murder // m.c.

By DaydreamAwayxx

86.4K 2.6K 939

"shouldn't you be fucking with somebody your age?" "you're only a year older than me, asshole." | m.c. + mult... More

extended description
character break down
zero; tko
one; oh, that boy is murder
two; confident
four; i'll do me right back
five; it takes a bit more
six; text me in the morning
seven; one more troubled soul
eight; how the mighty fall
nine; don't you call me vanilla
ten; the coldest stare
eleven; tear in my heart
twelve; and you think of him
thirteen; we broke up
fourteen; things that your friends say
fifteen; cause i'm so fucking scared
sixteen; i gotta numb the pain
seventeen; i need some company
eighteen; recovery
nineteen; rush of blood
twenty; don't shoot, love
twenty one; we're gonna be alright
twenty two; obviously, she's outta my league

three; just like a bad joke

3.9K 172 31
By DaydreamAwayxx

         three; just like a bad joke

   Monday's are always a disaster. I honestly mean it when I say today has been horrible. To start off, I spilled juice all over my shirt this morning and had to change really fast because then I would've made us late for school. Then I got to gym and found out that Calum kid is in my class with his friends Harry and Louis, that kid from the party the other night with the girlfriend. Calum just went on about how we should've hung out at the party and Louis apologized for his girlfriend, which I thought was funny. Harry didn't say much, but he never left Louis’ side.

I'm pretty sure I failed my math test and my English teacher was in full bitch mode today. And last but certainly not least, on my way to Spanish, I walked straight into Michael Clifford. I almost knocked both of us down and Jack caught me before I could land on my ass. So here I am, standing in between the two of them, trying not to scream because today has been a day from hell. 

“You have to watch where you're going, princess,” Mikey says, smirking at me. 

I roll my eyes. “Well, maybe if you were paying attention instead of attempting to talk to that girl while you were clearly just staring right at her boobs, this wouldn't have happened,” I snap. 

Jack holds back his laughter and puts his hand on my shoulder to calm me down, which I shrug off in anger. 

Mikey smirks at me. “Jealous, princess?” He mocks. 

“Stop calling me that!” I huff. 

Jack looks very amused with our situation. “Did I miss something?” 

“Yeah, he's an asshole that can't watch where he's going,” I inform him. 

Mikey rolls his eyes, leaning against the wall of lockers outside the classroom. “Listen, babe, I don't know why you're so hormonal and have an attitude, but you walked into me. I did nothing to you.”

I groan. “Can you just get out of my way? I have to get to class.”

He looks me up and down and then looks at Jack. “This isn't that girl you're dating, is it? Because if she is, I don't approve,” he says bluntly. 

Jack laughs, shaking his head. “Nah, this one's a little too feisty for me.”


“Sorry to interrupt, but can you move?” I ask him, sighing. 

Mikey looks at me and smirks. “What?”


“What's the magic word?” 

Jack chuckles and walks into class, leaving me alone with this kid. I try to walk around him, but he step in front of me. I groan, trying again and he just follows. 

“I'm going to be late,” I tell him, trying to push him out of the way. 

“You're funny,” he says, very amused.

“I'm serious, please move?”

“That's not the magic word,” he sings. 

“Then what is the magic word?”

He looks down at me, not saying anything for a moment as the bell rings and the door to my Spanish class closes, signaling that I'm late and I can't get into class without a late pass. 

I groan and throw my bag on the floor. “Great, just great!” I say, completely frustrated by my shitty day. “Honestly, you're so fucking annoying,” I tell him, to which he laughs at, making me angrier. 

“I knew you were a good girl, princess,” he tells me, smirking at me. “It's just one class. It's last period, nobody's gonna care if you miss it.”

“I'll care!”

He puts his hands up. “Whoa there, calm down. No need to get your panties in a twist, babe. You'll be fine. You're not going to get suspended over one cut.”

I roll my eyes. “This is your fault,” I tell him, poking his chest with my index finger. 

He smirks. “Come on, let's get out of here,” he says, starting to walk away from me, down the empty hall. 

