Love At First Roll

By Crasieiness

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What do you do when you clash both wheels and heart with someone you don't know? You stay away. And that's ex... More

Love At First Roll - REWRITTEN
Boiling Blood - REWRITTEN
Collision - REWRITTEN
Teases and Silent Stares - REWRITTEN
'Open when...' REWRITTEN
Nice Cars and Adrenaline - REWRITTEN
First Impressions - RETWRITTEN
Is The Best-Friend Better? - REWRITTEN
Trouble - Rewritten
Hardly A Cliché Date - Rewritten
I'm the Mistress - Rewritten
She's the Mistress - Rewritten
Jealousy Is A Monster - Rewritten
I Promise... Rewritten
Make or Break - Rewritten
Drowning Sorrows - Rewritten
Consequences - Rewritten
Exposed - Rewritten
Getting Shit Done - Rewritten
Reunions- Rewritten
STDS. Use Them To Your Advantage... Rewritten
Mothers, Proposals and New Jobs - Rewritten
Dinner Parties - Rewritten
Semi-Finals - Rewritten
Making Changes - Rewritten
Knocked Up - Rewritten
Additions - Rewritten
Needing the Tragedy - Rewritten
Carpe Diem - Rewritten
Sympathy to Empathy - Rewritten
Becoming a Hylton - Rewritten
Epilogue - Rewritten

Prune Juice Is Not The Way Forward - Rewritten

50 5 0
By Crasieiness

Lottie’s POV

“Aana stop freaking grinning at your phone! Is it Jake or something?” I asked, cocking a brow at Aana who was grinning at her phone since this morning. She always on it anyway but today it was constantly on it.

“Um no, just someone I met last night.” She smiled innocently.

“That guy who you were dancing with?” Gabby joined in; obviously I was with Nate at the time. We were all pretty hanging after last night. Gabby even had Ron drinking. I was a little tipsy but Nate was with me anyway. Aana wasn't that drunk last night, I don't think anyway.

“His name’s Caleb.” She answered. I grinned at her but she shook it off. “So guys, next step of Mission kill the man-whore. Gabby you got this?” Gabby nodded and proceeded to tell us the next task, this one I would have to be involved with.

“Aana, phone away or I will break it into little pieces of Caleb.” Gabby threatened. “Anyway, task two is stealing his pet. Pretty straight forward to be honest, we steal his pet. Courtesy of Aana, we know he has a tortoise who he adores called Jolene. So whilst he’s at practice we go in, take the tortoise and take him to the pet store. Aana will text him tomorrow telling him where it is.  Then it’s up to him to get it back. Now the best bit is this particular tortoise happens to be really expensive, so for him to buy it back, it’s going to take a lot. Now we can get this done by about two or three. The third task will be announced later.”

“And how do you suppose we’re getting into his house, Einstein.” I laughed. Instead of answering, Gabby just gave Aana a look.

“So whilst I was having a little chat with Joe last night, I managed to sneak them out. Plus, he was stupid enough to keep the alarm system disabler on his key ring” Aana grinned at her achievement. I swear one day we were going to get arrested for something.

“Aana, wasn’t Rihana meant to come yesterday?” Ron said from under the blankets. It was nearly eleven and she had refused to get out of bed and get ready.

“She texted me last night saying she couldn’t make it.” Aana replied, still tapping away on her phone. “Anyway, we have to be gone by twelve and out of there by one. Joe should be going to practice right now. Oh yeah, Gabby what’s the deal with Mark?”

“Um, I spoke to him yesterday after our makeup session. He explained everything and he also said you knew.” Gabby glared at Aana. Aana shot her a weak smile and ushered her on to continue.

“Wait explained what?” I chimed in, completely confused what there was to explain. I swear, I am never told anything.

“Basically, Mark’s boss gave him the fake wife to up publicity for both himself and the team. Mark had to take it or he would be off the team.” Gabby explained. “Anyway, he said he we can be together but in secret until he finds a way.

“Ah that’s suckish.” Ron mumbled.

“Ok anyway bitches, get ready. Black and booted.” Aana smirked, jumping up and running upstairs to get ready. Ron and Gabby followed after her, winging at the time.

“Lottie, make sure they don’t do anything super stupid, I’m not bailing you girls out.” Aana’s mum smiled.

“I’ll make sure of it Jasmine.” I replied and ran upstairs after the other girls. Gabby and Aana were already ready and Ron was slumped on the floor outside of the bathroom. “Are you PMS’ing or something?” I asked. She nodded and dropped her head to the ground again.

