Ace For Hire // BTS Reader In...

De tokki-maknae

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Who is Ace? Besides being the deadliest hitman on the market in the underground, whose really under the hood... Mais

Queen for Capture Intro


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De tokki-maknae

Lil meow meow pov continued ~+*+*

"Hello?" I called out for the fifth time. Giving up, I carefully laid [Y/N] down on the nearest bed in the nurses office. I carefully let her head fall back against the starchy pillow, I made sure she wasn't getting any worst before I walked away to find the nurse. I looked around the room and found a minifridge under a counter across the room. Upon opening it I found someone's lunch, but thankfully in the shelf lined against the door had an ice pack.

Grabbing it I kicked the door back close, then I quickly headed back to [Y/N] while my other hand swiped a folded towel off of a counter that was sitting next to a sink. I shook the towel causing it to unfold quickly, wrapping the ice pack in it, I carefully pushed [Y/N]'s bangs back and rested the pack against her forehead.

"That should help for now." I said to no one in particular, stepping away I went to look for the nurse. Going over to another door inside the room that didn't have a bathroom sign on it, I opened it roughly, letting the door handle slam into the wall. Walking into the actual office part of the nurse's office, I pick up a pink sticky note on the computer on the desk.

Reading the note I crumpled it up in frustration, 'Out for a meeting', just how underpaid was the nurse getting to just leave during school hours like this. Out of annoyance at the complete incompetence of the school, I kicked the desk a bit in irritation. As soon as I did the monitor of the computer suddenly sprang to life. I must moved the mouse a bit then when I kicked the desk.

I glanced over at the door quickly before taking a seat in the black leather recliner of an office chair. Staring at the screen a bit, I tried thinking about ways Hoseok would easily hack a school computer. Because the second [Y/N]'s fever burns through that ice pack, I want to have another go to solution. The nurse's computer probably has all the students health records on it, including personal records. So that's a start.

If I can pull up her profile and take her home it be a lot easier than to let her over heat repeatedly on a brick of a bed. At least out of school I could get better care for her. And by better care, I mean probably just dump this on Namjoon and Jin hyung. I started to type into the password box.
Why go this far for her, she hasn't done anything for you.

I was suddenly frozen by my own thoughts, causing my fingers to stiff over whatever key them were going to press. It's as if I forgot who [Y/N] was for a second, the moment she collapsed I just went to her side without realizing it. I started to get out of the seat shaking my head. What the hell was I doing. I question myself. Feeling a bit off now that I saw how far I was about to go just for her.

But I should help her. Except a part of me was trying to convince me that I shouldn't. The best thing to do for now would to be take her home, and just leave. After that she won't be my problem. I'll tell Jin or another one of her boyfriends to deal with her then. I'll only do that minimum, since it would benefit the group more if Ace wasn't moping around with a high fever if we needed her. Nodding to myself, I started to feel more confident with my decisions.

Yeah, this is just for our benefit. It's not like I actually care about that shitty brat or anything. I thought to myself in final reassurance before I began my novice hacking abilities on the computer. Unsurprisingly, I got into the records only after my second attempt. Because the password was 'Password' for fucks sake.

After clicking through a few programs and opening different files and reports. I finally found [Y/N]'s profile. Skimming through her profile, I grab took my phone out of my fake bra. Since that's the only thing it's been useful for so far. Quickly punching in the address into my phone's gps app, it instantly showed me a route and also displayed '14 minute walking distance'.

Exiting out of the files and tabs, I shut the monitor down and put everything back tot he way it was. Stepping back out into the main room of the nurse's office I looked around for security cameras.

Upon finding none in my area sweep, I walked around the room being less cautious than before. After opening and closing random cabinets and draws, I finally found what I was looking for. Pulling a plastic bin out from the bottom shelf of a cabinet with 'lost and found' scribbled onto it.

Digging through the bin, I fished out a pair of bagging sweatpants and a plain gray t shirt. Standing behind a curtain I quickly changed out of my disguise and put on the makeshift outfit. Pushing the bin back onto the bottom shelf, I grabbed the long cabinet doors and shut them before retying the strings on the sweatpants to make then tighter.

For a second I forgot about the wig, after wearing it for a few days as my disguise I forget about it often. Ripping the wig off I chucked it straight into the hazard bin against one of the vacant beds.

I cussed a bit since I forgot about the bobby pins in my hair, which caused the wig to pull on my real hair. I ended up leaving the bobby pins that were tucked and lost under the back of my hair since I couldn't be bothered with the stupid disguise anymore.

As for the blazer and skirt, I just left it inside the lost and found. Figuring if I did end up getting, caught it be easier if I didn't have a spare girl's uniform as well as a passed out girl with me.

Checking the route on my phone again, I slipped it into the right pocket of my sweat pants. Walking back over to [Y/N], I gently put my hand on her shoulder. "Hey, shithead you need to help me out here." I said only loud enough for her to hear. When her only answer was a grumble, I shrugged and pulled her up into a sitting position roughly. Making her legs dangle off the side of the bed.

Awkwardly squatting down a bit, by some miracle I was able to put her into my back. Securing my arms by locking them around and under her legs, I leaned forward causing her arms to limply wrap around my shoulders. Carefully making my way out of the nurses office and outside through the back entrance, I rack my head around remembering the way to go.