I stand there, debating if I should go with him. I look at my classroom door and groan. There's no point in even trying. I got myself into this mess. I grab my bag off the floor and run towards him. “Wait!” I say and he turns around. 

He smirks, stopping at the end of the hall. “Nice of you to join me,” he says. When I catch up to him he continues walking. I follow behind and he stops at a locker that's about ten away from mine. What a small world. 

While he gets what he needs, I go to my locker and put my things away, grabbing my jean jacket out of my locker. I shut the door, put the lock back on and then put my jacket on over my black Batman t-shirt. It was literally the first thing I grabbed after my incident this morning and I was already wearing ripped black skinny jeans, so I looked very dark today, which completely reflects my I'm-not-in-the-mood-to-give-a-shit attitude today. 

Mikey walks towards me as he puts on a leather jacket over his red and black flannel. He snaps his fingers at me. “Hurry up, princess. We have to walk out with everyone else who leaves early because I'm not in the mood to hear a speech,” he tells me, waving at me to hurry up. 

I roll my eyes, putting my bag on my shoulder. “We can just go out the side door.”

He smirks. “Smart, but not on a Monday, the security guard always watches that door on Mondays and Fridays. You have much to learn.” He continues on walking towards the front of the building and I walk quickly to catch up to him. 

When we reach the main entrance, there's a crowd of about fifty kids walking out of the building. Mikey grabs my arms and pulls me towards the door that's farthest away from the monitor. He holds his grip on me as he starts up a conversation with a random kid, making sure his back is to the grumpy old lady at the desk. By now, she already knows who leaves early and who doesn't and by his actions, he's probably been caught once before trying to sneak out. 

Once were outside, he lets go of my arm and tells me to follow him. I do as I text my brothers that went home earlier, so they don't have to wait for me. 

“So what do you want to do?” He asks, as he pulls out a pack of cigarettes. He offers me one and I decline. 

“I don't know. I might as well go home because my day has been horrible. I just want to go home, do my homework, eat and go to sleep.”

He chuckles, holding a cigarette between his lips. He puts his pack away and pulls out a lighter, cupping his hand around the end of the cigarette and lighting it, then sucking in the smoke as he puts his lighter away. He blows out a puff of smoke and holds the cigarette in the space between his index finger and middle finger. “You really are a good girl, huh? I knew it. There's nothing fun in doing what you're told,” he says with a smirk. 

I roll my eyes. “I'm not, actually. I'm all for climbing out my bedroom window, going to a rave and ruining my family name, but I just don't feel like dealing with people right now.”

He chuckles before taking another drag. “And why not?”

“Because I had a really shitty day,” I tell him again. 

“Why?” He asks, sounding like he genuinely cares. 

I look up at him, running my fingers through my messy hair. “Why do you even care? You were an asshole to me the other night.”

He looks at me and stops on the street corner. “Well, Brianna, if you must know, my friend, Calum,  told me about you.”

“Calum Hood?”

He nods, moving to lean against a building. “He told me how you are very badass and bitched him out about how you were still pissed about him knocking you over the other day. He said it was hot and nobody ever called him out on his shit before.”

I roll my eyes. “So that's why you made me skip with you? Because I called your friend out?”

He smirks, tossing his diminished cigarette on the street, stomping it into the ground. “And because I still think you're hot. I like a girl that fights back and doesn't take anybody's shit. except you took my shit and followed me, so you obviously have a thing for me.”

I scoff. “Whatever,” I say, slightly annoyed. “I'm going home,” I tell him, making a right, towards my building. 

Before I can get far, I feel somebody grab my arm, stopping me. I turn to see him standing in front of me. 

“We can't hang out?” 

I look at him, trying to figure out if I should believe him. “Are you serious?”

“I was drunk the other night at the party and pissed off. I would've bitched at anybody.”

“This is a joke. I don't have time for your bullshit. I already know how this is going to work. You act all nice to me and then fuck me over.”

“Aren't you the one who said you wanted to figure me out?” He counters, raising his eyebrows at me. 

I roll my eyes. “I didn't mean it, I must've been drunk.”

