Unexpected Nerd

By pandajuliet

421K 14.9K 3.2K

You are just a nerd in a big circles of students in your school. Or so you thought that is. You run into some... More

Page 1; Nerd Freak
Page 3; The boys from next room
Page 4; Two bees fighting over a flower
Page 5; Go Eunchae?
Page 6; Who's byun baekhyun?
Page 7; Same flight
Page 8; Trip to Luhan's house?
Page 9; Beach
Page 10; Beach Day!
! A t t e n t i o n !
Page 11; Headache
Page 12; Sick.
Page 13; The same words
Page 14; Deja vu
Page 15; Voice
Page 16; A paper
Page 17;
Page 18; The Pictures
Page 19; Childhood.
Page 20; Confession
Page 21; Her Parents
Page 22; The confession of a twin sister
TWITTER! [Pls read]
Page 23; Determination of a twin sister.
Page 24; Fade memories.
Page 25; Dream or memories
Page 26; Reunion
Page 27; Recovered
Page 28; Flashback
Page 29; Revealing
Page 30; I'm here.

Page 2; Unexpected

22.7K 725 693
By pandajuliet

a/n: this chap has been edited :3


I walk to school again and there's a crowd once I arrived. But this time, That boy named Baekhyun is wearing a worried face instead of 'omg i'm so fabulous' face. And I noticed that blonde hair guy; shorter than him keep panting his back. Did something happened?

Then I remembered about the necklace. I should give him later on.


It's lunch time so I take decision to give him back his necklace. But before I go to the building, my teacher, Miss Jihyo called me and I went to the faculty office.

"You've become one of the member of the EXO group. I bet you had knew what is that." She said, looking at the paper infront of her. "But why so sudden?" I asked, feeling unsatisfied. "Your IQ is higher than the boys. Well, that's why you're chosen. Plus, your result is pretty good. So why not?" She smile at me. "I see. Thank you very much." I can't say anything more so I bowed and leave.

I walked towards the other building. This is much bigger than I thought it is. I started walking around until I saw a door written 'Exo' on it.

I took a deep breath, hold the doorknob and open it.

"Hello?" I peek inside the room and I expected to find all of them in there but there's no one there. I entered the room and started looking around. "Where are they?" I look around again and there's so many piles of paper. I wonder what it is.

I touched the paper and a sudden voice from behind shocked me. "What are you doing here?" I turned around and saw a black hair guy leaning against the door and look at me. "Uhm-I mean. I need to give this to you?" I showed him the necklace and he took it from me.

"Why do you have this?" He look the necklace then he look at me. "Why? Don't you remember bumping into me at the hallway yesterday? I guess that's when your freaking gold necklace fell." I rolled my eyes and fixed my glasses.

He suddenly grip my wrist and push me to the wall, only an inch away. "Do you know how important this necklace is?" I gulp. "N-no."

"This symbolize me as one of the EXO member. And if I lost it then I won't be in here anymore." He said. What so hard about it? Then you can do a new one, can you?

"O-okay." I look away from his eyes. His eyes is more pretty than I expected. He look at me harshly. "Since you found my necklace.." He stopped then he look at the necklace. "I want you to wear it." I look at him with wide eyes.

Why do I have to wear that thing? It doesn't match with my glasses anyway.

"And why do I need to wear it? You want me; the nerd freak wear your precious necklace?" I asked him and he sigh. "Listen here, nerd freak. The rule we have is whoever found the necklace of ours, they will need to wear it."

"So you found it, and you need to wear it even I don't want you to." He explained and i shut my mouth. He gives me the necklace and move away. I have no choice but to wear it since he keep waiting for me to wear it.

Disgusting. Why do I need to wear it?

The bell rang. "Go back to your class now." I look at him, annoyed. "Why do you have to tell me to go back to my class? No need to do such thing." I walked out from the room and walked towards my class.


"what the hell. Why is she wearing that necklace?"

"Omg! isn't that Baekhyun's necklace?"

"Why is she wearing it?"

"What did she do to Baekhyun that he gave him his necklace to her?"

Nonsense. I did nothing to him. And can they just stop whispering. It's more annoying than a fly or mosquito. I look outside while waiting for the teacher to come.

The door slid open and I was expecting the teacher but a rather tall blonde hair guy came. And what I know is he is from the so-called-exo group. The female student started screaming and shouting his name again. "Kris! Kris!"

I rolled my eyes. What's wrong with them. I look outside again until someone called my name. "You! The dark chocolate curly hair with bangs there! Go Eunchae!" I look at him shocked. How did he knows my name?

"What? Me?" I look at him with wide eyes. "Yes you! Come here!" I stare at him. "Why?" I look outside again then a few second later, I was pulled by this Kris guy. "Hey! What are you doing?!" I struggle around to released from this guy's grip.

"You need to come with me now." He said calmly. How could he be so strong? "If I don't want to?" I said harshly, trying to make him released the grib. "Then I'll have to kiss you so you listen." He smirk at me. "You? Eu. Not even in dream i'm going to kiss you." I rolled my eyes. And at the end, I gave up and follow him instead as I was dragged out from the class, leaving the whispers.


He pulled me and now I was standing here. In front of this freaking EXO room. I mentally slapped myself and he open the door. "Done my job." He said and he throw himself on the couch. "She's so strong, you wanna know that guys?" He said to the EXO member.