Thankfully [Y/N] weighed the exact amount of a small bag of potatoes, so carrying her wasn't like a work out for me. But it didn't make it any less uncomfortable, every time I'd stop to readjust her position I can feel her press up against my back. Which made me a bit hot, literally because even gripping her thighs feel like I'm just carrying a human sized hot pocket. She grabbed her arms with each and pulled herself closer to me. It actually started to make me flustered more than I'd like to admit.

Clearing my throat a bit, I tried to distract myself from her by taking in the scenery. If you can even call it that. I can see why she lives and goes to school in an area like this, it's mostly a ghost town more or less. Well, not including the semi large grandma population here.

If anything the neighborhood gave of the sort of vibe you'd only see in a movie about kids that go missing or a serial killer on the loose. It could also be from the way the area of this town bleeds into underground territory. Which means it's not as dangerous as underground cities, but it could escalate to that degree if a gang wanted it too.

Roughly 14 minutes later give or take, I finally find myself in a semi destroyed parking lot of an apartment complex. Since there weren't any other apartment lots like this for a mile roughly, I figured this had to be it. Going to the mail box, I looked at the name cards taped on the different numbers of the slots. Sighing in relief when I saw that her name card wasn't completely faded or ripped, I made a note of the apartment number. Groaning a bit when I realized there were stairs, I hesitantly walked over to them.

Finally going up my main nemesis, stairs, I walk to the end of the floor to her door. Tapping her thigh with my fingers I turn my head back a bit and ask her, "do you have a spare key?"

Her extremely intelligent and helpful answer of a series of muffled moans and groans, made me roll my eyes. I'm in a slight disbelief at her. Because at some point she was my biggest threat, she had me on my toes with my eyes on her. But now she turned into some small mopey cat over some fever.

Figuring she was going to be out of commission for a longer while, I remembered about the bobby pins. Stepping back from the door a bit I bended forward, making her weight rest on my back more. While keeping her balanced, I quickly reached up and once my finger tips brushed against the foreign metal in my hair I pulled out.

Biting onto one of the metal ends, I spread the flimsy metal out into an obtuse angle. Turning it over a bit it again, bending one leg over the other so both ends were sticking out in the same direction but at different angles. Jamming the makeshift pick into the doors lock, I jerked the pick around until I heard two familiar clicks.

Carefully opening the door, I quickly grabbed her leg again before I could drop her. Going inside I looked around her apartment before venturing down the hall. One of the two doors at the end of the hall that was already open was clearly the bathroom. Pushing the other slightly cracked open door, I walked into what I assumed was her room. Facing my back towards her bed I leaned back as I let go of her legs, letting her fall back onto her bed causing the springs to creak.

I rotated my arms a small circles to stretch them out, causing me to groan a bit in pleasure feeling my knuckles crack satisfyingly when I stretch them against each other. Pulling my phone out again I shot Jungkook a text saying to grab our bags from class more or less. Turning around I notice [Y/N] moved her whole body onto the bed, since she was under her blanket curled up. Reaching over, I shook her shoulder a bit, "you're going to over heat again like that."

Once again my voice falls on deaf ears. Pulling her blanket back a bit, I undid her blazer from around her waist. Putting it to the side for her I turned back, feeling a bit off, as if I've done this before. Technically I had. The last time Jimin got a fever so bad we thought he needed the hospital. Except he wouldn't let us take him too one, so instead I ended up being his nurse for the next few days.

Except [Y/N]'s fever is a lot worse compared to Jimin. Jimin was the same way like her though, even though he was burning up he'd want to be under fifty layers of blankets. Since I wasn't going to wrestle her, like I did with Jimin in the past, over a blanket. I hesitantly unbutton her skirt's waist band, and unzipped it. Trying not to be weird about it, which was flailing greatly.

"Think of her like a old lady.. yeah old lady." I grumbled to myself as I looked away while I took her skirt off. Setting her skirt to the side, I started to prepare a bit for her shirt. Before I could even undo a button, I gave up. My heart was already beating out my chest, feeling like a massive perv-ass like Jimin. Except he'd probably volunteer at the opportunity to strip her.

I felt a little grateful at that, that I was able to help her before the others could. Since the three stooges would probably make it worst or do more damage than good knowing them. Taking out my phone, I started to call Jin hyung. Hearing it start to ring, I headed out of the room.

Except I was stopped abruptly by something holding me back. Or in this case someone.

Turning back, I saw that I was stopped by another hand grabbing mine. [Y/N]'s fingers started to around my hand. After staring at our hands for a while I looked at her. Feeling my hand jerk a bit, her eyes opened barely. Making her look unusually fragile.

"[Y/N]?" Her eyes struggling to stay open, as she stared at our hands before her soft exhausted voice whispered out.

"Please stay."


(this chapter is so unedited oof) we goin soft hours, don't worry there's some edgy and brutal chappys on the way. (we stan a badass mc)

Now that the spoopy season, I got another reader insert in the works that im droping on Halloween, full warning though it's horror, like maybe 2% romantic/fluff if I feel it can fit, but it's gonna be as spoopy as I can write it to be. since that was my original goal to make ace for hire a horror, but I accidentally made it too meme-y, but I actually like how this book's turning out. hopefully you guy's like scary hot boys and a lil bit of jump scares and slight gore.

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