Haikyuu Oneshots

By GoinkOnAMonday

984K 20.4K 51.7K

Stories about our favorite gay beans. FLUFF. Slight angst sometimes...mega angst sometimes, but happy endings... More

0. Welcome to Our Story
1. TsukkiYama: Supermarket Flowers
2. KyouHaba
3. KageHina: The Babysitter
4. TsukkiYama
5. DaiSuga: You
6. TanaEnno
7. BokuAka
8. KuroKen: Kenma Are You Okay?
9. AsaNoya
10. IwaOi
11. DaiSuga (and others)
12. KageHina
13. TsukkiYama <3
14. IwaOi
15. BokuAka
16. TanaEnno
17. TsukkiYama
18. KyouHaba
19. IwaOi
20. UshiTen
21. SemiShira
22. KuroKen: I Will Never Forget You
23. BokuAka
24. LevYaku
25. IwaOI
26. DaiSuga
0.1 hi?
27. AsaNoya
29. IwaOi
30. KyouHaba
0.2 hello?
32. TsukkiYamaaa
33. Lil Bit of Everyone <3
34. UkaTake
35. TsukkiYama
36. DaiSuga
37. BokuAka
38. KyouHaba
39. IwaOi
40. KageHina: Just a Dream
41. BokuAka
42. LevYaku
43. BokuAka
44. SemiShira
45. AsaNoya
46. TanaEnno
47. IwaOi
48. TsukkiYama: I'm Okay... I Promise
49. DaiSuga
50. TsukkiYama
51. UshiTen:)
52. TsukkiYama
53. IwaOiiii
54. KyouHaba
55. OiHina
56. DaiSuga
57. BokuAka and IwaOi(their love-children)
58. BokuAkaAaa
59. AsaNoya- Ice Cold Lovers
60. KuRoKEn
61. IwaOi
62. KyouHaba
63. KageHina and a Little IwaOi: More Than a Prince
64. KuroTsukki
65. MattsuIwa
66. BokuAka
67. BokuAka: Case Closed
68. DaiSuga
69. DaiSuga: Soulmate AU/Concert Thing
70. TanaEnno
71. BBokuAAka
72. IwaOi
73. IwaOi
74. LevYaku
75. TanaEnno
76. AkaSuga: It Wasn't Me
77. TsukkiYama
78. TsukkiYama: You Know When You're In Love
79. KyouHaba
80. KageTsukki
81. UshiTen
82. KuroTsukki
83. IwaOi
84. KuroKen: Thank You
85. KyouHaba
86. KageYama
87. DaiSuga
88. TanaEnno
89. Special
90. Everyone (almost)
91. TsukkiYama
92. MatsuHana
93. BokuAka
94. IwaOi
95. BokuAka
96. TsukiYama
97. IwaOi
98. IwaOi and BokuAka (SakuAtsu as well)

28. SemiShira

8.6K 181 177
By GoinkOnAMonday

Pineapple A/N: This is an Omegaverse requested by @piapamela19

Semi walked into his place of work. The local pet store. He had been working there since his first year of high school, and was now at the end of his third. Semi had always had a kindred love for animals. He felt a special connection to them. He worked the afternoon shift that got off around  9 pm on school days, and worked almost all day weekends. His boss would always force him to go with this schedule, even if he said he could work more.

Anyways, it was a Thursday night and Semi was working the store. He wasn't alone, Tendou Satori, long time best friend, worked with him.

"Eita~Can you go get me pen please?" Tendou was signing a paper.

Semi nodded and grabbed one off the counter, "Here."


"What's that for, dude?"

"It's a delivery item~" Tendou hummed as he took the paper and a small box to the back room. Semi nodded and went back to the counter, waiting for customers.

After a few minutes, the little ding from the front door went off. "Hi, welcome to Chil-uh this pet store...If you need anything, just ask." Semi smiled and tried to see the person. He couldn't. They were hidden in an aisle. Eita tapped a pen on the counter and waited for the person to check out. After about ten minutes, the customer was still in that aisle. Semi decided to check on them. He walked over into the cat food area and found a smaller boy with light brown, perfectly cut, hair. He smelled reeeeally good. "Hi...did you need some assistance?" Semi got closer.

The male looked up, a tiny scowl on his face. "Uh I just need cat food, but I'm not sure what kind to get."

