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Sequel to Issues More



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ddlovato: I actually can't put into words how much I love this man. a brilliant designer, the best father ever, and a very loving husband. I love you so much Cristo. thank you for loving me through everything and sharing your life with me. I know we have so much more to conquer together and I can't wait to see what our future holds. je t'aime beaucoup 😘
Liked by haileybaldwin, khloekardashian, and 3,459,00 others
cristoghesquiere: je t'aime beacoup 😘😘

Setting: Demi and Cristo's House, Calabasas, CA

A tired sigh escaped through Demi's lips as she looked at the flickering flame on top of the single candle that she had placed in the lemon cake that she had gotten delivered from Cristo's favorite bakery. He didn't like cake that much and she had planned on celebrating his birthday with just the two of them, so it wasn't a big cake, just slightly bigger than a cupcake but big enough for two people to share with a little bit leftover. The day had started off normally with Cristo and Demi both waking up at the crack of dawn – Muse was an early riser which was something that she definitely didn't get from either of them – to feed Muse and get her all ready for the day. Demi had made breakfast because that was the one meal that she could actually make very well, and they had sat outside and ate, taking in their beautiful landscaping and the peaceful morning as Muse happily babbled in Demi's arms. Cristo had already said numerous times that he didn't want to do anything special for his birthday and he was just going to spend the day running errands. Demi had offered to go with him but in the end, she stayed home with Muse and got a few things done around the house while calling around to see if she could get a last minute reservation anywhere.

That last minute reservation was the reason why she was standing in the dimly lit kitchen wearing one of his designs, a silky blue collared dress that swished against her knees, covering up some very raunchy lingerie that she only broke out for special occasions. The reservation was at six. It was now nearing twelve in the morning and once Demi figured they weren't going to make the reservation, she ordered the cake to make up for it. But Cristo still wasn't home and he wasn't answering his phone either. So, there she was, standing in her kitchen with her heels kicked to the side, staring at the candle that was stuck into the cake that was resting near the ultra sound picture that she had developed because she was going to share some very important news with him today.

No matter how many times she ran through it in her head, Demi could not justify getting an abortion. It didn't matter that she felt like now was the wrong time to be pregnant. It didn't matter that she thought she wouldn't be able to handle it this time around. None of that mattered. She was a grown, married woman who had sex without any form of contraception. She couldn't run away from the consequences of those actions. Whether she was ready for it or not, it was happening, and she realized how extremely selfish she had been for even thinking about getting rid of her child. That's what she was going to tell Cristo tonight. But he was nowhere to be found.

The alarm near the garage door beeped, signaling that someone was coming into the house. Demi heard his heavy footsteps before she saw him, but when he came in he flicked the light on, and he released a light sigh as he saw Demi standing there in front of a cake that was obviously meant for him.

"Happy birthday," Demi pathetically said, pushing the cake towards him while grabbing the ultra sound picture off of the counter so that he wouldn't see it.

"I'm sorry. I've been telling you that I didn't want to do anything special so I figured you didn't have anything planned," Cristo apologized, and Demi could tell from the slight slur in his words that he was a little tipsy. Not completely drunk but tipsy enough to where he shouldn't have been driving. One of her main pet peeves was that he always swore that he was fine driving after a few drinks and Demi hated when he did that.

"I didn't have much planned. I just thought all three of us could go to dinner but it's fine. I'll just put this away," Demi said, but Cristo shook his head.

"No, let's have some now," he suggested. Demi raised her eyebrows but grabbed two forks out of one of the drawers anyway, pushing the cake to the other side of the counter where the bar stools were. They took their seats next to each other and Cristo blew out the candle before they dug into the cake.

"Where'd you go tonight?" Demi questioned, not because she was jealous or angry, just curious. Actually, she wasn't angry at all. Maybe she would've been if she had actually told him that she wanted to take him out to dinner and have them spend the night together, but she didn't, so she couldn't really be mad.

"Out to a bar with a few friends. We had a few drinks and I lost track of time. I'm really sorry I didn't call or anything, but my phone died back at the office."

"Cristo, it's fine, I'm not mad. You never get to hang out with your friends, I would never fault you for doing so," Demi reassured him with a light smile. "Did you have a good time?"

"Yeah, it's just a little weird now because I feel like our lives are so different now. We all used to be bachelors but now I'm married with a daughter and they're still living that bachelor life. They haven't changed a bit but I've changed a lot," Cristo explained as Demi propped her elbow on the marble countertop and rested her head against her hand.

"Any regrets?"

Cristo set his fork down and looked over at her eyes, their eyes connecting making shivers run down her spine as she crossed her legs.

"No. You and Muse are the best things that have ever happened to me. I wouldn't trade you in for anything," Cristo said before Demi crossed the space between them to press her lips against his.

"Je t'aime beacoup," Demi whispered against his lips before he kissed her again, this time a little more passionately.

"Je t'aime beacoup."