“I guess I scared you off already, huh?” He says mockingly. “Sorry, I thought you were different, my bad.” He let's go of my arm and starts walking away from me. 

I groan and follow after him, grabbing him by his jacket. He stops and turns to me with a smug look on his face. 

“What did you want to do?” I ask. 

“Guess you'll just have to follow me to find out, princess,” he says, continuing down the street. 

I close my eyes for a second and then sigh, following behind him. What the hell am I getting myself into?


"You're not as bad as I thought you were."

He looks at me, smirking while eating his food. After about ten minutes of arguing with him about what I would have preferred to do (which was go to do my homework in Central Park because it was beautiful in the fall), he brought me to a small restaurant near Central Park and promised we could look for drug dealers after because he claims to think that's all people do there; well, that, run, play crappy music and get married. He told me that his dad knew the owner, so we could eat whatever we wanted for half price.

"What's that suppose to mean, princess?" 

I'm still not fond of the nickname, though. I sigh and he chuckles. "Don't you know what people say about you?"

He shrugs, taking a long sip of his vanilla milkshake. "Yeah, but I don't care. People are always going to say stupid shit about me, regardless of what I do. I could win a fucking Nobel Peace Prize and they would still think I sacrifice people to the devil in my free time."

"But doesn't that bother you?"

He chuckles. "You really are going to try to figure me out, huh?"

I smile and shrug. "I'm just curious. You seem very complex. Plus, my friends are scared of you and I'm trying to prove a point."

"Using me?" he jokes, raising his eyebrows.

"Only a little."

He smirks. "Well, since all you've done is ask me questions, I think it's only fair for me to ask you questions."

"Go for it," I challenge. 

He stares at me for a couple seconds and then calls the waitress over, asking for the check. "Let's get out of here, first."

He pays for the bill and leaves a tip before I can even ask how much it is. He ignores my protest and grabs his jacket from the space in the booth next to him and stands as he puts it on. I sigh and follow him out.

"I could've paid for my share," I tell him as soon as we get outside onto the busy street. 

He looks down at me (since he is a few inches taller than I am). "I'm the one that made you miss class, so it's the least I can do, princess."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, it is."

"So, who are your friends?" he asks as we walk down the street. 


"Who are your friends? Or do you not have any?"

I roll my eyes. "Well, not definitely Calum."

He laughs. "He can be a pain in the ass, sometimes."

"All the time," I correct him.

He smirks. "He's quite fond of you."

I roll my eyes, again. "Please, don't."

He chuckles. "So, then who are your friends?"

I shrug. "Well, when I moved here, I became friends with Connor's friends," I tell him.

"So you're friends with a bunch of squares?"

I glare at him. "And you're friends with a bunch of assholes."

"At least they're not boring."

"My friends are not boring," I argue. "Plus, I'm also friends with Jack, who you seem to be friends with."

"Well, look at that, we have something in common."

"Why do you always have to be so rude?"

He smirks, mockingly. "Haven't you heard, princess? I'm an asshole."

"You're such a dick."

He shrugs, a little too nonchalant for my liking. "Nothing I haven't heard before."

"You were just being decent, what happened?"

He doesn't answer, he just pulls out his pack of cigarettes and lights one before shrugging, again. "This is how I am, princess. You wanna figure me out, but there's nothing to figure out. Everything you see is me; nothing more, nothing less. So if you're looking for something more, you're not going to find anything."

"So you made me skip class and roam the streets with you, just so you could tell me that?"

"No, I kind of winged it."

I stare at him, unable to believe this is actually real and he's being serious. "You know what? Fuck you, Michael Clifford," I tell him, holding onto my bag and walking away from him. 

"Anytime you're free, princess, I'll take you up on your offer!" He shouts at me, but makes no attempt to stop me. 

I roll my eyes and pull my cell phone out to call Niall to come get me. I want to get as far away from Michael Clifford as I possibly can.


he's a very complex asshole, playing brianna without her even knowing what she's gotten herself into. think she's serious about never seeing him again? hmmmmmmm

i have too many ideas for this story. i was up all night writing this tbh.

okay, comment, vote and fan pretty please. i love you all lots and lots :) xxx

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