"Oh! I can help with that." Semi smiled, "What kind of cat do you have?"

"...um..." The boy looked away.

"Haha it's okay if you don't know. How big is he or she?"

"She's pretty small, about this big," He gestured with his hands.

"Okay," Semi started thinking about which one would be best, "And is she very active?"

"No, not really." He shrugged.

"Alright, you should either get the blue package or this white one." Semi pointed, "But the white one is less expensive, so I would go for that one~" Eita winked.

The smaller male nodded, "Thanks." He went to grab it.

"I can carry it to the counter for you." Semi picked up the package first.

"Uh thanks." The shorter guy blushed just slightly. Semi smiled.

"Is that all today?"


Semi nodded and went back up the the counter. "Your total will be, 1200 yen." The brown haired male handed him the money. "Thank you." He finished the transactions and handed the younger guy the bag. "Have a nice day, and if you need anything else, my name is Semi." He smiled brightly, and his customer gave the smallest smile back.

"O-okay." He walked back out of the store with his cat food.

"Heheh Eita~~" Tendou's sing-song voice called from the back room.

"Huh?" Semi turned around.

"Do you have a little admirer?" Tendou poked his side, grinning widely.

"What? I just met that guy, he's cute-but we just met. Calm down." Semi rolled his eyes and shook his head with a smile.

"I've seen that kid come in here before~He just walks around, peeks at you, then leaves." Tendou chuckled.

Semi blushed, "I've never seen him before..." He was really cute, I'm surprised I never noticed him.

"HEhehehEh well I hope you recognize him next time so you can actually talk to him~" Tendou skipped over to a box that needed to be unloaded. Semi sighed.


Almost everyone at school knew that Shirabu Kenjirou was an Omega. And almost everyone thought he was weak and disgusting because of it. Of course, he couldn't control what he was, but other's didn't care.

Shirabu was sitting in the library, trying to quietly read when he was interrupted by a very loud person.

"SHIRABU-SAN!!" Kenjirou sighed and looked over to see his younger friend Goshiki running through the library. This young man was one of the only ones at school who didn't care about what Shirabu was, he just wanted to be friends.

"Goshiki-kun, do NOT yell and run in this library." The librarian hit the top of his head.

"Sorry, ma'am!" He whispered and fell into the seat next to Shirabu. "Did you have a good day, Shirabu-senpai?" Kenjirou sighed.

"It was okay. How about you, Tsutomu?' Shirabu continued reading his book.

"It was wonderful! Thanks for asking! I answered a question right in math and I did the correct translation in English and I saw Ushijima-senpai in the hallway, he always looks so cool, and someone complimented my hair today!" Goshiki was blushing and smiling very happily.

"That's good. Who complimented your hair?" Shirabu laughed quietly. He assumed little Goshiki had a little crush.

"N-n-no one you know," Goshiki stammered and turned bright red.

"Hmm? Okay." Shirabu smirked.

"I-It wasn't the person I have a crush on, Shirabu-senpai, but it was a very beautiful person." Goshiki covered his face.

"Oh?" Kenjirou looked up from his book. He poked his friend's shoulder. "Who's your crush, Tsutomu?"

"nO ONE!!!" Goshiki hid under the table. "...they don't go to our school..."

"Oh yeah?" Shirabu chuckled and went back to his book.

"Is that Goshiki-kun under the table?"

"Oho~the next miracle boy?"

Two upperclassmen walked up to the table Goshiki and Shirabu were sitting at. Tendou Satori and Semi Eita. Shirabu blushed slightly when he saw Semi, but Goshiki stood up in front of him.

"Semi-senpai! Tendou-senpai! Good to see you!" The younger boy bowed politely.

"Haha we just came to say hi to our little junior." Semi smiled and ruffled the bowl cut hair. Goshiki blushed and smiled back. "You're hair still looks great, kid."

"Goshiki-kun, do you have any plans tonight? We're gonna go eat ramen at the cute little shop down the street~" Tendou leaned forward and poked the boy's forehead.

"Is Ushijima-senpai going to be there?" Goshiki looked worried.

"Yesss~He is my boyfriend, Goshiki-kun."

"Um can Shirabu-senpai go too?" Tsutomu pointed to the friend behind him.