Demi knew that now would've been the perfect time to reveal that she did indeed want to keep the baby, to get rid of the tension and uncertain energy surrounding them, but she didn't want to talk about the baby. She didn't want to ruin the mood. She just wanted to make love to her husband. So, that's exactly what she did.

Later in the week, Kim, Kourtney, Kylie, Khloe, and Kendall had all invited themselves and their kids over for a little get together. All the kids were outside enjoying the beach entry pool with close supervision by their parents. Cristo had gone on a little baking binge and baked all of her favorite French pastries, and Kris was in the kitchen cooking up a storm since that was one of her favorite things to do. Since the pool was temperature controlled, Demi had it on a warmer setting so that Muse could enjoy it too, and she just couldn't get over how cute her baby looked in her little one-piece swimsuit. It was teal with a little sparkly tutu wrapped around her hips, so Demi had put a matching headband on her too and she just looked so adorable. She was happily splashing around in the shallow part of the pool with Demi sitting right behind her.

"I think we should take another family vacation soon," Kourtney said, happily splashing her feet in the water as she watched Reign jump into the pool.

"You mean your family or everyone?" Khloe asked, adjusting True in her lap next to Demi as Kourtney furrowed her eyebrows.

"I said family vacation, so I obviously meant everyone," Kourtney responded as Demi just focused on Muse because she was not about to get into their drama with Kourtney.

"Well that's surprising to hear from you. But yeah, a family vacation sounds fun," Kim said as she came and sat down on the other side of Demi.

"Can you guys imagine a vacation with all of the kids? Where would we even go?" Kendall asked, tugging up her one piece as Kylie came over to them.

"We could-"

"The food is ready!" Kris exclaimed, effectively ending their conversation.

The kids were wrapped in towels and ushered over to the table underneath the awning on their patio while Kris set the food up. Demi knew that Muse would be getting hungry soon, so she went inside to change her diaper and her clothes so that she could feed her then let her take her afternoon nap.

"Demi, why did I get a call from the doctor's office about your prescriptions? What prescriptions do you need? What did you go to the doctor's for?" Cristo questioned as he came out of the kitchen, stopping Demi right as she was about to go upstairs.

"To take care of the baby, obviously," Demi deadpanned as Cristo's eyes widened.


"Cristo, can we-"

"DEMI!" Maddie squealed after bursting through the front door.

Dianna, Eddie, and Dallas came in behind her with Batman and Robin. Since having Muse, they had decided to let them live with Dianna for now, but Demi was going to take them back soon because she missed her furry babies.

"Hey Mads! Everyone is outside, I'm just going to change Muse," Demi said before going upstairs, effectively cutting off her conversation with Cristo and avoiding having to talk to her parents.

She had briefly told Dianna about her dilemma because one of her New Year's resolutions was to include Dianna in her life more, but she didn't really want to talk about it while everyone was around.

"Hey sweetie," Dianna peeked her head into Muse's nursery as Demi got her wet clothes off and threw them in the hamper.

"Hey," Demi greeted, lightly tickling Muse's stomach before picking her up to take her into the bathroom.

"How have you been? How was your doctor's appointment?" Dianna questioned as Demi shrugged, pushing her hair out of her face as she ran a little bit of water in the small bowl tub.

"It was fine. Doctor Crane said that everything looks good and he prescribed me the same prenatal pills that I took last time. All he said was that I need to gain a little bit of weight because I lost weight between the last ultra sound and this one," Demi explained, briefly washing Muse off before taking her out of the tub and wrapping her up in a towel. She happily babbled as Demi drained the water then went into her closet to find her something to wear.

"Have you and Cristo talked about it?"

"No, I was going to tell him on his birthday, but I didn't get the chance and I don't know, we just haven't discussed it. I'm going to tell him soon though because we can't just ignore it," Demi answered, grabbing a simple white onesie and a fresh diaper before going back into the main part of her room.

"Okay, I just wanted to check on you because you seemed really upset when you told me what was going on."

"I'm still upset about it but I'm just trying to come to terms with things. But I'm fine. Thanks for asking," Demi said, letting Dianna kiss her cheek before she left the room.

Setting: Demi and Cristo's Bedroom, Calabasas, CA

"Demi, we need to talk," Cristo said, coming into the room after locking all of the doors and turning the alarms on. It was a really nice family day and they really needed to do it more often. Kim was already planning a vacation for all of them and Demi just couldn't wait for Muse to experience that, to really experience what it felt like growing up in a big family where everyone had each other's backs no matter what.

"Okay," Demi said, a hint of confusion in her voice.

"What did you go to the doctor's for?"

"To take care of the baby...I got an ultra sound and everything," Demi slowly responded. What else would she be going to the doctor's for?

"What do you mean by take care of the baby?" With his accusatory tone and the narrowness of his eyes, it finally hit Demi why he had freaked out on her earlier. He thought she went to get an abortion when she said, "take care of the baby."

"What do you think I meant by that?"