 “Don’t worry; you stay here with my Mum.” Aana called from the bedroom. I saw the relief in Ron’s face and laughed, which continued when I saw Aana and Gabby. They were both in identical outfits which looked like they were about to rob a bank. They were wearing black leggings, black ankle warmers, black vans, a black jumper, sunglasses and a black beanie. I was doubling over with laughter. I think they thought they were a part of MI8.

“I don’t know why you’re laughing asshole; you’re wearing exactly the same.” Gabby glared at me, slipping her phone into her bra. Aana did exactly the same and shrugged at my questioning eyes. “We’ll be in the car, quick. We’re running out of the time.” Both girls made their way downstairs and I quickly got dressed making sure to grab the beanie and sunglasses.

“You girls ready?” Aana asked, driving off towards Joe's. He didn’t live far and Aana parked in the next street so why there was any point in driving, I don’t know. We had gone over the plan about a thousand times, we turn to spy mode, disable the house alarms, get inside, grab the tortoise and get out. We all crept one by one up to house, hiding in the bushes. Total cliché.

“Ouch, this fucking tree, talk about prick.” Gabby shouted from behind me.

“Shh!” Aana hissed, continuing to run up to the door. Joe wasn’t home because his car wasn’t. Aana clicked the button on the key ring which turned the red light on the panel to green. The door unlocked and that’s it we were in with ease. “Fuck, yes!”

“Oh shit, we did it. We’re in Luxton’s house!” I gasped, trying to convince myself this was a good idea.

“Can we just get the animal and leave, I really need to pee.” Gabby muttered.

“He doesn’t shit on the floor you know, just go to his bathroom.” Aana responded, looking around his house. It looked freaking expensive. It was all painted white and had hardwood floors with all glass doors and expensive looking art. I’m surprised he didn’t have page three girls blown up into posters and dotted around the place.

“Isn’t that abit weird? Like peeing at his house?” I asked, cringing.

“No, it’s fine. We’ll come with, I want to explore.” Aana said, ushering Gabby up the stairs. The bathroom was right next to his bedroom luckily. Me and Aana went to snoop in his bedroom. It was pretty basic, a big white bed, blue painted walls and a dresser. He had a few photos on his mirror but it was one that was pretty jaw-dropping.

“Aana, look at this.” I called; she dropped whatever she was looking at and walked over to me. I pointed at the photo what was stuck on to the dresser mirror.

“Fuck.” She muttered, taking it down and looking at it. It was the same picture Joe had given Aana of them two on the day of our double date. “Why do you think he kept it? More importantly, why it’s on his mirror?”

“Because he might not be a massive douche?” I reasoned.

“Aw, that’s a cute pic Aana.” Gabby laughed, walking into the bedroom. “Omg though, his bathroom is so cool. He has like a shower room that has a sauna settings and stuff. Make up with him so I can stay here please?”

“Gabby have you seen the pool room? Massive pool and Jacuzzi?” Aana asked laughing. Gabby’s eyes went wide. Suddenly, there was a huge slam. I looked at the girls and they looked back at me. We were all here which meant someone else was in the house. I checked my phone and it wasn’t one yet which meant it couldn’t have been Joe because he was at practice. I quickly ran to the bannister to peak downstairs and as if we were on minimum luck, Joe appeared with a girl around his waist. Luckily, he was more concerned in swapping saliva with this girl so he didn’t notice me. I accidently let out a small gasp and ran back into the room pushing the girl into what I think was Joe’s closet. I pulled the doors closed and held my finger to my mouth. The closet had little slits throughout so we could see straight out the door. Before I could explain to the girls what happened, Joe stumbled in with the girl still attached to his face. I looked at Aana but she wasn’t showing any kind of emotion. I quickly took my phone out of my pocket and turned it to silent and signalled for the girls to do the same. Joe and the mystery girl were obviously on the bed because they were out of sight and making disgusting noises. After about ten minutes of their nastiness and me stopping Aana from walking out there they finally came to a halt.

“So baby, shall we make it official now?” The girl asked, she had a whiny voice which was annoying me like crazy and she had only said one sentence.

“Come on Louise, you know I’m not into that shit. There’s only one girl for me.” Joe responded, trying to be nice. Aana scoffed and sighed.

“It’s Lucy, you dick.” The girl replied and walked out, slamming the front door. I laughed at his stupidity and waited for him to leave so we could too. A phone began to ring, thank god, it wasn’t us.

“Yeah, the doors open, I’m coming.” He said to whoever was on the phone. He did something on his phone then jogged downstairs. When he was clear and it was safe to come out we all stumbled out of the closet. I straightened out my clothes and looked at the other girls.