"Sure~" Tendou grinned mischievously

Shirabu didn't look up from his book. "No."

"Oh! You're the boy from yesterday! Does your cat like the food?" Semi blushed a little.

"Yeah..." Shirabu blushed slightly too.

"Wait! Shirabu-senpai you know Semi-senpai!??!!" Goshiki looked at them both.

"He sold me cat food." Shirabu's voice was monotone.

"Awesome!! Then will you come with us pleeease?" Goshiki looked really determined.

"Yeah, it'll be fun." Semi smiled and pat Goshiki's shoulder.

Shirabu looked at the three and rolled his eyes, "Fine," He sighed. He was secretly kind of happy because he might have maybe had a little crush on Semi.

"Yay~It'll be a party~" Tendou waved his fingers around.


That night, the four of them, plus Ushijima, walked to the ramen shop together. Goshiki was talking to Tendou and Ushijima, while Semi walked next to Shirabu.

"So, your name is Shirabu, right?"

Kenjirou nodded.

"Cool name. Do you like ramen?" Semi was trying to make conversation.

"It's okay." Shirabu kicked a rock and it hit a tree.

"I'm more of a sushi fan myself." Semi laughed. Shirabu blushed at his cute laugh.

When they got there, Semi and Shirabu were across from each other, Tendou and Ushijima next to them, and then they placed Goshiki at the head of the table because everyone thought he was adorable. They all talked and ate contently.

"Have you always gone to school here?" Semi asked, slurping up some noodles.

"Since Junior high." Shirabu poked around at his bowl of food.

"Ah. I can't believe I havn't seen you-well yeah I can. I don't really pay attention to other people." Semi laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "But I'm glad I can get to know you now." They both blushed.

"Uh so do you have any pets?" Shiabu nibbled on some ramen.

"No, my landlord doesn't allow them. That's why I work at the pet store." Semi smiled.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine or whatever. I see plenty of animals at work." He chuckled and finished his food.

Shirabu was about to say something, but he felt a little weird. Sh*t my heat. He got up and grabbed his bag. "I have to leave now...see you guys later." He nodded and headed out the door.

"Oh, bye Shirabu-senpai!" Goshiki waved. He knew that sometimes Shirabu had to leave abruptly.

Semi was confused, he thought maybe he had said something weird. He got up and followed Kenjirou. "Hey, wait Shirabu, is everything okay?" Outside smelled...sweet? He started to feel weird.

Shirabu turned and nodded, "Yeah I just...I have to do something. Goodbye."

"Huh? Okay..." Semi watched him quickly walk down the street. He shook his head, What? Eita shuffled back in with a shrug. I'll just get his number from Goshiki.


The next couple days, Semi would try to text Shirabu after work, since it was the weekend. Kenjirou would usually reply late and in short responses, but it still made Semi happy. Once Monday rolled around, Eita was hoping to see Shirabu at school. Although, he didn't.

"Goshiki-kun, is Shirabu here today?" Semi, Tendou, and Goshiki were sitting in the library after school.

"No, he wasn't feeling too well today." Goshiki smiled and went back to his math homework.

Tendou grinned, "You worried about the little salty sweatheart?"

"Shut up." Semi put a book in front of his face.

The next two days, Shirabu wasn't at school. Semi was starting to get worried. Kenjirou replied to his texts but just said little things, im fine, its whatever, stop worrying.

"Goshiki-kun, is Shirabu alright?" Semi was walking the boy home.

"Uh yeah, he's just on his hea-um he should be okay." Goshiki looked nervous.

"What's with that reaction?" Semi poked the boy's side. Goshiki knew Shirabu was on his heat, but he didn't know if he was supposed to tell Semi or not.

"Just talk to him!" Goshiki ran off.

Semi stood on the sidewalk, incredibly confused. Ah that was weird...He opened his phone and went to Shirabu's contact. He pressed the call button.

"...hello?" Shirabu didn't sound very good. Kind of weak.

"Shirabu! Are you okay? You haven't been at school..." Semi was happy to know this boy wasn't dead.

"Oh...I'm just not feeling good."

"Shirabu, that's all you keep telling me. What's wrong?" Semi furrowed his brows.

"I...don't worry about it."

"I'm very worried about it!" Semi was frustrated.

"Don't you have to go to work?"