"I think you went to get an abortion without telling me since you've been bitching about not wanting to be pregnant right now," Cristo accused as Demi simply shook her head.

She couldn't exactly put it into words, but she was exhausted. She was tired of fighting with Cristo and she was completely over this whole thing. Maybe she was being dramatic but as of lately, she felt like all they had been doing was fighting with each other. And these weren't little fights either.

"You think I would go and get an abortion without telling you?"

"I wouldn't put it past you."

"I don't know what you want me to say to that, Cristo. But I would never do that. We're married and yes, it's my body but it's also our baby and I understand that this is a decision that we have to make together. I don't know why you always jump to the worst case scenario when it comes to me," Demi ranted, because she really didn't have the energy to fight with him anymore.

"Demi, just last week you were standing in my office crying about how you physically and emotionally weren't ready to be pregnant again and you think it's ridiculous that I thought you went to get an abortion?"

"Yes, because you should know me well enough to know that I wouldn't do that!"

"Well, ever since you told me that I feel like I don't know you at all," Cristo bluntly stated, throwing his hands into the air like he was completely finished with everything as Demi gave a firm nod.

"Okay," she said, grabbing the one pillow that she slept on and the Sherpa blanket at the end of the bed, gathering them up in her arms as she grabbed her phone and the charger as well.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm too tired to drive so I'm going to find somewhere else to sleep."


"Did you seriously just ask me that? Cristo, the way you've been speaking to me ever since I told you that I was pregnant and how I feel about it...I literally can not be around you right now. I don't need you to keep nitpicking at everything that you think is wrong with me, I don't need you criticizing me for the way that I feel. I don't need that kind of energy around me when I'm already going through enough. So, I can not be around you if you're going to continue to treat me the way that you've been treating me. I'm sorry that I don't want our baby, do you think that makes me feel good inside, that I don't want a baby that I created? No, it doesn't, but I came to you about it because you're my husband and yeah, you may not exactly understand how I feel but the least you could do is show me some support and at least try to understand while we figure this whole thing out. I don't need you treating me like shit over this, I'm just trying my best. I'm going to sleep somewhere else," Demi finished off her rant, using the sleeve of her thin sleeping shirt to wipe the tears that kept falling as Cristo stepped towards her, but that only made her cry even more.

"No, don't touch me," she sobbed before leaving the room. Demi didn't want to sleep in one of the guest rooms so she went into Muse's room. She was still peacefully sleeping so Demi dropped her blanket on the bed that was in there before laying down and trying to control her tears. That was the first time in a while that Demi had actually cried herself to sleep.

Setting: Demi and Cristo's House, Calabasas, CA

It had been a long time since Cristo had woken up to complete and total silence. The house was quiet, much too quiet for it to be morning. No, mornings in the house were usually loud and chaotic, with Muse getting over the fact that she couldn't sleep anymore, Demi rushing around the second floor getting her ready for the day, Cristo downstairs cooking breakfast before leaving for work...mornings were always the busiest time of the day. But that wasn't the case today. The empty space next to him was a reminder of their fight last night. On one hand, he did feel terrible about what he had said to her and had assumed of her, but on the other hand, he felt as though his actions and his thoughts were justified. Last week Demi was crying about not wanting to be pregnant. The way she said "take care of the baby" just set off alarms in his head, and a very rational part of him knew that Demi wouldn't do that...that she wouldn't get an abortion without telling him, but he just felt like he didn't know her anymore after their argument last week. The woman he married would never say that she didn't want a child that they created together. He just didn't understand why she felt like that or how she concluded that she didn't want a baby just because her last pregnancy was a little tough. She was bringing life into this world. It wasn't supposed to be easy.

With a resigned sigh, Cristo raised himself out of bed and padded into his bathroom to brush his teeth and everything while brainstorming ways of how to fix things with Demi. First, he had to apologize. But would it really be sincere if he didn't believe that he was in the wrong? He shook his head as he walked into his closet to find something to wear for today. He didn't like to fight with Demi, but how were they supposed to compromise on something as serious as this? How were things between them supposed to get better? Cristo really had no idea.

He threw on some sweatpants because he wasn't planning on doing much today. He assumed that Demi had Muse since it was so quiet, but he still went into her nursery just to make sure. But it was empty. Demi's baby blue Sherpa blanket was messily thrown on the full sized bed that Cristo had put in there a few months ago, but the bed was empty and so was Muse's crib. Had Demi really left last night? She said she was too tired to drive and he didn't care if she left, but if she was going to leave with his child, she could've at least said something. Cristo went back into his room and grabbed his phone, checking to see if there were any missed calls or messages from Demi but there weren't. She really just took off without telling him?

Before he could dial her number, his phone rang with an incoming call from Kris. Maybe she knew where Demi was. He swiped the screen before pressing the phone to his ear and sitting at the edge of his bed.

"Hey, Cristo. I'm sorry to bother you so early but you need to come down to Cedars-Sinai. It's about Demi."

Don't you just love a good cliffhanger? See y'all sunday!

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