To My Future Cheating Husband

By QuinnCatcher

1M 45.5K 8.4K

This is not a love story. It's about a girl, who no longer wants to shine in the spotlight. A girl who no lo... More

To My Future Cheating Husband
0. To My Future Cheating Husband
I. The Fallen Queen Bitch
II. I'm From the Future
III. All Yours Ladies
IV. The Inches Matter
V. Detention with Parker
VI. Here Comes the Bride
VII. Summer Popsicles
IX. Second Male Lead
X. Horrible Impersonation of a Pineapple
XI. Gentleman
XII. Walking Volcano
XIII. Luke's Party
XIV. Predictable
XV. Homewrecker
XVI. Makee-Wood
XVII. Twin Telepathy
XVIII. GameBoy
XIX. Timberlake
XX. Settling Affairs
XXI. Married Man
XXII. Tedious Lives
XXIII. Desperate Grasp for Hope
XXIV. Deep Breaths
XXV. Merry-Go-Round
XXVI. Daddy's Special Friend
XXVII. Representatives
XXVIII. Daddy Don't Do Disrespect
XXIX. Bitches of the Same Feather
XXX. Your Other Half
XXXI. I'm Not a Good Girl
XXXII. Pretty Tears
XXXIII. The Short End of the Stick
XXXIV. Curiosity Kills the Cat
XXXV. Zero Shits
XXXVI. Why Luke Parker
XXXVII. Assholeness
XXXVIII. Negative Consequences
XXXIX. Misery
XL. Haunted Hallway
XLI. A Man Nonetheless
XLII. Body Language
XLIII. Silver Lighter
XLIV. Cupcakes
XLV. Validation
XLVI. Blobfish
XLVII. Mending Heart
XLVIII. You Don't Own Her
XLIX. Artificial Sweeteners
L. Unexplored Territory
LI. Pissed Party
LII. Reunion
LIII. Ewhy
LIV. Part of my Persona
LV. Be My Girl
LVI. Sweetharrrrrt
LVII. A Bad Girl
LVIII. The Sky is Nice
LIX. You're Still a Child
LX. Small Town, Big World
LXI. I'll Catch You
LXII. Soaring the Sky
LXIII. Proud to be Me
Epilogue: Same Team
TMFCH: What's Left Unsaid
0. TMFCH: Whats Left Unsaid
I. Old Habits Die Hard
II. Logic
III. Pleasant Future
IV. Selfish Bitch
V. Delusional State
VI. Miss Liar Liar Pants on Fire
VII. Freaking Fickle Licky Dicky Doodle
VIII. One Time Accident
IX. Part Time Jobs
X. Nasty Habit
XI. The Victim
XII. Invisible Money
XIII. Plumber Prince
XIV. Consume Me
XV. Damn Difference
XVI. The More, The Merrier
XVII. Younger Guys
XVIII. She's Alright
XIX. Right to Judge
XX. Burst of Bubble
XXI. Travel the World with Me
XXII. Promise Me
XXIII. An Honest Living
XXIV. Dimes of the Year
XXV. Happy Holidays
XXVI. Snakes
XXVII. A Friend
XXVIII. Don't Push Me
XXIX. Couendship
XXX. Sudden Turn of Events
XXXI. Late Night Munchies
XXXII. Least of Problems
XXXIII. Never Fall in Love
XXXIV. Experience the Love
XXXV. Someone Nice
XXXVI. Terrible Good Guy
XXXVII. Romantic Bone
XXXVIII. Luckless Lyah
XXXIX. My Heart is Missing
XL. Cemented Road
XLI. Who's Eli
XLII. Four Eyes Twig Arms Hippie Hair Mammoth
XLIII. Mary Jane Jenson
XLIV. Typical Teenage Hang Out
XLV. His Decision
XLVI. Predestined
XLVII. In Math Class
XLVIII. Nothing is Limitless
XLIX. Content
L. Freak Out
LI. Imperfect Past
LII. Happier than Ever
LIII. Happy Ending
LIV. The Pen is Mightier than the Sword
LV. Tread Cautiously
LVI. Out of Proportion
LVII. So Sweet
LVIII. Heavy Rain
LIX. MarBear
LX. Youth and Hormones
LXI. Kill Me Now
LXII. Love Every Part of Me
LXIII. Rightful Role
LXIV. Willy Nilly
LXV. Complete Mess
1 Million Milestone
LXVI. Palmistry
LXVII. Do Good Things
LXVIII. Some words are better left unsaid

VIII. Bear Hug

19.3K 851 174
By QuinnCatcher

Ava's POV:

One black heel in front of another, I walked down the hallway - listening to the low clicking of the heels along with whispers. Throwing my dark brown hair behind my ear, the gum inside my mouth smack against the molars. I tilted the dark sunglasses up to the bridge of my nose, feeling the tightening of the dark torn jean with each step. I said I've always wanted to try dressing as a hobo and mission accomplished.

It doesn't mean I won't go back to style. Of course, I ditch the woman wanna-be clothes, and I adapted something more sophisticated with a slight cleavage - daddy approved - shirt and long jeans to show off my wonderous legs.

"Do you have to walk me to my locker every day?" Trevon asked, shoulders slumping, looking as if he wanted to disappear. Even if he does, I'll pull him back to my side.

I smiled, showing off every pearl, "Yes." My body tilted back, "I'm not bothering anyone, right?"