"Ah, don't change the subject! My boss made me take the day off anyways. Shirabu, listen," Semi pressed a hand to his forehead, "I know I like barely know you, but I'm really worried. Please, tell me what's wrong."

There was a quiet sigh on the other end of the phone. "Just don't be a jerk after I tell you this, alright?" Semi was confused, "I'm on my heat, so I can't exactly do much."

Semi thought for a moment, 'On my heat'...OH! "That's why it smelled so sweet the other day after ramen!"

"What? Yeah I guess. What?" Shirabu was very surprised by Semi's reaction.

"Why did you not just tell me? I don't care about you being an Omega or anything-Well I understand that you might not want to just tell everyone when you are on your heat but-"

"Thank you Semi."

"Huh? Why? Oh, because I was a super nice guy who made sure to check on you?" Semi smiled, feeling proud of himself.

"Ha no." Semi felt his heart drop. "I've just had problems with it before and...just thanks for not being a complete jerk about me being an Omega. Other people are super rude about it."

Semi smiled bashfully to himself. "Yeah I mean, you can't control that."

On the other side of the call, Shirabu was blushing madly.

"Uh anyways, I'll let you go. I'm supposed to spend time with that nerd Tendou since I finally got a day off. I hope you feel better soon. I'll text you later."



The next couple of months went by nicely, except Semi still didn't have the guts to ask out Shirabu. They hung out a lot together, Kenjirou was more friendly to him than he was the others. Shirabu would often go to the pet store, sometimes not even buy anything, to chat, or just admire, Semi.

It was a Friday night, Shirabu was sitting in a chair waiting for Semi's shift to finish because they had plans to see a movie. Of course, nobody was at the store because it was late.

"Alright, love birds, I'm out~" Tendou jumped out from the back room. Ushijima walked into the front door. Both Semi and Shirabu blushed.

"Have a good evening," Ushijima nodded to them. Tendou clung to his arm and waved to the other two.

Once the couple left, Semi started to clean up. "My shift will be done in like ten minutes, so just wait a little more."

"'Kay." Shirabu nodded and slouched in his seat.

Semi smiled and put up a couple boxes, locked the register and the back doors, wiped off a few things, and grabbed his things from the back. When he walked into the main room, he smelt a familiar overwhelming sweet smell. It made his brain a little woozy and his lil guy a bit excited.

"Shirabu?" Semi looked around for the younger male. He was breathing heavily, gripping the arm rest. "Hey, are you...o...kay?" The smell was definitely coming from Kenjirou.

Shirabu shook his head slowly, "My..heat...it's early. There might...I have medicine in my...bag." Kenjirou pointed the the bag that was sitting on the counter.

"Yeah..." Semi shuffled over to it and looked for the medicine. It didn't seem to be there. "Where, Shirabu?"

"Front pocket."

Semi looked, the bottle was empty. His stomach flipped. "Uh it's empty, Shirabu..." He looked over and the poor thing was still panting. Unfortunately, Semi was starting to...feel things. "Shira...bu..." He walked over and leaned over the boy. Semi was giving off a little scent too. Shirabu looked up at him. Eita kissed Kenjirou somewhat gently. Shirabu tried to resist, but liked it too much. Kenjirou put his arms around Semi's neck, pulling him closer. Eita moved Shirabu so he was sitting on Semi's lap. Kenjirou started to take off Semi's shirt.

Eita opened his eyes and stopped Shirabu's hands. He pulled away from the kiss, setting Kenjirou on the chair next to him. "Uh we shouldn't-I work here-um..." He stood up and looked around. Shirabu was a hot mess. "Oh boy...Shirabu...I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that so suddenly-"

"No don't...worry." Shirabu rubbed his face and went back to being miserable.

"We need to leave-I live really close, I can take you there too rest or something." Semi was flustered beyond compare. Shirabu nodded and curled up in a little ball. "Uh...I'm just gonna carry you." Semi grabbed their things, then picked Shirabu up bridal style.

He shuffled outside and locked the door. Semi darted down the street to his apartment. Fortunately, no one was outside to smell Shirabu. Eita carried Shirabu up the metal stairs and into his small apartment. He set the younger boy on the couch and put their things down. Semi turned on some lights, so it wasn't completely dark.