“There are people here.” Aana mumbled, fixing her beanie and adjusting her sunglasses. She was right; the boys had obviously come round. I could hear them shouting from here, they were probably playing some kind of COD game or FIFA.

“So genius, how are we getting out of here?” I asked Aana, rolling my eyes.

“Um, we look for ways out. The balcony is a big no because it’s way too high up. Come on guys, he’s a multi-millionaire with this millionaire house; I doubt he’s not got more then way out. We explored around the upstairs but there was no way out without jumping. So we had to sneak down the stairs, the living room door was shut but being glass it wasn’t hiding much. To pass the stairs, we passed the living room where the boys were sat; I guess it was just a case of luck. One by one we all crept down the stairs; we were just about to sneak out of the door when Joe interrupted.


“Girls, after all of that, are you not even going to say good bye?” Joe smirked from behind us. Beside Joe were Nate, Mark, Sean and Chris. They were all stood there smirking at us. I’m pretty sure we all muttered ‘shit’ at the same time. We were so busted. We all turned around to face the boys. So I could act this shit out or I would have to face his wrath. I didn’t have any experience in acting so I hoped for the best and began my little speech.

“Omg I’m awake, where are we?” I asked, trying to act confused. “Boys, why are you here? Omg, did you kidnap us?”

“When you’re finished your little piece Aana, would you like to explain what you’re doing in my house?” Joe grinned at me, ushering us inside. We all plopped down next to each other on one couch. “So, why were you here?”

“Um, I missed you?”  I shrugged, smiling at him.

“You missed me so you broke into my house wearing all black and sunglasses?”

“I thought it was sexy?”

“As much as I would love to believe that Aana, I’m afraid that isn’t going to cut it.”

“Ok fine.” I began; earing glares from the other two. “So we came because I was angry with you so we just wanted to scare you like jump from the closet when you came in but you weren’t alone so.”

“Right, ok. How did that work out for you?” He continued.

“Um great because I got to see you snookyboo.” I smiled, trying to get out of it without a consequence. “Maybe we could be friends?”

“Whatever Aana, just make sure it doesn’t happen again, clear?”

“Crystal. By the way, how did you know we were here?”

“Aana we all knew you were here from when you got in. I didn’t spend millions on this alarm system for nothing. It automatically takes your picture when you either disable the alarms or unlock the door. It then sends that picture direct to my phone. So it was all planned. The girl and everything, you were meant to see. We didn’t do anything apart from the original kissing. It was just an act babe. By the way, everything you said I knew about. We were watching you through the cameras which are located all around the house and the bathroom.” He finished, looking at Gabby. I couldn’t help but chuckle abit.

“That’s twisted you bastards.” She spat, glaring at Mark especially.

“Aw babe, don’t worry. I made them turn around.” Mark smiled at her; she ignored it and turned to me.

“Shall we go?”

“Yeah. So we’re off? Bye boys.” I smiled and walked out followed by the girls.

“By the way girls, don’t ever even try to touch Jolene again. She wears an alarm which sounds when she leaves the house anyway.” Joe shouted from the door. I stuck up my middle fingers and drove away.

“How you feeling you ninkenpoop?” I asked Ron, passing her a couple of tablets and a hot water bottle.

“Like shit, how did your task go?” She responded.

“Um we got caught but no consequence so um it was ok.” I smiled, walking back downstairs.

“You guys are crazy; you thought you could get into Luxton’s house?” Jay chuckled, flicking through the channels.

“Shut up, we did get in. We just got caught.” I corrected him. “Anyway, how do you even know?”

“Joe posted a picture of you guys in your little costumes on his social media, with the caption ‘these girls thought they could get into my house’.” He answered, shrugging. I wasn’t even going to ask him why he followed Joe.

“Anyway, Alanna’s coming round so I’m out.” He announced and left the room.

“So guys, I have some prune juice.” I told the girls.

“So, drink it?” Lottie said, raising a brow at me.

“No silly, it’s a prank. We put it in his petrol tank and it kills the engine.” I smiled.

“When are we doing this?” Gabby asked, pulling off her beanie.

