By GabrielaSalvatore0

557K 25.3K 1.5K

*COMPLETED* Catherine Cavenon is as broke as it gets. Working long hours at a night club earns her just enoug... More



17.7K 839 35
By GabrielaSalvatore0

The only sound that filled the narrow room that was her 'office' was of her fingers impatiently drumming against the wooden desk. Catherine had been staring at the painfully slow moving clock for about an hour now. It was exactly 10.30 pm.

A personal assistant isn't supposed to leave work until her supervisor does. He might need you for something any moment, so keep your phone close and the sound always on.

Angelique's, or blonde bimbo's - how Catherine had begun to call Layton's secretary, words echoed through her head over and over again.

"This must be some kind of joke..." She grumbled, glaring daggers at the long needle in the clock that moved yet again.

I'm rotting here alive! How can somebody work for so long!?

All day long she had been dragged back and forth across the office to do various useless tasks such as bringing coffee, getting a tissue or making thousands of copies of some random documents. As if that wasn't all, she was forced to work with Angelique who just happened to be just as annoying as the rest of the workers. And now after all that and constant staring at computer screen she was forced to stay longer because somebody didn't know when to give it a rest!

The chair screeched loudly as she stood up. The deathly looking sharp heels dug into the hard ground as she marched across the tiled floor towards Layton's office. Over the course of day she had mastered the skill of not tripping after every five steps. 

Not that she could compete with other women who worked at the office. They were all strangely good looking and their feet never seemed to actually touch the ground when they walked.


The door to Layton's office flew open as she stormed inside with a furious look plastered on her face.

"Workday is over!"

"It will be over when I say so and not a second earlier." The cold eyes pinned her down from underneath the thinly rimmed glasses the second she took a step inside the 'Forbidden territory'. "And next time, knock."

"You really don't give a shit about the lives of other people, do you?" She could feel her blood begin to simmer. He didn't even pretend to care for his employees. Just earlier that day she had heard a rumor of him firing his previous assistant for taking a vacation to care for her sick baby. It was something about company investing money in somebody who wasn't even in the office. "I have another job you know! My shift started an hour ago!"

Annoyance made itself present on the man's face. Layton once again glanced up from his glowing computer screen with a look that nearly screamed that she was being a bother. "I do not concern myself with lives of unimportant individuals. It would be a huge waste of my time. As for your other job, It's already taken care of."

"What do you mean?"

"I arranged your dismissal."

"You WHAT!?"

It felt like her entire world had been flipped upside down. The news sent her mind into frenzy whilst the bossy asshole didn't even blink. In fact, he almost looked like he was enjoying how panicked Catherine was.

That sadist pig!

"You can't just do that!"

"I already did." His eyes casually traveled back to papers lied in front of him. "You represent the name of Grim Enterprises now. I can't have my personal assistant working at a nightclub."

"I never asked to be your assistant-"

"This conversation is over. If you have nothing to do, you can make copies of these." A file was tossed forwards without a cast of glance.

"No it's not!" Disregarding the painful thought of her not having a say in this, Catherine stomped forwards, her hands balled into taunt fists. She had every intent on burying her knuckles deep into his sharp jawline. There was no stopping the current of curse words that were threatening to pour over her lips. Her fingers uncurled only for the brief second it took for her to catch Layton's silky tie. The expensive material was stretched to its limits as she tugged at his neck, making his attention rapidly snap back to her.

"Now listen here, you filthy rich bastard! I am not one of your pawns that you can do whatever the fuck you want with! I do not belong to you and never will. Quit messing with my life!"

Silence overwhelmed the office. It was far off from being called comfortable. The Nordic sea hued orbs bore into her, burning straight through her soul. The intensity made the air thicken around them. Catherine felt her heartbeat pick up, a pinch of regret slowly but surely sneaking into her consciousness.

But it was already too late.

A hand shot out to grab a hold of her own. Powerful fingers enclosed around her thin wrist. With a single pull she was sprawled across the desk. Everything in her way was knocked over to roll onto the ground, her pride included. The edge of the desk dug into her ribs painfully as she was once again positioned directly in front of him for the second time that day.

"Do not talk to me like that ever again," The grip on her wrist tightened. "Try to remember what'll happen if you lose this job." A cool smile tilted his lips upwards. "You're such an ignorant woman, thinking that I have no control over you. You are my pawn, and for as long as I say, you do belong to me. Is that understood? Or do you wish to be behind bars for the rest of your pathetic life?"

A lump formed in the back of her throat. Catherine felt small and powerless, even if she still tried to keep on a brave face. His eyes, voice...everything about him made her want to stick her tail between her legs.

"Fuck you."

Layton's narrowed eyes briefly widened. Clearly his warning had been serious enough, but even then she still kept defying him. The scowl was quick to return. Catherine winced as his fingers dug into her flesh. His other hand once again captured her chin.

"I could do that to you."

"Then it would be rape."

"No. It would be your word against mine. And your word means nothing." His thumb lightly caressed her bottom lip before he pulled away altogether, nearly sending Catherine falling onto the ground. "Now get out of my office. Playtime is over."

Layton gave out a tired sigh. His attention once again shifted to the computer screen. His ability to disregard the struggling woman on his desk was almost admirable.

Catherine shimmied off of the table in hurry, grabbing anything she could to maintain her balance, even if the dignity was completely lost. "You better not dare to touch me!"

"Quit flapping your gums. I won't. I do not fuck women who do not want it. Besides, you're not attractive enough to get anyone's attention, not to mention mine."

"You're not right in the head!"


"Don't humph me-" She was suddenly cut off my lights flickering. It was one of those times you got creeps from watching horror movies. Even if they messed you up, you never quit watching.


The little hair on the back of her neck stood up at the high pitched screech of metal grinding against metal. Suddenly all thoughts of Layton's threats went flying out of the window. Her head whipped around to look at the office door.

Screech screech.

The sounds were growing louder.

"W-what is that?"

"Be quiet."

Layton had stood up from his leather chair, unreadable look placed on his face. But even through that well sported poker face, she could tell that he was on guard. His eyes spelled danger.


Catherine's breath hitched. She was sure the two of them had been the last people in the office. And yet there was a clear thump of footsteps coming down the hallway. 

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