Shirabu was still panting and having those feelings. Semi didn't quite know what to do. He got a cup of water and bent down next to Shirabu.

"Here, drink this." Eita held it close to his face.

Kenjirou nodded and took a sip. It didn't do anything. Shirabu put the cup on the floor. He grabbed Semi's shirt and pulled him into a kiss. Eita was completely enveloped in Shirabu's scent and feeling.


A soft chirping noise brought Shirabu to consciousness. He blinked a few times. He was laying in a bed that wasn't his. A soft breathing came from above him. Semi was holding him tenderly from the side. Shirabu smiled slightly. Wait what happened? I can't remember if we did it or not. I hope we did. He blushed and noticed he was wearing Semi's clothes. Eita, on the other hand, was shirtless and possibly pantsless? His legs were under the covers. His torso was very chiseled though.

Kenjirou poked the older boy's cheek. Semi's face scrunched up for a second then relaxed again with a sigh. Shirabu chuckled and kissed his cheek instead. Semi smiled. Shirabu smirked and kissed his lips. Semi opened his eyes abruptly.

"Huh? Oh yeah..." Semi blushed as he remembered the wonderful night before. "Morning." He stretched and let go of Kenjirou. Shirabu groaned and held on to Semi. Semi laughed quietly.

"Did we do it last night?"

"What...you don't remember?" Semi's heart dropped.

"Sorry, my heat kind of took over." Shirabu felt bad.

"Oh." Semi tried to roll out of bed.

Shirabu latched on, making Semi fall back. "That doesn't mean I don't like you." Semi laughed and kissed Kenjirou.

"Does that mean we're dating now?"

"Sure~" Shirabu smirked and kissed his shoulder. "We'll have to have another fun night that I can actually remember."

Semi chuckled and tickled Shirabu, "Rude. You act like that will be hard." Kenjirou giggled uncharacteristically making Semi blush.


Shirabu's phone rang from the other room. Semi raced off to pick it up. He was indeed wearing pants, well, shorts. When he came back into the tiny bedroom, Shirabu was still giggling. Semi tickled him some more while he answered the phone.


"Semi-senpai? Is Shirabu-senpai there?"

"Goshiki-kun! Actually, Kenjirou is a little busy right now~" Semi put him on speaker so he could hear Shirabu's loud giggling.

"WHAT?!?!? IS SHIRABU-SENPAI...GIGGLING??!?!" Goshiki was incredibly bewildered. In the background of his line, hie mother could be heard telling him to be quiet.

"Yep." Semi laughed.

"How did you do it, Semi-senpai?? I've been trying for years!"

"I tickled him." Shirabu slapped his side.

"Wooow! You're amazing Semi-senpai! No one makes Shirabu laugh like that!" Goshiki was astonished.

"Anyways, is there a reason you called, Goshiki-kun? Do you need help?" Semi went back to being a mom.

"Uh yeah actually I was going to ask Shirabu-senpai for advice..." The younger boy was mumbling.

Kenjirou pushed Semi away and tried to catch his breath. "Tsutomu has a date today."

"You have a date today, Goshiki-kun? Then, we can help you!" Semi smiled. Shirabu rolled his eyes.

"O-okay! Well, this guy asked me out and I don't know if it's like as friends but we're going to a movie and then dinner-but! I have no idea what to wear!" Goshiki sounded embarrassed, "I don't want to look nice for just a friend, he'll think I'm weird!"

Semi and Shirabu looked at each other. "You should just wear a sweater, Tsutomu, you look good in them." Kenjirou thought about the boy's closet.

"And just a regular pair of jeans." Semi added.


"Also, don't worry about him just being a friend because if he is then you can find someone better to date." Semi encouraged the younger male. Shirabu leaned against him so he was closer to the phone.

"And if it is a date, I'm sure you know how to sedu-"

"How to be a wonderful boyfriend who is going to stay abstinent until marriage," Semi interrupted Shirabu with a stern look on his face. Kenjirou sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Y-yeah of course!" Goshiki was clearly embarrassed. "Thanks guys!"

"No problem."

"Oh! Why are you together by the way? It's like before 10 and Shirabu never goes anywhere before 10."

"We had se-"

"We had a sleepover last night." Semi glared at Shirabu, who was smirking and holding his arm.