"No ma'am," Eli replied, showing off a cheeky smile.

"Oh, no. We need more females in our group," Ben smiled, drooling over me once more.

After some time, I hugged Trevon tightly. "I love you," I whispered into his ear. "Remember that."

His hands were still on the side as he grunted loudly about my over-the-bridge affection. Turning my body, Ben spread his arms. I smiled, patting his shoulder. His hand grazed over it. "You touch me," he sighed. I need to teach that boy a thing called - confidence.

Glancing at Eli - he smiled - like always, "See you around."

"Bye," I replied, walking towards my locker.

Rolling my sunglasses over my head, the whispers refused to stop. It's been a few days since Luke and I had spoken, which I'm entirely grateful for.

Trevon doesn't question why I kept sitting with him and his friends anymore - so, yay!

My eyes drape towards my old crew, who was staring broadly at me - which includes Luke.

Sarah approached me, "You...What did you do to your hair?" She asked, running her fingers down my dark locks.

I smiled, "I decided to go back to my old roots." I laughed, slapping my thigh, "Get it?" I stopped laughing when I realized no one was humored except that one guy in the corner.

Had he always been a part of this group?

My eyes met his brown ones that seemingly darken when he scrunched it together. "I get it...Good one," he replied, holding out a fist. I smiled and bumped the dude I never even knew existed.

"Winnie is going to flip when she sees you," Sarah said, urgently pulling me away from the stranger.

Mary smiled, "I like it."

"What the fuck." I turned around to see Winnie. "What did you do with your fabulous hair?"

I tucked my hair back, "Well-"

She gasped, "You got piercings?" She tilted towards my ear to see an extra pair of piercings.

Everyone stared at me. "Yup," I responded. "Not the only place I got pierced." I wink.

My parents flipped when I went home and showed them all of my new piercing - ears and belly. They told me I was grounded, one week per new hole, which meant three weeks.

In conclusion, I'm not allowed to go anywhere for three weeks.

No parties.

No friends.


This means I can avoid everything and everyone after school without making up crappy excuses like - I need to wash my hair.

I love my parents!

Sometimes, I feel like that bump really got to me.

My eyes skewed towards Luke, who scanned my body. He bit his lower lip, probably wondering where I got the piercing.

Not telling you sucka!

I need to grow up.

"Anyways, you're going to Luke's party, right?" Winnie slapped my face. Not physically, of course, mentally.

"I can't." I looked at Luke and pouted, "I got grounded." His eyes narrowed. "Lukie," I called the nickname I gave him a while back, deciding to behave a little like my old self. "You know, I want to go, but parents. They suck!"

Everyone starts mumbling words of agreement.

Teenagers, so easily brainwashed.

Luke smirked, "We can always move the party." He took a step closer to me while I planted my feet on the ground, refusing to back away, "Just for you, Makee."

"Oh, Parker." I smiled, "Such a gentleman as always." I twisted my hair and giggled, placing a hand on his bicep. "I'm grounded for three weeks."

His smile dropped.

"I don't want everyone to suffer with me." I bashed my lashes, "So thoughtful of you all, though." I pat Luke's arm, but realistically I was slapping it as hard as I can. "Especially you, Lukie." I pinched him at the end, causing him to flinch slightly.

Despite our harmonious interaction, the atmosphere between us was anything but pleasant.

"Well, I got to go. Love you all." I fake laugh, then slowly back away, "Classes, you know? Ugh! Teachers!" My voice pitched.

"Tots," Winnie replied with a nod.

Finally, I dropped the act when I turned around wondering how in the world I can behave like that for four years.

I cleared my throat. "I need out," I said, thinking of ways to throw away my dumbbell behavior. Twirling my knob, I sighed, "This is what you get for acting all fake," I mumbled under my breath, grabbing the textbook and shoved it inside my backpack.

A tap on my shoulder caught my attention. I turned around to see Mary. "Hey," she chirped.

I smiled, "Sup Mar."

She tucked a strand of hair behind her reddened ear as she leaned against the lockers, crossing her slimmed leg one above the other. "So, you're not going to Luke's party?" she asked.

I zipped up my backpack, "Nope."

There is no way I'm going to Luke's party. That's the day Mina showed up with a super sexy dress, outshining me, and flirted with Luke all night long.

No, more like Luke trying to catch her attention the whole night while I stand in the corner of the room. Then I got felt up by some random dude and ended up sleeping with him.

Who did I sleep with?

Never mind...irrelevant.

I don't remember much except Luke and Mina's potentially gay friend fighting over her in the front yard.

Wait, who is Mina's potentially gay friend again?

I remember seeing him standing behind Mina all the time, protecting her, or something like that. I'm sure he had a thing for Mina.

I don't remember who...who is he?

Oh, forget it. He is just a background character - the second male lead.


Just like me.

I'm irrelevant or trying to be irrelevant now.

"Do you want to make it a girls' night?" Mary asked, nibbling on her lower lip.

Well, this is a change.

I flung my backpack over my shoulder and walked towards the classroom. "You don't want to go to Parker's party?"

She shook her head, "Truthfully, I'm not really into parties. I only go because all of you were going."


Mary nodded, "Peer pressure. You know?" She shrugged slightly.

"Okay. It's a girl night."

Mary squealed and threw a bear hug at me. "It will be so much fun!"

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