“Now, so get up you too.” I winked at them two and made my way outside with the prune juice in hand. The girls followed me after a few minutes. I decided we would walk this time because it was only a two minute walk. When we finally arrived, we checked around for people and crawled towards his car making sure to stay low enough so they couldn’t see. The two girls were on lookout whilst I emptied the juice into the tank. We made our way to the bush opposite and I texted Joe asking him to meet me at mine. A few minutes later he replied agreeing then he climbed into his car. As soon as he got into the car and started the car, the engine failed. I could see him struggling and beginning to get frustrated with the car. He tried the car one more time but this time it didn’t just fail, it went up in flames. There was a huge bang and the car on fire. My body was frozen in place and I couldn’t process what had happened when it finally hit me that Joe was in the fucking car. I ran towards the car, ignoring the girls screaming my name. The driver side door was locked which meant I would have to get through the passenger side. The flames were covering the car and were strong. I kept my sunglasses on and pulled on my beanie so it was holding my hair. Luckily the passenger door was unlocked. The heat was immense and I could feel my face burning up.

“Come on Joe, get out for me babe.” I cried, taking of his seatbelt and pulling him towards the passenger seat. God this guy was heavy. The flames were growing intense, in seconds the whole back windows blew up, shattering and sending the glass towards us. I knew it was barely seconds before the whole car went up. With one final pull, I managed to drag Joe from the car and to the side, away from the car. He was unconscious and his face had turned black with the soot, I’m sure mine had too. I tried to wake him up and shout encouragements but I wasn’t sure if it was more for my benefit or his.

“Come on Joe, you’re so strong. Please get up.” I cooed, ignoring Gabby and Lottie. A few minutes later, the ambulance turned up shortly followed my Nate and Mark.

“No I’m fine; just let me go with him.” I shouted at the paramedic who was telling me to get checked out.

“Come on Aana; please just get checked out for me.” Mark smiled, wrapping me into a hug.

“It’s my entire fault Mark.” I cried.

“It was a prank Aana! You weren’t to know”

“Stop trying to make me feel better Mark.” I spat, instantly feeling bad for being a bitch. I wouldn’t blame him if he never spoke to me again.

“Jesus Wonder Woman, are you ok?” Nate joked, pulling me into a hug. I weakly nodded. The next thing I know is my lids had dropped and I couldn’t see anything. My body felt limp and all I could hear was loads of shouting and screaming.

“Hey, you’re awake.” Someone cooed from the side. I opened my eyes and looked around the room. It all came back to me, the prune juice, Joe. The last thing I remember is being in Nate’s arms.

“Hi.” I smiled, my voice was dry and I felt like shit. “Could you get me some water please?”

“Sure, here you go Aana.”

“Thanks Lottie.” I said.

“How you feeling?” Gabby chimed in, grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

“Abit shitty. What happened?” I asked.

“You fainted from lack of oxygen or something. The carbon monoxide or something had gotten into your lungs and some other shit. You know I don’t understand anything these clever people say. Long story short, you’ll be ok but you have to stay here for a couple of days.” Gabby smiled.

“Ok, how’s Joe?” I asked, nearly in tears just thinking about him.

“He’s the same.” Lottie answered. I instantly got up and rolled out of bed, making my way to Joe’s room.

“What door?” I asked about to leave the room in this horrible dress.

“You shouldn’t be going Aana.” Lottie tried to argue. I rolled my eyes at her and waited for her to tell me. “38D. It’s only up there. We’ll wait here for you?” I nodded and walked out, ignoring the stares from people outside. I found the door and knocked lightly, then walked in. Joe looked straight at me and I didn’t know what to do. I looked round at the boys who were dotted around the bed in the centre.

“Hey Aana.” Mark smiled at me and ushered me in. I didn’t know what to say or do. “We’re going to get some coffees, do you want anything?”

“No thank you, I should go soon.” I smiled meekly. The boys left the room which left me and Joe just staring at each other. I didn’t know how I had the courage to even look at him after I was the one who put him in here.

“I’m so sorry Joe.” I cried, it’s like all my emotions had joined and decided to come out now.

“Hey, don’t cry. It’s ok. I forgive you.” He chirped, grabbing hold of my hand and rubbing his thumb over it.

“I didn’t mean for it to go that far, I’m so sorry you’re here.”

“Don’t be silly Aana. You saved me; you put your own life at risk and dragged me out. I’m meant to be mad at you for doing that. Please don’t ever put your own life in danger again. Don’t forget you’re in here too. Don’t worry ok, it’s ok. I’ve sorted out the stuff with the police and everything’s ok. Anyway, you must be tired, get into bed with me.” he winked. “I’m kidding but seriously you’re still hurt, get up on here and cuddle with me.” I grinned at him and climbed under the covers with him. He lifted his arm over me and pulled me closer, leaving a small peck on my forehead.

“Try to get some sleep beautiful.”

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