"A lover's sleepover~" Semi hit Shirabu's head, lightly.

"*LOUD GASP* REALLY?!??!" Goshiki yelled and his mother yelled back at him again. "Are you dating?!?!?" He whisper shouted.


"YAY! I'm so happy! You're both so beautiful!" Goshiki was acting as if his OTP got together (which was what literally happened).

"Uhh..." "Thanks, Goshiki-kun."

"Anyways, I'll let you go now! Goodbye!"

"Goodbye." "Later."

Semi chuckled and put the phone on the bed. "You hungry?"


Eita got up and Shirabu climbed on his back. "You can walk."

"And you can carry me."

"You got me there." Semi laughed and took them into the kitchen. Shirabu got off and sat on the counter. "Sorry, I don't have a lot of food, or places to sit." Semi gestured to his almost bare cabinets and literal two chairs.

"I don't care." Shirabu looked around a bit, "You live alone?"

"I'm trying." Semi sighed and grabbed a box of waffles. Shirabu clapped.

"Why? Where are your parents-well you don't have to tell me if it's too personal."

"Nah, it's fine. My mom's dead and my dead sucks so I live here now." Shirabu gestured to the small area. "When I turned 18, I moved out."

"Sorry," Shirabu rubbed Semi's arm. "It's cool that you can do this though. Good job."

Semi chuckled, "Thanks."

Shirabu lived in a regular home, Semi had been there, with his mom who was a very important lawyer. She was actually an Alpha. She wasn't home that often, but she did care for her son. Although, not as much as other mothers, which is why Kenjirou turned out more...secluded.

"You know, last night...:" Semi said as he heated up the frozen waffles. "Your heat really took a toll on me as well. I'm not even an alpha."

"Wait, really? You're not an Alpha?" Shirabu was pretty sure Semi was an Alpha because of the scent that came from him.

"Huh? Yeah, I don't think so." Semi thought for a moment. "Yeah, just a Beta."

"That's weird. I mean Omegas effect Betas too."

"Yeah..." Semi gave them both some waffles. "Hey, you busy today?"


"Wanna do something?"

"I'm literally in your house right now."


"I did not cry."

"But you totally did though."

"Not true."

"It is! I saw you crying."

"I don't cry. Ever. So I didn't cry."

"Lies. You cry secretly all the time."

"Jeez just expose me like that." Shirabu rolled his eyes and punched his new boyfriend.

"Ow...i did see you cry though." Semi smiled. They had just gotten out of the movie they had planned to see the night before. It was kind of sad.

"Shut up."

"Ha I knew-"

"Hey hey shut up! Is that Goshiki!" Shirabu pulled Semi behind the side of a building so they could peer around the corner. People looked at them oddly, but they continued to spy on their favorite junior.

"Omg yeah it is and look at that guy!" Semi pointed to the tall boy he was with. He had blonde hair with a weird black section that stuck up a little bit. He kinda looked like a bird. He had a stupid lovable grin too. "He did say they were going to see a movie...oops." Semi smirked and so did Shirabu.

"Hmm I can't tell if his friend wants to just be friends or not." Shirabu pouted and strained his eyes to study their expressions.

"Wait wait his hand!" Semi clutched Shirabu's shoulders. The taller boy put his hand out to touch Goshiki's face. Then, they both looked at the friend's pocket. He pulled out his cell phone and answered a call. It looked pretty serious. The boy moved the phone away a bit and told Goshiki something. Tsutomu nodded wearily and said something with a sympathetic smile. Then the bird boy ran off down the street. Goshiki sat down on a bench sadly.

"Oh no...that poor boy. He got ditched." Shirabu put a hand on his mouth and shook his head.

"We should go help him, he proba-" Semi stopped as the tall boy ran back to Goshiki, making the bowl cut boy jump a little. Bird boy blushed and gave Goshiki the most awkward kiss on the cheek, then ran away again. Goshiki slowly turned into a tomato on the bench.

Semi and Shirabu started laughing uncontrollably.


A few weeks went by, the couple became more of a couple. They would walk around school together, then be all cute in the library after school to annoy their friends. Although, Goshiki was always very happy to see them being a couple. Other people at school noticed that the two started dating, and it spread pretty fast. Everyone knew that Semi was gay, so that wasn't an issue. A lot of the student body thought badly of Shirabu, just because of him being an Omega. Semi didn't really care. He was too hipster to think about other people's opinions lol.