"What are you doing there? Come in." He said again and I slowly take my steps and entered the room. I saw all of them looking at my way. "H-hey. Isn't that.." The blonde hair guy who comfort Baekhyun that day said. "Yes. That's mine." Baekhyun said and he look at me.

"But baekhyun, why is she wearing it? Wait.. Don't tell me.." He trailed off. "Yes Suho. She found it." He started telling the Suho guy.

"But doesn't that mean.." The one with pink hair guy said. He do look a little bit of girly.

"Yes Luhan hyung. She's my Crown now." He said, making all the member gasp. In a funny way for me.

"What crown? I'm a human, or rather you guys called me 'Nerd Freak'." I air-quote the word Nerd Freak. The guy with blonde hair look at me. "You look so smart yet you don't know what is Crown in this school?" He said. This guy is so annoying.

"Of course I don't. I just moved here, FYI." I said to him and he sigh. "Do you wanna know what is Crown mean?" Suho asked me. "I don't actually but this situation forces me to know it's meaning." I said.

"Crown, is where a Queen used to wear it on their head."


"And We, are the king of the school."

I stopped for a while. "Wait, If you guys are the King, then I'm the Queen. Then.."

"Yes. You're Baekhyun's girlfriend."

I coughed. "And you're the Crown of the school where you are like.. simply said, VIP." I coughed again. If I was eating or drinking, I would be chocked to death by now!

"Me? This guy's girlfriend?! Me? Nerd freak with the 'so fabulous' prince of school?!" I pointed at Baekhyun and they nodded. Nightmare.

So that's why the whispers didn't stop. I massage the bridge of my nose. "And Go Eunchae-ssi.." Said the one with round eyes.

"Hm?" I look at him. "You need to come here everyday. Well, Kris will called for you." He pointed at Kris who is playing with his basketball on the couch. "Why me? Mr. Do kyungsoo?" He asked the guy. "Because that's your job, now." He smile.

I sighed. Why is this happening to me? Plus, I just moved here! I just freaking moved here!

"But one reason isn't enough to make me–" I look at baekhyun. "His whatever so called Crown." I crossed my arm. One person chuckled, he has dimple when he smiled. "You're a 'nerd freak' but you're so brave. Unlike others." He said. Okay fine, keep calling me nerd freak and I'm going to throw you from this floor.

"Well, we have other reason too on why you are chosen as Crown." Dyo said. "And? What is that?" I look at him, totally uninterested. "You're IQ is higher than any of us, so you're good enough to be the Crown." Luhan said.

I massaged the bridge of my nose again. Double nightmare. I can't escape from this terrible nightmare.

"But I want my normal life back. It suits 'Nerd freak' like me more." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "No lady, you can't." Dyo patted my shoulder and motion me to sit. "Then? when can I take this necklace away?" They look at each other once I asked them that. "On the right moment." Luhan answered. What the meaning of that? This moment is the perfect moment for me to take this necklace off.

"Well, anyway, Welcome to the Exo Group– what's your name again?" The other tall guy with elf ears asked me. "Go Eunchae." I look at him. "Oh yes, Go eunchae. Hope you will like it here!" He greeted me like a child. I really hope I would like it to be here, seriously.

"So, Introduce yourself to her guys." Dyo command them like a boss and they listened to it. Wau.

"Hey. I'm Kai~ I'm sexy and hope you won't fall in love with me." This blonde hair kai, said to me. "Hey kai. Nevermind. I won't fall for you." I rolled my eyes.

"Heyy I'm Chanyeol! And–" He was about to say more when suddenly one person came in, interrupted him. "My name is chen! I love to troll these boys!" I laugh at his statement. What's wrong with his introduction?

Then the tall guy named kris introduced himself. "Hey. My name is Kris. I'm Picasso in this group, my talent is drawing and i'm really good at dancing. I also know how to fly like a dragon." He said and suddenly he was hit by other person from behind. "Nevermind her, Eunchae. Hi~ I'm tao. The panda here." He said, giving a smile. I smile awkwardly back to him.

"Hi, I'm dyo. I know how to cook. If i don't cook, then these boys will be dead by now because of hunger." Dyo smile. His heart-shape smile is really unique. He look like a kid.

"I'm luhan." He said, simple. He said it so manly yet, his face look like a girl. Okay sorry, luhan. You're manly. You're seriously are.

"Hi eunchae! I'm sehun! And I'm a bubbletea fan!" He waved happily, with bubbletea in his hand. When did he get that? "Hi, I'm suho. I'm the mother here." He said. I nodded my head.

"I'm lay~ And i'm a unicorn who can heal." He said, then the dimple appeared. "I'm xiumin.." He said then chanyeol interrupted,  "And He loves baozi! Baozi is bread!" He added happily and xiumin quickly hit him on the arm.

Then there's silent. Everyone turned their eyes to baekhyun. He look at us, then he sighed. "I'm baekhyun." He said. The others are so friendly then there's him, ruining the good atmosphere. He's a pollution.

"Yeah, that's it guys. Hope you like it here and feel free to talk to us." Dyo said and I nodded my head. How can I talk to them comfortably? I wish I could stand up, back to my class and wala, back to my normal life.

But some part of me are looking forward on what's going to happen next. Hate you, I mean, Hate me.

How long will I stay here? I wonder.


A/n: Jjangggggg~ How is it? owo hahaha xD okay okay xD Hope you guys like it though :3 hehe. Feel free to comment on what you think! ♡

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