shrine. Both Lunaria and Yoxel appear back at the shrine entrance and a chest appears in front of them.*

Yoxel: So did I pass?

*A flame comes from the top of shrine and head toward the Gerudo desert.*


*Yoxel opens the chest and finds another mysterious Ticket*

Yoxel: Another one?

Lunaria: Yoxel, I'm sorry for how I treated you was unbecoming.

Yoxel: It's fine.

Lunaria: Seriously, my sincerest apologies.

Yoxel: ...

Lunaria: I'd like to travel with you-

Yoxel: You're welcome to do so.

Lunaria: But I have my own agenda as of right now. I have to go to the spring of wisdom and meet my real mother.

Yoxel: Another member of my group wants to go there as well so you're welcome to come with.

Lunaria: No, I'll find my own way there if you don't mind. I'll meet up with you all again soon.

Yoxel: Are you sure?

Lunaria: Yes, it's for the best.

*The gate opens revealing stairs that lead to the rest of the group.*

Gibidan: Hey, finally.

Zakara: We were getting worried!

Yoxel: Sorry to keep you guys waiting.

Gibidan: Is this that Lunaria Nimbi was talking about?

Lunaria: Yeah, that's me. Hello, everyone.

Gibidan: She's...really pretty.

Lunaria: Heh.

Zakara: Did you get what you came for?

Yoxel: Yeah, I don't know where we should go next, but the goddess said that there was a flame located in the Gerudo desert.

Rodanian: The desert? There's an oasis or something along the way to the Gerudo village that I've always wanted to see plus there are some treasures buried in the sand! Please tell me we're going to the Gerudo desert!!

Yoxel: That's where we're going!

Nimbi: Hey...guys..

Zakara: I know of the oasis you speak of, it's more of a resting place for men who can't get into the actual town.

Nimbi: Guys...

Lunaria: The desert is harsh on my skin, besides, I have somewhere else to be before I can officially join your gang.

Gibidan: She's joining the gang?

Nimbi: GUYS!! DRAGON!!

*They all look up to see Naydra circling around the Labyrinth.*

Zakara: Another dragon?

Nimbi: "Another"!?

Yoxel: What does it want?

Lunaria: It's for me. It's come to take me to the spring of wisdom.

Nimbi: The spring of wisdom?

Lunaria: Yes, there's someone important there that I have to meet.

Nimbi: I'm coming with you.

Lunaria: I'm sorry, but this is something I have to do alone.

Nimbi: I will not take no for an answer. The entire reason I'm here is because I thought this was the location of the spring and when I was told it wasn't, I got locked into an agreement to guide these people here. If you're going, so am I.

Yoxel: You say it like we forced your hand...

Lunaria: ...

*Nimbi stares at Lunaria with an intense glare*

Lunaria: You truly won't yield? Fine, come with me.

*They all follow Lunaria out of the labyrinth and see Naydra hovering over the cliff side.*

Lunaria: ...

Yoxel: It's just as big as Dinraal...

Naydra: It is I, Naydra, loyal servant and physical manifestation of the goddess of wisdom, Nayru. I've come to take you, daughter of wisdom, to the resting place of the wise one.

Lunaria: I accept!

Naydra: Then let us tarry no longer!

*Naydra lowers it's head allowing Lunaria to climb on. Nimbi flaps her wings awaiting to follow*

Lunaria: I'll see you guys again sometime soon. Judging from what I was told inside the shrine, the calamity is about to get even worse than it was before. It's funny, I wasn't even considering that I would be smack dab in the middle of something I've been researching for years.

Yoxel: It happens. Things change sometimes whether it be for better or worse.

Lunaria: That they do.

Nimbi: Hey, Zakara, thanks for showing me that technique!

Zakara: Of course, try to practice based on my example whenever you can. It may prove useful in the future.

Lunaria: I'm ready.

*Naydra begins to fly toward the sky.*

Nimbi: Bye, guys, we'll return.

*They wave goodbye as Naydra, Nimbi, and Lunaria disappear into the clouds.*

Rodanian: To the desert!

Yoxel: Whoa! We have to find a way off the mountain first.

Zakara: That's not going to take long, it's a straight shot.

Gibidan: Last one down is rotten Moblin!

*They all race down the mountain.*

Yoxel: hmm? Hehe...

*Yoxel rushes down the mountain riding his shield*

Gibidan: Hey, no fair!!


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