"What do you mean you won't bring me dinner to work?" Semi laughed and put an arm around Shirabu's shoulders as they walked down the hallway.

"I'm not your little girlfriend, Eita. Just eat your own gosh heckin' food." Shirabu scoffed, but with a small smile.

"Haha rude. You're so good at baking thou-"

"Oi what's this?"

"Semi you should really stay away from him. He's a perverted Omega."

"Yeah yeah he'll definitely cheat on you. Little slut."

A few boys came up to them and were laughing obnoxiously. Semi and Shirabu rolled their eyes at the same time.

"Wow I had no idea!" Semi fake gasped, "How many men have you had with, Shirabu?"

"One." Kenjirou almost laughed. "Wait...two."

Semi looked at Shirabu, offended. "Well okay then."

"What about you?"

"One." Semi smirked and nudged his boyfriend.

Shirabu let out a chuckle. The other guys looked confusedly at them.

Semi put his hands on his hips, "Do the math boys. And show respect to your upperclassmen." Semi looked down on them.

"Uh..." The stupid little brats didn't know what to do. "Sorry Semi-sa-senpai..." They walked off. Semi was giving off heavy Alpha vibes.

"Finally, we can get back to you complimenting me so I'll feed you." Shirabu took Semi's arm. Semi pulled him away.

"Wait wait wait I wanna know who else you had with." He crossed his arms.

"Why is that important to you? Not your business." Shirabu smirked although his voice was serious.

Semi scoffed playfully. "I need to know my competition," He retorted.

"Eh you don't have much competition, don't worry." Shirabu pat Semi's butt.

"Haha thanks babe~" Semi leaned over and kissed his head.

"I mean, he was a lot better at cooking and richer and buffer-"

"Okay I get it." Semi rubbed his face.

"Buuut he wasn't as nice or fun as you." Shirabu smiled very slightly and put an arm on Semi's back.

"Hmm thanks." Eita smiled as well and put an arm around Shirabu's waist.


"Hey, Babe, can you nab me another cupcake?" Semi reached an open hand out to the boyfriend that was laying on top of him.

Shirabu nodded and reached over to the plate of freshly made maroon desserts. He gave one to Semi and went back to scrolling on his phone.

Eita watched him affectionately. He ran a hand through the perfectly cut hair. Shirabu looked up. The younger boy usually hated it when people touched his hair.

"If I go to college, will you still date me?" Semi continued petting his boyfriend. Shirabu lifted himself up and got closer to Eita's face. He put both hands behind Semi's head and played with the soft fluffy hair.

"Yeah, I mean obviously." Shirabu huffed and kissed Semi's nose.

Eita chuckled and squeezed Shirabu in an embrace. "Nice."

They laid there for awhile until Shirabu's cat jumped on his back. She stepped on Kenjirou's head so she could touch foreheads with Semi.

"Jesus, get off me! Don't touch my boyfriend!" Shirabu tried to move the cat from his head.

"Aww~But she loves me~" Semi kissed her forehead and she purred.

"She hates everyone, but she's gotta love you," Shirabu growled.

The three of them cuddled for a little while, making Shirabu jealous as heck.The cat sniffed something in the air and ran off into the other room. Kenjirou blushed a bit.

"Are you okay?" Semi rubbed his forehead, it was hot. A sweet smile radiated off of Shirabu making Semi realize what was going on. "Your heat?" Shirabu smirked and kissed Eita. "Wait did you...not take your medicine?" Semi tried to keep his mind straight (but the gay was taking over). Shirabu shook his head.

"Mom won't be home for a few days~" He went in for another kiss, but Semi stood up.

"How unfortunate! I hate being in my boyfriends home when his parents aren't around." He started picking up his things with a smile, "And I absolutely believe in not participating in intercourse with an in-heat Omega because I don't to exploit them." Semi went to the door.

"Wait..." Shirabu was panting heavy and he tried to get Semi.

"Aw, baby~" Semi bent down next to his boyfriend. His senses were going crazy."I'll go get you some medicine." He kissed Shirabu's head and Kenjirou rolled his eyes.

The End


Sorry guys this story didn't go as planned. we'll get em next time.

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